Comments by minnow (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Which sport do you think requires the most SKILL?
    Chess was gmd's original idea, not mine.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Which sport do you think requires the most SKILL?
    Nina, for the purposes of your discussion, do you wish to confine definition of "sport" to those that are either 1) Part of the Olympics or 2) A sport which would confer a varsity letter in high school or college ? Members with too much time on your hand, please report google search results back to us.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I don't recall seeing DD2 reject any reviews. I wonder if he gave thumbs up to reviews that actually got rejected by at least 3 voters, that could be a more telling statistic.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday Night Was (just) Alright.
    Hl, sentence said ASSUMING standard fare, he doesn't seem to know. Author didn't even do any LD's. Kind of like saying in car review article- "I saw someone else get in the car, and I assume that he had comfortable drive, good acceleration, and got published 20mpg.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Which sport do you think requires the most SKILL?
    There's not enough bandwidth to settle the SKILL argument, so I'll weigh in with my thoughts on what has been presented so far: Gymnastics- Definitely takes skill to do the various flips, jumps, and contortions that people don't normally do. You're competing against yourself in a closed circuit, controlled environment arena. Tough thing is doing a routine in absolutely perfect form (or closer to it than other gymnasts in the meet). Achieving the extra nth point separates the winners from also rans, but you "own the floor" when you do your routine. Meaning that no other competitor is going to run out on the floor, and try to knock you down in the middle of your routine. Also, an indoor competition, meaning you don't have to contend with the weather elements. I don't let that denigrate the skill required to do a routine in perfect form. Golf- I don't play golf, but I recognize that each course is different, as in each day. You may be the top dog on your home course on a calm day, but try a different course with different terrain, and a windy, gusty day. Trees, and gaps in trees can do wicked things to your drive. A strong crosswind just might put you in the sand trap if you don't compensate just right. Lets see, there's a pond on your par3 just before the green. Do you swing for the fences in a strong headwind ? Don't get me started on putts. Ability to sink a putt from less than ideal spots is a difference maker. However, goofing up a drive or putt isn't the same as falling off a gymnastic beam. Chess- Mental game that requires thinking many moves ahead. Opponent is trying to screw you up, something that is not that so in gymnastics or golf. Must know what you can do in a vast number of different situations. Come to think of it, getting an enjoyable strip club visit can be a bit like a game of chess, but with many more players/opponents. You may not get the "queen" (i.e. most desirable dancer to you) but otherwise play a "good game" by putting yourself in the best position (stage vs bar, etc) , making sound "jump at the 1st attractive dancer vs wait it out" decision. I think gmd may be on to something by listing chess.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    After dropping nearly half a paycheck
    Fellas, I think Muddy is a Powerball jackpot winner who took extended strip club road trip with his winnings. He probably figured his per second wage by dividing his jackpot by what little amount of work he now does. He probably figured his time is worth $300 per second, so that by blowing his load in 2 seconds, he figured he blew half of his 2 second "paycheck".
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    If TUSCL Was Like NASCAR...
    Tetra?? Never heard of them, can't find their annual revenue via search engines. Seeing that several other "sponsors" have 10 or 11 figure annual revenues, I got to thinking that I should search for other alternatives. The first one that popped into my mind was Starkist. Search engine results show annual revenue greater than $500M, and that it was acquired a few years ago by.... (Drum Roll)........ DONGWON INDUSTRIES of South Korea. An appropriate name for Tuscl related activity.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    Annihilation of Ejaculation
    Looking for the 2nd coming of Tennyson, this review ain't the one. Looking for the 2nd coming of Shakespeare, it won't be found here. Looking for the 2nd coming of Yeats, neither here nor the pearly gates. Looking for the 2nd coming of Chaucer, better to look for a flying saucer. If I don't see a figure for bucks, I'll reject and say tough lucks. If I don't see a figure for dollars, I'll reject, and better not hear your hollers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Naming Names
    I'm with most prior posters on this. It seems like there's a certain number of tusclers who think tuscl is TER just because they both begin with a "T". Discretion just isn't in some folks personal checklist.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Waikiki Strip Club Trip Report July 2019 - Clubs Rock Za and Femme Nu plus more...
    Good catch, CMI. Gotta hand it to dude for trying a creative way to get double credit for article submission. As of late, founder (or designee) has been extremely tardy about approving articles, or else a steep drop off of submissions.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Pussy tighter than a LA parking spot
    Hey guys follow me on Twitter @linzeedet
    Looks like your FR thread gained more traction. Non-twitter here, but I'll PM you if FL or MI visits coincide.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where to meet other local SC goers?
