Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff

Get vaccinated and keep the clubs open


last comment
Fuck the vaccine, and the masking and precautions.

SJG said "Fuck the vaccine, and the masking and precautions."

Your favorite politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is in favor of all three of those things. I don't know, but I sense that your single non-liberal viewpoint is highly motivated by you're being the only simple idiot who couldn't manage an internet connection during 2020.
AOC has never said anything to support the COVID hysteria.

She always said that it was entirely racial, which means that it is about health care access.

SJG sucks
Covid is racial? AOC is literally as stupid as shit. Then again for the last 75 years of college in Boston, no guy ever went looking for a hot, fun sexual woman at B.U.
Except here's AOC advocating mRNA Covid vaccines:…

And here's a story about AOC's stating on her Instagram that she plans to keep wearing a mask indoors even after being vaccinated:…

She has stated that there's a racial/wealth factor in the spread of Covid:…

... but she never stated that Covid was "entirely racial". Unless you can find even one place where she did.

But you won't. Because she didn't.

The only reason why you hate Fauci but love AOC is that you've chosen to not blame AOC for cutting your access to free internet access at the public library. Even though her beliefs are in line with his.
Also, you're creepy as fuck.
Thanks CMI for the AOC links. She is explaining about the vaccine and how it works, but that was back in Dec 2020. And then her big call for financial relief and talking about deaths, that is April 2020, when this was just starting and their hospital system was totally unprepared.

And she I guess was still wearing a mask after the vaccine.

But I still don't see her as supporting the irrational hysterical response. I see her as quite moderated, not like Biden, Newsom, or Fauci.

*You* don't see that because you're a crazy person. However one might feel about masks and vaccines, she is completely in line with conventional democratic thought on masks and vaccines, and that includes being in line with Fauci and Biden.

Here's AOC on May 12 advocating for ways to increase the vaccination rate in the U.S.:…

Here's AOC on July 12 advocating that the U.S. manufacture Covid vaccines for world distribution:…

She is 100% on board with everyone getting vaccinated. In December 2020 (which was only 7 months ago...) she was explaining how the vaccines work to reassure people that they should be vaccinated.

Live everything else in your clouded, creepy brain, you're being delusional with regards to AOC's position on Covid precautions, vaccines, and mask wearing.
*Like* everything in your clouded..., rather.
AOC is not trying to scare people, she is doing the opposite.

Sure I wish she was attacking the precautions, but at least she is not promoting hysteria like Gavin Newsom and Anthony Fauci have.

^^^ naaawwww ... someone has a creepy childhood crush.
avatar for Ulrik79
4 years ago
Vaccines work. So many diseases we don't have to worry about because of vaccines. Even if I need to eventually get boosters I think it is worth it. I never got flu shots because I'm generally not getting sick, but the one time I got the flu I decided after that week of hell that I would get my flu shot every year even if all it did would make getting the flu suck less; it would be worth it.
If this anti vaccine hysteria had been common place in the fities and sixties, we'd still be suffering from Polio and Smallpox, this is mass stupidity carried out for political purposes, and it really needs to stop,
Goats wish there was a vaccine for SJG.
Jackslash for the win!

I think this is a simple one. Get vaccinated - to protect yourself and others.

The politicians have hurt our country - and they have slowed our recovery from the pandemic - by making vaccinations a political issue.
Worry about yourself. I’m done worrying about other people. My loved ones are vaccinated and by being vaccinated we’re doing our part to keep other people safe. If store owners want us to wear a mask it’s not much of an imposition so I wear a mask.

If you don’t want to get a vaccine, then don’t. I may think it’s a stupid decision and based on either a lack of information, misinformation, paranoia or stupidity. Not my job to help the stupid so if someone wants to explain why they aren’t getting a vaccine, I feel zero responsibility to respond or try to change their mind. Have a nice day.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Remember Sweden ? They didn’t do lockdowns and were ridiculed by all the “experts”

“Sweden’s laissez-faire approach to the pandemic continues today. In contrast to its European neighbors, Sweden is welcoming tourists. Businesses and schools are open with almost no restrictions. And as far as masks are concerned, not only is there no mandate in place, Swedish health officials are not even recommending them.

What are the results of Sweden’s much-derided laissez-faire policy? Data show the 7-day rolling average for COVID deaths yesterday was zero (see below). As in nada. And it’s been at zero for about a week now.”
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
The first polio vaccines were developed in 1935. In the 1940s, vaccine trials were held and caused death and infection for many trial participants. It wasn’t until 1955 that a safe version of the polio vaccine was distributed. It took 20 years of research to develop a safe vaccine.

Now, we are being told we are fools for hesitating to inject ourselves with an experimental vaccine following one year of development and testing.
Remember Sweden?

"Of course the fact that so many have died can't be considered as anything other than a failure," (Prime Minister of Sweden) Mr Lofven told reporters. Dec 2020

King of Sweden "I think we have failed. We have a large number who have died and that is terrible.“ Dec 2020

“Sweden has had to acknowledge that its earlier laissez-faire response to the pandemic resulted in a much higher death rate than seen among its Nordic neighbors, prompting the government to reverse course. Last month, Sweden enacted a law that allows it to impose lockdowns, and authorities have progressively tightened requirements this year.” Feb 2021……

I agree with the Republican governor of Alabama Kay Ivey
Also, it's obvious that JimmyMcNulty has fallen into the horrible trap of reading more than one thing from more one place.

I feel like this ties into Muddy's thread about news reading habits....
avatar for Ulrik79
4 years ago
So the VERY FIRST VACCINE took some years to become 100% safe. It stilled killed less people than polio did. It still made it so we don't worry about polio anymore.

Pretty sure the government is keeping it emergency use to keep the price they need to pay the drug companies low in order to provide it to us at no cost.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“the unvaccinated folks are letting us down”

What happened to “ my body, my choice “ ?
^ you folks are all "my body my choice" till a woman gets pregnant then you phony fucks are all about it's the "sanctity of life"
We would be just fine if you folks skip the vaccines as long as you agree not to use our health resources when the virus gets you.
Gov. Kay Ivey said: "the unvaccinated folks are letting us down."

She can express a strong opinion about her belief that people should be vaccinated. She has not proposed any laws or policies requiring Covid vaccinations.

mark94 said: "What happened to 'my body, my choice'?"

Well, "My body. My choice." is a sentiment most often used by the pro-choice side of the abortion debate. In 2019, Ivey (a Republican) signed into law an incredibly restrictive abortion ban that made almost all abortions a felony crime (it was overturned via the District Court of Alabama).

