Midterm Election
Just wanted to make a thread to see what you guys were seeing thinking out there in your neck of the woods.
I just saw Ron DeSantis at a rally on Long Island this past weekend. It’s one of those things when you see this guys bravado especially in person, he’s gonna be the next president you could see it a million miles away. I’ve had a few politicians that made me want to move away from them but he’s the only politician that made me want to literally get the fuck up and move to his state.
Anyway at least around me, I’ve already voted. Conservative down the line and really not something I had to think about hard at all. It’s not that I’m down with everything the Republican party is about but I’ve just seen enough liberal insanity to last a lifetime and I’ll probably just vote against whatever that bullshit for the duration of my lifespan. And the issue you can’t get past is crime, I’m not alone it and I’ve never seen so many in the suburbs on the same page when it comes to that very issue. It’s enough where I can see this Zeldin/Hochul for NY Governor race possibly be an upset there. Not sure but it’s gonna be real tight but I would like to see an upset there see this state go in another direction (or I’m fucking outta here)
How about y’all out there. Whatever you beliefs, what are you thinking, what are the people saying on ground and did you vote already and if so who?
last commentOur elections are too long and are never over, it would be great if once the elections are done, we hear no more about politics until the next election, this constant cacophony of political noise, sucks and needs to end.
Everyone just needs to answer a simple question honestly. Are you better off, happier than you were in 2018/2019?
DeSantis is going to win in a landslide. His government has so been so wildly successful in what has been an unimaginable difficult four years. Hos re-election was guaranteed even before having to deal with Hurricane Ian, and he has been able to perform recovery and rebuilding efforts in record time. He has pushed back against woke corporation, liberal school boards, and fired personnel who put liberal ideals ahead of state law. It's practically unpatriotic that anyone even ran against him.
I actually didn't like him in 2018. He seemed like he was just copying Trump in a true MAGA state. He won the 2018 election by less than 1/2 percent of the vote. We had another fucking recount (required by law for such slim margins). Four years later, he has proven to be his own politician. It's smart of him to campaign for and with candidates in other states, and a sure sign that he is running for president in 2024. He needs to start building a national brand to be able to compete with the Senators and former Trump admin who are certain to also campaign in 2024.
I agree with this post 100%. To me it isn’t liberal conservative Republican Democrat anymore it’s about common sense, lack of decency and the answer to the question above is hell no I’m not better off than I was under the previous administration. Unfortunately I don’t see the race in Michigan going to the better candidate for governor as Whitless will probably be reelected. But I don’t care anymore I’m spending more and more time in Florida anyway!
Stacey Abrams during a debate in Georgia said “good ol’ boy white sheriffs want to take black people off the street”
Seriously, a candidate actually said that. Imagine if the roles were reversed
LOL @ Abrams. Yeah, she did everything she could to keep her racism and election denial hidden, but it boiled over during the debate. I would guess that the liberal elitist felt entitled to the support of those 107 sheriffs, and could only believe that racism is the only reason they didn't endorse her.
I haven't been following local Indiana politics. I live in a Congressional district that takes in the northern suburbs of Indianapolis where the Republican always wins. I like my representative, Victoria Spartz. Her only drawback is she is a Ukrainian American and spends just a little too much time working to get more aid for the Ukrainian government in its war with Russia. There are lots of other important issues we need to be focusing on too. The Republican controlled Indiana state legislature recently banned abortion and that was controversial. The majority of people here avoid one extreme or the other and want restrictions but not a complete ban. I believe in decentralization and am happy the voters in each state get to decide now.
Arizona is returning to its conservative roots. I expect a sweep of the major offices by America First candidates who are smart, articulate, and firm in their principles. Among other things, we will secure the border and take back control of our schools from the unions.
For those that are interested and wish to make a comment
DeSantis is broadly popular, including among Independents, because of his common sense approach to governance. This includes: (1) keeping things calm and sane during the COVID hysteria, including keeping people in their jobs and kids in school; (2) giving school choice to millions of children, including all of our neediest; (3) supporting and signing legislation which prevents schools from covering sexual topics with elementary school kids; (4) keeping boys out of girls locker rooms and off their contact sports playing fields; (5) supporting law enforcement during a time when too many states and cities are hamstringing them...I could go on.
What I'm seeing come out some of the blue states right now makes me think that the Dem party has collectively lost its mind. Seriously.
The problem with Trump is that his Crazy Town antics encourage the other side to react with equal craziness. It becomes a viscious swing cycle. DeSantis brings the best of all worlds IMHO - all of Trump's better policy views without the never-ending nonsense that the press can showcase as evidence of emotionally instability. When DeSantis speaks, he is matter of fact and has solid data at hand to back up his views. He also handles adversarial questions from the press in a calm and competent manner. IMHO he would be an excellent candidate for President.
Yeah I’ve been watching some debates from around the country randomly, YouTube is a wonderful thing. One that was actually pretty good but you might not expect it but the LA Sheriff’s debate. Some bombshells dropped in that one.
I think republican candidates will win many seats back. That’s a good thing, in my view. They have a more common sense approach, and that should help move the country forward.
It should be a lesson to the liberals that they have moved too far left. It should also be viewed as a message to the White House that the American public is not happy with their performance over the past few years.
DeSantis was good during the Covid epidemic. Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, was good too. She is the governor I would most like to get a lap dance from. Another politician I'd like to get a lap dance from is Tulsi Gabbard. I hate to say it but AOC is cute and I'd buy a lap dance from her. Only a strip club fan like me would look at female politicians and think about whether I would do a lap dance with them.
Despite Stacy Abrams claims of voter suppression I was able to get an absentee ballot by mail several weeks before early voting started. On the first day of voting I dropped my completed ballot into a drop box at the county elections office. In and out in a couple of minutes. I've been an independent my entire 80 years and voted on the issues I consider important.
The U.S. and the whole world is not ready for eliminating Fossil fuels. The radical left has set us back horribly and we need a change from them. I voted accordingly.
I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with a lot of you guys and fear there’s going to be a more blue that gets elected or re-elected this month than most expect. My biggest example is how on earth does Michigan re-elect their governor? Well, it’s going to happen.
There’s still a heck of a lot of blue out there. I live in a conservative state but in an extremely liberal county so I may be seeing a different view than most of you on a daily basis. The one thing I’ve read that I agree with is most Dem candidates put EVERYTHING into abortion issues and most analysts say it’ll bite them in the ass since many candidates are ignoring all other issues.
I’m in Pittsburgh a lot (a usually blue city) but surprisingly (at least to me) the Pittsburgh Post Gazette just endorsed Dr Oz.
Democrats will of course cheat massively. However, even in 2020, when the democrats cheated more massively than most can imagine, they were not able to steal the congressional races (repubs won all the close House races then, but it was not enough to retake the majority). The extra votes for POTUS introduced during the "time out" after President Trump had won re-election had ONLY the selection for President/VP. This was necessary because in House races, the available "pool" of voters to use for added claimed votes is so much smaller, it would be immediately obvious that more votes were counted per precinct than voters exist there. Therefore, the repubs will win plenty of seats in the House. Senate is harder to protect than the House, and dems stole both run-offs in GA in 2020. Difficult to tell if the dem cheating will allow them to steal enough Senate races to maintain control, and continue their deliberate destruction of the United States.
Pennsylvania has already mailed 250,000 ballots to unverified voters. So, yes, the fix may be in. Republicans are better prepared for detecting cheating than in 2020, but it will still be a factor.
Here in Ohio I'm trying to figure out which Senate candidate is the better of two bad choices since neither JD Vance or Tim Ryan are a good option.