    +1 on other's comments for getting used to flying solo in the club. Even if you have a wingman, suppose he get's a bunch of dances during your down time, which puts you back at square one. Several tuscl members (including me) have met up at club with other member(s). Some socializing occurs, but it's tacitly understood that nobody is going to get in the way of having fun with one's favorite dancers. Members come and go on their own schedule in their own vehicle. PM'ing other JAX area members always an option, but don't be surprised if you don't get a warm reception from everyone. If I were you, I'd get a few more solo club visits and reviews under your belt before going PM route.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The CEOs of nearly 200 companies just said shareholder value is no longer th
    The more enlightened companies figured out a while ago that if you have happy/motivated employees they will provide good customer service, which in turn leads to more income, and profits. Sort of like looking at the road ahead, vs looking down at the lane markers. Addendum- with today's low unemployment rate, it follows that companies will focus more on employee retention, and raising compensation/benefit levels to attract and retain employees. Contrast that with the lost decade (post 911, Great Recession) where one was considered lucky just to have a job, and had fewer options to move to another company. Thus companies could get away with reduced compensation levels, and stingy raises.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Beauty at the Mons, but not all were out of this world.
    ss- pistola ventures out of his mom's basement to call anyone who disagrees with him a homo, like every other 8th grader. (Re- Clubber's down vote for this review.)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Beauty at the Mons, but not all were out of this world.
    Did club drop just cover charge from $22 to $20, or did you just make all this shit up ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Another new Bugatti Supercar
    I saw a 2 seat MIG29 going for $4.65M at MIG29 considered to be in same performance class as the US teen series fighters. I'd say the remaining $5.35M could be eaten up in short order by fuel, maintenance, insurance, and other costs.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Another new Bugatti Supercar
    Gee, Papi, this is about the 3rd thread in a month that you've started on an expensive car. Midlife crisis much ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Countdown to Inverted Yield Curve
    Somehow, I picture FTS driving on the interstate as the guy who intently checks MPG and range remaining on DIS every minute that he misses seeing a hot female passenger in passing car flashing him.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Would you welcome the Cuban invasion to your city?
    What invasion ? I haven't seen a single poster tell me how I can differentiate a Cuban dancer from a Puerto Rican, a Dominican, a Mexican, a Panamanian, a Peruvian, or any other Lat Am country just by looking at them. Do you go around asking "hey, where are you from" to every dancer with the slightest hint of brown skin ? Speaking solely for Tampa area, I've encountered ~ 8 or so "new Cubans" in the last 2 years. They've ranged in height from 5'2" to 5'10", builds from "Quad B" (big boobs, big booty) to tall athletic. Skin tone from could pass for average American, to almost could pass as AfAm. Most speak some rudimentary English. One showed me pictures of her family in Cuba speaking in English, though I got the feeling that I wouldn't press for an in depth discussion about how accurate the inverted yield curve can be about forecasting a recession. She occasionally breaks into Spanish, calling me "Papi" (don't worry P_C, I'm not muscling in on your nickname rights), and occasionally saying "malo" during our dances. Invasion ? Gee whiz, Mons Venus gets 2 new Cuban dancers on early evening shift of 12 to 15 dancers, and weekend night at 2001 might have 5 - 6 Cuban dancers out of 30 plus dancers on shift ? I divide dancers into 2 categories- those who I find attractive/compatible, and those who I don't. Cuban invasion?? What a bunch of xenophobes !
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Club Reviews from Dancers
    Not enough details, mongo. What was it about the submission that you didn't feel was "in the spirit" ? If the focus was on club hiring practices with little or no info beneficial to customers, then I'd reject it too. (Ditto for looking like a club ad.) If most or all of review guidelines are filled, ( dancer shift profile, attractivenss, mileage, etc) then I'm fine with review having dancer perspective things worked into review.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Glock or night at my favorite club?
    If you have to ask strangers on the internet whether or not to buy a gun, then maybe you have no business owning the gun. Otoh, props for coming up with a creative way to get people to post about their favorite gun.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    I went to a club, didn't spend any money, and didn't write a review
    "I went in, no cover, got a $5 beer. No dancers appealed to me, and not much was happening, so I left after 20 minutes." This generic review could easily apply to a goodly percentage of clubs in US on an early to mid afternoon visit. At least put some effort into making more lemonade out of a lemon. I had 1 such visit on a 2007 Monday afternoon visit review to Dallas club. I at least added that I saw a chair and table in the men's room indicating that one could expect to see bathroom troll on night visits.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great dance, weird rules.
    My last good visit to SW happened in 1988. At the time, I thought it was good- dancers were among the hottest babes I'd seen, stageside interaction was (then) good with Stevies. My 1995 visit (I'd been to a lot of other clubs in the 7 year interval) was disappointing- private dances were air dances. I haven't been back since then.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Regional club differences?
    bbb23; I can't speak for TX (it's effectively a country with some distinct region subsets), but FL being a popular tourist destination may be a factor in a stronger "party" vibe vs a Midwestern city with club customer profile being higher % of residents.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Maybe not the right club for me?
    Thanks for area summation. Make this review a sticky