Hair color

avatar for blahblahblah23
What hair color do u man-whores prefer? What is acceptable? What is an automatic hell no rejection?

Bored and curious. I've been frying my shit to that obnoxious hooker blonde shade for years and kinda angry to find out I look better with somewhat darker hair.


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avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I'm open to most stuff. The only thing is, in today's world if I see a girl with blue or purple hair and god forbid short, with glasses, I'm getting ready for the woke bullshit coming way. But NOT NECESSARILY, just I'm ready for it. I don't care about hair color too much, no color makes a girl un hot for me.

But let's be real about blondes. I'm not a guy that goes ga ga over blondes because of their hair but for some reason it is the most coveted demographic in strip clubs all things being equal. IDK why necessarily but it's not even question that's true about hot blonde girls.
Black hair, long a straight. Bangs.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"kinda angry to find out I look better with somewhat darker hair."

Is this a case where you haven't seen your natural hair color in a long while? It's cool that you're changing up your look and liking it.

Last few years the girls I've dug the most (like repeated horizontal time) have jet black hair.
Blonde on Blonde

Throwing most gingers to the curb
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes like Marilyn Monroe, at 22 years old, who was and forever will be, the gold standard for class, sex appeal, and feminine beauty.…

I find clean natural color hair acceptable, I like it when a nice trim pussy hair color matches the long hair on a beautiful woman.
Blonde. But I'm open minded. I won't kick a hot girl out of bed just because she has a lesser hair color.
As with so many things, if it looks good on her, then that works for me.
===> "As with so many things, if it looks good on her, then that works for me."

This. This man-whore likes any color as long as it looks good on her and it is not too short. About the only exception are clown colors, like bright blue or purple or pink or [fill in the blank here].
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
Blonde is my least favorite, particularly when it looks obvious that it is dyed, or is an extreme color such as platinum blonde.

Preference is black, but any color is okay as long as it doesn't look fake.
On top of her head, it doesn't matter. But between her legs, she needs to be clean shaven.
I like long black hair but I'm open to any natural hair color.

Some weird colors can look good on girls. Like that silvery Grey color. Or even purple.

It depends on the girls style and overall look.

I'm not into natural redheads not because of the hair but their look.

I also don't like it when girls fuck with their hair to be weird or edgy. I think white girls do this the worst. When they get that short blue or green hair or shave half off.
Blonde can look good. But if your hair is fried you need to cut it go dark and let it regrow.
My least favorite hair color is blond, but my last 2 cf's were blond. In order of preference: Dark brown. Black; light brown; Red; Blue; Purple; Pink. My wife has purple streaks. The amazing thing is that purple hair on a 63 years old woman attracts comments (positive every time) from people ranging from young girls, to older males and even a gay body builder on an airplane who wanted her colorist's name.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Depends on the woman’s skin tone, facial structure, figure and age. Average women typically look best as blondes with medium length hair. Hot, young women have many ways to look stunning. Asian women can look great with long black hair. Slender women with delicate features can rock short hair of any color. Natural redheads with freckles can stand out.
Red. The natural, auburn red, looks best, not the fake, unnatural bright red. But I’ll take any hair color on a hot looking girl.
I have no preference among naturally occurring shades. I do prefer those over the blue/purple/hot pink colors, but I won't write off a girl over it.
avatar for idletraveler
2 years ago
Natural hair, any color. Not a fan of wigs or weaves.
If it’s gray it’s Not ok
IRL I've always been more attracted to dark hair (black over brown).

ITC; as I've posted in the past; I'm all about the bod and don't care if she's bald as long as I drool over her bod - for me ITC, hair, and usually face, don't usually factor into the equation.

But I would say on avg blonds likely get more-attention and the blond-look seems to often make them look younger and more "bubbly".