I really wish Rob Portman would have run for reelection because neither of these two clowns are fit to replace him, but I completely understand why he was too fed up with the extreme partisan bickering from both sides and wants nothing to do with it anymore.
I expect my hardcore liberal state to elect Democrats to all state offices and the House, but I see just as many signs for the Republican gubernatorial candidate as the Democrat. It's definitely a red year.
As is characteristic of wave elections, I'm seeing late polls all break in the same direction. I expect any Senate race where the GOP is up or within 2 points to break Republican.
What should concern Democrats is that they actually have a friendly Senate map this year. 2024 they're defending seats in Trump states. On top of that, if shit doesn't improve and Dems don't do serious soul searching after their loss., voters are going to blame the Dem president rather than the GOP Congress--GOP is going to say "hey, we need our own man in the Oval Office in order to pass our agenda" which will add to their 2024 momentum. Strong 2022 + strong 2024 could equal a filibuster-proof majority. THEN the GOP agenda will be tried and judged.
Dems felt their wild oats after 2020. Went hard left, when the only reason they won the Senate was because Trump encouraged Georgia voters to protest the runoff and stay home. I never liked or felt a thrill up my leg about Obama, but he was a generational political talent who managed to align people within a progressive-ish vision. However, he wasn't a particularly effective law-passer--he played the game on "easy mode" (with 60 Dem senators) and still only got one major legislative achievement (the ACA), and Republicans ripped the guts out of it over the years. Fact is, America just isn't a progressive country. Dems are hostage to the most progressive fifth of their party that contributes most of their dollars and energy. And allergic to self-reflection.
Personally, my first priority is taking power out of the hands of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. I'll vote for whomever stops the extravagant spending, prosecutes criminals, stops the flow of illegals and fentanyl over the border, supports freedom of speech, and stands against the chemical and surgical castration of psychologically-hurting children.
@whodey when you are given two bad options for the Senate or House, you have to look past the individual to the big picture: how are they going to vote? RINOs are everywhere, but you know any Dem is going to be a rubber stamp for Pelosi/ Biden or Schumer/ Biden.
So do you want 2-6 more years of the she disastrous policies, inflation, shortages, tyranny, and hateful rhetoric? Vote democrat.
If you want a change to stop Biden's rampant failures, stem the financial crisis, and strip power from megalomaniacs like Pelosi and Schumer, then vote Republican.
I want a lap dance from Tudor Dixon up in Michigan. Maybe she'll be open to extras, it is Michigan.
President DeSantis has done an excellent job for the state of Florida the past four years. He will do an excellent job for the entire country starting in two years. He's about the only politician that I think I would work on the campaign for.
It's going to be a blue wave. How big the wave will be who knows. But most people aren't dumb enough to elect Republicans
^ Bless your heart.
^ Tetra, That may be the funniest thing I have ever read on this board .
Vote early and often, remember if you’re not cheating you’re not trying to win.
Well if Icee sees a blue wave you know Biden gets nothing done with a Republican Congress. Americans vote Republican.
Tetra - lawn signs don't vote. I'll vote for Diehl but I have no more of an illusion that he'll actually beat Healey for Governor than I did that he would beat Warren for Senator the last time around.
@crosscheck, I know and don't disagree. I voted for Diehl but this state would vote a dog turd with a D after its name. Just saying the enthusiasm is outsize.
@icee, if you think there's going to be a blue wave, I'll bet you $25,000 that the Dems lose House seats. Sure bet, right?
Republicans want to close titty bars because we should not be allowed to do anything that's sinful. Democrats want to close titty bars because they exploit the women who are too dumb to realize they are being exploited. Libertarians say go look at titties if that's your thing.
I don't gamble.
Republicans aren't offering any message other than gutting safety nets and lowering regulations to allow more private sector exploitation
I just wish here in NJ that fucking scumbag Murphy was up for re-election now instead of last year. He barely eeked out a win, and the recent anti-democrat wake up call would have been enough to throw his stupid ass out.
It does give me hope though with what happened in NJ last year. You had Murphy up by double digits in the polls and Ciaterelli got so close and it down to the wire. With Zeldin Hochul you have the polls neck and neck and one by Trafalgar today had Zeldin up. Maybe we can another Virginia 2021 thing happen.
And btw MO at least we got to see that Truck driver beat NJ senate majority speaker Steve Sweeney after spending 600 bucks on his campaign. Hell some of us have spent more on a hooker. That was awesome.
"I don't gamble."
Not spoken like someone with confidence on the matter. Of course you're just saying inflammatory shit to get attention, so--you're welcome.
Of course, Cinderella doesn't gamble. There are anal fissures more fun than he is. I don't gamble. Damn like anyone thought a dweeb would.
Saying people will bote Democrat isn't inflammatory. Neither is opposing right wing nuts.
^ The "inflammatory" part was your general nature. You're obviously attention- and drama-starved offline so you look for it here. And when you can't find it, you create it. But it is fun to work you over, especially reminding you of your many moral shortcomings.
Saying "people will 'bote' Democrat" isn't inflammatory, it's fucking stupid.
@skibum, $25,000 on the Republicans winning this election cycle isn't "gambling." Any more than betting on Steph Curry over me in a 3-point shooting contest is gambling.
I used to play a lot of blackjack, then just stopped. I prefer investing.
Even I'm georgia. Oliver will take votes away from walker which will favor Warnock.
....red wave........
@gammanu95 the problem is that while I don't like Tim Ryan's policies and I mostly vote republican I don't trust JD Vance's ethics. Normally if it was just an issue of not agreeing with either candidate on issues I would go with which ever I could find at least one major issue I agree with. But in this case I can't find any issue I agree with Ryan on and can't convince myself to trust Vance at all.
@Muddy "And btw MO at least we got to see that Truck driver beat NJ senate majority speaker Steve Sweeney"
Oh yeah... that fuckin' prick Sweeney is such a piece of shit. I was happy to see him booted out by a blue collar regular guy who never ran for office before. He probably pissed his fucking pants.
I belong to a NJ 2nd Amendment group - like 10 years ago we went down to the State House in Trenton to attend a public hearing on gun control. That jerkoff looked at us out the window and tried to order the State Police to disperse the crowd. (Okay, there were like 150 of us). End result, we all got in and took our time to address the committee one by one. It took hours.
That fucking asshole, if I never see him again it will be too soon. Fuck him.
w.r.t. politicians unfortunately it often comes down to the lesser of two evils vs how great a particular politician is.
As a saying goes:
"A second-rate firefighter is better than a first-rate arsonist"
Was looking at an articled titled:
"New Poll Predicts Disaster For Democrats A Week Before Midterms"
I thought the image attached to the article was kinda funny/clever (depending on how one is voting I would guess):
"... DeSantis is going to win in a landslide. His government has so been so wildly successful in what has been an unimaginable difficult four years. Hos re-election was guaranteed even before having to deal with Hurricane Ian ..."
"Florida GOP Registers 9 New Voters For Every New Democrat"
Kamala grabbing Uncle-Joe as he wanders-off in the wrong direction on-stage:
Glad to see the support for DeSantis over Trump.
He seems to have generally sidestepped the election denial farce. Which is smart since not only Dems but many Repubs have strong feelings about the threat Trump poses to democracy. If the next President will be Republican I'll be glad to have this guy over Trump... so far. I wonder if/how Trump will be able to concede the spotlight... it will be interesting.
The Red wave is coming and the Dems seem to be panicking:
"The longtime swing has prompted President Joe Biden to travel to Fort Lauderdale this week in a last-ditch effort to save Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist." I do not know which is funnier: that anyone thinks campaigning with Biden is helpful, or that Charlie is doing so bad that a visit from Biden can only help. Charlie is a fucking asshole, I mean a real piece of shit political hack in it only for himself. I know that statement describes 99.95% of democrat party candidates and their supporters, but Charlie is the textbook archetype.
