
Meeting Tuscl Members In Club- Rundown Of Actual Meets

avatar for minnow
Any place that interests me.

MEET #1: After being a Tuscl member for nearly 1 year, I had my 1st meeting with another Tuscl member at Bare Elegance-LAX. This was unusual in that I met a female customer member- Lopaw. We both exchanged PM's to set up Saturday afternoon club meet at Bare Elegance during one of my several LAX area trips.

I already knew from her posts, both here and on Z-bone that she was lesbian, and thus entertained no illusions about getting a hot date with her. I was content to treat this as meeting any other monger. I can say Lopaw is every bit a monger as any male, and she had good board cred with her high quality reviews. Lopaw is a white collar professional mid level manager who favors lunch break time visits, while I did a mix of day and night shifts. We bought each other (I bought 1st) the overpriced sodas, and compared notes. Her tastes are just somewhat similar to mine, she has a stronger Asian preference than me. But not for long as we pursued our own "distractions".

Over the intervening months, we exchanged occasional PM's, reciprocating on tips for best dancers. Some turned out to be good, but one dancer that she strongly endorsed as being wild in the back didn't turn out so well for me. Initial vibes were good, but as soon as we got into the action in the back, she started pulling some upcharge crap.("That will be $10 to touch my titties, another 10 to kiss my thighs." I quickly cut my losses, and got a reminder that a dancer can give 2 different experiences to different people. I'm guessing she was lesbian/bi, and really clicked with female customers, and not so much with male customers. Overall, Lopaw meet and subsequent interactions (I met her by chance 2 other times) was a positive experience.

MEET #2 : Shadowcat (aka Tuscl Godfather)- Who could ever forget the "Cat". Finally after nearly 3 yrs. of exchanging PM's, I get a decent layover in ATL, and arrange a meeting at Goldrush Showbar. Due to my limited time, I take a cab from my airport hotel to club, meeting SC in the corner of the club. He was easy to spot, wearing one of his T-shirts with witty saying on it. After an hour or so of chatting and getting 1 or 2 $10 dances, SC gives me a lift back to hotel.

One benefit of meeting SC was his extensive list of contacts. We (myself, Shadowcat, and samsung1 had a mini-tuscl meet in Columbus, OH a few yrs. later in 2012. I don't recall which club we went to. Mileage and dancer quality weren't very exciting. Since I happened to have other stuff to do in area that day, I thought "why not". I knew SC was already in the club due to his bright Mustang GT with his personalized tags on it.

My next meeting with SC was 3 yrs. later in Dec. 2015 at the infamous Follies one Saturday afternoon. I again spot his distinctive Mustang GT in the parking lot, and have already been briefed on "his corner." I quickly spot him, and catch up on the latest news. A little later, "East Coaster" joins us. He was passing through Atlanta like I was. SC introduces me to 2 different dancers- a young blonde spinner, and a dark haired Milf who I guessed to be part Native American, part Hispanic or Italian. Both dancers would motivate me to come to club, even if I were on opposite side of town.

I still exchange PM's with Shadowcat, and consider my tuscl experience to be richer in large part because of his contributions to tuscl.

MEET #3: "racejeff". Finally, a local of sorts. Local being the tri-state area, in this case OH, IN, and KY clubs. Jeff lives in greater Indianapolis area, while I'm in SW OH. Indy is a 2hr drive, so 1 summer night in 2008, I meet a new member while making my 1st visit to Dancers. I'd already made multiple visits to eastside clubs (more convenient for me) like Brass Flamingo and PT's. After exchanging PM's and providing physical descriptions (Tall, dark, and handsome, sure, lol), I meet Jeff who beat me to the club by several minutes.

Club made good 1st impression, but the $20 dances with slightly more attractive dancers didn't make Dancers aM slam dunk vs the closer Brass Flamingo $10 dances. That is until 2012 when the Brass raised there night time dances to $20 in conjunction with 2012 Super Bowl. I realized that having a local Tuscl contact could be beneficial, Besides trading club and dancer info, and free passes, it's a nice change of pace to socialize in non-club settings. Jeff is a white collar professional like myself (in a different field) who over the years has provided me with several pointers. I'd mostly meet with Jeff in Dancers, Brass Flamingo, and Rick's in Indy. One day in Aug. 2018 Jeff decided to visit Dayton, OH with 2 purposes: 1) Go to the Air Force Museum to take pictures of various modern aircraft. 2) Sample 2 clubs- Cheeks (their license scan a deal breaker for me), and Living Room (my go to club in Dayton until it was destroyed by F5 tornado in May 2019.)

I go to Air Force museum playing cell phone tag, meeting Jeff in cafeteria. That museum is very impressive, having a vast collection of aircraft, such as almost every Air Force One, various space craft, etc. Moving on to club visit before I get shill label for Air Force Museum: Jeff beat me to club again, already having a table. At this point, I'll say that no conflict developed over dancer choices, because our tastes are different. Jeff prefers spinners while I favor dancers with a bit more substance. Sometimes we've tried the same dancer and compared notes, mostly consistent. I feel positive about association with Tuscl local such as racejeff.

