
Your First Crush / Your Favorite Former Girlfriend - Where Are They Now?

They never tell you what you need to know.
Thursday, October 27, 2022 5:24 PM
Your first or favorite crush, girlfriend, where are they now? Do they look good for their age? Did you dodge a bullet or have major regrets?


  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    My first girlfriend stalked me this year under one of those background check/cyberstalking websites. I also saw her on a dating app. The years have not been kind to her. They say old jobs and old girlfriends are two things you never go back to.
  • Longball300
    2 years ago
    Agree with Tetra... Went looking for some old flames online to see how they were doing.... If they had a good life.... I stopped when I got to the second obituary.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    ^ Stage 4 small penis, excuse me, itty bitty teeny tiny little peepee, psychosis. Obviously I made quite an impression on her to draw her interest a decade later. I had a good laugh and moved on. Meanwhile you're more ignored than SJG and Icee, combined, and hijacking threads just to be a troll ass motherfucker. SAD!
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    I have run into a few. At this blush, I'm thinking I dodged a bullet. Then I think about my current wife. Maybe I should have jumped on a grenade when I had the chance.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    She is in such poor health she can no longer work. She looked good when she was young but had really bad health habits. I knew if I stayed with her 30 years later I would be taking care of an invalid. I dodged a bullet by breaking up with her.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    I’ve never stayed in touch with exes. Once I’m done I move on, but have seen a few deteriorate as time passed. Women age quickly after having kids, and men have that luxury of slowly aging. Many I remember gaining a lot of weight after seeing them after years gone by, but in the Midwest women tend to eat like shit and drink alcohol to pass the time.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    A few years ago her second husband shot and killed her.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    I have no fucking idea. That would have been 62 years ago in CA and I've been in Ga since 1987. Haven't seen my ex wife in 20 years.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    She's in the next room.
  • dutchman2000
    2 years ago
    Looked up a few. Most have gained so much weight I wouldn't recognize them if I hadn't looked him up online. Then there's number one,, just as hot as when she left 14 years ago. Marrying a wealthy older man seems to have done her good. Won't be long and she'll have it all.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    My first real girlfriend still looks pretty good, ran into her about two years ago when she was here in Florida visiting family, we recognized each other immediately even though it’s been at least fourth years, she’s buried two husbands and apparently is looking for number three, she’ll probably find him too cause she’s aged very gently still looks good, isn’t a fatty and she dresses very well, always did. We had a nice afternoon together and that’s where I left it.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Forty not forth fuckn spell check.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    My first girlfriend in high school was a top student and a complete sweetheart. At some point after high school, she started making increasingly bad decisions and also experienced some tragically bad luck. A lot of this played out on social media for several years. She did not lead a charmed life by any definition. Regardless of some her bad choices, she deserved better than what she got. She passed away (natural causes) a few years ago. It wasn't quick or kind. I don't think I dodged a bullet so much as she caught every single one.
  • goldmongerATL
    2 years ago
    Still in touch with mine and her family. Looks like Elton John or Billie Jean King. But when you are 14 an "older woman" with a car is the bomb!
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Goldie comes up with another classic. I would narrow it down to 3 different ones. 1. My true first girlfriend - total babe back then, total babe now. I still run into her occasionally. She married a doctor who is shorter than her (she’s only 5’6”) but hey she never had to work. Her problem is she still has the same style she did when she was 14. Same hair cut. She was/is very boring. An exciting night to her would be going to Olive Garden. She has 2 kids and her highlight of the day is probably going to the grocery store. 2. Girl I dated I most obsessed about. To me hottest girl I ever dated. Fun to be around but not too bright. Today she’s married to a guy 10 years older than her that IS NOT rich. I never understood why women did that. If you’re going to marry a guy a decade older than you make sure he’s at least handsome or has money. She’s put on weight but is not “fat.” She used to have black hair and now dyes it blonde. One of the few women that would look better NOT being blonde. If she went back to her natural hair color and lost about 20 pounds she would look amazing, but that’s not the case and she looks just like every other average soccer mom. 3. Girl I lost my virginity to. In another thread on here we’re we talking about this and it made me think of her. I actually found her on the internet (FB and Linkdin). Very overweight. Another one that would have to lose a significant amount of weight to look good again. It’s in there, you can see her potential to be hot but it’s a long ways off.