So ... if Ivey were to sign into law a requirement for Covid vaccines, then that would actually be in line with her opinions of "My body. My choice."

But she hasn't.
I'm pro-choice on vaccines, bodily integrity and all that.

However, the choice to get vaccinated is much smarter, better-researched, and kinder to your neighbor than the other.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
The more important statistics are
1. Portion of over-65 vaccinated
2. Number of CoVid hospitalizations/deaths

Those numbers are optimistic.

Everyone is freaking out about a bump in infections, primarily among the young unvaccinated. Their chance of dying from CoVid is much lower than a pedestrian being shot and killed in Chicago on any given weekend.
@scrub, I'd have you placed in the psych ward down the street first.

P(dying of COVID) >>>>> P(dying of vaccine)
So tell me Mark have you gotten the Covid vaccination ?
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
For someone who is older, or has a chronic illness, CoVid is a very real threat. The vast majority of these people are now vaccinated. That’s a smart choice.

For a healthy young person, CoVid risk is in the struck-by-lightning statistical neighborhood. There is a greater chance of succumbing to a reaction to the experimental vaccine than dying from CoVid. Statistically, choosing to not be vaccinated is the wise decision.

Don’t force 12 year olds to get an experimental drug to ( in theory ) reduce the already low risk of their vaccinated grandparents not only getting infected by CoVid, but dying from it. Once vaccinated, the risk of an older person getting CoVid is under 5% and the risk of dying is near zero.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
So tell me Mark have you gotten the Covid vaccination ?

Of course. As soon as I was eligible. I’m an old fart.

If I was 25, I’d still be waiting.

Risk/reward analysis.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
For those of you minimizing the long term risk of new medicines, Google thalidomide. It could be 10 years before we truly know if the CoVid vaccines gave serious long term side effects.
"If I was 25, I’d still be waiting."

I don't believe you, Not even a little bit, just another straw man poster,
you should really shut the fuck up, you are a hypocritical twat
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Incidentally, the biggest gap in vaccination rates is in the urban African American communities. The media would like you to think it’s a group of knuckle-dragging Trump supporters who are refusing the vaccine. It’s not.
More Straw men from the biggest hypocrite on TUSCL, what relevance does Thalidomide any of the rabbit holes you keep trying to twist this conversation into have to COVID-19 vaccine it's long past time for you to shut the fuck up
@Mark, if vaccines have side effects, they occur in the first few weeks. mRNA has a ridiculously short half-life in the body, it cannot be incorporated into the genome, and these vaccines were tested in tens of thousands of people already.

But I doubt you care about the science, because it's about MuH FrEeDuMz!!!!!!!!11111
I agree with Mark94 on the Swedish approach.

Pollio and Smallpox are much more dangerous than COVID.

Joe Biden is using lies to promote hysteria. If they want a lower rate of premature deaths, Universal Health Care.

The Covid precautions and the vaccine hysteria are idiotic.

SJG said "I agree with Mark94 on the Swedish approach."

You know who doesn't agree with the Mark94 on the Swedish approach? The Swedish.

"Pollio and Smallpox are much more dangerous than COVID."

And they were eradicated by widespread acceptance of available vaccines.

"Joe Biden is using lies to promote hysteria. If they want a lower rate of premature deaths, Universal Health Care."

If he is, then AOC is using the same lies to promote the same hysteria. Regardless of your weird crush on her and selective blindness for what she advocates, she's equally or more an advocate for Covid precautions than Biden.

"The Covid precautions and the vaccine hysteria are idiotic."

You now what's idiotic? The myopic hysteria of some creepy weird guy in San Jose who has tailored his entire perspective on the pandemic around him being the only person in the U.S. who can't manage an internet connection when the library closes.

That's pretty idiotic. Also, you're creepy as fuck.
You will not eradicate COVID by using vaccines. It spreads too rapidly, and this world has 7 billion people, and it mutates too rapidly.

Our public officials are lying to us. Gavin Newsom, except that he is not even smart enough to be lying. But Biden and this new head doctor.

They said that precautions were just to slow COVID down and not overflow the hospitals. But really what they were trying to do was force irradication. This is a completely unrealistic and irresponsible goal.

Covid is a nuisance, not a reason to hold the affairs of an entire nation hostage.

You're one conservative political position has grown entirely out of your inability to connect to the internet when the library closes.

Also, some people posting in this thread should pause a moment to ponder that both SJG and desertscrub share your thinking. Now there's a breathing-into-a-paper-bag revelation.
*Your* one conservative...etc.

^^^^ You numbskull, the COVID precautions smashed most small business and commercial concerns. And it was totally unwarranted. What we have now for reopening should have been here a year ago.

At the peak of the 2020 epidemic, COVID was only slightly boosting our death rate, cutting life expectancies down by 1 year.

But if we had Universal Health Care, we would gain 5 years of life expectancy.

Our public officials have not been honest with us. And it is not Liberals, it is the NeoLiberals, like Newsom, Cuomo, and Biden.

AOC does not try to induce fear, and she is openly pro Universal Health Care.

It also closed the public libraries, which is the actual reason why you've parted company so sharply with the left.

So SJG ... what's it like being a newly-minted, right-wing conservative?
Honestly, if you want to skip to the part where you pretend to put me on "Ignore", that's fine with me.
You are not worth ignoring!

Affairs of mine, commercial cooperative ventures were forced into a standby position. And there was no legitimate reason for this.

I am not a Conservative. I am a Radical Leftist.

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
With Sweden, it was always a choice between taking some deaths early on, then quickly realizing herd immunity, or locking down and spreading the deaths over a much longer period with devastating economic and societal harm.

Of course there was doubt about the chosen approach early on. Now, the wisdom of the choice is clear.
SJG said "You are not worth ignoring!"

I don't think you know how words work. If I'm not worth ignoring, that means I'm worth paying attention to. But really, this is just easier than trying to remember who you've put on pretend "Ignore" when you see their posts.

"Affairs of mine, commercial cooperative ventures were forced into a standby position. And there was no legitimate reason for this."

Translation: You're the one fuckwit who couldn't figure out internet access when the library closed for a year.

"I am not a Conservative. I am a Radical Leftist."

Yeah, well, your posts closely mirror conservative positions on Covid, masks, and vaccines. So, you're not that leftist, and certainly not radical. But don't worry. You remain creepy as fuck.
"your posts closely mirror conservative positions on Covid, masks, and vaccines"

Might be true, but our reasons are different. And now it seems like even these so called "conservatives" are going pro-vaccine.