In reading the article that Papi linked to, I also find it very heartening that so many people are registering Republican after moving to the state. This indicates that either committed Republicans are leaving the democrat strongholds up north, or former swing voters have moved to Florida to get away from the democrat failures and are committed to keeping Florida strong, free, and Republican.
"Glad to see the support for DeSantis over Trump."
@wld4tatas, you'll refer to DeSantis as Hitler too, same way the left has called every Republican in my lifetime a Nazi. Thanks but no thanks.
@tetra quoting wild4tatas
“"Glad to see the support for DeSantis over Trump."
@wld4tatas, you'll refer to DeSantis as Hitler too, same way the left has called every Republican in my lifetime a Nazi. Thanks but no thanks.”
So, when someone finds the slightest bit of common ground with you, your response is to tell him that he is lying because in the future he’ll say something you won’t like? You’re essentially saying that anyone who doesn’t share all of your views can’t ever say something you agree with? So it’s a waste of time trying to discuss or debate anything with you because your eyes and ears are closed. Got it.
Jimmy, I did not read tetras response that way, and my initial reaction to wld4assholes was pretty similar. wld4assholes is a disingenuous shill, who will parrot anything and everything he reads on motherjones. He is playing a game of divisiveness by pretending to elevate Ron over Don, then attack Ron as being identical to Don. It is as I have written before: wld4assholes is a dipshit who cannot recognize his own incompetence and idiocy. Tetra does not take him seriously because he does not deserve to be taken seriously, and his supportive words for Ron are completely insincere.
So yes, he can fuck off back to shilling for Biden. When he gets there, he can fuck off from there, too. Then fuck off some more. Keep fucking off until he is back here. The fuck off again.
Eh, maybe. Every once in a while I hope that the political discourse here is actually discourse and not just shouting opinions and when other people don’t agree, shouting louder. So far, I’ve mostly been wrong.
Jimmy, what the hell are you smoking, my friend? What discussion on here have you read which makes you think discourse is possible on TUSCL's political forum. Where are you on Gov, DeSantis. I am sure you are against his pro-business, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-parent, pro-individual liberty, anti-woke, anti-CRT, anti-illegal, anti-Brandon, law and order platform. Or are you? Enlighten me.
I’ve said it at least once on here that if he runs I’d be open to voting for him. I voted against Trump rather than for Hillary and Biden. First time I’d ever voted for a democrat in my life was 2016. I disagree with how you characterized him, but I’m with desantis on enough policy (mostly business) that I can get past most of where I’m not. The one big one for me is the court appointments. The courts have always leaned conservative but what the federalist society and McConnell did caused a lot of damage IMO. We had a slightly conservative 4-4-1 or 5-4 but open minded court for a lot of years and while I didn’t agree with everything they did, I thought they struck a fair balance. Problem is, it’s going to be a right supermajority for a long time unless the Supreme Court bus rolls over a cliff on the way to a field trip, so the president for the next few terms won’t have a way to change it. Right now though, it’s the court appointments that will likely decide for me. But who knows, we don’t even know who the candidates will be. It could be Trump and Newsome. 🤷♂️
I would vote for Newsom. If Biden runs I'm voting for the Green Party like I did last time. I'm not being coerced into the lesser of 2 evils mythos.
I don't think DeSantis resonates on a national level. He's basically a Trump clone with establishment ties.
Two parties. One is effectively saying "vote for us, we'll do whatever we want, and we'll stay in power whether you like it or not". So we've got no real choice.
If Republicans want to control all three branches in 2025, they should hope for the Dems to win the midterms. Market economies are unpredictable. But the most likely thing, no matter who wins the Midterms, is that the Fed will have to jack up rates, and cause a recession that hurts the most vulnerable people. But with divided government, voters won't be sure who to blame, so Biden or whoever may hold the White House, like Obama did is 2012. But if Dems have both the Congress and the Presidency, then the Republicans will win (everything) in 2024. Unless the recession is extremely short (unlikely). And unless the Republicans are brain dead enough to nominate Trump again instead of DeSantis or somebody. Acutally Youngkin would probably do better than DeSantis nationally.
"White House Announces Days Before Midterms That Biden Admin Will Help Pay Certain People’s Power Bills"
The Biden administration announced on Wednesday, six days before the upcoming midterm elections, that the federal government would help pay power bills for qualifying low- and moderate-income households.
The administration will provide $4.5 billion through the Department of Health and Human Services to “help lower heating costs for American families this winter,” according to a press release from the White House. The funds will cover unpaid utility payments and “help families make cost-effective home energy repairs to lower their heating and cooling bills.”
The fix is probably in:
"Arizona Judge Issues Restraining Order Against Voter Org Monitoring Drop Boxes, A Week After Ruling In Their Favor"
Just days after allowing an activist group to monitor ballot drop boxes, a federal judge issued a restraining order restricting the group’s activities.
In an order handed down Tuesday evening, judge Michael T. Liburdi of the U.S. District Court of Arizona severely curtailed the activities that members of the election activist group Clean Elections USA can engage in while monitoring drop boxes in the state. The judge also mandated that the group’s founder, Melody Jennings, must correct public statements she made about ballot drop boxes, among other orders.
According to the order, while the group is monitoring drop boxes, they are not allowed to:
intentionally be within 75 feet of a ballot drop box or a building a drop box is located in
intentionally follow voters dropping off ballots at a drop box, when voters are within the prescribed area of the drop box
speak to or yell at anyone dropping off ballots and within the prescribed area, unless they are spoken to or yelled at first
openly carry firearms or wear body armor within 250 feet of a drop box
In addition, the judge ordered Clean Elections USA to post a statement to their social media accounts, and to Jennings’s personal Truth Social account. “It is not always illegal to deposit multiple ballots in a ballot drop box,” the statement reads. “It is legal to deposit the ballot of a family member, household member, or person for whom you are the caregiver. Here are the rules for ballot drop boxes by which I ask you to abide”: the posts must be accompanied by a copy of Arizona’s ballot drop box law, or a web link to the text of the law, along with a copy of or link to the restraining order itself.
The judge then ordered Jennings to post a separate message on her personal Truth Social account. “Any past statement that it is always illegal to deposit multiple ballots in a ballot drop box is incomplete; a family member, household member, or caregiver can legally do so.”
The restraining order will last for 14 days.
The order comes less than a week after Liburdi ruled in favor of Clean Elections USA, allowing them to keep monitoring ballot drop boxes after two liberal activists groups, the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and Voto Latino, sued to stop the group from monitoring the drop boxes, claiming that it was violating the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act.
“Defendants have not made any statements threatening to commit acts of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals,” Liburdi wrote, citing public statements Jennings made urging volunteers to to follow the law and remain outside the mandatory 75-foot radius of the drop box, and not to interact with alleged “ballot mules” at the drop boxes. “Defendants’ conduct does not fall into any traditionally recognized category of voter intimidation,” Liburdi added.
“While there are serious questions implicated, the Court cannot provide preliminary injunctive relief without infringing core constitutional rights,” Liburdi wrote in his conclusion. However, he left the case open for future litigation, writing in his conclusion that Arizona Alliance could sue in future if they could prove that Clean Elections USA was engaging in actual voter intimidation.
^ looks like the judge got pressured from on-high - he's even going as far as telling these folks what they have to write on social-media; unbelievable (I doubt he'd treat Dems that way).
I don't even know how/why they are allowing these drop-boxes - AFAIK they are supposed to be "camera-monitored" but in 2020 many weren't or the recording-equipment "conveniently malfunctioned" - sure; not everyone that uses the drop-boxes is up to shenanigans; but they open the opportunity for those that are - it seems there is the possibility there won't be any oversight at many of these drop-boxes.
