
Eating pussy and ass

avatar for Tetradon
I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.

Had this discussion with a friend.

Who here isn't a fan of eating pussy? Civvies? Sugar babies? Strippers?

Personally I love it with civvies. I love a woman's thighs wrapped around my face in ecstasy. As long as she doesn't smell bad or have some nasty disease, I'll get down there until my tongue is sore and then some. But seems like some guys out there don't like to do it. Some say it's degrading (wtf). Anyone here not like it?

On the other hand, only two times I've licked a stripper down there I was dead drunk, and there I only licked the clit from the outside. Wouldn't have even done that sober. Because God knows what mouth or dick was there before me.

I find eating ass, civvie or pro, to be gross. Only time I did that I was drunk and depressed and out to punish myself. And I swear my nose and upper lip smelled like asshole for 3 days with all the washing in the world.

TUSCLers, where do you stand on this topic?


last comment
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

Anything near my face is getting licked. I love it.

avatar for Warrior15
1 yr ago

This is why I prefer sugar babies & OTC versus ITC extras. Maybe not eating ass but I definitely like vagina. A girl that does extras does a few guys a shift. I'm hoping she took a shower before our OTC date.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

Never had the desire nor curiosity to eat ass but cool if that is a thing for some.

w.r.t. eating pussy - it's not my #1 thing nor a must-have - something I more or less do in the heat/spur of the moment

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

Never strippers. Never ass.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

Tetra you may not lick butthole but I bet you like to suck on some sweaty stripper toes! 😂

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
1 yr ago

Always strippers. Pussy and ass (if on the menu). It's so easy to go from one to the other. My tongue has seen more action than toilet paper. Made a girl squirt on my face and I lapped that up too. I'm a filthy animal.

avatar for Tetradon
1 yr ago

@shailynn, lol. I should have added that into the title. I've sucked girlfriends' toes a few times but only because I read somewhere that the third toe is somehow connected to the clit. Didn't do much for me.

avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

"My tongue has seen more action than toilet paper. " Laughed out loud at that one. Not really into ass eating, but it's hard to turn down pussy if it's offered.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

I’ve ate pussy (love it) with dancers I trust but never ate ass

My ATF had such a clean sweet ass I would have partook if offered

avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

As I am fascinated by the appearance of pussy, I absolutely LOVE eating it, as I get a courtside seat. The most memorable experience I had was when the girl quivered as she came....it was like her body was impacted by an earthquake. That happened only once ever, including with multiple pussy-eating sessions with that girl, but I replay that experience in my spank bank periodically.

Pussy tastes fantastic, too.

I wouldn't do it with a high-volume girl, though.

I've never eaten ass, nor do I have a interest in doing so. I don't even enjoy anal....perhaps one of only a few men who doesn't dream of pounding a girl anally.

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

Taco's si. Culo's no.

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

"I eat the pussy, I eat the butt, I eat every motherfuckin' thang." - Big Don


Words to live by.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

I first do a sniff test.

avatar for wallanon
1 yr ago

"I'm hoping she took a shower before our OTC date."

Better not to think about it. I'll go down on a gal because if I can get her to cum first that's one less thing I've got to care about once she's working on me. I've run into two girls this year who don't particularly like it, and the second one didn't tell me before I started but I realized it pretty quickly lol. One of them is fired already, and the other is getting one more shot.

A third took forever to cum because I think she was at the point in life where she's not totally in tune with herself. That was a regular date, but she's also fired because fuck that shit. Know how your body works. That's why I prefer girls with experience because I'm not wanting to have to train these women lol. I'm just there to get my nut.

avatar for datinman
1 yr ago

If you've been married long enough, you have tried most everything (within reason). Familiarity breeds innovation. I have been married twice. I know I am not a fan of butt stuff. Don't like anal. Not a fan of rimming, giving or receiving. Get your finger out of my ass, It's distracting, not enhancing.

If you eat ass of a stripper in the club, you're a walking petri dish!

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

If you're eating pussy and it tastes like shit you missed the mark by two inches

avatar for Longball300
1 yr ago

If it's pink and doesn't stink I give my tongue a workout..... Butt, civie only after a nice warm shower.

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

I like eating pussy, but I'm pretty limited in the number of strippers whose pussies I'll eat but I do it periodically, nearly exclusively OTC. With civi's it's much more common but I have found a few who either aren't fans of it in general or are at least not fans of my technique. I don't like it enough where I'm gonna do it knowing they aren't into it.

I've got zero interest in eating ass nor having mine eaten, civis or otherwise.