Of course your reasons are different.

Conservatives could still access the internet in 2020 (as TUSCL amply proves...). You, on the other hand, were dead in the water when the library shut down.
^^^^^ Dick head, commercial ventures and undertakings were smashed.

Generally the so called "conservative" commentators are really just reactionaries, trying to demonize liberals. And so this is the reason for their anti-covid precautions position.

I am a radical leftist, beyond Marx and Engles.

"With Sweden, it was always a choice between taking some deaths early on, then quickly realizing herd immunity, or locking down and spreading the deaths over a much longer period with devastating economic and societal harm.

Of course there was doubt about the chosen approach early on. Now, the wisdom of the choice is clear."

Yes the wisdom of the choice is clear it's pure idiocy even the Swedes agree
I think mitigation efforts didn't go far enough and were headed back to where we were a year ago. All mitigation efforts should be uniform across the country.

The problem is pressure from the private sector to keep business open ie profits coming in took precedence over public health and subsequently peoples lives.

This county gave the first shelter order in the country, March 13, 2020.

In part this was a response to the hysteric irrationallity of Andrew Cuomo in new your, "How do you put a price on human life."

But this was after the virus had burned through New York, so not much was at issue, and as far as the price, Universal Health Care costs less than what we pay for health care already.

We should have taken precautions earlier, at least lighter and more targetted precautions. We should have had stock piles of all known test kits, because you can't turn back the clock once something like this gets going. But Trump screwed that up. And then this county was also not ready to process a large number of tests.

I go along with the shelter order for the first 6 weeks. All it was supposed to do is slow the virus down, not to protect people from it, make them safe, or irradiate the virus.

But mid april it had slowed it down, shifted it from geometric growth to slow linear growth.

Originally the shelter order was set to expire on May 1st, a Friday. Then they changed it to May 4th, a Monday. So that seemed to have been the plan, to let everything reopen then.

They should have stayed with that!

But no, the hysteria set in, the idea that you have to "keep people safe". etc. This has been an extra year for nothing, I mean nothing.

SJG said "Affairs of mine ... commercial ventures and undertakings were smashed."

You sound a lot like an aggressive, single-minded, opportunistic capitalist who prioritizes his own business concerns over public safety. And that's a lot of things, but it's not radical leftist.

Except we all know that you don't have any such "ventures". Just admit that you're still pissed that you're the only person in the U.S. who couldn't figure out the internet for an entire year when the library shut down.
There was no public safety issue in covid after the initial slow down was done in the first 6 weeks.

I see that you're now using "Ignore" on a post-by-post basis.

There's a long list of people, potted ferns, and rabid forest creatures who have a better grasp of public safety and pandemic science than a creepy-as-fuck mental case who couldn't sort out internet access for a full year when the libraries closed.

You can tell yourself otherwise as often as you want or your Asperger's Syndrome requires.
Commercial ventures and public spaces were totally fucked up, all for a virus which was not adding to out death or mortality rate.

You mean "public spaces" as in the library which is literally the only place where you can get to the internet.

I see that you're grasp of death and mortality rate statistics are as unglued from reality as your belief in what AOC advocates or the viability of your crazy-pants "organization".

I see that we've reached the part where you're Asperger's or low-grade autism compels you to respond endlessly even though you're not actually responding to any of the points being made. No really ... you can skip to the part where you threaten violence and then put me on your pretend "Ignore" list.

Ehhh ... actually, fuck it. Go ahead and have the last word. I'm probably keeping you from your next round of meds.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
"I am a radical leftist, beyond Marx and Engles."

Groucho and Marty?
Just like before a hurricane, the vaccine is being offered , similar to an evacuation order, you have the right to refuse the vaccine just like you have the right to refuse to evacuate
But you’re on your own buddy why should anyone else be put at risk on your behalf especially when you have been offered help and refused that help
Get sick and just suffer the consequences too fuckn bad. It’s long past time we stopped catering to a bunch of idiots
Radical Leftist = Useless, whiny, leech on society. Universal healthcare is just another give away to the leeches. This country should spend every waking moment making sure poor people do not want to come here. Their home is in Europe.
Universal healthcare, like most progressive proposals, sounds great until you see the bill. Then even blue states vote it down.

If you find yourself agreeing with SJG and DesertScrub, it's time to re-evaluate your life choices.
The core of the Sanders 2020 campaign was Medicare for All. And he won the CA primary.

The net cost to the government is zero, because money given to poor people recirculates as it is nibbled away in taxes. You only have to raise taxes to the extent that the money is siphoned upwards, fattening the fat.

Used to be there were two industrialized countries which did not have universal health care, the US and South Africa. Today, there is only one.

Universal Health care adds about 5 years to the life expectancies of both women and men, cuts down on premature deaths by doing a better job with the big chronic conditions, it makes for a big drop in infant mortality, and it costs much less than what we now pay for health care.

It has been on the table for every Democratic administration. Bill Clinton was elected in '92 on a platform which called for "Health care which covers every American." But with Rush Limbaugh on the radio and the health insurance industry running Thelma and Louise ads, he was always a vote or two short of getting it through the Senate.

Universal Health Care would do more than all the COVID precautions and the vaccine.

Since/ this thread has gone political i feel compelled to point out the one truth of TUSCL: politics in the front room makes baby jesus cry

However, I will add in all seriousness that threads like this make me weep. I am not going to engage with any specific opinions because there is little point in doing so.

But I am amazed by the broad suite of topics many of you feel comfortable discussing with absolute certainty. You people have some industrial strength self esteem.

In fact, you people have such high self esteem that I bet your mommies gave you a participation trophy every single day of your lives!

I can visualize Mr. Skibum’s trophy wall right now: hundreds of plaques saying “Mommy luvs he lil Skibum cuz he successfully made boom boom in da potty (with only minimal smearing of feces outside of the designated feces disposal site)”

Hey SKIBUM - can you post a picture of all your “successful boom boom in the potty” awards? We all want to see them!
^ forget about skibum Doctor Phil , Mark94 needs your help with his cleft palates, seems to me he talks out of his ass and whistles Dixie at the same time
Can you decipher his message for us with yore space geniousness please.
well mr 25 i see ur point and blame the whole issue on self esteem culture. all the time growing up mr mark was prolly told how great he was for trivial accomplishments like eating all of the broccoli on his plate or managing to shit in the appropriate place.

in fact my space geneious algorithm assigns a 97% posterior probability to the contention that mr mark still has at least 5 awards given to him by his mommy saying: it has be more than 10 days since lil mark took a shit in the cats sandbox all other shits since then have been in da potty 😄

that sort of treatment growing up makes u think ur a philosopher king when u finally becom an adult. in the phil household my pappy would not even let me eat until i could accomplish something like calculate the trajectory of the pioneer 11 space probe on my texas instruments caclulator or devise a marketing strategy that would have got the velvets undergrounds to number 1 album for a straight year

but that sort of discipline is what made me a space geneious whereas the participate trophy culture that mr mark was immersed in is why he think he knows everything

your welcome
More hyperventilating about COVID numbers on a strip club site. You'd think that dudes who post about chasing pussy would enough grit to look beyond the spread numbers to the stats that actually matter, but anywho...