"New York Appeals Court Rejects GOP Challenges To COVID-Era Absentee Voting Laws"
With one week left before the election, a New York appeals court declined Republican groups’ challenges to New York’s absentee voting laws established during the pandemic.
The New York Appellate Division, Third Department ruled in two cases: Amedure v. New York and Cavalier v. Warren County Board of Elections. The court upheld laws allowing absentee ballots for fear of contracting COVID or other illnesses, requiring ballot processing before Election Day, and preventing legal challenges to processed ballots. The court stated that the Republican petitioners procrastinated too long to file their legal challenge in Amedure, and that granting relief would result in prejudice against certain voters. The court dismissed the Cavalier argument of unconstitutionality.
^ the measure were supposed to be temporary in 2020 b/c of Covid - now the Dems want to make them permanent changing long-standing NY voting-law.
Almost impossible for Republicans to have a chance when the Dems keep changing the rules and the judges in those areas keep letting them do so - our elections are becoming a joke.
Stalking voters while open carrying a gun, how could anyone have a problem with that? People who use their gun rights irresponsibly are the biggest threat to broad public support for gun rights.
Another day, another batch of nonsense from some of the right wing posters here. I'm not about to call DeSantis Hitler or anything else. I have never called any Republican a name like that. I am generally more focused on policy than personality. For the record I didn't have much of an issue with Bush. But I hugely disagreed with his tax cuts, which as usual for Republican tax cuts highly favored the wealthy, and didn't pay for themselves.
The one or two jokers here who think they know me are hilarious. They only demonstrate their own weak grasp on reality. I do a lot of research, something I enjoy, and perhaps it might come across like I am some operative or shill... lol. But my posts and opinions are my own, I do not play any game, except if you want to call exposing right wing bullshit a game.
Tatras is so fucking dumb its funny. "Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves" lol. No shit. They aren't supposed to. All a tax cut is, is the government taking less of a person or company's money. As far as research? Reading The Daily Beast, Slate, NYT and WAPO, is reading the same opinion, devoid of facts, 4 times, not research.
That is what I mean when wld4assholes is too stupid and too biased to recognize his own idiocy.
Someone once made the argument that you can identify incompetence, because the subject is unable to recognize his (or her) own shortcomings and failures. Hillary and Barry are great examples of this- they were each complete and utter disasters in their respective roles, yet each believes they did so well that they should be rewarded with greater responsibility. Biden also fits this mold, but he at least used to have the self-awareness to describe himself as a gaffe machine. Long before his current demented state.
Everything wld4assholes posts is false, not even a half-truth. Now he wants to be given credibility because he states he credible. No, not at all, buddy. You are as plain and transparent as a dancer's desire for my bankroll. The "right-wing jokers" you fear on this site do know you, liberal shills like you are a dime a dozen. You want to be labelled an "operative", LOL. You are a child, with a child's mind and a child's opinions playing a child's game.
The early voting numbers for New York show FAR fewer votes from NYC, relative to 2020, while traditionally red parts of the state are over performing.
Similarly, in traditionally blue South Florida, it looks like Miami will have a Republican majority based on a surge of Republican registrations.
The Real Clear Politics analysis, an aggregation of all polls, shows Republicans will control the House, perhaps by a margin of 50 seats.
Similarly, Republican prospects for controlling the Senate with at least 52 seats are very good.
Then, in 2024, there are far more Democrat Senate seats up for re-election than Republican. Republicans should increase their Senate majority in 2024.
Tax cuts paying for themselves is a core right wing talking point. These guys are so lost they don't even realize their own party's economic positions. I love how one makes his ignorant post confidently, and the other quickly jumps in to say see this is what I mean.
"We have $21 trillion in debt. When this [tax cut] really kicks in we’ll start paying off that debt like water." – President Trump, July 26, 2018
"We are totally confident this is a revenue-neutral bill and probably a revenue producer.” – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Dec. 3, 2017
“Our analysis has always been higher than CBO. As I’ve said previously, we believe that the tax cuts will pay for themselves over a 10-year period of time, it’s how we score them,” - Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, February 12, 2020
I loved creepy sleepy demented Uncle Joe's speech last night. I was thrilled to hear him repeatedly harp on old and debunked theories about the Republican party and about Trump and about MAGA behavior. I hope every voter in America saw his speech last night. Because every voter in America, except for maybe wild4assholes, does not care about these old and debunked theories about the Republican party or Donald Trump. Not once did he mention the inflation which his party is allowing to run out of control. Not once did he mention the supply chain shortages which his party allowed to begin and did absolutely nothing to address. Not once did he mentio the pain and suffering and lawlessness at the Southern border which he and his administration created and ignored. He has not mentioned the wave of crime that is sweeping across every major city and many rural areas in this nation. He demonstrated as clearly and thoroughly as humanly possible that he has absolutely no clue what the voters in this nation care about, and absolutely no intention of acknowledging it, much less fixing any of them. Next Tuesday is going to be be a historic, beautiful disaster for the democrat party; and I plann to dine on liberal tears all week long.
What kind of retard posts Reuters as a real source lol. In any event I am so pumped for the midterms. It's amazing and it has everything to do with geography. I always watch election night from my home in the people's republic of Massachusetts. Noe of the races here in this totalitarian shithole means anything, so watching local news sucks. This year I am landing in Miamai Tuesday night and can watch local news from Florida City in a state where the local elections mean something. Nothing like Ghost Train Haze, Pinot Noir and politics.
"Conservative down the line and really not something I had to think about hard at all"
A Conservative voter that doesn't think... that's not at all surprising.
Honestly here it's all local and statewide propositions. The races I'm watching are Sheriff, city council and some of the statewide propositions.
Dems seem under motivated, so Republicans should have a decent night, but I expect Hershel and Doctor Oz to lose and ruin the Republican chance of taking the Senate. So we are looking at two years of gridlock which the stock market normally likes.
A douchebag from Colorado is about as unique as sand at the beach.
"... Conservative down the line and really not something I had to think about hard at all ..."
Unfortunately that is pretty-much the only way to go given the state of things - the two parties are very divided and seem to have very different views of what American should be - it's rare any one politician votes against his party (or at least in any significant #) - if one votes Dem then it's pretty-much voting for the current Biden administration agenda - that's just the reality w/ few exceptions.
@Papi, agree. Even Manchin and Sinema eventually fell in line.
I'd wish the GOP had more of a concrete agenda, a Contract With America type agenda, but for any congressperson it's a binary choice. You're for the Biden agenda or against it. Vote accordingly.
Deplorable be like....
^ When I'm disagreeing with the woman-beating, woman-addicting, manipulating, thieving, lying pimp who thinks leftist views make him superior, I know I'm on the right track.
Ski. PC, and Tetra are right, there is really no choice as a freedom-loving patriot and citizen of the Republic (we do NOT live in a democracy) except to vote straight ticket Republican. Normally, I would try to find one or two democrats to vote for or a Republican to vote against, but not this year. I just pushed REP every time I saw it. fuck the democrat party. If there were a single democrat who had a backbone and really wanted to fight for the working class, good government, and equality, I could vote for them. Instead, they all just push a woke agenda, high taxes, and no freedom allowed.
Heard on the evening news: "During the press briefing next Wednesday, after the Red Tsunami, will Fox News' Peter Doocy ask KJP. 'Does this mean democracy is dead in America?'" LOL. I hope he does.
Don't worry Dems, after all your loser candidates lose, you can look forward to seeing them again VERY soon.
To put it more succinctly; given the political-divide; when it comes to the general election (vs a primary); one is pretty-much relegated to voting for the party vs the particular politician.
