
The music really is there for the dancers

If we're being honest. I get that, it is what it is. It's just odd sometimes seeing a whole bar row filled with blue collar, blue jean wearing white baby boomers and Gen Xer's, having a beer, their hands and faces still kind of dirty from work while all this top 40 stuff like Miley Cyrus, Arianna Grande and Drake are blasting throughout the strip club. We all know none of them want to hear that shit.

Look if that's what it takes to help get the maximum amount of hot girls working in the club, you do what you gotta do. Nobody's coming to the strip club to rock the fuck out. But it's just an strange sight to look at isn't it?


  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    A lot of the music I listen to would be silly at a club… classical piano, indie pop, punk, etc. but, I would be interested to see a jazz and blues night at an sc. that would be cool. I bet a stripper could get pretty groovy to some classic Ellington.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    If the girl is hot and she's doing what I want her to do. I could not care any less what song is playing. Most of the time, I don't even notice the song. if it was a bar that I was just hanging out in, it would be a different story.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    There is music in strip clubs? Wow. Is that how they time dances too?
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I thought that it was there for the DJs. All I seem to hear is their obnoxious mouths and rap crap.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    THe usual way is that the girl on stage picks the music.

  • minnow
    3 years ago
    I hear ya' Muddy, particularly the last paragraph. While I don't go to the club to "rock the music", anything the club can do to make me for more comfortable (that includes eliminating/minimizing irritants) may well be the dealmaker that induces me to spend more time (and $$) in that particular club vs. the other clubs. Likewise, a dancer who adapts her music choices/ dancing style to the audience in front of her will make her stand out in a good way among all the other hotties in a club. Adaptability vs self centeredness can be the winning edge.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    My thought is that during happy hour the dj could cater to the clientele for just one measly fucking hour, for classic rock hour or classic 60’s, 70’s, etc.

    Each day could be devoted to a style or era of music, even old school rap! It’s a small amount of time dancers could devote to the customers during the dayshift to cater to clientele so they could feel better about opening up their wallets.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    There are clubs where it’s obvious the DJ is an asshole - based on the shit he plays. No offense to any asshole DJ’s who might be reading this…

    I’ve been to classier joints where the dancer selects a few songs for her stage set, and that can provide some insight to either the dancer’s musical tastes - or the dancer perception of customer’s musical tastes.

    In some cases - just running a Pandora type of song set could work just fine. As others have mentioned - the music isn’t for the customers.

    In certain filthy clubs, I used to find the dancer who couldn’t dance for shit, and give her a try out. Usually those girls are there to fuck and suck - as they aren’t getting any auditions for Dance Fever!
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    It depends on the club. Some of the clubs that are more party focused, the music is more for the crowd than the dancers. In clubs that are more about the strippers, it's more for them. I don't know about nationally, but at least locally there are more and more clubs trying to be party focused and the music is for the crowd. Clubs are advertising guest DJs and live performances from musicians, not feature dancers. That's certainly not universally true, but it is a common theme I've noticed.

    In south Florida we take it one step further. We get spanish hip-hop with a club full of gringos.
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    Another aspect of the bizarro world of strip clubs

    When you really think about it, it really is odd they are saying “fuck you” to their best customers

  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    I'm a Boomer who likes the Beatles and Bowie the most. I rarely hear music that old in a club. The DJ isn't interested in it, the girls aren't interested in it, and the old guy customers don't care enough to request it. Sometimes when I tell a dancer I like the Beatles she will remark her parents like them.

    I've run across a few dancers with unusual musical tastes. I told a stripper one time I like blues music and she said she had a Muddy Waters album. I asked her how she knew about him and she said her dad was a professional blues musician. I've also run into a few girls who like eighties alternative rock bands like the Pixies or the Smiths that I also like. Usually, though, they just like current pop music. I'm really interested in music and know more about current music than most Boomers and the girls are usually surprised by that. For example, they are surprised I know who Billie Eilish is and can name several of her hit songs.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    There is a lot of clubs where DJs will look me up and down and before I can say anything:

    1) “We have hard limits on how much rap music we can play here, so I can NOT just play rap music for you.”
    2) “So what kind of music do you like?” “Oh early mid 2000s stuff like Foo Fighters or She Wants Revenge or something” “Cool, got it.” *plays a shit ton of rap music*

    I guess it’s because of all my melanin or something? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    NiceSpice - it’s odd DJ’s would associate your look with rap. I’m guessing they aren’t the most perceptive folks.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Haha, is what it is. I don’t mind dancing to rap music anyways. The only time I get annoyed by it is when it’s played for a skinny white girl. Like no shade on their beauty these are very good looking dancers but a song about shaking ass is silly when…there isn’t much of an ass even there
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Clubs I go to play hip hop or house music.

    I once suffered through a club playing old rock at too high a volume. Couldn't take it and left
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    Rock kind,of has the wrong vibe for strippers, in my totally unqualified opinion.
  • CandymanOfProvidence
    3 years ago
    I like to see multiple dancers getting their groove on onstage, just please no Electric Slide, Macarena or Bird Dance. Or Achy Breaky Fart.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    When I'm at work, and I have to knuckle under and do shit I think is bad for our work product, I'm like hey, whatever, I'm on salary. To me that's the biggest issue with this. I think typically dancers prefer music that makes the rain fall. So I can't blame them for being irked, when they feel like some slack jaw owner, manager or DJ is fucking their money with bullshit rules. Pay them a fucking salary if you want to micromanage them, don't expect to have your cake that's paid for out of someone else's $.
  • trpterp
    3 years ago
    I listen to a broad swath of music. Through my clubbing I have become acquainted with Marilyn Manson and Cardi B. One of my faves dances under the name of Marilyn. Her sets usually include a Marilyn Manson song and I have become a fan of his music through her. At least a fan of his bizarro cover song choices like "You're So Vain", Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This" and "Tainted Love".
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    At my nearest club, they won't play this even if the dancer is wearing a cow outfit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXnJqYwe… . Sad.
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    I can tolerate any music except cardi b. That music is a boner killer for me. Too bad strippers love her so much lol
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Remember you can always tip the dj to play what you want to hear. I do it sometimes.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    If I made the playlist, I would design it to attract the most desirable demographic - the 25-45 male. They have the highest take-home amounts and the highest discretionary income amounts. I understand that your base may be the retirees, but they have a fixed income and likely a budget which prioritizes other line items above strip club entertainment. So, I would look towards the top 40 list for guidance. My personal opinion is that the top 40 list is a bunch of garbage, buzzy, auto-tuned noise.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    I like a lot of types of music, including classic rock. Classic rock does not belong in a strip club.
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    BSC in Phoenix is notorious for playing generic rock. Dancers definitely don't like it, I don't like it but other customers must love it. That or it's a preference of the owner. They keep stocking that place with 7ups and they can play Afghanistan goat-herding music for all i care
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    @Jimmy I do hear that sometimes I just disagree completely. Especially to what it's up against right now. Classic rock is a big umbrella though so I'm sure there's some stuff that doesn't work. But is anything more perfect than some chick bustin moves to a Robert Palmer song.
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