I will admit, rather selfishly, that the sudden resurgence of spread has had a positive effect on my club experiences. Until about 2 weeks my local clubs were busier than I have ever seen them on what were traditionally slower nights. But more recently it looks like some of these dudes have gone back into hiding. I can't deny that I've been enjoying the reduction in competition for the affections of hot young ladies - so much so that I recently posted a thread about binging, lol.
@doctor Phil
Is RickiBoi a victim of that participation trophy culture also, am I too hard on the poor sap, it just he’s sooo annoying like that little girl or boy who’s always hollering at the playground “Daddy watch me look how good I am on the swing”
100% of the cause of the climate emergency is overpopulation. Great idea to increase longevity roflmao.
RickDugan said "More hyperventilating about COVID numbers on a strip club site."

You know, during my time off from TUSCL, I did check in every so often, and an oddly high number of COVID-focused threads on here were started by you, along with an ironically high number of threads by you complaining about the number of COVID-focused threads. Also, you know full well that there's more than a few threads/content on TUSCL that aren't relevant to strip clubs. So, the why-is-this-here posturing is a bit transparent.

"You'd think that dudes who post about chasing pussy would [have] enough grit to look beyond the spread numbers to the stats that actually matter, but anywho..."

So, I guess this is the part where you're condescending about people not looking at an issue in exactly the same way that you do. Should we skip to the part where you digitally throw your hands up in an "I'm sorry you feel that way" pose?

Your opinions of anyone's "grit" has nothing to do with data and statistics analysis. I'm no expert and neither are you. Also, government policy is not always made around the best available data (in the opinion of whoever). So, returning to the OP's most-likely point, it's not impossible that the spread of the Delta variant could cause some states to start closing down again. Most likely not a full shutdown, but certain business sectors, like the adult industry, would be easy targets because (in the eyes of the politicians and the public) they are "super spreader" environments. Also, shutting down strip clubs more often than not increases votes, so there's that.
^ States most likely to revert back to shutdowns are those with populations who least resist it due to blind fear. The simple fact is that it's primarily young healthy people getting it now, which is why hospitalizations are low and mortality rates are under control.

At least here in FL the odds of a return to shutdowns are virtually non-existent. DeSantis has staked his reputation on keeping the economy open and people unrestricted. Indeed he regrets ever shutting down in the first place. Unlike some states, whiny pussies who troll strip club boards, like 25, are in the minority. 😉

It's funny, I was just having this conversation with a stripper last night. She was also worried about shutdowns, but I assured her that it would never happen here for all of the reasons discussed above. Then I engaged in vigorous social un-distancing with her in a local notel. Man I love this state. 😁
Weird how the guy who started so many threads about covid (the most threads about COVID 19, of any board regular) and refuses to show his face anyplace where there might be a TUSCLer, is busy talking about who's a whiny little coward, while he's the one hiding from the world.
RickiBoi wondering why are you hyperventilating about this disease so much, if as you say it's no big deal, why waste your time posting about it.
u are correct about mr dugans psychological issues mr 25

the issue is not mr dugans specific statements it is his inability to to accept the fact that he cannot accept any limitations

he believes he is geneious and that belief clearly comes from the fact that his mommy and his daddy gave him participation trophies every day of his life. then they told him the reason he failed his high school classes was that he was to smart for the teachers

now he thinks he is an expert in everything and he cannot cease his outbursts that is why he is hyperventilating the fact that u are contradicting him

i hope this explanation of mr dugans psychology from an actual geneious helps

your welcome
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
It’s interesting that an opinion that the risk and reward of an experimental medicine should be evaluated, based on scientific data, should be condemned as anti-science. Bureaucrats, like Fauci, are demanding that everyone get the vaccine even though most data shows that young people, and those previously infected, don’t need it. That sounds pretty anti-science to me.
^ you are just another hypocritical bullshitter the science shows that the vaccines are effective and safe, but you idiots always try to find another rabbit hole or a new straw man, just to cause dissension, no one not Faucci not Biden nor anyone else has demanded you to get vaccinated, in reality they probably should, or in the very least in the interest of the science, order anyone who isn't vaccinated into quarantine, like I said earlier don't take the vaccine, we really don't care, but don't ask us to put ourselves at risk for you ignorant fools either.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“in the very least in the interest of the science, order anyone who isn't vaccinated into quarantine,”

We need camps. Lots of camps for those who won’t comply.
===> "like I said earlier don't take the vaccine, we really don't care, but don't ask us to put ourselves at risk for you ignorant fools either."

When grown men become emasculated by fear, this type of thinking is the result. That is when they start eagerly handing over their liberties in order to feel a little more safe.

He's already vaccinated, yet he's STILL so afraid that he'd gladly see others quarantined for their own personal choices. That isn't prudence, that's cowardice.
Pandemic mitigation efforts and public safety and health precautions don't equate to fear.

Following said efforts is not cowardice.

But maybe being a covid denier is just the trigger for the evolutionary
Bottleneck we need
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
It’s not about safety. It’s about compliance and control. Your betters in the government have told you what to do. Now, shut up and do what they say.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
How does someone who supports personal health choice become a CoVid denier or anti-science ? All we are saying is give people a choice. Trust them to make the right choice for themselves and their families.
The elected gov is enacting pandemic mitigation efforts.
Mark so you support abortion as a choice too right. And same sex marriage. Trans rights. All choices.

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Yes, I support gay marriage and trans rights. I am also inclined to support abortion in the first trimester.
===> "Pandemic mitigation efforts and public safety and health precautions don't equate to fear.
Following said efforts is not cowardice."

Right, it doesn't matter how extreme or what the tradeoffs are. Just so long as he feels safe, er, I mean is being a responsible citizen.