@scrub - I think you're upset because you posted a few times looking for a reply, and I didn't answer. Honestly there is too much nonsense posted here for me to keep up with. Go ahead what did you want me to answer - promise I'll reply.
Biden had good messaging last night. He clearly called out the threat to democracy from MAGA, which most Americans agree with, according to polls. In addition the MAGA crowd seems to have a disproportionate amount of vitriol, hate and lack of respect for fellow Americans who don't agree with them. We can see that right here on TUSCL. The MAGA leader, Trump, recently posted that Mitch McConnell had a death wish, and is on the attack again today by suggesting McConnell be impeached if he doesn't do as Trump says. Just like with Pence, they will even go after their own party if they feel they have to.
"Biden had good messaging last night."
If by "good" you mean "reassuring to Democrats," then sure.
Out in the real world, Trump hasn't been president for two years, and still hasn't been reinstated at his favorite platform. He's off fucking around with his social media wet dreams that are going nowhere.
Out in the real world, January 6 is just another day, not this Pearl Harbor or 9/11 equivalent that Dem muckety-mucks seem to think it is.
But most of all, out in the real world, Dems have had the trifecta for two years while the American people are hurting from inflation, illegal immigration, and crime. Kathy Hochul made her strategic blunder by asking her GOP opponent why it's so important to lock up criminals. In the face of that, good luck getting the American people to chase an abstract "democracy's in danger." It's telling how the Dems are complaining that the American people are too stupid to share their priorities of abortion and "threats to democracy." All the GOP needs to repeat is Reagan's line of "are you better off than you are (two) years ago?"
When the final tallies are in, I can't wait for Doocy, or one of the other non-lackey journalists, to ask if the US is still a "democracy." Psaki was at least a skilled liar. KJP is outmatched.
Biden spoke with ridiculous histrionics and the same weak nonsense that nobody wants to hear except for hardcore liberals. It used to be that when a President spoke of grave dangers and history changing moments, he was speaking with real gravity about some imminent external threat or some other matter of truly dire consequence. Now we have a President who throws around so much shrill hyperbole that almost nobody takes him seriously except his most ardent supporters. What a truly depressing sight to see a President behaving in that manner.
While I'm not registered to vote there, I have been spending a lot of time recently at a beach house in Florida. I see 10 DeSantis commercials to every 1 for Charlie Crist. Most of the people I talk to have contempt for Crist, but no one can really articulate why. Usually just "career politician" but isn't that true of most. I lived in Florida in the 80's and again during Jeb's early years. I recall Chain gang Charlie as a Republican Governor that won following Bush. Can some of the Florida TUSCL guys explain to me how Crist is not a conservative to centrist candidate. Compared to the dope snorting, gay escort hiring, OD in a motel room mayor that came way too close to a win four years ago, this seems like an election with no down side.
Maga is basically a white supremacist threat. Their ideology is directly related to domestic terrorism
Both parties suck and are dedicated to ensuring that their corporate donors continue to fill their pockets at the common man's expense regardless. The only "difference" is a handful of social issues they've used the media to stir folks up with that don't really matter to most people's day-to-day lives and most importantly don't impact profits or require structural change. I can't really complain, it's my pockets they are filling too as I've dealt with both parties for years and while some reps are better than others it has nothing to do with their party affiliation.
That being said, the election denier types need to be voted down at every chance. Red or Blue, we need at least some semblance of democracy which if they get their way we won't have. They will lead the US down a very, very dark path. If my choice is between the pronoun police or traitors doing the work of an adversary with a red, white, and blue flag of its own... then I guess I'm going straight ticket pronoun. I'd toss DeSantis a vote, potentially, but that's not my state.
A better path for all of us would be to outlaw parties altogether, implement rank choice voting and make each politician stand on their own merits and their position on local issues, but it's basically a glorified football game now where the fans are too stupid to even understand the rules, much less the nuance of the game.
Out in the real world, Trump is on the election trail supporting candidates that share his election-denial views and are mostly likely to be loyal to him down the road. He is waiting to see how well these candidates fare before deciding whether he will run in 2024. If he does, absolutely that will be a concern to Dems and to many Republicans as well who care about democracy. Liz Cheney has it right.
2)Outlaw political parties? That's crazy talk. They go back to the founding of the Union. While it can be frustrating that each party has rigid positions and punishes officials for voting and acting contrary to those guidelines, it does help to understand at least a basic outline of a candidate's beliefs. I actually voted this year that school boards be made a partisan election so I know who will fight against teaching hate and CRT in schools. What we should do is vote to change the leadership of the parties, similar to Reagan's GOP, to allow more diersity in thought but similar priorities. And ranked choice would just be a fucking disaster, not only no, but hell no.
Christ was most probably a liberal. He has been called a long-haired radical socialist jew in the past. https://youtu.be/yY3HUDhe7jk
I was talking about CRIST. Chain gang Charlie. Former Republican Governor. Now if you consider Jeb Bush to be a liberal, I imagine you feel the majority of Republican candidates over the last 20 or so years to also be RINOs. Think Dole, W, Romney, McCain. That was the thinking of the Tea Party faction of the party. My question was: While Crist is certainly to the left of Rand Paul, he historically would not fit in the party of Bernie and AOC. What the hell happened that he is now the Dem nominee and almost universally hated by Republicans in the State?
First off Crist was never that popular with the Republican party and then he went to the other side. The baseball analogy is Johnny Damon, the beloved Red Sox centerfielder who later went to the Yankees and was savagely booed every time. His name is mentioned as much now in baseball chat as the Unabomber's.
The ides the pos group known as democrats care about democracy is hysterical since letting poverty stricken, illiterate illegals stream in to collect welfare and then vote Democrats, already ended democracy here. They also are in favor of mail in voting a.k.a cheating. registering people to vote if they just show up, also known as cheating. Ballot drop boxes, the epitome of cheating and buying votes at polling places, cheating.
Every crisis in this country the left enhances and makes worse as they continue the quest to destroy America and replace it with their ideal form of Government and society as illustrated in 1984.
"If he does, absolutely that will be a concern to Dems and to many Republicans as well who care about democracy."
Only in James Clyburn's little head. In no major poll does "democracy" outweigh inflation and the economy.
Speaking of Trump loyalists, how's that Dem effort to fund Kari Lake's primary campaign thinking she'd be easy prey in the general? LOL. If they really believed Trump and MAGA Republicans were a threat to democracy, they wouldn't be funding them.
Everyone sees through this.
I’m looking forward to the days after the elections. The constant commercials for the candidates is annoying.
I never thought I’d say this, but I’m looking forward to the non-political commercials!!
I think I'll miss seeing Kathy Hochul's stupid fucking face cause it makes me laugh. I've seen better looking rats crawling around in the subway.
I swear if she somehow wins, I'll never set foot in New York again, not because of the crime rate, but for fear of being around people who voted for that fucking mess.
"... ‘If He Doesn’t Kill Himself, I Will!’: Chicago Man Threatens To Skin Illinois Republican Alive, Feed His Family To Him ..."
Images A Chicago resident has been arrested and charged after he allegedly threatened Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey, promising to skin him alive and then feed his family to him.
Scott Lennox, 21, made the threats on Friday after an ad for Bailey ran on a television in a bar where he was having a drink with some friends, prosecutors said according to the Chicago Sun Times. Lennox reportedly became angry after the ad played, sparking an altercation with his friends — after which he called Bailey’s office in Springfield, IL, to complain further.
Prosecutors revealed some of what Lennox allegedly said in the voicemail:
“I’m going to skin Darren Bailey alive, making sure he is still alive, and I’m going to feed his fing family to him as he is alive and screaming in fing pain … He is a piece of white a** racist s***, and honestly if he doesn’t kill himself, I will.