MEET #4: flguytampa21. This was unique in that he introduced me to another website 2001live.com by starting a discussion of site back in 2009. We'd communicate on both websites, though I'd save the more candid discussion of dancers via Tuscl PM. (Didn't want to get cancelled from such a cool site). Eventually, we agreed on a night and time to meet in club in Feb. 2011.

I guess we all have formulated ideas on how some Tuscl members might look like in person. Somehow, I pictured fgt21 as looking like a computer nerd, and that was my impression of him, (Although he is not in technical field, actually more blue collar who lives next county over.) This meeting with Tuscl member was unique because it morphed into meeting members from another website (2001live.com) over the course of several years. Some dancers knew fgt21 as a 2001 website member and would introduce me to other site members. We'd exchange info on which dancers were hot or not so hot.

Being introduced to club website by a Tuscl post expanded my horizons. It was mind blowing to view a hot dancer online, and then meet them in the flesh. Likewise to have some good club interactions with dancers, view them online at later date and say "hey I know this babe."

MEET #5: Roadworrier - Rw has several reviews, but my impression of him was he seemed like a kid (some might read "neophyte") in a candy store. He was getting some "tuscl seasoning" with his trips to South Florida and Tampa. His giddiness was understandable, considering his home base is in the strip club Siberia know as Northern Virginia / Washington D.C. He hardly operated like a neophyte as he quickly snagged Tiffany, one my faves, shortly after my arrival. (He already had table set up.) He would subsequently take a buxom blonde I got a 3fer from for a whirl in the spaceship. But not before being occupied at length with an Italian woman who had a technical degree and worked in the same general profession as Rw. Who says strippers are mostly high school dropouts ?

One may think that all this happened on a weekend night- nope it was a Tuesday night. Very little chit-chat, both of us, especially Rw got down to business. I consider this meeting good and beneficial with online interaction enlightening. Although Rw has a technical background, he has a way with words for spinning an entertaining yarn in his reviews.

MEET #6: GreenPanther - This was my most recent Tuscl meet, happening in March 2022. Like the last 2, took place at 2001 Odyssey. GP had already gone several months earlier in 2021, submitting a good useful review. One dancer I put on my bucket list based on my online observations of her turned out to be a ROB for GP. After charming him downstairs into the spaceship, she then informed him of some of her "rules". That report saved me from wasting any time with her on subsequent visits. I thanked GP in PM, who in turn quizzed me for info on several dancers he was interested in, all of whom I'd either interacted with or were interested in myself. He had a few trips going back to 2015 (no reviews). Turns out that 3 of the best dancers he mentioned, I'd had dances with ! Yes indeed, tusclers do share similar good tastes. Our meeting was brief, as GP got to club late, and was staying later than I would have liked. My dances prior to his arrival were OK, it wasn't long before he snagged a dancer I was interested in trying that we hadn't talked about earlier.

A PM from him shortly afterwards gave a good spaceship report. Strangely enough, he didn't submit a review on his visit, nor has he submitted any club reviews, nor DB posts. He has been lurking the board with last visit Sept. 2022. I wonder if the critical responses to his Oct. 2021 review made him gun shy about submitting another review. Alas, I did not see his good dancer on any of my 2 subsequent club visits.

SUMMARY: Like it or not, Tuscl is an online community, despite the trolls. Like doing so in ones professional life, networking in this hobby can be rewarding with some good guys (and gals in Lopaw's case). I'm sure many of us can share some more stories on the meetups/conventions.


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avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

@Minnow I'd like join that list one of these days man. I find it tough sometimes to meet with people because sometimes while road tripping because sometimes I don't even know when I'm gonna be in whatever city. I just run and gun it and it's often too late notice for people. I've had similar experiences though all cool dudes/gals.

avatar for racejeff
2 yrs ago

Good article. Have found meeting with guys a good way to build information sources. Well at least in short term.

avatar for RTP
2 yrs ago

Good article Muddy. I have met between 10 - 15 people of Tuscl, and I have been surprised at how normal most of them are. Despite the namecalling, battles, trolls, etc., I look forward to meeting up with most of them as I travel. I even got some business leads from one Tuscl member I met at Follies.

avatar for minnow
2 yrs ago

RTP- You need to recover from your weekend hangover or have your eyes checked. I'm the one who wrote the article. (minnow). Muddy was merely the 1st to comment on it. Read his comment.

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

I've got a list of 67 members that I have met over the years. Most of them from Follies. I stay in contact with about 20 of them by messages and meet up with then whenever they are in town. They have become true friends.

There have also been 8 or 10 dancers but none that I'm still in contact with.

avatar for RTP
2 yrs ago

Sorry for the disrespect Minnow. Props to you.

avatar for FLAP3000
1 yr ago

Not an article. Incoherent.

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