I don't know about you guys, but when I try to pick out a girl for a dance I look at every variable in attempt to secure success. I want your input on what race gives the best dances, white, black, asian, hispanic??
I still live by my motto: Black Stripper Put Out. (Although after reading the disgusting news about the Duke men's lacrosse team, I keep a lot more quiet about it.) I've gotten body-rockin' LD's from babes of all races, but I don't think I've gotten an air dance from a black chick ever ... well, at least in a club that allows contact during a lap dance.
And some of you guys used to accuse me of making broad generalizations. Frankly I've never found any correlation between race and quality of dance - I've had both good and bad regardless of race. Which isn't very important to me anyway. As I've said before, I'd rather have a low contact dance from a girl whose company I really enjoy than a high contact dance from someone I'm indifferent about. In fact for me there's no such thing as a bad dance from a girl I really like.
parodySUBHUMAN--> crosses the race and, indeed, the species boundary every time he gets a dance. But to his credit he is at least going up the species chain, which is nothing the rest of us can say.
Great question. My first impulse is to say black girls, but if you want to break it down, it goes something like this. Black girls often seem to be the "friendliest" to guys they never met before. I have had more black girls I didn't know try to go wild on me than any other race. Nasty factor is way up there. However, after a few nasty dances, I got bored of it. And scared. If she is wanting to do "that" with me, a guy she never met, who did she do five minutes before me? I usually have to hold them off, which is tough when I'm horny and socially lubricated. So, since I have tired of nasty, I am looking for "higher class" strippers (LOL) who can play the game without going for the end zone at the kickoff. That usually takes a really good looking girl of any race, who is into making a connection with my mind, sexually speaking. That means she has to be a really great dancer, quite a tease, good at conversation, stunningly sexy/beautiful, with clothes to match. A total package girl. For me, this is usually a white girl of model material. And when I find one like that that I can go see again and again, develop a rapport, well that beast nasty any day of the week. In any case, its the girl, not the color of her skin. In conclusion- if I am there for "one night only" (traveling) and don't have a lot of time, I tend to look by race in this order: black, asian, latina, white. If it is my regular club, color doesn't play much into it, except for variety. Wow. I need a hobby!
I tend to like the Hispanic dancers over the whit and black girls. I have never notice a race of girls giving better dances then the other its mainly the girl.
It's all chemistry. My newest current fave is Asian, but most of my favorites past and present are white. It's my opinion most black dancers are in it just to give extras, but maybe that's just me.
Black dancers expect and demand black customers to buy dances from them and give big tips. They will get real rude on a black guy who buys dances from a white dancer. Believe me I know.
last commentWorst: Robostrippers and zombie chicks
Black girls often seem to be the "friendliest" to guys they never met before. I have had more black girls I didn't know try to go wild on me than any other race. Nasty factor is way up there.
However, after a few nasty dances, I got bored of it. And scared. If she is wanting to do "that" with me, a guy she never met, who did she do five minutes before me? I usually have to hold them off, which is tough when I'm horny and socially lubricated.
So, since I have tired of nasty, I am looking for "higher class" strippers (LOL) who can play the game without going for the end zone at the kickoff. That usually takes a really good looking girl of any race, who is into making a connection with my mind, sexually speaking. That means she has to be a really great dancer, quite a tease, good at conversation, stunningly sexy/beautiful, with clothes to match. A total package girl. For me, this is usually a white girl of model material. And when I find one like that that I can go see again and again, develop a rapport, well that beast nasty any day of the week. In any case, its the girl, not the color of her skin.
In conclusion- if I am there for "one night only" (traveling) and don't have a lot of time, I tend to look by race in this order: black, asian, latina, white. If it is my regular club, color doesn't play much into it, except for variety.
Wow. I need a hobby!
I have never notice a race of girls giving better dances then the other its mainly the girl.