Comments by minnow (page 41)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Younger Dancers Attitude
    Going a bit OT, but it always amuses me how people cite the IC argument as though it were some golden trump card. It's not. May be "technically" so, but there are enough holes to drive a fleet of trucks through. While some scheduling flexibility exists, club can tell new dancer to start off on day shifts, but to see night mgr about working night shift. Then some clubs require dancers to work a certain (token) number of off peak shift(s) as a condition of being allowed to continuously dance there. In a way, paying escalating scale of fees for showing up later in shift controls dancers compensation ($$) to a certain extent. Lastly, dancers get "fired" still. Things like fighting with other dancers, being overweight, etc. Then how many times have you seen bouncer intervene when dancer went (or allowed customer to go) a bit too far ? I saw shift mgr "counsel" a dancer who was a bit too "liberal" in stageside interaction with me. How many stories have you heard of dancer being fired for being "too nasty" in the back. Point on off stage down time well taken. Club can't micromanage dancers like one transportation/delivery company micromanages it's delivery driver who prescribes every motion down to the second to be followed (like where to park, how to get in and out of vehicle, etc to insure the most time efficient method for multiple deliveries.) But pure IC, dancers ain't. Enough of this labor/contract law stuff, time for my afternoon swim
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Kissing: mouth, breasts, or pussy. What's your favorite?
    Edit corr: "on her mouth." sub on the lips.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Kissing: mouth, breasts, or pussy. What's your favorite?
    Riddle of the day: How can you tell what a guy's dick tastes like ? Kiss a stripper working in an extras club on the lips.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Lucious LUNA
    Nope, shurshot the only one I've seen use 24hr clock in denoting time of visit.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    new review policy
    I'll add to Papi's comment that old system had auto reject feature if submission came in with less than a minimum number of characters (200, I think it was.) That would seem to imply that reviews coming in with minimum number of characters, or greater would result in automatic approval, which resulted in a lot of short deficient reviews slipping through. Founders review guidelines have been in place for a long time, just not rigorously enforced. Those are guidelines, not government specs for F35 fighter. IMO, they're still put up for a reason. So the more closely review adheres to guidelines, the more likely it will be approved.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Super Tuesday
    Is there a mandatory drivers license scan ? Seems like a pretty steep discount from the $20/$30 prices listed in club profile.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: See the 2020 Chevy Corvette in Every Color Available
    Papi, I'd be interested in a interior color chart. It seems black interior is the color on ~ 75 - 80 % of the Vettes out there. I'd want something different (tan, grey, even red or 2 tone). Except for yellow or orange, I like most chart colors well enough.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strippers and Mental Health
    Bavarian, you need to seek dancer permission prior to tonguing her cheek......
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strippers and Mental Health
    Gee, Bavarian, I pray that you never have to call a heating/AC technician to change a compressor or troubleshoot a faulty relay when the temperature is above 80 degrees, or below 40 degrees, or any precipitation. Working under those conditions just might be too stressful. I hope you or immediate family member never has to go to ER outside the 9 - 5 working hours, doing so just might cause stress for docs, nurses, and receptionists. I hope you don't go home starved after midnight, working graveyard shift at all nighter just might be too stressful for waitress or cook. I'm sure you''ll forego the $99 savings on a redeye transcon flight vs 9 - 5 time slots, because working those ungodly hours just might be too stressful for flight crew. I'm sure you'll just sit in your car until the sun comes up if you get a flat or breakdown at midnight, because calling roadside assistance might cause stress for someone at this hour. Me thinks you're overthinking this whole dancer interaction thing.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strippers and Mental Health
    J-2018- Well written post, Mr. Zero-Zero. I find it strange that someone can join a strip club website without going to a club, and posting a review about it. Unless you're posting under 2 screen names- 1 for club reviews, 1 for DB posts, for whatever reason.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: For the road-warriors
    D-lac could be 1 of many things: 1) Flies his own airplane 2) Company has own flight department and pilot staff 3) D-lac uses charter company when need arises. 4) D-lac is fractional share owner. Yep, I recall CRG, and Gold Club. If I recall, PDK isn't that far from Follies. There may still be a club practically off the approach end of SAN runway. Good summary from rick wrt passenger POV.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Los Angeles
    My Second Choice Strip Club in L.A.
    Good review, mule. (Ditto several others) If you'd confined this review solely to club visit sans commentary on other members, I wouldn't have made any comments. But in this review, you're essentially telling people "hey, you putzes, I have all this tuscl time and reviews under my belt, just stfu and approve the gd review." Under comments section in Bare review, you do the same thing. You don't see the point of criticizing others, yet you call anyone who would dare label review a shill review a putz. If you take a punch at someone, is it unrealistic to expect a counter punch ? You come across as taking yourself a bit too seriously. Automatic approval for members over a certain number of reviews proposal ? Feedback on submitted reviews should cause one to refine and correct future submissions. Does criticism of reviews really bother you that much? Take a chill pill, Bare review approved, you got 4 more weeks VIP membership, life goes on.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Los Angeles
    My Second Choice Strip Club in L.A.