You know what? I know where he lives. I know where he sleeps. I know where his kids sleep. And I know the fing school he works at … the candidate teaching all this mother fing misinformation is going to die. So honestly he should just kill himself before anything else happens.
^ if the roles were reversed (a Republican threatening a Democrat) we'd never hear the end of it and all the MAGA accusations by the media
A guy like that has friends?
^^^ pic of the perp:
A republican has done it. The nut who attacked Paul pelosi
^an illegal alien, the new democratic party base.
The Dark Heart of the Republican Party Embracing the politics of sadism, the GOP base hits a new low.
I see DeSantis released an election video that portrays him as being sent by God.
^ another triggered snowflake, LMAO
Early voting in Florida has more Republican votes than Democrat for the first time ever. Red wave is real.
Democrats: Abortion and Orange Man are the biggest issues in 2022.
Voters: I don’t think so, Sparky!
Arizona, Ohio, Washington, New Hampshire, Nevada, Georgia, Colorado Senate are tied and look like they could flip from Dem to Rep.The momentum is with the Republican candidate in each state. Looks like all current Republican seats will hold. That would put the Senate at 57 Republican, 43 Democrat.
My biggest concern w.r.t. the red-wave is democratic strongholds like Philly, Fulton County in GA, etc; taking multiple-days for the count where entire states, and even other countries, manage to do it in one day - i.e. there could be shenanigans and a post-election shit-show w.r.t. the count in some areas mainly Dem urban areas; and possibly end-up w/ a 2020+-scenario where the Republican is winning on election night; they stop the count; then the next day "oh wow the Dem makes a great comeback"
The Pennsylvania Department of State issued a memo on Friday telling election officials in all counties that a "widespread outage" is impacting Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) services. This means that the voter databases, as maintained by the state, is essentially non-functioning as election day approaches.
SURE is the state-wide system to maintain accurate voting records that county election officials can rely on when managing and facilitating polling places in their counties.
Part of the Dems playbook is to change election laws/norms, sometimes illegally so (e.g. having a leftist-judge or court change election-law where only the state-legislature is allowed-to; etc), then attack/smear anyone that complains
So Papi, what system do you propose that would prevent this alleged (without any actual facts) cheating?
Other than baldly just claiming victory, the only alternative that I know of that Republicans have offered was the "Cyber Ninjas" recount in Arizona. They ignored lots of criticism for lack of transparency, and lack of security for ballots and voting equipment. They're competency can be questioned, but not their basic honorability, since they did confirm Biden's victory.
Did you ever consider that maybe there are just more voters per vote counter in some places, so it takes longer? https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2022/05/23/poll-worker-shortage-across-metro-atlanta-day-before-primary-election/ In all these cases where it's claimed that it took "too long" to count votes, deadlines specified by state law were met.
So Trump appointed lots of "leftist" judges did he? You might grok this whole reality thing better if you cut back on the brain-cell-killing smotherings by well-endowned booties.
Good to see somebody finally getting arrested for making these cowardly anonymous death threats. Note that the arrest was made in a very Blue city in a Blue state. Time for the Red states to step up.
Yes, the WI supreme court did rule ballot drop boxes illegal, even though mail-in ballots are explicitly required to be available under state law. Drop boxes are video monitored, and the ballots are under video surveillance whenever handled from the time they're remove from the drop box. I don't see how any honest person could claim that's less secure than mailed in ballots. I mean, suppose a court said the government can read your e-mail, because the 4th Amendment only says you have to be secure in your "papers". Dangerous to be cool with stupid nitpicks by partisan judges, just because they work in your favor in one particular case.
For decades, Democrats could count on a 1% or 2% margin of cheating. In 2020, the unlimited mail in voting, sending out ballots to everyone, made the potential for cheating unlimited. Millions of duplicate ballots were circulating and available.
The solution to reduce cheating is simple. Anyone who wants a mail in ballot must request it by including a photocopy of their Picture ID. That’s close to the way things worked pre-Covid.
^ the solution to cheating is simple, vote early and vote often. “if you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying! “
The federal debt limit will be reached next month. If Congress doesn’t authorize an increase, there would be a governmental shutdown of “non essential” service. This would reduce government spending by hundreds of billions. Most Americans would see no change in their lives except for parks being close, a pause in passport processing, etc.
In addition, Congress must pass an annual spending authorization for anything government does. They could cut overall government spending, or defund entire departments. Republicans have already said they will stop sending money to Ukraine. Biden would have no alternative but to accept these cuts.
Once Republicans are in control, this is their lever to force Biden to carry out an actual inflation reduction initiative. This would do more to cut inflation than what the Fed is doing.
Forcing a government shutdown really didn’t work so well last time you idiots pulled it, do it now and you’ll unleash all kinds of problems, maybe even cause a depression.
The best way to ensure elections are transparent and free from fraud include common-sense reforms. The first is voter IDs. If you cannot prove that you are the registered voter you claim to be, then you should not be allowed to vote/your ballot should not be counted. Anyone who denies that is promoting election fraud.
Early voting should be limited. Sunday-Saturday prior to the election Tuesday. If you cannot break free at least one of those seven days, then you are not trying.
All ballots must be received by the time pools close. Counting of early votes and mail-in ballots should begin as soon as the pools open. All ballots must be tallied on Election Tuesday. There is absolutely no reason that counting should take days.
No mail-in ballots without a compelling reason (e.g. away at college). Require a photocopy of a current and valid photo ID to be included with ballot.
Make ballot harvesting illegal.
Make Election Day a federal holiday. Not everyone would be given the day off by their employer, but there are a lot of people who would be freed up to vote on election day.
Why is the democrat party and liberals against this? Because it erodes their ability to commit election fraud and
"Forcing a government shutdown really didn’t work so well last time you idiots pulled it". Wrong as usual, 25. Repeat after Mark Twain, “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt.” Now, make that your mantra.
Government shutdowns require both parties to fail to compromise. It is intellectually dishonest (you and other liberals' specialty) to blame only one side. Interesting how this only happen when a democrat party chief is in the White House, though.
As far as triggering a depression, it sounds like you are trying to revision history before it happens. A despression is likely, but that is only because your fellow demented old fools (Biden, Pelosi, Schumer) are unable to govern effectively and implement the policies necessary to promote broad fiscal stability like, say, DONALD TRUMP. Yeah, he was orange and very tough to tolerate, but he oversaw a rising tide of financial growth which benefitted all Americans, regardless of race, creed, color, or party. Your guys have thrown it all away in the name of pandering and equity. No, the democrat party will achieve a depression all on their own.
Um 25, when you call people idiots for shutting down the government you include those you support because it takes both sides, not just one. Sorry to have to correct your error. Technically it would be Biden who failed to accept the will of Congress causing the depression.
With the potential for world war looming in the Ukraine, the Chinese military buildup continuing, anyone who causes a potential loss of “the full faith and credit of the United States” is an idiot, There’s no technically anything if we default the consequences are unpredictable.
The Great Depression should have lasted 2 years, tops. Markets crash, businesses fail, then the economy grows back. Instead, it lasted 12 years because FDR increased the size of government and attempted to micro manage the economy. You know, Socialism.
A reduction in the size of government would not “ cause a depression”. Just the opposite. It would reduce inflation and energize the entrepreneurial spirit.
^ Theory is nice, opinions are all over the place, say what you like opine however you wish. The Great Depression was a real event, just because you theorize about what should have been done or who did what wrong and when or why, the actual event was real and lasted longer than anyone expected at the time. Want a real life lesson from what happened, don’t start stupid events by thinking you know everything and the other guy knows nothing
The consequences are real not theoretical.