You can try to shroud yourself in whatever virtue you want, but a grown man who is already vaccinated yet still thinks that others need to be quarantined to keep him safe is talking out of fear. It reeks of what it is...cowardice.
“It not about safety it’s about compliance and control “
What a crock of shit I don’t want any control over you on anyone else, how about you don’t get the vaccine you don’t get to do what you want, simple, your right to refuse care is no less valid than my right to not get exposed to your piss poor risk evaluation, just like before a hurricane you can choose to ride it out, I’m heading for the bunker till the storm passes don’t bother calling for help as you’ve already refused the help I offered.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“ enacting pandemic mitigation”

So, anything is justified in the name of pandemic mitigation ? In Wuhan, people were locked in their apartments without food, causing unknown deaths by starvation. Just pandemic mitigation. Perfectly acceptable. The greater good was being served.
I agree. Getting the vaccine is a no brainer, like wearing a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet, only more so because in can effect others, not just the fool who refuses.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
25, cognitive dissonance:

“ I don’t want any control over you”

“ order anyone who isn’t vaccinated into quarantine”
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“Getting the vaccine is a no brainer, like wearing a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet, only more so because in can effect others, not just the fool who refuses.”

In many communities, the same logic is used to shut down strip clubs. For the public good and to stop the spread of disease.

The same logic can be stretched to ban almost anything that those in power don’t like. For example, censor social media to prevent any view that questions the government experts on CoVid.

That’s the very definition of fascism.
If we weren’t so solicitous of the feelings of these snowflake, idiot vaccine deniers , and started mandated vaccines, this would be under control, I’m starting to see where a little authoritarianism might be warranted.
Uh…I like strip clubs, but I’m OK with certain communities banning them. That’s not “fascism”.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“I’m starting to see where a little authoritarianism might be warranted.”

Holy shit. You and I both lost ancestors in the German camps. Do you really believe a little authoritarianism is warranted ? That path does not end well.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
That’s not “fascism”.

I was referring to censorship of views that contradict the government. Big Tech and government working together to determine what speech is allowed.
Fair point. Yes big tech and partisans with authority in government working together to suppress opposition is fascism.
^ Banning strip clubs in some communities doesn’t equal fascism, you are definitely a snowflake though of the two of us I’ll bet that I’ve not only served my country but am less of an authoritarian than you are. You fail to recognize that there is a public good, you seem to think you’re entitled to more rights than I am.
Your favorite ex president was more than a little bit of an authoritarian,
Okay, I’m going to break character here because it might lead to more laughs that staying with the phil character...

Riddle me this Mr. Mark94:

Why do you care whether other people consider you anti-science? After all, you think you’ve made the right risk-benefit calculation. Do you really think the government is going to put you into camps?

I don’t know where you would get some paranoid idea that the government has been using covid to oppress you. Restrictions everywhere have been loosening. I have no idea where you live so *maybe* you live in a place where restrictions *may* tighten a bit *if* spread of the delta variant gets much worse than it currently is. But that’s a lot of maybes right there. And dugan has no reasons to be irritated. He wants the state open and based on what I’ve read about DeSantis (and heard from friends who live in FL) there ain’t gonna be any restrictions there. So what’s the fucking problem?
Also, for dugan, given that your governor ain’t going to tighten covid restrictions I’m curious why you are commenting on so many covid threads.

Are your panties in a bunch because DeSantis imposed restrictions in the past? If so, my advice is to build a time machine so you can go back and meet with DeSantis and tell him that his restrictions really put sand in your vagina. Surely a scientific “geneious” able to interpret CDC data better than CDC scientists know how to build a time machine!

And if you are the kind of guy who just is willing to look forward to the future and let the past be the past then you should really get back to jacking off over your life size poster of DeSantis secure in the knowledge that the will be no more covid restrictions

That DeSantis poster ain’t gonna cover itself in Dugan cum so get busy!!!!
i’ve had so many vaccinations ever since I was born in 1950. and I’m still alive.( although I’m not so sure I’m in my right mind…)
After reading the comments in this discussion - I’m even happier I got vaccinated months ago.

The best argument to promote vaccinations is - SJG believes they aren’t good. He’s likely a few notches below Joe Dirt on the loser rankings.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Me: People should not be forced to be vaccinated
You: why are you against anyone getting vaccinated ?
Me: I just think people should have the choice
You: why are you saying vaccines don’t work ?
Me: I’m just saying, people should have a choice
You: why are you denying CoVid is risky ?
Me: people should have a choice
you: why don’t you accept science ?
Me: Choice
lol still unvaccinated but maybe i should be... past week I've been having chest pain and shortness of breath like that time in December I for sure knew I had Covid (couldn't smell cigarrete smoke even). but i can smell everything this time so idfk :D might get this shot once i stop getting out of breath walking and talking LOL
Also in case the delta covid bites your dick off, i heard that listermint will cure this issue
===> "Also, for dugan, given that your governor ain’t going to tighten covid restrictions I’m curious why you are commenting on so many covid threads."

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." -- Daniel Webster
^ In the immortal words of Ben Franklin "Go fly a kite"
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
When fascism arrives, it won’t kick in your door, it will declare it is doing what is needed to help the public. That’s the way it has always arrived. The door kicking comes later in the process. By then, it’s too late.
Great. Another TUSCL user who speaks in quotations by others.

So, I'm as guilty (or more so) as anyone of prolonging this thread. Ultimately, though, however I feel about being vaccinated, I'm not going to change any minds by way of an anonymous discussion board on a strip club website. What will (possibly) change minds is personal experience closer to home.

I viewed the vaccines with wariness initially, but it was the experiences of those closer to me who moved me towards getting the vaccine. That and doing a lot of reading and research from a wide variety of sources. As of right now, I think that all adults should get vaccinated, but that's just my opinion.

I do sort of wish that I could wave a magic wand and make the words 'fascist,' 'socialist,' and 'communist' disappear, at least for a while. People seem to lob one or all of them into a conversation as a debate bomb to raise tempers rather than make a point (or consider the actual meaning and context of those words). It would, perhaps, lower the temperature and raise the level of debate.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Ishmael. I got the shot. You got the shot. Millions of people CHOSE to get the shot. That’s a good thing. No one is arguing that people should be prevented from taking the shot.

It’s the governments job to disclose all the research and encourage us to get vaccinated. Anything beyond that, like forcing people to get medical treatment, is very dangerous territory.

