
Comments by minnow (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Midterm Election
    Mark94 seems to be stuck in some time warps. To wit: 1) "14 Carrier Battle Groups>" Huh ? US hasn't had that many since Reagans 2nd term. Try 10. While we have 11 carriers in commission now, there are only 10 carrier air wings. At any given moment, 1 carrier is in overhaul of some sort. 2) "Energy Independent". Really ? I seem to recall President Biden some weeks ago BEGGING Opec to increase oil production. If the Republicans win Congress in a few days, IMO we'll move back towards energy independence. I,m optimistic we'll be energy independent again if Republicans regain the Presidency. Such energy independence is a strong plus for our national security, and in reducing inflation.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    GASP!! (arilla) THU
    Sheesh, do you guys expect a USASG type review ? A_D, how about more than 2 reviews before you can presume to criticize me. Shill review ? C'mon Doc, do you bitch at those who submit the 10th monthly review of Detroit, Akron, Atlanta, Seattle, 19th Hole, etal clubs ? GMAFB !
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Dr. Oz vs Uncle Fester
    Ever since Tuscl has been online, key issues (most if not all) have been split along party lines. Voters need to look at the big picture. If you want change from present direction, vote Republican (I'm a registered Independent myself) regardless of how much you like or dislike the candidates themselves. Muddy has the right idea. In addition to crime issue, mine would be 1) Energy Independence (Knock off attacking oil/fracking industry) 2) Weak foreign policy which emboldens Putin, Xi, etal, to make rash moves that directly or indirectly hurt worlds population) 3) Open borders I won't elaborate on above, except in political thread, or in a club setting if you're buying.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey
    How many states have you clubbed in? And who is the winner?
    Not quite me with 27 states, plus Canada, PR.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What's the temperature setting on your thermostat?
    Cooling Season: 72-75 daytime, 70-72 night. Whatever it takes to get regular air flow Heating Season: 70-72 daytime, 65-70 night, depending on heat flow.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Meeting Tuscl Members In Club- Rundown Of Actual Meets
    RTP- You need to recover from your weekend hangover or have your eyes checked. I'm the one who wrote the article. (minnow). Muddy was merely the 1st to comment on it. Read his comment.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Way OT
    B) Rode a few times as a teenager when the rides were ~ 3 miles away, just once as a 30ish adult during a visit with relative who got the urge that day.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: 0.999... = 1
    Nina, if you posed that question to me in the club, I'd say: "0.999...=1 is close enough for government work, how about we adjoin to the VIP for some dances."
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    High Energy
    Gfy, mikey m, no burner accts. for me.
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    What makes a good strip-club review
    When submitting a review, founder has a guidelines link at the bottom of " before submitting a review
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    What makes a good strip-club review
    I need to see enough details to convince me that reviewer was actually in club. So many reviews are of the genre- "Came to club early afternoon, no cover, got a beer for $5, left after 20 minutes b/c I didn't see any interesting dancers." Really, that could easily apply to many clubs. Review need not be a Papi dissertation, but more like my reviews, or other contributors like rick dugan, shadowcat, etal, vs a min effort review put forth to obtain VIP status. As for customizing review for local regulars: What is stopping you from going the PM route, posting on club DB, or starting your own local blog ? Re-read founders guidelines.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Not What You Think
    Non VIP members should be able to read my June 2020 article on "Clip Joints", whereby I chronicle my experiences with several clip joints, including my 1996 visit to DP. Although my damages were much less than "mbb" latest visit, it just goes to show that some things never change over time.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    a nice warm place
    2001 a nude odyssey
    Once again, mikey m shows himself to be a loon who can't get his facts straight. Whatever gave you the idea that I'm an Indiana native ? Never lived there in my life, haven't even reviewed an Indy club since 2017. After looking at "nyaBS" review history, are you going to even try to make a case for me creating another identity ?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How often do you use algebra?