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

Bill Clinton could tell that Monica was pissed when his cigars tasted like shit.

avatar for Subraman
1 yr ago


avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

If I'm eating pussy then 9 times out of 10 I'm gonna lick that ass. And don't kid yourself, they LOVE it. Even if she's a little shy or embarrassed at first, give me 10 seconds with my tongue in that butt and she'll relax and get into it. In all my years I've never had a girl who didn't want more of it after the first time.

And as for strippers, I do it with them too. As with any P4P situation it's sometimes hard to tell if/how much she might actually like it, but I've never had one object to it. And my regular MP girl has told me she thinks about it in advance before I arrive for my appointment. I've known her for about 8 years and I believe her.

When she pushes me down and rides my face she shifts back and forth between pussy and ass, and she gets so worked up she can't even speak. I know she's not faking because the amount of sweet honey oozing out of her and into my mouth is mind blowing. She's strictly condom-only when it comes to intercourse and she does a good wash between each session, so I don't worry about anybody who's been there before me.

As for strippers ITC, well, I just put it out of my mind and hope that at least they probably don't fuck BB. But if they smell bad that's a deal breaker for me. Fortunately I've got a nose like a dog when it comes to some girl's rotten stinking crotch and I don't get anywhere near it. Still fuck it though if that's on the menu.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

The rumor is that actor Michael Douglas' throat-cancer was from being a DATY-aficionado - IDK how accurate/strong the link is b/w DATY and throat-cancer and I assume one would have to do it a lot to possibly develop a health issue (?); but it is in the back of my mind w.r.t. DATY especially w r.t. sex-workers.

avatar for Tetradon
1 yr ago

@Papi, don't forget Marcia Cross. She gets HPV anal cancer right as her husband gets HPV throat cancer.

Way to announce to the whole world that you ate her ass.


avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

@papi: it is very common among middle aged men. Hpv was rampant before hpv vaccines became common a few years back, and in the 90s, ~80% of college students had been exposed by year 4. Most people clear it, but some don’t mad end up with undetectable warts in their throat. Over decades this can become cancer. Happened to a buddy of mine.

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
1 yr ago

The real question is, do you guys tongue-punch the pussyhole or do you flick the pink lightswitch? I do a little of both but my main goal is the clit. I will wrap my arms around her thighs so she can't escape and tongue-wrestle that thing until it's swollen and she's squirming for release.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

You know what I’ve been lucky with girl butt holes in my life. Not a hint of poop ever.

At any time of the day, if I wipe my ass I’m coming up with something. And I’m a guy that wipes real good. I don’t get it. This is some kind of women’s butthole priveldge that it stays clean like that at all times. Or some kind of superpower

avatar for Steverox
1 yr ago

Yes on both. Unless either smells of course. Have done it with strippers and sugar babies. Last SB just absolutely loved to be rimmed, it was her favorite.

avatar for wallanon
1 yr ago

"Last SB just absolutely loved to be rimmed, it was her favorite."

No disrespect to dudes who do butt stuff (on rare occasions I do, basically gfs and the ATF) but one thing to consider is whether she likes it because it feels good or she can tell her friends her custie ate her ass.

avatar for TheeOSU
1 yr ago

I recall licking at least 3 stripper pussies years ago. In each case she was ultra hot, no odors, and at the beginning of her shift so I felt relatively safe about it.
Ass? I had been tempted once or twice but resisted any temptation.

I should add this was many years ago, probably before I joined TUSCL and before the junkies and fatties took over, when we actually had some clean hot dancers around here.

avatar for JamesSD
1 yr ago

I love eating civvy pussy. I'll use my fingers on strippers and other SW but won't go down.

I'll eat civvy ass if it's clean and she's into it. I enjoy fucking a girl's ass, and some tongue action can lead to finger leading to my dick up there.

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
1 yr ago

But the best way to eat pussy is 69. Nothing better than munching on a wap while getting your dick shoved down her esophagus.

avatar for t3mpo-
1 yr ago

I guess I would be one of the few that is generally not a fan of eating out per se, especially with random women I barely know. I will gladly do it for an SO or something, because I want her to feel good and climax, but it doesn't really get me much more excited than I already am (beyond the excitement of sex itself). So since it's somewhat one-sided for me, I generally would not unless it's an SO or someone I really like, or if they already went down first (it's only fair). Generally would not if it's a random I just met at like a bar or club or something.

Ass, I don't think I would ever. Maybe if I literally see them get an anal douche or something, but even then that's questionable.

Difference between non-strippers and strippers, haven't really thought of it. I've eaten out a girl who was a stripper before and didn't really think twice about it, but maybe as I get more familiar with this forum I will.

avatar for Rob1115
1 yr ago

Yeah, I like it both. Never had a bad experience so far. The goal in my view is to get her to the climax but it's only happened a few times (I'm pretty sure). Have also DATY where the girl seemed unresponsive, not even acting which is a tune off.

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