If the testing data isn’t good enough that most people will choose the shot, the government needs to do a better job of communicating and perhaps more testing.
^ or maybe you low information jackasses need to stop spreading your misinformation, it’s not fascism for true medical experts to object to your lies and call you out on them.
The testing data is fine you’re just spinning up straw men and looking for rabbit holes to hide in.
Nobody is being forced to get the shot. But, whenever a government official expresses strong support for vaccinations, like Gov. Kay Ivey (R), people start waving their arms and bomb dropping the word "fascism". And yes, the same behavior exists on the other side of the debate.

Everyone is looking for their daily dose of outrage.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
You don’t need to wear masks. We’re the experts. Trust us.

You need to stay home for two weeks. That will fix things. We’re the experts. Trust us.

This all started with Bat Soup somewhere. It definitely didn’t come out of a lab in China. We’re the experts. Trust us.

Just another month more. We’re the experts. Trust us.

Come to think of it, masks are essential. Starting today, you must wear them even if it’s just and old bandana. We’re the experts. Trust us.

Okay, just one more year of isolation. No school. No work. No church. We’re the experts. Trust us.

All those BLM protests are fine. No risk of spreading the virus. We’re the experts. Trust us.

Good news. We’ve got a vaccine. Most of you won’t be able to take it for a few months. We have decided who gets it first. We’re the experts. Trust us.

Okay, now we have enough vaccine, so you all need to take it. We’re the experts. Trust us.

Come to think of it, I guess the virus DID come out of a lab in China. And, yes, the US government was funding research in that lab. But, only the good kind of research, not the evil type. Totally separate. We’re the experts. Trust us.

By the way, anyone who questions what we are saying is denying science.

Trust us.

^ thats not reasonable all of the bomb dropping and name calling is coming from the anti vaccine group and damnit someone needs to get outraged these people are idiots and spread lies and misinformation, they absolutely want more rights than the rest of us. We folks that do the right thing for ourselves and our families do not need to submit to theirs thuggery, they don’t have to get vaccinated but they have no right to expect us to save them when they get sick. It’s not complicated at all. Doctors and nurses have every right to tell them if they don’t get vaccinated, they won’t help them. Remember the old adage about God helps those who help themselves and getting a vaccine is self help I’m done with this debate.
===> "Great. Another TUSCL user who speaks in quotations by others."

The lessons of history bear repeating, especially when so many seem to have forgotten them. Too many people believe naively and/or ignorantly believe that such things could never happen here, but no empire of system of government lasts forever, as history also teaches us. When the worst does happen, it is always after many incremental steps in the name of public good and/or safety.

To me the scary part of this COVID saga was not the virus itself, which, if we're being honest, is not particularly dangerous to a large chunk of the population. Instead it was how eagerly so many people succumbed to panic and accepted, if not encouraged, lockdowns and other onerous government controls. Californians in particular seem to have a high tolerance for controlling governmental behavior, up to and including vaccine cards that are already widely in use.

Just look at 25, who is still such a scared old woman that he believes that unvaccinated people should be quarantined. Perhaps we could make each one wear a yellow "U" badge. Then of course we will need to confiscate their guns because their judgment is clearly impaired. Then...sound familiar? 🙈

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
25 tells us that the government must stop the spread of misinformation. He says that people who don’t follow the governments advice should be refused medical treatment. They should also be quarantined. Isolated from the rest of society.

He lives in South Florida. Maybe he should talk to do some Cuban refugees about what happens when the government is given that kind of power.
===> "^ thats not reasonable all of the bomb dropping and name calling is coming from the anti vaccine group and damnit someone needs to get outraged these people are idiots and spread lies and misinformation, they absolutely want more rights than the rest of us."

And there it is in a nutshell. When someone becomes so emotionally invested in a position, he dramatically overestimates his own intellect and undervalues the decision-making skills of others. In his mind, it's simply a messaging issue. He can't fathom that others may have access to the same information that he does and simply come to a different conclusion.

For many who are on the fence, it's simply an issue of time. The vaccine is new and uses a novel delivery mechanism, which makes some folks choose to take a "wait and see" approach. Many of those people are either young and/or already have some resistance from a prior infection. Many parents are even splitting the difference, obtaining vaccinations for themselves while holding off for their adolescents 12-15 until longer-term data is in.

Even worse though, he is so overcome by his fear that, even vaccinated and with access to whatever other protective gear he chooses to use, he still believes that unvaccinated people are somehow limiting his rights. I guess he never thought of that during his two club visits in the spring as the high likelihood is that an overwhelming majority of dancers is not vaccinated, lol.
I know I said I'm done with this and I am, just pointing out the idiots that keep making straw men are at it, as usual Mark94 never met a conspiracy theory that he wasn't in agreement with and wanted to be a part of, Dugan has nothing to add to this or any conversation except name calling and telling people they're having fun wrong.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Labels are a crutch for the weak mind. If you don’t have a rational response to a strong argument, label it. It’s a “conspiracy theory”. It’s a “ Republican talking point”. It’s a “ straw man”.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
the CDC has recently released a Lab Alert notifying healthcare providers they are withdrawing their emergency use request of the SARS-COV-2 rapid response diagnostic; and informing test centers to adopt new, modified, COVID testing that does not conflate influenza (the flu) with positive results for COVID-19.

It seems the tests being used generated false positives for CoVid. That explains why CoVid cases jumped while traditional flu cases dropped to zero.

Trust the data, trust the science, we are told.
In all honesty, we must remember the CDC was learning about the virus at about the same time they were disseminating guidance to the public. So, as the knowledge evolved, their approach evolved. This is a novel virus, and for the most part, the world learned about it over the past 18 months.

I think we can offer arguments supporting the scientists who are working for the CDC - and we can just as easily offer arguments against those scientists. We get news almost instantaneously now - and that’s not always going to be good in an evolving situation.

The vaccines are very useful in saving lives. I can’t think of a better way to say it. I’m not here to make a political message regarding our country’s direction. I’m not going to change other members opinions either. But, my honest opinion is that politicians have hurt our recovery by making this a political issue - and social media has also hurt our recovery. It’s odd that folks will accept a social media post as truth, when it is from a source that is not well known.

I thought that one good thing that might come from this pandemic would be a sense of national unity. Sadly, I was wrong. It seems that both sides used the pandemic as a weapon - and the group that suffered is the American public.

I’m done with my soapbox. It might be best to close the comments in this discussion, as it likely will continue as a back and forth - with no logical conclusion.
Dugan sez: “ And there it is in a nutshell. When someone becomes so emotionally invested in a position, he dramatically overestimates his own intellect and undervalues the decision-making skills of others.”