I prefer natural color but hair color is not a deal breaker. Back in 2019 I was seeing a girl OTC weekly ay my house. I never knew what color of hair she was going to show up with and she was like a peacock but it never affected her performance in bed. She knew that I preferred natural but told me that she has dyed her hair so many times that she can just not get it back to it's original color.
I'm good with any hair color as long as it is one that could occur naturally on a woman. Like others have said the bright neon colors don't generally look good, unless they are done as part of an overall look like a punk rocker vibe and then it can work. However, I have never turned a girl down for a dance or anything else based on her hair.
This man-whore thinks that, in general, women look best in their natural hair color and I have no preference what that color is. There are exceptions and I also agree with the sentiment “as long as it looks good on her”. But generally, I like natural beauty.
I'm more turned-off by women that have short "man like" haircuts/hairstyles - e.g. Jamie Lee Curtis - still wouldn't be a deal-breaker if the bod is to my liking but the man-like-haircut is more unappealing than any particular hair color
My preference is long dark hair but I’ve had all 31 flavors and enjoyed them. I don’t have the gene that makes man prefer blondes though I’ve been attracted to many. Do whatever looks good on you. If multiple styles look good on you, lucky you.
You know something... At 56 years old, I've dated many many women from a wide range of ethnicities with a lot of different hair colors. Almost all of them that went beyond a few casual dates and advanced to the "girlfriend" level of a relationship had either dark brown or black hair. Only two of them were blondes and as it turns out, those were the two that went on to become Wife #1 and #2.

Before reading this post, I never really gave that any thought. But now that I'm reminiscing about all those past relationships, I'm wondering if it was pure coincidence, or could there be a psychological aspect to it?

I like redheads, but never been fortunate enough to date one. My massage girl who I've seen somewhat regularly for about 8 years has dyed red hair (not the red clown type, just regular orange/red color). It looks awesome on her. I've seen pics of her with her natural dark nearly black hair. Still looks great because she's naturally pretty, but something about the red turns me on.
avatar for funonthaside
2 years ago
"Natural hair, any color. Not a fan of wigs or weaves."

So I suppose you're not a regular custie at AA clubs, then. :-)

Didn't realize until recently how many AA girls commonly sport wigs and weaves. Didn't even realize it one time when I touched a girl's head and it seemed bumpy....I just assumed she had a deformed head.

Oh...and by the not EVER touch an AA girl's only make that mistake once:
Darker is my preference. Longer is my preference. Long enough that when I'm lovin' cleavage her hair wraps around my head, like curtains shutting me off in my private heaven.

But I've enjoyed a short haired blond or two 😋
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
Darker natural hair. Blondes are all aware of the dumb blonde stereotype so try too hard to act smart.
It all depends on the lady and the overall aesthetic.

I love natural, well-kept long hair, ass length, on whites, Latinas, and Asians.
I love dreads on black chicks--after all, (with civvies) you can't yank on wigs or weaves when doing it from behind. I once dated a girl with dreads who loved that. Some can rock an afro, others don't. Not a fan of the Amber Rose shaved look.
I love the two-toned blonde highlights/black hair look on Latinas and some Asians. It gets me every time.

I'm not a fan of obviously unnatural hair colors (blue, pink, green, etc), but some girls can rock it.
Like Icee, I hate the half-shaved head look. I'm not into "punk."
I'm not a big redhead fan, but it can look great on girls who aren't ghostly pale gingers.

But there are exceptions to all of the above. Work with what you've got.
@blahblahblah23: "What is acceptable?"


If she's nice, healthy looking, and attractive, I couldn't care less. That applies even to so-called "unnatural" colors.
Good comments lol, thank you.

I disagree with the blondes try to act smart. I always play up the dumb ×1000!
avatar for rattdog
New York
2 years ago
if any girl is going to be wearing crayon clown colored hair for jesus' sake let that girl at least have a sense of humor. clowns are supposed to be funny no? only met one or two of these types of girls in my lifetime.
Brunette is my preference but its all good. Hair is like the frame around the painting and I like to focus on the art.

No I mean if I was feeling like I wanted the android experience. I have seen super short hair girls but it only works if she is lean
^^ Get mah wife's name out cho fuckin' mouth!
So IMHO bald or like quarter inch of hair doesn't work on any woman no matter how beautiful unless they got a wig on. Very short hair does work on some women, but it depends on their facial bone structure, and their body has to be extra good to compensate. Or if they wear a wig or weave and you don't really see how short their natural hair is - that usually works too.

