
USA TODAY Article "Lap dances, wills and-you"

Any place that interests me.
Anybody here read 28Feb 2006 article on p.13A? Basically, Anna Nicole will probate case was going to SURPREME COURT "today". $$wise, about getting either a $100M OR $533M slice of $1.6B estate. Aside from titilating aspects of case, having a prominent newspaper discuss lapdances in forum section is evidence that stripclubs has become more mainstream. Your thoughts?


    19 years ago
    Chandler, you're right, we're confusing two different episodes. I remember Elizabeth Ray, I think that occurred much later than Fanne Fox. I also remember a senator getting kicked out 10 or so years ago for having sex in his office with several aids who worked for him, which always struck me as a double standard since Clinton did essentially the same thing, but he was a Democrat and the senator was a Republican, so guess who the media went after. Anyway those were great stories. Politics just isn't as much fun anymore, everything is taken too seriously.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    You guys beat me to it but I remember the Wilbur Mills/Fanny Fox incident well. I was in high school at the time and got quite a chuckle out of it. She ran from the limo as to try and not get caught with Mills and wound up in the tidle basin. Where she worked was unimportant to me since I lived in Boston and was too young to visit her club anyway.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    The secretary who couldn't type was Elizabeth Ray, hired by Rep. Wayne Hays to fuck him. I don't know what club Fanne Fox (correct spelling), the Tidal Basin Bombshell, danced at. I was in about 9th grade at the time. I Googled this much AFTER my previous post. What I posted before was from memory, I swear.
    19 years ago
    AN, I'm probably wrong but somehow I have the impression that she worked at Good Guys before he hired her to not type. Or maybe that was some other congressional stripper, there been several in the news over the years. I'm guessing that congressmen don't hang out in the DC clubs much anymore, it's too risky. Then again it's much easier to hire a high-class escort than it used to be so that may play a role too. And have you ever noticed how many really good looking young women work in the congressional office buildings?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I thought Fanny Fox was hired as a secretary who famously couldn't type. Did she work at Good Guys before that? I do recall that the FBI traitor a few years back Robert Hanssen had an ongoing relationship with a stripper from Joanna's 1819, and that apparently John Walker supposedly spent some time meeting contacts in Good Guys (I recall almost laughing at the portrayal of Good Guys in the TV movie, lots of glitzy neon, etc).
    19 years ago
    Well done, Chandler. I wondered who would be first, you or AN. I didn't bother searching the archives of my brain for the names since I knew one of you would come up with them. Anyway as I recall the most important detail, Fanny Fox worked at Good Guys, is that correct? And wasn't there swimming involved in one of the basins off the Potomac? Any idea what year that was? (and no cheating by doing a search on the Internet.)

    Anyway I think that kind of stuff was a lot more common years ago when the media wasn't so focused on playing gotha. It had to be really outrageous for the media to care. My point being that I don't think strip clubs are any more mainstream today than they were then, it just appears so because the media focuses so much more on this kind ot stuff.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Who could forget Rep. Wilbur Mills of Arkansas, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman and Fanny Fox, the Argentine Firecracker? Unless you were referring to Ohio Congressman Wayne Hays and his "secretary" Elizabeth Whatshername, who made the new soon afterwards.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Before my time FONDL. I've only been here 20 years.
    19 years ago
    I've forgotten the names although I'm sure one of our DC people will remind me, but about 30 years ago a famous congressman got in big trouble with a stripper who as I recall worked at Good Guys, and it made major news for quite a while. Nothing new here.
  • minnow
    19 years ago
    OKD; According to article, club was Ricks in Houston//CTL- More mainstream isn't the same as mainstream(full fledged)> Stripclubs haven't fully "arrived", but freely talking about lapdances in mainstream paper shows movement towards, if not full arrival to mainstream. Shoot, lapdance may even be in dictionary section.
  • OkDude
    19 years ago
    Why we are on the subject does any one know the name of the strip Club Anna Nicole Smith once worked at?
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    minnow, I see this a little differenlty than you do. I don't think the fact that a major newspaper covered lap dancing which arose in the context of a U.S. Supreme Court case shows that lap dancing has become more mainstream. However, the fact that an old rich Texan who had a large choice of venues in which to chase pussy (or be wheeled after it) chose to do that pussy-chasing in a strip club MAY indicate that strip clubs are becoming more mainstream.

    Once old Pierce, Sr. and "Sweet Cheeks" happened to be in the same place long enough to permit the hook-up, everything else fell into place on its own.
    19 years ago
    As I've said before, I don't think strip clubs have become more mainstream. The media has just become more desparate for readers/viewers and reach out for stories that in the past would have been considered tastless and unfit. Just another reason why I avoid TV and newspapers - they increasingly cater to the Jerry Springer set.
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