
Comments by OkDude

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Academic studies of strip clubs
    chitownlawyer can you post a link for some of these academic studies of strip clubs?
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    19 years ago
    Sappiest Line you heard from a stripper
    I hear the “You don't love me anymore” allot it has to be the most frequent stripper line ever used.
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    19 years ago
    Poster who spent the mostest
    Thanks to the last few posters I don’t fill so bad now about 350.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who has been to strip clubs in the most states?
    I’m using the same format as FONDL these or the states and estimate the number of clubs in each that I've visited: CA 2 NV 1 KS 6 OK 15 TX 2 KY 8 NM 1 MS 1 Ps. What no one else here has been to a club in Oklahoma?
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Longest time between first seeing a dancer and your first dance from her?
    There’s many that I have been meaning to get a dance from but haven’t do to current favorites. Some that I have known for 2 years one of my current ATF it took almost 6 months before I got a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What Personal Issues Make You Goto Strip Clubs?
    Umm doesn’t this forum have any moderation?
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Quotes From Other People's Reviews, 2006 Edition
    This is an amusing one from Oklahoma. Will we(I) ever learn. On one of the strip club cruise nights my friends hijacked me into returning to this hole in the wall. This time things were much better because it was so cold that everyone had to keep their coats on. That was good though because the dancers kept their coats on too and that made it a lot easier on the eyes and nose. So if you like big sides of beef and freezing meat lockers than this place is all yours.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Quotes From Other People's Reviews, 2006 Edition
    This review is for the same club as my first post in this thread. Rated the worst of TUSCL's bottom 40! Now I see why. Even 70 virgins is not worth this experience. The place is poorly marked outside even though it is right next to the street. The only parking is diagonal parking on the street making exiting a dangerous not to mention if the cops see you backing out. Its in a rougher type neighborhood although no dealers or pimps were seen. When you walk in they zing you for the cover charge before your eyes can adjust to the dark and before you realize that you temporarily lost your sense of smell too because of some rank funky odor. The dancers were not that ugly and with counciling most of us should again one day be able to appreciate women. While the beer was cold, the music too loud, and the lights dimmed for our visual health, the bartender was the best looking one in there and he hadnt shaved in a few days. One girl that only played the video game never moved but she probably couldnt with out use of a forklift. She had so many rolls on her she looked like the Michelin tire logo character. Another heavy set dancer sat down with us uninvited and joined in our conversation. She asked each of us if we wanted the best nastiest dance ever as she grabbed our thighs. Animal sodomy is a crime in this state so we refused. Besides we had already seen the raghead imprints on the outside wall so we didnt want to tell St. Peter what we were last doing and where. They did have one skinny young girl with black decaying teeth that didnt look to bad in the dim lights. When she came to the table during her stage dance to make us tip her she did sit on one buddys lap. We were able to save him after calling med flight, a priest and the hazmat team but his cloths had to be destroyed. I cant give any more details as we signed an oath of secrecy in the interest of national security which is stanard procedure for these type of normal government cover ups, plus we didnt have to tell our wives. When you have a note from GW it sure makes it easier explaining why we got home so late. They have a pool table but no balls, a Cue stick with no tip but a damn nice light over it that blinked randomly. In some clubs around the country they have bathroom attendents to hand you towels or cologne. Here the bartender came running in and sprayed DDT over us to fend off a swarm of sand nats that swarmed to the sound of falling water. Now I understood what the loss of smell was about when we first came in, its DDT mixed in with just a hint of yeast infection to protect us against flying insects and evil spirits. Even though I survived agent Orange, three mile island, disco, white rappers, karioke and the gulf war syndrome I think I have met my match.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    USA TODAY Article "Lap dances, wills and-you"
    Why we are on the subject does any one know the name of the strip Club Anna Nicole Smith once worked at?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What race of stripper gives the best lap dances?
    I tend to like the Hispanic dancers over the whit and black girls. I have never notice a race of girls giving better dances then the other its mainly the girl.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to have fun in a strip club, the new rules.
    18. With out saying anything try to give the Club the impression that you are a cop walk around looking very suspicious if you spot any contact between a dancer and customer pull out a note book and pen and act as if you are keeping notes. 19. Start a tab then when you go to tip the girls on stage instead of actually giving them a dollar tell them to put it on your tab. 20. Look for the most broke looking customer then convince all of the dancers that he is really a billionaire in disguise.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dilemma: So I run into these two dancers and this guy at this strip club ...
    In my area strippers can be fired for sharing information about you with other customers if proven of course. However what the girls tell each other is a different matter. I wouldn’t do any more business with Dancer A. Your friend is also a regular so any information he shared about you would also put him at risk.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dances do you typically get?
    About 3 to 4 consecutive dances and on some occasion all get a extra sample dance from a new girl.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when...
    This is mainly for amusement but the first sentence on my list is based on some truth. You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when every stripper you say hi to immediately ask you to buy them a drink or a TD. Or when all of the dancers in your main club start calling you ATM or easy money. You consider being called a pathetic loser a complement.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    met another TUSCLer!
    I’ve only met one TUSCLer he doesn’t post here on the forums but he has done reviews for almost every club in Oklahoma and part of Texas. What is odd is he never described him self to me we just traded information on some of the clubs in Oklahoma City. I had told him about my ATF at the main that I visit and he saw her at a different club when she was suspension for two weeks at her regular club. So I want to the club that she was working at during her suspension. And told her how someone I traded information on the internet told me where she was working at. The very next day he shows up again and some how she knew who he was. So I get this odd e-mail from him saying. Monday night I was out later than usual and stopped by Fancy’s on a whim. Karma was there and I tipped her on stage and either your very good at describing someone you haven’t met or she is a psychic and can read our minds(how do you read a blank page) but she sort of knew who I was. She couldn’t remember the handle but then she couldn’t remember your handle or name either but she knew. Kind of strange she cant remember names but knows who we are. This is definite proof that women are really aliens put here to take over the world or at least using our credit cards buy the whole damn thing and make us pay for it. A week later when she was back at her regular club and we both showed up at the same time and she introduced us.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    TUSCL - Limiting Reviews on One Club?
    I some times post on the club message board if I need to add more information a good club however the message boards don’t get much traffic on tuscl.