I like the natural ginger look. I've personally found that often times warm toned skin goes with cooler hair colors and cold toned skin goes with warm hair colors. Every natural ginger I've ever seen has that cold toned bright white Irish or other ultra northern European look. Their cold skin color with the bright orange hair is a good look imo. I'm ultra pale myself, but my skin is warm toned and I can't pull that shit off myself. A more blue or purple red looks better on people like me lol. Blonde is nice but I've been finding more and more that I can't really pull off blonde to the very root, I almost need some darker roots showing for the blonde to not look bad.

I've never been a fan of the overly unnatural colors in general but I do see girls pulling them off here and there. I do agree that unnatural highlights would be easier to pull off than a full head of pink or whatever. It always helps to be aware of cold/warm tones and what shades suit them etc. That goes for natural looking colors too.
I gotta admit, I'm liking the recent trend back to "big hair".…

It looks fucking sexy on Black girls and Latinas, especially tall thin ones. I have no idea if this is real hair, a wig, or some kind of weave thing. I don't care, as long as it doesn't fall off at an inopportune moment, exposing a bald head. Eeeekkk... that would be frightening.

Reminds me of Diana Ross back in the 70's/80's or Tony's sister Gina in Scarface: https://www.iloveoldschoolmusi…
Not a fan of wild, unnatural hair colors. Generally not a fan of really short hair, but some women can pull it off. But Sinead O’Connor style wiffle/shaved is a bridge too far for me.

Other than that, almost anything hair wise can work on the right woman. Sexy is sexy and can be many looks and many things.
Based on my history with women, I am largely drawn to women with long dark hair. I don’t actively seek out long dark haired women, but in retrospect I’ve mostly dated women with that hair color.

In terms of strippers, I am largely attracted to their bodies, and hair color doesn’t matter.
I'm not that picky. I can and do look past hair color and style when she's got a bangin' body and pretty face. It really doesn't matter. I guess if really nitpick I like natural hair color. Blonde is best but bleached blonde looks bad when the roots are growing out and dark. Oh and I like the look and texture of long black Asian hair.
I think strippers put too much into hair and outfits. I can't recall ever seeing a girl with pretty hair and deciding I want a dance, just like I've never seen a great outfit. If she's hot, the hair and outfit gotta be terrible for me to be deterred.

Do what you like with your hair, the happiness and self confidence that comes with you liking it is much more likely to attract me and my wallet than anything else.
I'd rather a girl put too much effort into her hair than too little. Bad hair is a huge turnoff. So are bad cheap wigs.
I'm gonna go ahead and argue I've seen ultra cheap wigs that still looked good or decent and pricier wigs that looked awful 🤷🏼‍♀️

I agree that dark roots coming out of blonde can look bad, but it depends how much growout there is and if it is blended like bayalage or not. I personally find that when I'm platinum blonde to the very roots that it looks way worse than with just a little bit of roots showing.
avatar for Jdo11
2 years ago
One solid color whatever that color maybe. Multicolored hair is a sure sign of some kind of mental illness.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
On Thursday, the Minnesota Senate passed the CROWN Act, which prohibits discrimination based on natural hair.

The CROWN Act also extends the definition of race under the Minnesota Human Rights Act to include hair styles and textures.
Only natural ever. Duh.
Let’s see if the CROWN ACT makes a bald person electable. Hasn’t happened in a presidential election in 70 years
Married to a blonde so for some reason I flock towards brunettes.

We always want what we don’t already have no matter how cool the thing we already have is.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"Oh...and by the not EVER touch an AA girl's only make that mistake once"

Mostly true if you mess it up. Definitely don't do that. But a lot of the girls with those styles have their hair pulled tight and like getting their scalps massaged...if you know how to do it right. One time I think a couple of dancers had planned to try and rob me, but changed their mind after I gave one of them a good massage through their wig.
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