I'm generally against putting anyone on Ignore. Even posters that I normally disagree with, I can get some specific information from them. They may post wild political views, then also post some very nice pics in the Photos section. They may attack me personally, but do give unique advice on maybe sugaring or something else I am interested in. But there are some that just cross the line. I don't have many.
Nicole1994. - That little girl had no business posting here. Claimed to be a virgin. Talked about how "cute" certain boys were. I"m sorry, she just did not belong on TUSCL. I was hoping that she would meet Cashman and he would show her how to be treated properly. I would have thought she was a troll, but nicespice actually met her and they posted photos together. Ignore.
Trucidos. - Founder banned him. Then he named back as the King of TUCSL, founder banned him again. Then he came back as something else. All he did was attack people. Luckily he either lost interest or Founder discovered a way to block him no matter what Handle he used. Ignore
Who do you have on Ignore ? What did they do to cross that line ? Do they still post here ? I think my two are gone now.
Not going to say who but my ignore list has over 30 aliases the majority of which are just stupid no value accounts that clutter up the screen a few posters that exist only to fight, I’m getting close to two more as they add no value to any convo and seem to exist only to create drama to feed their pitiful personas.
Alucard. He used to make clueless comments and send me PMs taking me to task about things I said that were clearly jokes. He passed away years ago, but I still hold a grudge.
Nobody! I've been tempted a few times but have yet to put anyone on ignore and I don't intend to. It's easy and simple to skim past what you don't want to read. Regarding Nichole, I don't recall ever interacting with her here and I agree that she posted tons of garbage but her look appealed to me and I would have liked to fucked her.
I've come close but never actually used the ignore or block feature. I never saw the need myself. I can easily just scroll by or through a post I don't like. No need for a button for it, IMO.
That said, I do "Hide" entire threads, particularly those from SJG about "Transistor radios, the Etruscans, and corn agriculture" that he continuously bumps to talk to himself.
Only one. San Jose Guy. I didn’t realize how much better TUSCL was without seeing his nonsense until he started posting again recently. Ignore.
I thought about putting Icee on ignore, but it’s fun to watch everybody pile on him when he posts his stupid shit.Which brings up another question. Why does he insist on posting here when everybody obviously hates him?
Alucard one was strange dude. I never put him on ignore but he would send me PM’s also. He clearly had zero sense of humor and didn’t understand sarcasm and jokes…..much like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory but without the understanding of quantum physics
My ignore lost pretty closely mirrors the top 40 ignored posters on TUSCL. These are the posters who exist only to troll, spam, harass, and spite other board users. There are a couple who are just too damned ignorant to waste bandwidth on.
As I've said before, and as another [much-ignored, LOL] poster has begun to quote me (without attribution, of course), most of the handles I've ignored are those who have nothing worthwhile to add to the conversation.
I must have a pretty high tolerance level. The only two that I found irredeemably offensive was black-lives-splatter (on the user name alone) and SCPandit (the AIDS guy).
After I attempted to explain that one comment was only a joke he then got a little friendly and sent me PM’s about his tastes in music and movies. Tried to get me to come visit. I think he was a lonely old guy. But then if I posted something he disagrees with he would send me a message scolding me and telling me he was ashamed me and I was something akin to a traitor. Lol.
I really just dislike the trolls who are totally over the top and racist or disgusting. I have about 10 posters on ignore, but am not sure any of them are active. They are just spoofs off real posters names for the most part. I actually like people with differing opinions who are interested in a debate or discussion, but not idiots who hijack threads and try to make it all about them.
Motorhead, Papi, like a lot of us, got kinda political last year. That was a pretty devisive election. I bet a lot of those people would take that off now if they thought about it.
Maybe I should have started this thread as. "Who are you thinking about Ignoring " .
CJKent. - I don't have to agree with your politics. But don't put it in my face all the time. I do like his taste in busty women though.
Icee - Argures a lot. But I have to realize he and I come from an entirely different environment . He does make me think about my positions sometimes. Other times, he just seems to want to argue for the same of arguing.
San Jose Guy. - For the most part he is harmless. But PLEASE bringing up your old thread and commenting on them again and again. It's like he's talking to himself.
RandomMember. - This guy seems to have a hard-on for me. OR maybe like TheeOSU has said, Random is actually a woman. Hmmmmmm......... I can just look past the personal attacks. Random seems to have a lot of enemies on this Board. But there is a point of view on specific things that I actually value. So I don't put on the Ignore.
I used to have our favorite NorCal denizen on there, because I got tired of his bumping 5-year-old threads and linking everything he read on the public library's internet that day. But he's occasionally lucid.
Some people can be a giant anus on one thread and OK on another one. And I'll admit, it's fun to take the occasional bite out of a troll.
Ignore and Hide weren't available at the times I might have taken advantage of it.
Like when Dougster, VinceMichaels, and txtittyfag had a rolling, 24/7 flame war going. Others were involved at times, but they were all in their own way just relentless.
I have never been interested in personally attacking anyone, but we have a few posters that don't have any respect for anyone, who has an opposing pov, and the real problem is the extreme personal nature of some of these attacks. I'm glad to see Motorhead back, Mo you have always been a good guy I hope the idiots don't chase you, there an awful lot of great guys here and gals too, many whom I've had the pleasure to meet over the years, some whom I only know from PMs so I stay here as I still believe the good guys tremendously outweigh the negative posters.
Just a couple of a-holes that have drifted away. And SJG. Even though I occasionally agree with something he says, he's just toooo much when he gets going. Which is usually.
IMO it depends on whether you look at this site as a source of entertainment, information or both. I'm basically in the info camp, so the Ignore feature is something I'm grateful for and use liberally. Most of the trolls and attention seekers here just aren't entertaining enough for me to pay attention to them.