Since WWII, we’ve been the World’s policeman. If trouble breaks out anywhere, we intervene. That has cost hundreds of thousands of US lives and trillions of dollars. Now that the Soviet Union is gone, and Communist China is collapsing, there is no justification for this. Why do we maintain 14 aircraft carrier battle groups ?
We spend $1 Trillion per year on the military. If we decided the military’s job was simply to protect the US and trade routes with our allies, we could do this for a fraction of that.
Beyond that, the massive Education Department accomplishes nothing. The added 80,000 IRS will simply add red tape for small business. The CIA and State Department bureaucracies are massive and are used to meddle in other countries affairs. The FDA spends more effort protecting big Pharma than protecting consumers. And on and on.
Shrinking the federal government is the best thing we can do.
^ Great ideas, who is going to implement them ?
OMFG mark is channeling Putin. He would love this proposal
We are energy independent and food independent. Whether Putin dies, conquers Ukraine, or resigns doesn’t matter to us.
Who gives a shit about Putin ? Why are you obsessed with him ?
^ That’s what Charles Lindbergh said about Adolph Hitler and Germany, just before Pearl Harbor was attacked sucking us in to WWII
Mark also thinks Trump won the election. One income is better than 2. And inflation is good.
This is why history is an important subject in education.
I'm open to discussing the exact dollar amount of the defense budget, but a full pull back from international activity would inevitably lead to an expansion of totalitarian and communist regimes. Fortunately, support for defense spending and focused international involvement such as Ukraine is strong among both Dems and Repubs.
After women and travel, supporting Ukraine has been my #3 top category of discretionary spending this year.
A pull back by the US would lead to more regional conflict and force Europe and Japan to increase their defense spending. Both those things would have little impact on the US.
Why should we subsidize the world ? America First.
Bidens proxy war needs to end.
My main concerns are Inflation Affordable housing scarcity Womens reproductive rights Homelessness Corrupt judges Corrupt police
And any candidate who opposes corporate welfare and handouts to businesses. As well as opposes bidens war and bloated defense budgets
Also the commodification of environmentalism
I agree with Mark that the US spends too much money outside of our own borders. I do not agree with the solution of full pullback and isolationism. Its an awfully conplex problem.
The largest obstacle to withdrawal is that China is expanding. China's belt and road initiative is the worst kind of predatory lending. However, the US can only counter by spending granting and lending, as well. The most important question we need to ask our leaders is this: if one of the most successful tactics in the defeat of the Soviet Union was to outspend them, if it possible that China is doing the same to us?
We also need to maintain our overseas bases. Aircraft carriers are great, but they can only be part of a multi-faceted solution. We need the bases in Japan, Italy, Germany, RoK to complete our projection of power. It would be damned nice if that demented old fool hadn't given away Bagram.
We do need to spend only our treaty obligations to NATO and demand our allies meet their obligations, or else. We should withdraw from any failed or sham UN program. Frankly, we should kick all the fuckers out. We should also trim spending inside our borders (goodbye, PBS, NPR, Ad Council, NEA, DOEd, et al). Government employees go to the Obamacare exchanges. No federal pensions, you get a 401(k) like the rest of us.
As for America first, nothing gets exported until our domestic needs are met first. No foreign ownership of land, except for strictly regulated domestic partnerships. No birthright citizenship.
These steps are so self-evident, and some so easy to implement, that corruption and greed can be the only explanation for why they are not active. The first step to solve those will never happen. Term limits.
Mark94 seems to be stuck in some time warps. To wit:
"14 Carrier Battle Groups>" Huh ? US hasn't had that many since Reagans 2nd term. Try 10. While we have 11 carriers in commission now, there are only 10 carrier air wings. At any given moment, 1 carrier is in overhaul of some sort.
"Energy Independent". Really ? I seem to recall President Biden some weeks ago BEGGING Opec to increase oil production. If the Republicans win Congress in a few days, IMO we'll move back towards energy independence. I,m optimistic we'll be energy independent again if Republicans regain the Presidency. Such energy independence is a strong plus for our national security, and in reducing inflation.
To include something like corrupt judges and corrupt police on a list of most important issues is laughable. The police kill about 20 unarmed white people and 10 unarmed black people per year, and most of those unarmed people still used their fists or other methods to attack them first. The problem with cops is actually that they aren’t catching more criminals, and that the job can promote laziness and unwillingness to pursue them harder.
And unless a cop has a personal problem with someone, nobody is getting fraudulently framed for drug usage/selling or stealing.
To include corrupt judges and cops (who affect less than a few hundred people per year) in lists of things that affect millions of people, means you just have a personal problem with cops and judges. The people in high school who hated cops and judges the most were wannabe gangstas copying their favorite celebrity musician, or they were drug dealers. Some of these people literally got arrested for dealing or for stealing then complained about how cops are corrupt.
There’s so many thieves, so many drug dealers and users that cops just don’t need to frame people for those things.
Gammanu if no birthright citizenships then how? Each person has to apply for citizenship?
“China is expanding.”
China is in deep, deep shit.
They have a lot of ships but they all have a range of under 1,000 miles. They can’t protect the shipping lanes from the Middle East. All it would take to crush China economically is a single destroyer positioned between India and Saudi Arabia to stop oil imports.
Demographically, they have relatively few people of working age and a ballooning number of retirees. Average wages have skyrocketed. Many countries, including Mexico, have cheaper labor. Companies are fleeing China as fast as they can set up operations elsewhere.
Financially, their real estate and banking industry has collapsed. They have no capacity for manufacturing micro chips except for the very cheapest and least powerful. The embargo on selling chips to China means entire industries can no longer produce goods.
FFS energy independence? Do you not understand that we are capitalists and our oil companies are not state owned, while those of OPEC, Russia and Venezuela are? Unless you’re planning to tell the oil companies they can’t export and sell their oil, this is not a presidential issue. Stating what should be obvious, is a global commodity and OPEC has controlled its price for fifty years by controlling production. Now that they are in league with Russia, it just gives them greater control over the price. The US oil companies are LOVING this by the way. They are producing as much oil as possible and selling it at high prices thanks to OPEC. Is oil company profits are through the roof.
That should’ve been “US oil company profits are through the roof.”
Ignorant bitch.
Depending on where you are. Elected judges can appoint hearing masters. While the positions are non partisan in name. They're heavily vested in special interests. For example an attorney who defended the real estate lobby being appointed a hearing master for eviction court. Then the role of the police union in backing certain judges.
Police corruption affects anyone with the potential to have contact with the police for whatever reason. And also affects the departments backing of and relation to politicians.
You're a sheltered little bitch running his mouth on here
It is difficult and expensive to transport natural gas except through pipelines. Yes, the natural gas found in the US can be sold to other countries but only at a much higher price than gas provided to US consumers using available pipelines. The same holds true for coal and oil, to a lesser extent.
In times of military conflict, this becomes a much bigger issue. Look at what’s happening to energy and food in Europe. They are chopping down ancient forests in Germany to get through the winter.
That’s what I mean by energy and food independence. Unlike most of the world, we don’t have to worry that our food and energy supplies can be threatened.
Yep Biden mentioned in his speech in Philly this weekend, that the top oil companies made 100 Billion in the last two quarters.
Oil companies post massive profits as consumers feel squeeze from high gas prices https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/oil-companies-post-massive-profits-as-consumers-feel-squeeze-from-high-gas-prices
As long as the democratic base is suffering I don't mind paying extra.
Skibitch lay off the morning whiskey. Dumb cuck.