    I used algebra pretty regularly in my professional life. I still keep my hand in it mainly by solving financial scenarios, and things like how to avoid a speeding ticket with a blank screen digital speed read, but a workable analog tachometer on a Corvette. (Hint, the 2002 to 2004 Z06 at 60mph would be showing 1500 rpm in 6th gear. Keep 1600 or less in a 65 zone, 1700 or less in a 70 zone, and you'll be OK.)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The music really is there for the dancers
    I hear ya' Muddy, particularly the last paragraph. While I don't go to the club to "rock the music", anything the club can do to make me for more comfortable (that includes eliminating/minimizing irritants) may well be the dealmaker that induces me to spend more time (and $$) in that particular club vs. the other clubs. Likewise, a dancer who adapts her music choices/ dancing style to the audience in front of her will make her stand out in a good way among all the other hotties in a club. Adaptability vs self centeredness can be the winning edge.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I feel like I lost my strip clubbing game post Covid
    Piggybacking on rick's point about being prepared: I'd have a talk with your bank and credit card company. No monger should ever find themselves in a position of having the door slammed in their face at ATM or point of purchase as you were. Let them know that you occasionally travel. If you're qualified for any credit union membership, I'd take advantage of it. Many credit unions are part of a network whereby there's no ATM fee for cash withdrawals from a credit union other than your own. If possible, get at least a second ATM card from a different network. One 2am "hazard" is that financial institutions choose that hour (generally on weekends) to tinker with their computer systems, and thus effectively shutting down ATM's. Best though to withdraw funds at your local bank prior to club visit, and sticking to the budget of what you took out. After a long dry spell, it's all to easy to over indulge much like a starved person would at a buffet.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rick’s dayshift is Dead
    l-mc; Thanks for the enlightenment, and congrats for joining the AZ Turd Blossom club ad club.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Tampa Scene
    Last review Aug 2016- where have you been, dude ? 10 minutes from RJS, which way ? Downtown or Westshore ? If downtown, Scarlett's might be for you. Mileage good there, dancer attractiveness not so much. If Westshore or Causeway area, many Tuscl hounds recommend Pinellas County clubs, mainly for booze, mileage angles. Traffic can be bad at times going across the bay from Tampa. The 3 pastie clubs near RJS have **some** touching, but aren't really known for grindage/LDK production.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    So what do you guys think of travel dancers in clubs you hang out in?
    Mixed review here. While I enjoy a greater mix that traveling dancers bring to the table (and have had some wonderful experience), they're more likely to be ROB's/overcharge/provide less than customary mileage than the house dancers. Part of that may be due to peak weekend dynamics when traveling dancers are most likely to be encountered.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Famous Relatives
    I've spent a portrait of a distant relative (from 1 of my grandmother's side) on numerous occasions in strip clubs over the years. (Not saying whether president or non-president.)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Investors reset
    Gee, 25, if I did as you asked, I wouldn't have time for tuscl or strip clubs. Wade through 50 plus annual reports for each company in my stock mutual funds or just chill, enjoy strip clubs, and vote in November?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many, if any, checks do you write per year?
    Idk, I lost count after 20 checks. One thing that I don't do is hold up the frigging line at the grocery store by writing a check for my purchase like some grannies seem to do. I get double points on my credit card for grocery purchases.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Publishers Clearing House
    SC- April Fools Day is still about 3 weeks away.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Jobs you would never ever do
    @nicespice: Where do you get that 5'5" minimum height requirement for flt. attendants from ? Not every airline has published minimum height for FA's. Those that don't have reach test requirements.(must demonstrate ability to reach overhead compartment which can be anywhere from 72" to 82" high depending on aircraft). A sampling of height requirements show 5'2" for major airlines American and Southwest, and 5'0" for low cost airlines Spirit and Frontier. I suspect that regional jet operators such as Mesa Airlines, Air Wisconsin, etal would be more lenient on height minimums. One factor that could be a problem for some dancers is that flight attendants are 1 of the employee groups subject to DOT drug testing regulations to include initial hire screening, and ongoing random drug tests.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    GASP!! (arilla) THU
    Thanks, mikey, for enabling my review to be published 15 minutes or so earlier, and once again demonstrating to the entire board what a head case you are.