From 2012-2019 I would go to the strip club every 5-6 weeks or so. I was able to rarely get hustled, get the best experience for my money, and always enjoy my time and leave with a smile on my face. However from March of 2020 to August of 2021 I went zero times, my friend that I always went with said he isn’t interested in going anymore, and I was just out of the game.
However I tried to get back into the swing of things at the end of last August. I was in Milwaukee and tried out Heartbreakers and it was a decent experience but as I started to get dances I headed over to the ATM and my debit card was declined and so was my credit card. I forgot to tell my bank I was out of town so my night ended before I wanted it to and I wasn’t feeling happy as I left. That was something I used to remember to do.
I went again last December to the Spearmint Rhino in Lexington and was hustled big time. I got drunk, a girl took advantage and promised me the world in the more expensive VIP area but just gave me a normal extended lap dance. I left having spent way more than I wanted to for what I received, a mistake I used to never make as I always knew to never let girls hustle me. I wanted to keep my dances to the normal lap dance area or less expensive VIP areas and Pre Covid I was always able to do that and not fall for anything.
Then a month a ago I went to Cheetahs in Dayton and it was fun, had a few good dances, and wanted to end the night in the 15 minute VIP room but instead of taking a girl I liked I took a gamble on a girl I had yet to get a dance from and received an air dance. I’m going back there this Saturday with a new friend for the opening weekend of the NCAA tournament and I need to return to the old me this time. By that I mean get the best experience for the money I spend.
Yeah I kind of felt a little rusty too after Covid. You got to sort of always keep your inner dickhead sharp or you get soft. Do not get lulled in by a false sense of security by some of these women, who would throw you off a fucking building for 20 bucks.
Yeah clubbing has always been a case by case scenario. COVID just dropped some extra piss in the Cheerios once the clubs were back open. And around where I live some of the BYOB clubs didn't really close due to the pandemic itself. One was driven out of business for "legal" issues and another for financial issues (maybe indirectly related to COVID).
Look, anyone can be hustled if the girl is good enough or flat out willing to lie, even guys who hit the clubs 50+ times per year. The goal is not to eliminate the risk altogether, but to have simple rules of engagement in place to minimize the number and impacts of these occurrences.
It sounds like you're over-eager and it's making you act impulsively. That's not rust so much as a lack of discipline. Being willing to walk when things get squishy, instead of chasing the dragon, is a big part of maintaining that discipline. So is doing a little upfront planning.
For example, there is really no excuse for you not to have been better prepared in Milwaukee. Shit there's a bank right across the street from the club and several more nearby.
Also, I've clubbed in Lexington a few times and those clubs are amply reviewed. The reviews tell you exactly what SR Lex is, which is an expensive tourist trap with a high hustle factor and definite mileage limits. You just have to read between the lines a bit. I've never been there for exactly this reason, instead hitting clubs a little further away from the highway and multiple hotels.
The Dayton thing is simply a "shit happens" situation. You took a $200 swing at a girl you thought was hot and whiffed. Now yes you might have done better with the girl who you had some rapport with, but you obviously didn't want her as much. One could look at that as a calculated risk given the relative modest amount of money. C'est la vie.
Piggybacking on rick's point about being prepared: I'd have a talk with your bank and credit card company. No monger should ever find themselves in a position of having the door slammed in their face at ATM or point of purchase as you were. Let them know that you occasionally travel. If you're qualified for any credit union membership, I'd take advantage of it. Many credit unions are part of a network whereby there's no ATM fee for cash withdrawals from a credit union other than your own.
If possible, get at least a second ATM card from a different network. One 2am "hazard" is that financial institutions choose that hour (generally on weekends) to tinker with their computer systems, and thus effectively shutting down ATM's. Best though to withdraw funds at your local bank prior to club visit, and sticking to the budget of what you took out. After a long dry spell, it's all to easy to over indulge much like a starved person would at a buffet.
^ This is a common hazard when traveling, even when the bank has the card settings opened wide. Usually there is an easy way to clear it up. The odds are good that he got a text indicating that his transaction was denied along with a way to clear it by text and/or a number to call. If he had hit an ATM on the way to the club and the withdrawal was denied, he could have cleared the issue up and withdrawn the funds before he walked in the club's door. In fact, the ATM in the club itself may have been the problem since it was probably running on a dicey network that his bank thought was suspicious.
I used to play basketball in leagues 3 nights a week. Then COVID hit and I went a year and a half without stepping on an indoor court. My first outing was okay, I was surprised. Then the next month I played like complete shit. I guess that happens when you don’t even shoot a ball for a year and a half.
Clubbing isn’t any different, some of those things a “seasoned vet” knows about in a club are simply forgotten. A fast talking girl is going to hustle with you because you’ve had very seldom interaction with a hustler for 2 years!
I would highly recommend reading up to date raviews on the clubs you want to go to in the future. Like said above, all clubs have changed in the post COVID world but maybe some are a little more like they used to be than others.
I liked reading everyone’s comments and I’ll continue to try and step my game up to improve my experience. Going to Cheetahs Saturday night and I’m going to try and be less impulsive and more relaxed To be honest as soon as I find a girl I like that gives great dances I’ll try to stick it out with her most the night.
Good luck getting your groove back, Stella. I can sympathize. I made my triumphant return to the hobby today after 2.5 years out of the game. I was extremely rusty and just felt awkward. Fortunately, in good ol' Detroit, you don't need any game...
last commentIt sounds like you're over-eager and it's making you act impulsively. That's not rust so much as a lack of discipline. Being willing to walk when things get squishy, instead of chasing the dragon, is a big part of maintaining that discipline. So is doing a little upfront planning.
For example, there is really no excuse for you not to have been better prepared in Milwaukee. Shit there's a bank right across the street from the club and several more nearby.
Also, I've clubbed in Lexington a few times and those clubs are amply reviewed. The reviews tell you exactly what SR Lex is, which is an expensive tourist trap with a high hustle factor and definite mileage limits. You just have to read between the lines a bit. I've never been there for exactly this reason, instead hitting clubs a little further away from the highway and multiple hotels.
The Dayton thing is simply a "shit happens" situation. You took a $200 swing at a girl you thought was hot and whiffed. Now yes you might have done better with the girl who you had some rapport with, but you obviously didn't want her as much. One could look at that as a calculated risk given the relative modest amount of money. C'est la vie.
A little discipline and planning go a long way.
No monger should ever find themselves in a position of having the door slammed in their face at ATM or point of purchase as you were. Let them know that you occasionally travel. If you're qualified for any credit union membership, I'd take advantage of it. Many credit unions are part of a network whereby there's no ATM fee for cash withdrawals from a credit union other than your own.
If possible, get at least a second ATM card from a different network. One 2am "hazard" is that financial institutions choose that hour (generally on weekends) to tinker with their computer systems, and thus effectively shutting down ATM's. Best though to withdraw funds at your local bank prior to club visit, and sticking to the budget of what you took out. After a long dry spell, it's all to easy to over indulge much like a starved person would at a buffet.
Clubbing isn’t any different, some of those things a “seasoned vet” knows about in a club are simply forgotten. A fast talking girl is going to hustle with you because you’ve had very seldom interaction with a hustler for 2 years!
I would highly recommend reading up to date raviews on the clubs you want to go to in the future. Like said above, all clubs have changed in the post COVID world but maybe some are a little more like they used to be than others.