Please suggest the best club/city for a 10 day dance binge. Thanks! :)

Geographically, I'm looking to go no further west than about Austin, OKC, Wichita, Des Moines, pretty much the eastern half of the US.
I read as many reviews as I can, but if I've never been to a club before, or even an entire city, sometimes it's still tough to know if it's really the best choice for me? In fact, I haven't yet visited any of the 5 cities I listed above!
Extras are irrelevant to me. I'm not going beyond dances, so all I care about is the option for two-way contact. I do appreciate clubs where, if the dancer and I connect with each other, we can kind of "be ourselves", within reason...
I tend to do very well with dancers who might be described by some of the following words or phrases: cute, pretty, petite, slim, "slim thick", athletic, girl-next-door, natural breasts, kind, thoughtful, sweet, genuine, funny, intelligent, talkative, warm, honest, drama-free, caring, fun, chill, and sober. NO, I'm not looking for a wife, girlfriend, best friend, or anything more than a simple dancer/customer relationship. :) I just know from past experiences who I tend to get along the best with.
I don't want a club that's stupid expensive, but my daily budget can be pretty high if I find someone I like. My favorite scenario is one where 1) I want to keep spending on her, 2) she doesn't want to leave my side, and 3) the club makes it possible for #1 and #2 to happen. I don't mind spending a serious chunk of change if the girl and I have lots of great time together, and the club doesn't have crazy ideas about the percentage they're going to take from her...
I'm not going to a club that insists on scanning my ID, unless I can avoid that by getting there early.
I'm not doing valet parking. I could possibly consider getting a ride to a club, if the club is really, really good otherwise.
I'm unlikely to visit a club where I have to be concerned about the dress code. I've been welcomed into many clubs that had a sign posted saying that my EXACT attire was unacceptable, and yet they let me in anyway without a second thought. My "running around" clothes are quite basic, but I guess I look like a pretty clean guy who just likes to be comfortable, since, well...that's what I am. :)
Unfortunately, I'm only fluent in English, and I'm not going to try to get to know someone via a translator app. I don't care where a dancer is from, but they have to be fairly fluent in English for things to have a chance. So if a place has really awesome girls, but I can only easily communicate with a small percentage of them, that greatly reduces the odds of finding the right one.
I hope I haven't forgotten something, but I think that probably about covers it. I certainly have some decent options that I already know for myself, but like I said, there are places I've still never been. Does Austin, OKC, or some other city you know have one or more clubs that I really need to be checking out???
Thanks everyone! :)
last commentJust a clarification, so I don't confuse anyone. For #2, I really just like the cute, girl-next-door types who are down-to-earth and nice to spend time with. That's basically it. I threw in some extra descriptions just for fun, but that part is not meant to be taken seriously. Generally speaking, the sweeter the girl, the more likely I am to connect with her and buy a shitload of
Houston. We have solid clubs that meet your requirements. As long as your dress code doesn’t include sweat pants you will be ok. While we do have Spanish speaking clubs, there are plenty of English speakers at most of the clubs.
Proposed lineup… you will drive or uber a lot…
Day 1: St James from afternoon till close
Day 2: day shift at Heartbreakers (great lunch special) … finish with late hours at the Ritz.
Day 3: day shift at The Colorado (good food)… finish at Treasures
Day 4: day at Cover Girls… finish at Bucks Wild
Day 5: day at Polekatz… finish at Vivid
Day 6: all day at The Mens Club
Day 7: all day at the Mile High Club
Day 8: return to your favorite or try some of the Latina clubs (Chicas Locas or Diosa)
Day 9: start at Double Shoe and end at Ocean Cabaret (only open Thursday to Sunday). Visit Kemah in the morning.
Day 10: bookend the trip with a full day at the St. James
Read all of the Reverend Horni Bastards posts before you go.
Be safe. Tell us how it was. How much money do you plan to spend? I would guess this would be at least $10k for me.