People in red states are tge most hurt by inflation/greed. They have the lowest wages and least social safety nets. That's what makes the republican base so tragic. They vote against their economic self interests because Republicans cater to their bigoted backward identity politics
Do the windfall profits mean that strippers are banking big in Houston, Dallas, and smaller cities and towns in the Texas Oil Patch?
New analysis comparing salaries paid specific congressional staff positions in September 2022 with September 2021 shows an overall increase of 23 percent, according to new report from the House Chief Administrative Officer.
Only a useless cum stain who would kill himself over a hooker spitting in his face would think that smart people accept handouts. Blue staters are weak, pathetic, tragic leeches who accept handouts. Red staters are proud people willing to live a lesser life they earn, than a better life being a thief and beggar and living off others like the democratic base. Democratic base = no pride, no shame, no skills, no nothing...
Skibitch. You aren't an attorney. You're too stupid. You just said people living in poverty in red states like it and prefer it to a better life. That their loyalty to Republicans who fuck them over surpasses their self interest 🤡
NBC has been tracking the early mail in ballots by party.
Percentage breakdown by party in this order: Democrat-Republican-independent:
Georgia: 49-42-9
Pennsylvania: 70-21-9
Wisconsin: 37-34-29
Arizona: 39-31-30
North Carolina: 39-31-30
New York: 58-24-18
Wash State: 58-30-12
New Mexico: 53-34-13
New Hampshire: 45-30-25
Michigan: 50-28-22
What does this likely men ? In 2020, Democrats had the overwhelming lead among mail in ballots while Republicans had an overwhelming lead among in person ballots. Plus, Independents leaned Democrat in 2020 but polling indicates that Independents ( I.e. Suburban Moms ) are leaning Republican in 2022.
Based on that, mail in tallies suggest Republicans will have a very good day tomorrow, though Pennsylvania is raising red flags.
Lets take a pledge, after tomorrow no more political posts, I'm sick and tired of politics Who's with me ?
Per @Mark94’s post – that huge difference in mail-in-ballots is concerning – I really don’t understand why there would be that significant a difference in “certain states” w.r.t. mail-in vs in-person ballots (assuming the in-person stats are not as lobsided) – I’m sure it can be “explained away multiple ways” but I really can’t see why Dems would overwhelmingly “vote by mail” vs GOPers
The mail in process was dramatically eased in most states in 2020 due to CoVid. Many states decided to mail ballots to everyone on voter registration. Dead people. People who moved years ago. Some apartments got ballots for 10 or more people. What happened to all these ballots ?
Funny, but now that CoVid is behind us, few of these states have gone back to the long standing practice of only mailing ballots to people who request them.
I wonder why ?
Victor Davis Hanson describes the insanity of the last 2 years. We were their lab rats.
VDH is like the smartest dude out there.
He sounds lost in the far right insanity
VDH is a bit red meat-ish, but he's fundamentally accurate.
The left cannot defend its last two years' failures, and is instead trying to deflect to "democracy is at stake!"
A vote for Democrats today is a vote to speed up on the path of the last two years.
I've mostly stayed out of this thread, probably didn't even read some of the posts but I've been wanting to ask this question for awhile now. I hate to bring up his name but do you guys recall randumbmember aka rumdumoron?
Seriously is wld4testes the reincarnation of that dipshit rumdumoron? Same incessant koolaid drinking comments taken from the leftist playbook. I see his comments here and there on the board and it's always the same old same old. He's like an automated bot.
I thought Trump was the great satan and if we just got rid of him "everything would go back to normal" - they got their LDK and got Trump out by any means necessary including framing-him; but now if u vote for any Republican "it's a threat to Democracy" -
Now if u vote for any Republican it's a "threat to Democracy" - never mind that it's almost a given for a newly-elected president to lose the Congress on his first mudterm - to the best of my knowledge only one president in the last 60-years has not lost his first midterm-election and that was George W Bush in 2002 and many say it was bc 9/11 had just happened and the country was rallying around the president - even the golden-boy Obama got shellacked in his first-midterm - power-grab anyone? -
Tatas has been a member since 2011, so that would be some deep sleeper alias if it was. I’ve mostly stayed out too, but the koolaid drinking comments don’t solely belong to the left. Half of the people think the other half is batshit crazy. Neither side can be convinced otherwise.
I've never called anyone a threat to democracy, but what is a genuine threat to democracy is the lack of civility in our politics, we really need to relearn how to disagree without being disagreeable. This lack of civility is what is perceived to be a threat, and depending on your personality, the response to that lack of civility, is either returned aggression, or fear of the other side, neither is healthy for our country as a whole.
BTW in a democracy neither side ever gets what they wanted completely, if compromises aren't reached, conflict is never resolved.
Oh, and I should’ve checked before posting but randommember’s account is still there, so tatas isn’t a username change. Random hasn’t logged into the site since March so it’s probably just a case of him going away.
@Jimmy Random used to say he posted his reviews under a different screen name, so it's actually quite possible but I have very little actual information about Random.
I think what happened in Arizona in 2020, with the "Cyber Ninjas", captures the danger from the Trump-dominated Republican Party. They didn't propose a transparent recount with more safeguards against actual cheating. They substituted a procedure that was less transparent and more prone to cheating. Even when this bad process confirmed Biden's victory, they STILL continue to insist they KNOW they won. I don't think Arizona Republicans are a fringe, I think they are mainstream Republicans. If we end up with a government that's only willing to hold sham elections, the US will go down the toilet.
@ilbbaicnl are you fucking retarded? (Rhetorical question we know you are.) Reports out of Maricopa County is at least 20% of voting centers voting tabulators don't work. They have done nothing to increase any confidence thar they are competent or trustworthy of holding an election.
I love how Dems like Clyburn insist 2020 was the most secure election ever, with all its new procedures and accommodations for the pandemic.
The Dem slogan for this election should be "who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes?"
'Tatas has been a member since 2011, so that would be some deep sleeper alias if it was.' ' so tatas isn’t a username change.'
Actually I'll go on record as saying that testes is 100% not rumdummoron, I never thought he was. My comment was just an observation that when it comes to posting they both come off as leftist bots that keep repeating the same thing over and over.
BTW, whereas the dipshit rumdummoron was a calcutta alley street whore that snuck into the country illegally, I believe testes is an actual citizen that just posts like a bot.
I mainly stuck to reviews since I joined in 2011... my ratio of comments to reviews is only about 6 (342:56), though I'm blowing that up lately. Got more active in the past year in the discussions and couldn't resist jumping in on the political topics with all the right wing bullshit flying around.
I don't know this guy "TheeOSU" and he doesn't know me. But I can see he's another proud right wing member with a FUCK tagline, doesn't hesitate to insult others (including more amusing variations on my user name), and a quick check of his posting history shows that almost every second discussion he starts is about another poster. SMH
Back in Obama's first term I participated in some lively political discussions on another board in another part of the world I hobbied in frequently. The clubs there were some of the finest on the planet, with great selections of 8s and 9s available for take out... but those are stories for another day. The political debates on that board were sometimes intense, full of the usual talking points but often diving deeper into policy and analysis. In general, both sides were fairly civil for the most part. In contrast, I have to say that with a few notable exceptions, the right wing contingent on TUSCL is one of the nastiest and most disrespectful crowds I have ever encountered.
@wld4 that other board may have been heavily moderated. Problem with heavy moderation is, you'll never see or know about worthwhile content that got blocked. Sounds like you just need to start using the ignore capability as intended, rather than lamenting the psychotic ranting.
Elections are an illusion among the rich to stay rich while the poor suffer.Focus on your dreams and less on TV to live a happy and profitable future.
Maybe this video from Democrat Commissioner and Board of Elections explains it. Don't think that should be legal.
^^^that guy is from Pennsylvania