Truer words have not been spoken. Of course, they apply to you and Mr. Mark...
Cashman, I can’t see why you want to close comments. This thread was never going to come to a “logical conclusion”

The only thing that can come out of it is some laughs. If you’re taking it seriously you’re taking it wrong.

So laugh at the sheer assclownery of dugan quoting Franklin and Webster. And the delusional assertions of Mark.

I’d buy their bullshit about vaccines if they were to say something like “I’ll go get the shot as soon as it receives full FDA approval”. But you know they won’t say that because they are emotionally invested in the position that covid is nothing at all.

The reality is that people who can’t see the potential utility of mask mandates during a fucking respiratory disease pandemic - and remember that they couldn’t see it during the worst part of the pandemic before anybody could even choose to be vaccinatated - is just so invested in their position that they can’t see logic.

Of course, it is possible that both dugan and Mark are incredible princess in the pea characters that can’t deal with a mask on their faces. Even for 5 minutes. There is a word for folks like that: PUSSIES!!!
For what it's worth, Mark94 stated earlier in the thread that he has taken the Covid-19 vaccine.
avatar for SanchoRG
4 years ago
In conclusion, buy crypto
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
If the CDC and NIH had said “ we’re learning about this as we go along”, I’d have a lot more faith in them. From the git-go, Fauci exuded arrogance and elitism. He was smug and self assured. He talked down to us. He talked out of both sides of his mouth, changed his recommendations, but denied any inconsistency on his part.

At this point, if Fauci told me the sun was going to rise in the East tomorrow, I’d doubt it.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“And the delusional assertions of Mark.

I’d buy their bullshit about vaccines if they were to say something like “I’ll go get the shot as soon as it receives full FDA approval”. But you know they won’t say that because they are emotionally invested in the position that covid is nothing at all.”

Well, I did get the vaccine. In March. Obviously, I never said “ CoVid is nothing at all”. It’s a very real risk to the old and chronically ill. It’s just not much of a risk to the young and healthy. Fact.

Go back through this thread and give me an example of a delusional assertion I made.

I’ll wait.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
25. Here’s a little history for you.

The Reichstag Fire Decree was issued following the arson of the Reichstag ( likely set by Hitler supporters). The decree declared an emergency and suspended many civil rights, giving the German government extraordinary powers. Within months, the decree was used to justify putting Nazis in positions of power and suspending the constitution. Hitler had complete power and questioning him was a death sentence to any German.

I’m curious. Do you see any parallels to current events ? Do you still want the government to quash disinformation and isolate those who refuse its mandates ?
^^^^ I agree with Mark94.

At this point though, the vaccine hysteria is being used to make the population docile so that they do not demand universal health care.

So mr. mark, you claim to be totally non-delusional and you’re comparing mask mandates to the fucking Reichstag fire? Yup...totally and completely non-delusional...

There is a problem with your challenge to identify delusional statements. Specifically, I’m really not interested in reading all your posts. However, I figured I could start at the top and scroll down until I saw your name. Surely I’d find something delusional...

Strategy paid off! There was some drivel about the Swedish strategy and no covid deaths for a week. To which I say “cool” because Sweden is a nice place and I don’t wish them any ill. But it is one week out of a fucking year long pandemic. One could, of course, argue that Sweden did better than much of Europe. To which I say “doing better than the Greeks is no accomplishment, unless the competition is anal intercourse”

Anyway, the full context is that Sweden had an about 4-fold worse death rates than any other Nordic country. Moreover, all Nordics took just about the same Economic hit. Not completely true... the economic hit in Sweden was slightly worse than the other Nordics. But not much worse. Judgement: mr. mark was wrong but not completely delusional.

Next one was about the early Polio vaccines. Relevant to this discussion because, you know, biotechnology is right where it was in the 1930s... DING DING DING we have achieved delusion!!!

Look mark, I’m mostly just funnin’ with ya. But the reality is you’ve twisted yourself into some sort of mental pretzel because it is emotionally important for you to think covid was overblown.

On the other hand, I sure hope you voted in line with your concerns regarding covid shutdowns. After all, you thought government actions to control covid were all attempts to control us and impose fascist rule and I have to tell you about the guy who was in the White House when all of those government actions took place. It was this crazy sumbitch whose name starts with T and he did nothing as the country shut down. Just let the governors do it. Well, that’s not completely correct...he held a press conferences and - get this - at one of those press conferences he asked a doctor whether injecting disinfectant or stickin’ a uv light up yer keister would help covid patients. Then he said it was just sarcasm because Presidents are usually sarcastic like all of the fucking time.

Since you’re all concerned about fascist takeover I have to let in on a secret: that crazy guy encouraged his supporters to attempt a putsch where the were gonna hang his Vice President. But I’m sure it was a sarcastic putsch because the insurrectionists were kinda incompetent. Sadly, there was death among the police officers but they mostly just smeared shit on the walls...

Certainly a freedom lovin’ American(tm) like you wouldn’t support THAT ASSHOLE!!!!

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
No, I’m not comparing the Reichstad fire to masks. I’m comparing it locking down the entire world for over a year. That’s something that not even the Third Reich tried. Seven Billion people prevented from working, worshiping, or socializing for over a year. A few years ago, a movie speculating about that could genuinely be called delusional. Now, it’s part of history.

You claimed I made delusional assertions. From your examples, I think you are actually quibbling over context. That’s a far cry from delusions.

Was Sweden a relative success or failure ? Should vaccines be evaluated for more than a few months before being used by the world ? Asking those questions is not delusional.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
And, going back to Jan 6…,.

Remember the right wing plot to kidnap Governor Witmer in Michigan ? We now know that of the 18 people involved, 12 were either undercover FBI agents or paid informants of the FBI. It was all a false flag operation by the Intel community.

We also know the FBI was involved in organizing the Jan 6 incident. A bunch of unarmed people wandering through Congress, after being waved in by guards, is not an insurrection or putsch. The only person killed that day was an unarmed protester who was executed by a BLM supporter who works on the Capitol police force.
Mr. mark, ‘tis true that asking whether Sweden was a relative success is not delusional. And now that you have the phil phacts(tm) indicating that Sweden was a failure relative to the other Nordics you can go on to ask other questions!

Here is something for you to ask: how exactly was Obama responsible for the Apollo 1 fire? I mean really...he was just a kid at the time but somehow he MUST have been responsible. I’m sure BLM was in on it too. Maybe you should write the editor of the “Everybody thinks we’re insane-os home journal” where you get your news!
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Weird. There is an intense need on the left to believe in their superior moral standing and intellect. To do that, they create stories then fantasize themselves as the hero. Mark blames Obama for Apollo 1 fire. Mark thinks BLM is behind everything. Therefore, based on these made up stories, Trump supporters are crazy. Who is being delusional ?
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Here is Governor Cuomo’s plan for dealing with CoVid. Beyond, you know, bringing death to Nursing Homes.