Somehow I left Splendor and Centerfolds off the Houston tour. Sprinkle them in the lineup as it pleases you. Enjoy!
I will add my 2 cents for Ritz and Bucks Wild... my two favorite places in Houston.
@Dan3635 Thank you! I looked at the reviews for the Houston clubs a while back, but I HATED Dallas traffic when I visited there, and I was afraid Houston would be even worse. Plus, my club stops in Dallas were kind of underwhelming to me, which is why I thought a college town like Austin might be a better fit for me?
To answer your budget question, if I can find someone I like well enough, $10k is probably about right. But what I'm really hoping to do is find one girl at one club, and if we're a good match, just spend everything on her. Since I don't want to try to get comfortable with more than 1 or 2 clubs, especially not knowing my way around Houston, can you suggest your top 3 clubs for my case?
Also, I never wear sweat pants, but any issues with athletic shorts at any place you'd recommend? Also, I thought Bucks Wild would insist on an ID scan???
Thanks! So both are fine with athletic shorts, and neither does an ID scan? When I was in Dallas, I thought the Bucks there told me that all of their clubs do a scan, which is why I never stopped by that location... Baby Dolls didn't do that, but I had to switch to more casual attire to get in, and I didn't find any girls of interest to me...
They should be fine with the clothes, as long as you come off as somewhat normal. I think they all are SUPPOSED to scan IDs... but... it kind of depends on who is working the door and who the manager that night is... I was told it was a chain policy to crack down on "bad customers"....
^ Sounds like I'll have no issues with the dress code. I look normal to the point of being forgettable. I've even had security not even bother to wand me. They'll just look at me like "yeah, he's not causing any trouble". BUT, it sounds like if I showed up at the wrong time, the ID scan might be an issue. Are they less likely to do it during the day?
Hahaha... low key normal is always good!
I think that is probably a good approach, but I think there is not a real solid answer for the day you show up (they might be!)
Gotcha...sounds like a 50/50 chance of them wanting to scan or not...
Of course, I can always try the approach "have you met my friend Andrew Jackson"? :)
By chance, do you know if Austin clubs are also in on the scanning craze??
As I have heard, the scanning thing is to limit the trouble maker types by identifying them and making a list across all of the chain clubs... so I don't really know!
I'll wait for some of the Austin regulars to show up and give their two cents... :)
$10K per visit? If you're thinking one club run per day with a trip budget of up to $100K, go to any town, walk in any club, and break a Benjamin at the door for tip money. Sit anywhere in the club. Then, profit. When I read a question about strip clubs and then someone talks about traffic being a factor, we're seeing a city's potential in completely different ways lol.
If you're talking Texas and you don't like traffic, then Austin isn't going to be for you either. I-35 is a bitch and a half to drive and the best clubs (where girls speak English) are on opposite sides of town. I would've suggested starting in Dallas and working your way to Austin, San Antonio, and finally Houston. 10 days is enough time to have a decent time in all those towns. But I don't think you need to do that...
Here's a hot take. If a successful binge to you is finding 2 to 3 dancers you really vibe with, and you've got 10 days to work with, go to San Antonio. You can do just as well there for your humble goals with better service, decents odds of finding 2-3 girls that are as fun (and good looking) as what you'd find in Austin, and clubs that are underrated. One caveat. If you're mostly looking for white dancers, club-for-club you're going to find more of them in Austin on both shifts.
@wallanon I'll reply fully later, since I'm needing to sleep for a while, but no, that was $10k over a span of 10 days, so $1,000 per day!
It is were me, I’d go to Niagara Falls/Toronto.
If we’re staying in the states then I’d go to Detroit (but since you aren’t interested in extras, that may be an irrelevant suggestion).
Phoenix/Tempe - too far west?
Miami or Tampa?
All the cities you mentioned aren’t know for good clubbing experiences. If I had to choose only from the cities you listed I would pick Austin. Over 10 days you could hit Austin AND Houston.
