Hair Color 2.0

avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Ok, I'd been platinum blonde for approx 1092381029382190 years. At this point I never have the same hair from one shift to the next. I consistently make less money as a blonde than with darker hair. What's the deal here? It seems like dancers and a lot of dudes on here seem to agree that blonde is best, but that's not been my experience. Y every1 lie to me?


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avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
blah, I have to say that my favorites have been all over the natural hair color map. The woman who recently dethroned my ATF is blonde. Former ATF was brunette, there have been a couple of redheads, a raven haired lovely and a platinum blonde as well. Hair color doesn't mean a thing to me as long as the woman under it is intelligent, sexy and fun.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
I could be way off base, but here I go.

Blondes have always been and will always be my preference whether in strip clubs or real life. In any “most beautiful woman in the world” ranking Blake Lively, ScarJo, Kate Upton, will always rank far above Bella Hadid, Gal Gadot, Yael Shelbia.

It’s been a running sitcom joke from at least since 70’s thru Big Bang Theory and Two and Half Men that the prettiest girl in the class has fewer dates than a slightly above average girl.

I think perception might be reality.

Many modern day strip club patrons feel they are going to get better “mileage” (God, I hate that term) with a dark haired 6 than a blonde 9/10. So that’s where their money goes.

I say don’t get discouraged - keep it blonde!
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
I don't know that the opinions of guys on here are necessarily representative of those of the broader club marketplace.

For example, many guys on this board profess to hate fake tits, myself very much included. Yet time and again I've seen/heard girls say that their money improved after they had their tits done.

Your local market is speaking to you. If you make more money as a brunette, then it's telling you that more guys like it that way on you.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
About the blonde thing. I don't care, but a lot of guys have preferences. I just like it if the hair color fits her overall look. Used to be I preferred redheads, but then I realized most of the hottest redheads I liked weren't naturally red. I'm not ever going to tell a woman how to color her hair, but there are some woman who look clearly hotter one way over another. One girl I've been with is hottest with blue hair. My take is a woman should go with the look she likes the best, but if you're in sales and trying to max your income then also consider the audience.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I like the hair color that looks best on that dancer.
avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
2 years ago
Don't matter none to me. A woman changes hair color like she changes her clothes. It comes and goes with their mood, so I don't become too attached to any hair color. To me the face and body is much more important and what I mainly focus on. If the girl is beautiful, any hair color will look good on her.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"If the girl is beautiful, any hair color will look good on her."

You'd think that. Some chicks will put that to the test lol.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I don't think it's the hair color, it is how that hair color looks on you. Your complexion, makeup, eye color, and even personality all play into how attractive your hair color is perceived, Figure out which color makes you the most money and roll with that.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 years ago
Brunettes are definately a preference but I've been all over the map here. Looking back to my youth a dated redheads almost exclusively without giving any conscious thought to any preference. I've been with all hair color girls and like I've said before the hair is the frame of the picture and a nice frame will enhance the beauty of the image.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Usually the carpet does not match the drapes but I can live with that.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
I hardly ever see carpet anymore.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
I find it hard to believe hair color makes a significant difference. Maybe I'm the odd ball, but I can tell you with certainty there has never once been a single time when hair color has made the slightest difference in my desire to spend on a stripper. I've never thought to myself, "God damn, that chick has the most amazing rack and that ass is just mind boggling, but uhhh, that hair has got to go. Pass" I've had situations where I've been torn between two chicks in a club, and again never once has hair color popped into my mind for a second. I'm sure there's a guy here or there who likes blonds or brunettes or red-heads or whatever, but I feel like those guys are a small minority.

I can't argue with Rick's point about your market speaking to you, if you make much more with one color than the other, keep doing it. It doesn't matter what a bunch of perverts on the internet think, at least not until you come to our clubs.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Blondes were my thing years ago but all other factors being equal and since I like the exotic look I prefer darker hair. That's not to say I'd pass on a beautiful blonde but as has been said it's a combination of things, not just hair color.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)

As shown in the movie by Marilyn Monroe who “was so luminous that she could practically glow in the dark.”

In my humble opinion Marilyn Monroe, at 22 years old, is, and forever will be, the Blonde gold standard for class, sex appeal, and feminine beauty.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
It all depends on the girl and which hair color fits her best. My ATF was a shorter brunette with olive tone skin and when she died her hair blonde it looked terrible on her. My 2nd favorite of all time was a tall slender blonde and the blonde hair, although not natural, fit her overall look wonderfully. There was also a girl who was blonde the whole time I was doing OTC with her and I repeatedly told her I thought she would look better as a redhead since she had pale skin and freckles but she said she hated growing up with red hair and she would never go back. Blonde hair just did not look right on her, but the rest of her body was good enough to overlook the hair color.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I do think that blonde hair will catch attention more than other colors. But I don't think I am attracted to blondes more that other colors. In fact, most of my relationships have been with non-blondes.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I prefer dark haired girls. I can't give a logical explanation why. it's just a subjective preference. When I was married, I was married to a dark-haired girl. Most of my strip club regulars are dark haired. When the singer Billie Eilish switched to blonde hair, I thought she looked worse. In the Hitchcock movie "Vertigo", when Kim Novak switched from blonde to dark haired I thought she looked better.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Gam said it best… not every hair color works on everyone a lot of factors go in.

As for my preference, I’m married to a blonde so I want brunettes. I’m sure if I was married to a brunette I’d want blondes. Sure a lot of other guys are in the same boat.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
Ok, yeah Billie Eilish is better as brunette. Iirc Angelina Jolie and Sofia Vergara naturally have either blonde or light brown hair, but I find them to be so much more attractive with darker hair. Yeah these days when I pop on a blonde wig I just think something doesn't look right lmfao.
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