  • ATACdawg
    2 years ago
    54 years ago! Connie was a sweetheart who passed unexpectedly in a car accident; she was a passenger in a car which shared no fault.😒
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Girl I obsessed most about, hot Indian chick who tried to rope me into a cult in college. We lost contact but turns out we have a mutual friend, and I saw she lives in New York and hosts some decently rated LinkedIn news show. Looks pretty good for her age. Good for her. Girl I lost my virginity to, married with two kids, we're still friends and she's the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. Her kids love pictures of my cat.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I’ve not gone and searched for my first true crush. I have avoided doing that with my subsequent girlfriends too. I feel that little good can come from finding a Facebook profile of an old flame. If I see an old girlfriend while I’m at the store or traveling, it would likely be very nice to see them. But, I won’t search for them online. My 40 year high school reunion was a few weeks ago. A buddy sent me a few photos. Folks haven’t aged well. I couldn’t recognize anyone in the photos.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ that started happening to me at my 20 year reunion. Couldn’t believe people were telling me that they were amazed at how I hadn’t changed when mostly everyone who attended was a shell of their past.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    My first girlfriend got real ugly. We took each others' virginity, but she was a grunge/drama club girl with a fucked up home life. My fave gf struggled with her weight. It was my healthy eating and fitness focus that motivated her to improve her lifestyle, but she dropped that after we broke up. She stayed fairly attractive, but stopped controlling her weight. She never got obese, but she has stayed heavier in every social media pic since. From the pics I've seen, none have aged well. Not many regrets to be had.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I’m glad I didn’t settle down that’s for sure. Wait what I’m a talking about I never had a girlfriend, fuck.
  • bang69
    2 years ago
    In Prison
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    My first live-in GF got married and my first wife did the same again. Good for them - it is what I hoped would happen. I was a bit of a self absorbed shit in my younger years and didn't treat either of them especially well, though funny enough I was still the one to leave each of them. Some years back I looked them up out of guilt more than anything and was happy to see each of them with a husband and children. As far as the others, I really haven't been interested enough to look.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Both still in love with me lulz
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ Crack hoes have very low standards. 😉
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Yeah. They give un to your coercion
  • EastCoaster
    2 years ago
    Feel free to skip this if it looks too long to hold your interest. It's just me reminiscing. Even though I left my home town at 18, I’m still friends with a lot of my old girlfriends, despite being married for 40+ years. I went to my 50th high school reunion last year and counted at least half a dozen girls I felt up, fingered, and/or fucked, most of whom I still have at least an email relationship with. As expected, some look better than others. A couple of them look amazing. I am also still in touch with a number of girls I dated in college. One of them is one of the closest friends my wife and I have, and we all see one another frequently though she lives in different part of the country than we do. What my wife doesn’t know is the number of times I’ve slept with said girlfriend in the last 40+ years. Let’s just say it’s a relatively high number. She was hot then and is still hot now. My first “girlfriend” – in quotes because were in eighth grade – had the first pair of boobs I ever saw, fondled and sucked. (I say “had” because the boobs are gone from a double mastectomy and recurring bouts of cancer.) Anyway, she and I are still in touch on a fairly regular basis. Though we never dated past junior high, we carried on occasional, clandestine, non-coital sexual activities during high school, college and a bit beyond, even as we dated others. She was the instigator for most of this, which was great. She is married to a really nice guy, with two grown kids who have successful careers. As for how she’s held up, she never again looked as cute as she did in junior high, and she’s now THE most fundamentalist religion-oriented person I know, which is not something I’m into. So, yeah, I dodged a bullet, but she’s still a great friend. Smart and funny. Was then and still is now. My second girlfriend and I lost our virginity with each other – she at 14, me at 15. Long married to other people, she and I fucked again about 15 years ago, and last year at our HS reunion, she was eager to spend some time talking with me alone. We talked, but two problems prevented anything sexual happening: her husband was also in attendance, and she doesn’t look so hot these days, so my attraction for her has waned. She is still a nice person, though, and has had a fulfilling life. For me, good memories and no regrets.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    ^ good story, that’s a lot of women to bang over the years that close to your personal life. Does your wife know? How did you get away with that? I mentioned my first crush still looking great and I’d definitely love to get with her today, but she’s way too prude to do that and I’ve always stuck to my rule, “no funny business where I live,” although several opportunities have been available over the years. I travel enough for work that there’s plenty of opportunities stayed away from home.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    There is no girl from my past that I think I wish I stuck with her. Most of it is what the fuck was I thinking.
  • Htxx
    2 years ago
    My x wife, I do have contact w her due to our kids. Divorced for 15 years now had been married for 15. She routinely cry’s/begs me to take her back. I on the other hand am completely enjoying life, strip clubs, SA and will be wintering again in Florida for 5 months!