Given your preference for English language and natural bodies, I might have suggested PDX, but that is kinda far West. How far East are you willing to go? Is Canada in play? Do you care about having to drive or uber a lot, or do you want clubs to be within walking distance?
If money isn't really an issue, why not do the obvious and go to NYC? Perhaps with some trips to the other boroughs or out to Patterson mixed in?
This article makes it sound like the risks of ID scanning are limited: . But, it may depend on whether the purported policies of the scanning tech company mentioned are really followed by all of them, and in all legal jurisdictions. If you get blacklisted because you didn't want to pay a dance overcount, sounds like you'd be screwed with no recourse.
I'm biased because I'm a local, but Philly checks all of these boxes for you. Stick with the higher end clubs and you can't go wrong.
Club Risque and Delilah's consistently have super hot dancers that do dances with great mileage, you don't even have to do VIP.
Go to either club, find a dancer you like and try a single $20 dance and go from there.
Go to any city in the U.S. then go to across the border from San Diego to Tijuana. Zona Norte will make any place in the U.S. seem minor league. You will spend less than half your budget, and you will think you died and went to strip club heaven. I don’t speak Spanish, and you can get by.
Tampa or Dallas.
So I read the article you linked and came away with a very different conclusion. The ID scanning company retains the data for 6 months, which means that if you visit a club every six months (that uses them) at some point the fact that you visited a club either appear on some doxxing list or you'll be subject to blackmail--because eventually they will get hacked. Second, they try to say that the data is stored on the ID scanning companies servers, but the very next sentence says that bar staff have access. Third, they make it clear that they will share visitation history between their client bars.
For a company that is openly taking this ID scanning to a dystopian place, see this:
^That's kind of scary.
@wallanon If there's reason to think that one city is clearly the best option for what I'm looking for, I'll likely be willing to put up with heavy traffic. I might not be willing to try driving in NYC or LA, but I'm willing to consider most places. All other things being, equal, I prefer smaller cities...
Ideally, I hope to just find one girl to vibe with, and spend the rest of the trip only doing dances with her. In reality, I can't always narrow things down just though conversation, so I might have to try dances with 4 to 6 girls before I can really figure things out.
@shailynn I've actually been to a couple of clubs in Niagara Falls, ON, but I've not yet gone clubbing in Toronto. But if I wanted to make the drive into Canada, I'd probably save that for a late spring/early summer trip, with the weather starting to turn colder now...
As for Detroit, yeah, I've always assumed it probably wouldn't be the best choice for me, even though it's a very popular destination for many. Arizona is further than I really want to go at the moment, but maybe in the future... I'd probably run into more language barriers in Miami... I do know my way around Tampa fairly well, but I was thinking of trying someplace new to me. Tampa is always an option, though!
Anyway, thanks for your suggestions! I guess a part of me is thinking of giving Austin a try... :)
@blahblahblahs Canada would be possible for me, but I'd prefer to save that trip for one of the warmer months. My preference is to always be able to drive and self-park, rather than having to rely on ride sharing or deal with valet parking. Heading east would be fine, but NYC would be a bit too large for me! Any smaller cities you can think of that might work well for me? Thanks!
@ilbbaicnl I'll check out the article...thanks!
@Planetred Thank you! I had never picked up on Philly as a destination for me just from the reviews I'd stumbled across, but that's exactly why I asked the question! I'll start looking at those two clubs you mentioned. Is there also a third club you'd throw in the mix, or are those two clearly the best options? I'm hoping neither are downtown, but I'll plug the destinations into Maps and see what it looks like... Thanks again!
Only one special girl you're looking for? I'd be looking for at least a dozen.
^ Ideally, yes, just one girl!
Nah none of the good ones in Philly are downtown. They all have parking lots. The third one I might check out is Cheerleaders but I haven't had the same luck there and there's a wider range of attractiveness there.
It's a bit of a homer suggestion, but south Florida works for just dances too.
