Splurging too much

avatar for rickdugan
OK, I have been splurging a bit too much lately. Currently it's with SA girls, but it's basically the same principle as when I over splurged with OTC strippers.

It's really getting ridiculous now. Not just the sex, but the drinking too. And yeah yeah I here the teetotaler brigade revving up to start another round about sober sex, etc., etc., but when I go out on a paid date I like to have the whole experience.

After going out both Thursday and Friday nights with two different girls, including the hot 9+ I've been seeing for a while, I had every intention of taking a break last night. But then this uber hot girl, even hotter than the 9+ who until last night was the hottest girl I ever banged, circled back after some historical off and on chatting and offered to host me for dinner in her apartment. I was hesitant to pull the trigger because she's only 20, but she made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I guess she saw that I kept going back to her profile to look at her pics (she's really that hot). As much as I wanted to take a break, I just couldn't resist the opportunity. She was every iota as hot in person and even more so with her clothes off. Just unreal.

Now another girl just reached out to me for a meetup tonight, but I finally mustered the willpower to defer. It might have something to do with the fact that my balls are so drained now that I feel like I won't need to get laid again for a month, but even still I was tempted.

Anyone else find themselves over-splurging like this?


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avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
It's very easy to do. I was in a zone a few months ago when I was seeing about 3 girls a week there for a while. Seeking is addictive. It's like Amazon for hot girls.

Advice. Go to your Settings and make your activity HIDDEN. That way girls don't know when you View their profile. And I use Favorites like bookmarks. I will Favorite girls so that I can go back at some time in the future contact them when it's more convenient for me. But if they know I Favorite them, they will contact me right away.

But you and I have different motives. I want to find one girl that I have a relationship with. You want to bang different girls all the time. In all honesty, most of my relationships are short so I end up doing the same thing you are.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Splurging too much or splooging too much?

I don't do SA or OTC, but there are months when I club my ass off, it gets boring, and I don't care to club for months.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
I turned down a couple of girls this week. But then changed mind and let one of them come over lol. But I've been overindulging. I know it's time to scale back when I end up fucking girls I didn't even want because they're there.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
===> "But you and I have different motives. I want to find one girl that I have a relationship with. You want to bang different girls all the time. In all honesty, most of my relationships are short so I end up doing the same thing you are."

Actually Warrior I'm really trying to do the same thing you are. Have one thing that works consistently.

But each damned time I start down that road, it derails after a few weeks. Sometimes it's because their relationship expectations change. Other times it's because they get more difficult to schedule with. So then I end up back on the hunt and my eyes get caught up on all the shiny new objects, at which point I can't help but to sample. Then I finally get tired of it and try once again to lock into one...rinse, repeat.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
Probably not uncommon for a good # on-here to have splurged at times and spend more than they'd like - I've never been much of an OTCer, and never done SA; my splurging has usually been getting with a lot of different dancers in the same club; or sometimes hitting multiple clubs.

I can see splurging on SA - that seems to have a particular appeal and offers a different experience than what can be found in a club or with a stripper - I can see splurging by those that have have learned to work the SA system.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Same here. I’ve carved out a strategy in my life and I’ve gotten too good at it. Lots of misses, but way too many hits and girls to see. Even after cutting off some things that weren’t going where I wanted I now have three good options, but they all work at the same club. At the same time, an old fave re-emerged and is pressing for my time. All captivated me at one point but sometimes I feel like I’m doing it just because I can.
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Interesting stories as usual Rick. I pace myself fairly well at 2-3 a week when I'm stateside. When I travel the numbers are higher. The key at all times is scheduling and sperm management. It truly sucks having a 9 ready to make a fantasy come true but one is not up to it. I've been there a few times, mentally I want it but physically it's time to rest. I can't do much but laugh in those situations and tell myself "you fucking pig" lol.
avatar for captainfun
2 years ago
Way too much splurging in 2023. Spending way more per outing than in past years.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I have been doing the splurge thing the past year or so as well. My "comfort food" sugar baby is hard to resist when she sends me a "when are you coming over next" text with a picture of her luscious little boobies out. Fortunately, a moderate windfall early last year makes it easy.

Lately, I only find myself splurging when it comes to OTC, and not so much in the clubs. Even before this girl, the club was a "go check it out; maybe get a BJ; maybe ask someone about meeting OTC; leave" type of thing. I haven't been to a club in almost two months now.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Tbh gmd it's been a few weeks since I've been in a club as well, which is a record for me over the last decade outside of the COVID closures. I can normally only get out a couple of times a week and the opportunities I've been finding on SA have just been too hard to resist. Indeed as inflation keeps biting, a lot of new girls with vanilla day jobs have been coming into the site in my local area.
avatar for rockie
2 years ago
tetra: RD wrote splurging but in my mind's eye I read splooging! It does say a lot about where my mind is at today!
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