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    @Htxx, nobody here knows what happened in your marriage, but IMHO there is nothing amusing about that. She is the mother of your children. Whatever else may have happened, she gave you her best child bearing years. I hope at the very least you're making sure that she's not living on cat food and is otherwise taken care of.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Ishmael how did she pass from natural causes whilst being in her 40s? What kind of natural causes...?
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick, it’s a good and amusing post imo. Sounds like a total boss
  • DandyDan
    2 years ago
    In order of when I met them: 1. Biggest crush: she was in my HS graduation class. The most recent picture I can find, presuming it's her, makes her look good, but she's also a blonde in the picture and she was always a brunette. But I believe it's her because otherwise, it looks like her. Of course, she also got a Ph.D., which puts her out of my league no matter how hot she is. I had got in touch with her on Facebook, but that was a mistake. 2. The girl I lost my virginity to: From my freshman year in college. Still looks good, although she has gained some weight. I wouldn't turn her down. 3. First girlfriend: From my sophomore year of college. I hadn't given any thought to her for years. It might be for the better, as she died earlier this year. She looked even bigger than I remember (based off her obituary picture) and may have been as much of a headcase when she died as she was when I went out with her. (From what I could tell based off the obituary, my guess is she was a suicide.)
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    First girlfriend was definitely one of those suburban girls just on the cusp of being trailer trash. She's married fat with a few kids. Second girlfriend is still cute in the face but definitely has a 40+ year old mombod. Third girlfriend (who I was with the longest) is a Trainwreck but looks amazing. Bankruptcy, divorce, career history all over the place. No kids definitely helps her stay fit, but definitely dodged a bullet (she's probably bipolar but she has an epic rack and could really suck a dick).
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    So far I have little interaction with any of the girls that interested me seriously back when I was young. overall I think I’m much happier being single. and definitely happier being divorced.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    and ones I have seen at the last two reunions (40th and 50th) definitely have lost their appeal.
  • MeNotYou2
    2 years ago
    I had a childhood playmate from age three. I took her to Senior Prom so you figure out what happened along the way. But lets say the Kid Rock song all summer long is damn close to my teenage years other then being off on what year he is talking about. I would have stayed with her but she got bitchy in Uni and have not seen here sense we were about 21 But i know that she is working retail (nice use of that degree she got) living in a poorer working class area, been divorced at least twice (not sure if she is still married to number 3) has one kid. Saw a picture a few years ago and she was very plump. talked with someone recently who said she is a bit… “ummm “heavy”” and this guy’s wife is noticeably over weight so…. i suspect she has ballooned. So i guess i dodged a train wreck. Still every once in a while I think back on the young girl i knew and kind of miss her. FYI. I happen to know a guy that encounters my first every once in a while so i get updates otherwise i have no idea what happened to any other ex’s
  • Lockjaw
    2 years ago
    The first woman I was in love with became a lesbian and never did anything with her life. The last I heard she moved in with her father. She deleted of her social media. The second woman I was in love with married a much older fat guy and had his kid. Based on social media, she is miserable, but they are still together. At least her spouse made enough money so she never had to work. I dodged a bullet with both of these women.
  • mjx01
    2 years ago
    The one I know the most about... Married 2 or 3 kids, but still as smoking hot as ever, can't believe the lack of baby damage (damn, wish time had been more cruel) However, she never had a "non-hobby" job IMO and (I understand but) went full time mom after kids. To each their own but supporting her lazy ass would have driven me crazy. Dodged bullet. There was also this complete bat shit crazy chick later in life. No idea what happened to here after that, but obvious dogged a bullet given the level of crazy
  • Htxx
    2 years ago
    @rick.. well it wasn’t intended to be amusing; merely a statement of facts. As to her financial wherewithal I can tell you this (as many others who’ve been through a divorce can attest) after the division of assets; and spousal support based on the length of marriage if properly managed she would have never had to work. Ever again. Suffice it to say I paid. A lot. Now I don’t have to pay, nor will I ever again. Those who make bad decisions live with them and the related consequences so yeah, I dodged a bullet and am going to spend the rest of my (happily single) life spending money that I earn on strippers, sugar babies and however and whatever else i feel like without any remorse or regrets. But you do you, and I’ll do lots of young women as many as I can for as long as I can and not in the shitty winter weather in Detroit either.
  • rattdog
    2 years ago
    i found out that a college crush: -a year after i graduated she dated and got knocked up by her drug dealer -got married 3 times -when the last guy she married told her he had no money saved up she got pissed off and shot the poor guy -currently incarcerated for murder
  • MeNotYou2
    2 years ago
    Rattdog…. Ok as far as “the dodging a bullet award” goes…. You Win.
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