The $10 table dances at the Pompano clubs, Booby Trap, Cheetah, and Diamond Dolls are pretty solid. Many girls will do slightly better in the $25/song lap dance areas too. IMO, those are better day shift options than night, but night shift is okay too. If you aren't looking for extras and want to go late night, you can hit up places like Vixens and Scarlett's in Davie & Hallendale respectively. Both of those tend to have some pretty hot girls and pretty good dances without much of an upsell to the rooms. There are also clubs like the Body in Miami that is a lower end but still fun place to stop. Or a spot like Deans gold with the $25 dances. If you're in Palm Beach, Fri/Sat nights after 11 or so and aren't too worried about price, Rachels is nice. Rhino and Cheetah are also okay, but Cheetah will have some upsell for the rooms. Monroes can be fun, but I usually avoid that place due to the ID scanning.
I was just recently in Philly and tried out two of the Risque's and Cheerleaders, they weren't bad but I'm not a fan of the tip parade. Maybe it's because I'm not local and don't quite understand the MO, but I also found the pre-payment for dances and the way they count songs a bit odd. They also seemed to be topless only, vs the full nudity in south Florida. But I will say two of the three had some girls that were quite hot, funny enough I even met a pair of Cuban girls who recognized me from Cheetah Pompano. I did enjoy speaking to the the girls in English, but oddly found them to be much less inclined to sit and chat. I didn't get a chance to thoroughly investigate as I was only there M-F, but I wouldn't choose Philly over south Florida.
I haven't been to Toronto/Missasauga in about a year and a half, but in the past I've quite enjoyed those clubs. A lot of places have $20 dances, and with the exchange rate being the way it us the US dollars go far up there. They don't seem to have the obsession with thickness up there, so I quite like the selection of girls. Its hard for me to say they're better than the south Florida clubs, but Toronto is one of the few areas I usually weasel an extra day or two in my trip so I can hit the clubs.
Picking up on Plantred's remarks re Philadelphia, I would put Cheerleaders on an at least equal footing with Delilah's and Phila Risque for what OP seems to be looking for, which is to spend around $1000/night on no-extras LDs/VIPs with a nice dancer he vibes with. And they are relatively close together. But, you could pull the same thing off in any metro area with at least 3 decent, non-sketchy clubs. In Providence/Boston area you could combine Desire with Foxy Lady and Boardroom Cabaret in Brockton, for example.
^ add in Marios', Fantasies and Rhode Island Dolls for variety.
Ski: I've never been to Mario's or RID, which is why i didn't mention them, although they may well fit the bill. I like Fantasies for easy and relatively cheap extras with mid-level dancers. It's not the kind of place where I would expect to while away the hours in non-extras bliss with the girl of my dreams, which is what OP seems to be looking for.
Go to Thailand for 9-10 days and just do bar fines
I do a 10 day midwest city hop maybe. Pittsburgh, Columbus, Indy, Louisville, etc. Wouldn't be too much driving and could get a lot of different stuff in there.
Okay - everyone take note - dolfan is giving Toronto a nod and he’s a Miami metro guy.
Toronto is that great.
If you don't care about extras and want english speaking girls I would say Phoenix or Toronto first, then Houston, and then Atlanta, and then Rhode Island and then suburban Detroit. Now that I think about it, I would put Tampa above Houston. If you're willing to use a translation app, I would put Pompano high on the list and maybe Miami (ime, Miami spoke way more english, but the girls weren't as hot).
@Planetred thanks again! Philly sounds very promising, so I'll be checking out reviews... :)
@Dolfan Do any of those south FL clubs have a relatively high percentage of fluent English speakers? Canada is a viable option for me, but I'll want to save that for a late spring/early summer trip...
Regarding Philly, can you elaborate on the part about the way they counted songs? Did you run into issues with the prepaid dances, or was it just different from what you're used to? Thanks!