    You dodged the putz bullet, but not this: "He who throws his weight around becomes the butt of throwing ones weight around jokes. Such individuals often come across as horses asses. I'm not calling you a horses ass, because I have so much respect and awe for tuscl members with over 200 reviews and 15 years membership. But you can't fool the flies. Just saying.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Strippers and Mental Health
    @skibum- Looks like google search led me to the same link as yours for the 10 professions with the highest suicide rates. Seeing electricians on the list (at #7) was a shocking revelation to me..........
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Three June Nights
    Looks like a lot of butt-hurt members are using this as a crying room all because they didn't get a 5-0 vote on their submitted reviews, or they can't handle someone with different opinion on DB/RC section.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Fun time on Saturday night
    Looks like we have some people who can't read, or chose to ignore the review guidelines. It also appears that some people find the realization that there's more to Tuscl than their SeaTac circle jerk to be disturbing. So if you can't write a review that meets guidelines, what's stopping you from posting your "Johnny left happy" ditty in the "club discussion" section ? Oh, wait, one needs to have VIP membership to that, which would entail either paying for it, or submitting review that meets guidelines. OMFG!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Welcome to Miami (home of the worst drivers in the US)
    Papi's lack of paragraphing leads me to believe that he was texting while driving home from airport.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Should I post a review of a club where I didn't go inside due to the valet?
    RE- Cocksucker- Speak for yourself, pistola. Lame attempt at sarcasm. If review tells me nothing about inside the club, and posts something that really belongs in "club discussion" section trying to pass it off as a review,I'll click the red button.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Clubs with weird rules about wearing gown/dress/skirt/other coverup?
    Second post, addressing the guys want to see it all at once point. The clubs I've been to in last decade has been non-gown, with some clubs allowing dancers to walk around buck naked. My initial thought is to prefer bikini or less, but can recognize (and appreciate) dancers who know how to act sexy even with some clothes on. Two examples that come to mind would be a dancer who wore a robe with nothing underneath, and drew it open like opening a birthday present, with second example being a dancer who wore a business dress shirt with nothing underneath, sat on table in front of me, introduced herself, and sat there letting me admire her goods.She didn't have to ask me for some dances. One of life's mysteries is why, in clubs with liberal dress codes do some dancers insist on covering themselves up so much. I'm talking things like dancers who wear hard to remove lingerie , replete with full length stockings. (Hey this is a strip club, not a lingerie modeling studio). Or these knee to thigh high socks (hey, babe, Flashdance movie tryouts happened 37 years ago). Latest craze seems to be wearing "onesies". I've heard rationalization (FL club) that AC runs too cold. Well I can kinda see that, but there's also a good number of other dancers (often in better shape) who wear skimpy 2 piece. With that, I'll close out, I'm overdue for another club visit.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Clubs with weird rules about wearing gown/dress/skirt/other coverup?
    bbb23, are there not any viable non-gown options in your area ? While I don't seek out gown clubs (haven't been to one in over 10 years), I don't let that be a deal breaker if the club is convenient, and mood is right. Some high end Dallas clubs like Men's Club, and Lodge come to mind as being gown clubs. As I recall, I didn't buy dances from any dancer who I didn't see on stage topless first. Places like that can pull off the gown thing without coming off as phony or pretentious .(MC-D has a CHEF on staff, not a garden variety greasy spoon cook.) I agree with you that some places that do the gown routine can be "who are you BS'ing"? I recall a club in Bumpkinville many years pre-Tuscl that did the gown routine. It was like, come off it, place hadn't been remodeled since the 70's, and dancers were 1 step removed from punching Walmart or Dairy Queen register. So comical.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    How many different SCs have you visited--in your life?
    I've been to over 150 clubs, ~90% of them between 1984 - 2009. I haven't broken much new ground since 2010. I estimate that over 20% of clubs I've been to are closed.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A unique experience.
    r-dude- Some of your info is suspect. Unless they blocked it off, there's 2 urinals, and 1 crapper (wow) in restroom. $6.50 ATM fee ? Except for maybe sometime in the 90's ($2.50 fee), I've always seen ATM fees expressed in whole $. If you're going to tell us that, how about telling us the withdrawal limits. The later could be more useful info. Lastly, a 28 July review indicated that new lapdance price range is $25 to $35 negotiable. Veracity of review looking a bit fishy to me.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day shift visit
    Not too shabby for strolling in before noon. Most other clubs would be literally dead or not open at all. Often lucky to find more than 2 dancers. I want to meet that pinup blonde massage therapist.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Best club in alaska, relaxed, casual atmosphere
    Keep posting there, Alaska, you look more like club mgt. with every post. Last post demonstrates typical club mgt. contempt for club customer. I've met several tuscl members, at least 2 of which are managers (corporate civilian world) IRL. Both know how to write reviews without looking like a club ad, or looking creepy.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Best club in alaska, relaxed, casual atmosphere
    There's a lot of info in review, but it reads very much more like a managerial overview than a unique personal visit. Hence the club ad tag.