“We have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm,” he declared, sounding increasingly more threatening as he continued on with this alarming yarn.

“That is the mission,” he concluded.

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
New York governor Andrew Cuomo last September calling for an independent review of the safety of the vaccine:

“Frankly, I’m not going to trust the federal government’s opinion [on the vaccine] and I wouldn’t recommend to New Yorkers based on the federal government’s opinion.”
Hey, those vaccine doses might as well be saline solution. They are having exactly the effect they are intended to have, sustaining mass hysteria in the face of a global economic collapse.

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) document obtained by ABC News shows that “breakthrough” COVID-19 infections — among those who are already vaccinated — are extremely rare, despite headlines and scare stories in the media.

More than 156 million Americans have been fully vaccinated. The CDC estimates that there have been approximately 153,000 infections among vaccinated individuals — about 0.098 percent. This number comes from an unpublished internal CDC document obtained by ABC News.”

In other words, one out of every thousand vaccinated people becomes infected with CoVid. And, because they’ve been vaccinated, it’s likely a very mild case. For this, the government wants us to lock down again and wear masks. Fuck em.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago

“Pressuring people to get vaccinated while you’re telling those who are vaccinated that we still need to be wearing masks isn’t a winning message. Seriously, is there no one in government who can figure this out?

No. No there isn’t. Because they’re all morons.

The government we deserve, indeed.”
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
The inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology ( the technology used in the CoVid vaccine ) is calling for a pause in giving out vaccines until recent data can be evaluated. It seems that as the effectiveness of the vaccine shrinks over time, the severity of the CoVid infection rises.…
It seems to be an engineered hysterical response, intended to keep the population docile as our economy and currency collapse. Keeping people scared so that they don't revolt and demand Social Democracy, a move to a Universal Basic Needs state.…

That vaccine might just as well be saline solution, as that is enough to serve its intended purpose, creating irrational fear.

Neither side is going to convince the other. This paragraph was in an opinion piece in the WSJ today:

“Around the country, vaccinations have been ensnared in the partisan polarization that suffuses just about everything these days. Joe Biden carried the 20 states with the highest vaccination rates; Donald Trump prevailed in 19 of the 20 with the lowest rates. (The 10 states in the middle, which include five swing states, were split almost evenly.) The same pattern prevails at the county level.”

I’m sure both Republicans and Democrats take pride in those numbers. So there you have it. We vaccinate like we vote. You’re words aren’t convincing anyone you’re right (directed at everyone).
The inventor of mrna said "could" and until it happens, if it does, no one knows. Also, inventor doesn't equate with perfecter or most knowledgeable. If you want the vaccine; get it. If you don't want it, don't get it, but I made the choice to get it. Had I been commanded by the Government to get it; I would not have.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
There is a broad consensus among the American people for opening up the economy, not mandating vaccines, not requiring grade school kids to wear masks, and banning opposing views from being aired in public. I know I’m not going to change the minds of the minority on the left. But, it’s important that this minority not be able to silence the voices of the majority of Americans.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
I did take the vaccine. Enthusiastically based on information available at the time. Just because I oppose mandatory vaccines doesn’t mean I oppose vaccines. Quite the opposite. I just think any society that forces a medical procedure, especially an experimental procedure, on its population is no longer a legitimate representative of the people.
"broad consensus among the American people for opening up the economy, not mandating vaccines, not requiring grade school kids to wear masks, and banning opposing views from being aired in public"

There is also a fierce media and political machine which is committed to the opposite. But I for one do not think it is really the political left, it is more NeoLiberals. It is those who are afraid of Social Democracy, and afraid that they Progressive sector will demand it. They are afraid of Social Democracy and Universal Health Care, because they know that that will hurt them politically.

The mRNA vaccines seem to have an effect on the vascular system. Since being vaccinated in March, my dick has grown 2 inches in length and 2 inches in girth. This is a common side effect. Spread the word. Link it to the arm magnet videos.
We will like up some stripper eager for your to make promo videos with them.

Fuck! This thread is still going! Great trolling Mr. Willy!

Two things. First, Mr McNulty nobody is going to change anybody’s mind on here. The only thing a thread like this is good for is to have a laugh

Second, for Mr. Mark: why so sensitive?

I was having a real laugh until I got you your thread about how those “on the left” need to feel all morally and intellectually superior. You seem very bothered by people on the internet thinking you’re ignorant of science or whatever the fuck you think other people think about you

Given that I’m mocking you for laughs one thing I don’t feel is morally superior. That said, your posts sort of felt a bit like that point when you were in elementary school and you’re hanging out on the playground and everybody is ripping on each other and one kid starts crying because something go said that was too close to home

My advice to you, and this is 100% sincere and not intended to mock you, is to not worry about what other fuckers on the internet think about you. I don’t know you at all. You may very well be morally upstanding and quite intelligent. You may not be. I have no info

One thing you should never do is change your mind about things because some rando said shit on the internet. If you’re really interested and willing to change your mind you should ask yourself what information might make you change your mind about something you believe and focus on THAT.

But stop being so bent out of shape by people mocking you on the internet.

And now back to our regularly scheduled idiocy! Have you heard that Mr. Dugan has a life-size Ron DeSantis sex doll?

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Dr Phil asks why I’m so sensitive, then he goes on a five paragraph rant in response to my suggestion about needing to feel morally superior. In psychology, that’s called projection.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
According to The CDC, “More than 161 million people in the United States have been fully vaccinated as of July 19, 2021.”

According to the CDC, there have been “5,914 patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection who were hospitalized or died.”

That’s about 1 in 6,000.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Oops. About 1 in 27,000.
Look Mark, I wrote 5 paragraphs because you seemed genuinely hurt. As I said, I don’t think anybody is going to convince anybody of anything meaningful on this site. So all that is left is joking around.

Joking around by mocking you is fine, if you’re taking it in that spirit. But if I really did kick you in a sensitive spot it officially became “non-fun” for me. If I did that I’m genuinely sorry. Take that for what it’s worth. If you weren’t bothered that’s great. You be you man. Peace
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Phil, you are weirder and weirder with each post.

Now, you imagine me crying tears over your rapier wit and intellect ? I look forward to your next fantasy where your superior mind heals the world.
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