@Manuellabore I'll investigate Cheerleaders as well. I personally haven't found it THAT easy to go to just ANY metro area, though, and not run into some of the issues I'm trying to avoid. I've encountered clubs trying to do the ID scan thing when I wasn't expecting it, or I've run into difficulty finding the right type of girl for me, or dancers that aren't fluent in English... Sometimes a lot of things sound good about a club, but then valet parking is required, or they have some silly dress code requirement that I'm not going to humor them on. Or maybe everything else sounds pretty good, except that the club has just lost their minds on dance
In other words, I'm finding it more and more difficult to find the kind of situation where I can say, oh yeah, THIS is a place I want to do some serious splurging in! :)
@Muddy You are a traveling legend! I'm just looking to hit up a single city this time around, unless it's a situation where two cities are so close to each other that you can't easily tell where one begins and the other ends... :)
@chiefwiggum is there a particular club or two in Miami that you know has a lot of fluent English speakers?
You'll find a significant portion of English speakers at only a few clubs. Rachel's, Scarlett's and Vixens are the three that spring to mind. There's a few clubs with primarily black girls where English speaking is the norm too, PortHole, The Body, Climaxx.
But if English speaking is an important criteria, I'd remove south Florida from your list of possibilities. It's not like you won't find a few here and there, but odds are you'll end up physically enamored with a non-English speaker and then feel like you're settling for a decent looking English speaker, which will kinda damper the fun.
@Dolfan Yeah, easy communication is too important to me, which is the only reason why I hadn't already ventured down to south FL before now. I LOVE Cuban cuisine, though, so I'd probably be in culinary heaven down there...
I'd still be happy to hear what you encountered with song counting in Philly??
If someone is just looking for pretty women and extras and contact aren't the priority I suggest Salt Lake City.
^ Extras don't matter, but two way contact is good. SLC will be too far away for this trip, anyway. I need to stay in the eastern half of the US for this upcoming trip.
^Just kidding. The beach is hotter than SLC.
Well, I should say that in general I don't like to spend a lot of time out front talking about how dances work. I feel like that sorta kills the romance of the moment. I tend to just wing it.
Anyway, at Risque Philly, there's a guy posted up at a desk near the entrance to the area where they do dances. From reviews, I knew the dances were $20 each, but I didn't know anything else. The first girl I went back with told me I had to pre-pay for all my dances, so I gave the guy $40 for two. Then we went in, just by coincidence it was right at the start of a song so she started right way. At the end of that song, she stood up, said that's it and quickly walked away, never to be seen again. In her defense, it was a long ass EDM song that probably was in excess of 5 mins. But, it was clearly 1 song, not the two I paid for. But, it was a shitty dance to a long song and I really wasn't interested int he 2nd song anyway so I didn't even make an effort to stop her and zero effort to recover the $20 from the guy out front since I didn't really feel cheated on time.
The next girl asked where I was from and asked how the clubs were down here, that led to a discussion about how dances are done differently. She started out giving me the same story as the first girl, but when I asked her "what happens I buy two dances and at the end I want more? We have to stop, go back out front and pay again, then come back?" she changed her tune and her eyes lit up a little like she had a fish on. She said I had to pay $20 to go into the room, which covered the first song, then when we were finished I could pay for any extra songs. So, that's what we did. We got back there mid song & she waited for the next song to start. The dances were good, not quite south Florida good, but I kept count and we did 5 songs. We stopped at the end of a song. After we were finished, I asked her how much I owed and she shrugged and said she didn't know, we'd have to ask the guy. We went out there, dude looked at his screen, stuck out his hand and said "40." I asked, "40 more?" because I fully expected to owe $80 more and he confirmed, "3 dances, you paid 20 already so 40 more."
Now thoroughly confused, I was approached by a girl I knew from Cheetah Pompano. I know her quite intimately, if you know what I'm saying. We're not BFF's, but I know she is a straight shooter and she knows the same about me. So I asked her to explain how this works to me. She told me it's timed, not song based. She didn't know how long the time was, but said there was a clock in the room. I asked about the rooms, and she deflected and asked about where I was staying.
When I went back a few days later for a night shift, the confusion started all over again. I went back with another girl and paid for one song to start, I looked at the clock when we sat down and got up & saw that 11 minutes had passed for a total of 4 songs. The guy said I owed $20 more. With the next girl, it was almost the exact same scenario, but this time 9 minutes and three songs had passed, and the guy said I owed $40 more.
So, bottom line I got dances with 6-8 different girls and still don't know exactly how dances are sold. I don't feel like I was cheated, it just seems unpredictable and that leaves the door open to feeling cheated.
Yeah the prepay stuff in Philly is not a concern. I've never had to had to go back to the counter guy to buy more dances. It's always been pay $20 at the counter, get as many dances as you want then pay either the counter guy or the girl at the end (and she sorts it out with the counter guy). The counter guy has no reason to cheat you, so if you are worried do the after dance payment with him. This only applies at Risque and Cheerleaders. At Delilah's there's no counter guy.
Risqué and Cheerleaders don’t scan IDs.
Delilah’s used to right after the pandemic but I don’t recall them doing it more recently, although it’s not something I really care about. I don’t go to Delilah’s much because I’m usually looking for extras and it is cost-prohibitive there if available at all
But how do they do dances at Risque? Is it $20/song? Is it $20/3 mins? $20/some other duration? And yeah, I had similar experience at Cheerleaders but I only did dances with two different girls. Is it the same there?
I agree the pre-pay of $20 to start is not an issue, and I don't even mind squaring up with him at the end instead of the girl. But I didn't like not knowing how much of a bill I was racking up. I probably would have kept going several more songs to make it an even $100, but I was a little worried I was gonna think it was $100 and it was gonna turn out to be $200 or something. At my local clubs, it's by the song and I'm rarely off by more than 1 song or $25 bucks.
@Dolfan Oh geez, yeah, that was confusing for sure. As you said, you didn't feel cheated in any way, but it's always nice to feel like you know what the hell is going
@Planetred Just to see if I have this right... So it's $20 just to go into the dance area, not including any actual dances? And then $20, either per song, or per whatever amount of time? And then is it another $20 to the counter guy EVERY time you go back, or just for your FIRST trip into the dance area?
@Manuellabore Thank you for the clarification on ID scanning!
@ClubFan81077 no, there's no separate fee to enter the dance area. You just always pay for your first dance with a girl to the guy at the counter. Then at the end you pay him for all the additional ones
I've done some of the clubs in Philly kinda recently (in the past year) and thought they were ok. I got what I wanted with some pretty good takeout and got ITC that wasn't horrible, but I'll just write it hear that I'm a little surprised that you polled dudes from all over the US and Philly somehow bubbled up to the top. I had more fun in New Jersey, but for someone who doesn't care about obvious mileage ITC you could do worse than Philly.
@Planetred Gotcha...thanks for clarifying. Like Dolfan, that's a bit different than what I'm used to, but no big deal once you understand how it works. :)
@wallanon yeah, that's why it's not always easy for me to figure out potential destinations just from reading reviews, or just by reading general discussions about the best cities for clubs. If my criteria is a bit different than the usual criteria, it's great when someone can see that and say "this city might be great for you". I guess Philly is kind of in the lead right now. Although I also thought Austin might not be a bad choice for me, but I haven't really got much confirmation one way or the other...
Based on my last 5 experiences, someone looking for a great place to hang out and get dances, without extras should be at the Boardroom in Brockton, MA. Dancers are pretty, the contact level right now is the best I've seen there and all nude dances are $20.00. Even though beers are $8.00, they are 16oz.
@skibum Thanks! I'll check out the reviews for them! I'm a little late in the season for much warm weather up there, but if I can't find a block of warm-ish weather this fall, I can always look at a late spring or early summer trip to MA. That's one reason I was kind of hoping that Austin might be good for me in the short-term, because there should be some fairly warm days down there this fall...
@dolfan my experience has been Risque is $20 per song.