I note that the public pages are quite accessible to thirteen year-olds with basic computer knowledge and that means you're bound to get a few of them playing around for something to do. I don't hold it against them, but that doesn't mean I have to bear witness.
I've got a few handles on ignore, they're probably only two or three people though. SJG is the only one I ignore that I think has ever said anything on-topic or useful. But as others have said, his need to keep bumping his own threads that are completely off topic and his insistence on telling us that buying dances is a chumps game in every thread is just too much. I'm sure he'll jump in this thread to tell us all to make sure we make out in the front room.
If you go to the Rhode Island boards on another strip club site (SCL), this is the guy who floods those boards with racist, political, and scatological trolling *all* day long. He has made those boards essentially unusable. No idea why; it's his sad little mission and he's been at it for years. Enough people on SCL have mentioned this site as being more useful, so I imagine he's on the same weird quest here.
I checked my list a few minutes ago and counted 54. Most of them I think were sellers and trolls and probably no longer posting. So I deleted the list down to 7. I have no use for those 7.
The typical trolls or people who don't seem to add anything to the forum:
-babyRickyDugy -FatherofNicole94 -future POTUS and Senator in training -IceyLoco -JuiceBox69 -L1oydSchoene -Nicole1994 -Nicole1995 -rickthelion -san-jose-guy -san_jose_guy -txtittyfag -WavvyCain
Haven't really been participating much on the forums in the past year so haven't added any new names since then.
A bunch. Mostly just people I consider trolls. I'd rather spend 10 seconds ignoring someone than waste time every visit scrolling past 15 pages of idiocy hoping I don't miss a good post in the midst of it.
I don't think I have anyone with whom I *just* disagree on ignore. If I do, it's because of classified them as one the aforementioned trolls.
Is there some way for the Ignoree to know they are on Ignore ? I'm now curious to know if anyone has put me on Ignore. And if I put someone on Ignore, I know I don't see their posts. But do they still see my posts ? Can they comment on my thread , even though I have put them on Ignore ?
As far as I know, someone that you ignore can still see and comment on your posts, but you don't see any of it. The Ignore feature used to go both ways, but founder didn't like that.
That's why I only ignore threads and not profiles.
Warrior have you already forgotten about the cries of many to bring the two way block back? It was a hot topic and raging debate for awhile but Founder (as always) had the last word, and he preferred the one way block. I remember we used to speculate he did that because of his soft spot for SJG. With the two way block, SJG wouldn't be able to see or comment on any person's thread who had him on ignore. It gave good reason for most everyone to put him on ignore and be done with him.
And no one mentioned desert_fillinthederogoterynickname. I have no one on ignore cause I’m not annoyed enough by anyone to figure out how to ignore. However, if I figure it out I will probably ignore the self righteous cocksuckers first.
I think that any moderation feature on TUSCL goes against the whole unmoderated forum concept so I don't use any of it. It's not TUSCL if there's any censorship of any kind in my view. There are other forums where I can go for that.
^^ The ignore feature should go both ways otherwise its pointless
No the ignore button is just allowing me to decide what or who I want to listen to. Same as if I hear a program on the radio I don’t like. I change the station.
As a troller of the worst TUSCL trolls, it is my goal to get them to put me on ignore. And then watch them continue to read and reply to me. Too funny. It happened with san_jose_guy and IceyLoco/2ICEE. And with icee it's been numerous times. I've lost count now of the number of times she's declared I'm on ignore.
The only one that never ignored me was Nicole1994. I tip my hat to her for that because I tried hard. She never broke. 👏👏👏
last commentIt's easy and simple to skim past what you don't want to read.
Regarding Nichole, I don't recall ever interacting with her here and I agree that she posted tons of garbage but her look appealed to me and I would have liked to fucked her.
That said, I do "Hide" entire threads, particularly those from SJG about "Transistor radios, the Etruscans, and corn agriculture" that he continuously bumps to talk to himself.
Does jack still have a dead person on ignore?
I thought about putting Icee on ignore, but it’s fun to watch everybody pile on him when he posts his stupid shit.Which brings up another question. Why does he insist on posting here when everybody obviously hates him?
As I've said before, and as another [much-ignored, LOL] poster has begun to quote me (without attribution, of course), most of the handles I've ignored are those who have nothing worthwhile to add to the conversation.
Because he's here solely to get attention and cause turmoil. Which is not a sensible reason, but it is the reason (as I see it).
CJKent. - I don't have to agree with your politics. But don't put it in my face all the time. I do like his taste in busty women though.
Icee - Argures a lot. But I have to realize he and I come from an entirely different environment . He does make me think about my positions sometimes. Other times, he just seems to want to argue for the same of arguing.
San Jose Guy. - For the most part he is harmless. But PLEASE bringing up your old thread and commenting on them again and again. It's like he's talking to himself.
RandomMember. - This guy seems to have a hard-on for me. OR maybe like TheeOSU has said, Random is actually a woman. Hmmmmmm......... I can just look past the personal attacks. Random seems to have a lot of enemies on this Board. But there is a point of view on specific things that I actually value. So I don't put on the Ignore.
Who are you THINKING about putting on Ignore ?
I used to have our favorite NorCal denizen on there, because I got tired of his bumping 5-year-old threads and linking everything he read on the public library's internet that day. But he's occasionally lucid.
Some people can be a giant anus on one thread and OK on another one. And I'll admit, it's fun to take the occasional bite out of a troll.
not sure why macktruck is in the top 10. i'm kinda jealous of the guy due to the lack of $20 lot lizards access within my area.
Like when Dougster, VinceMichaels, and txtittyfag had a rolling, 24/7 flame war going. Others were involved at times, but they were all in their own way just relentless.
I'm glad to see Motorhead back, Mo you have always been a good guy I hope the idiots don't chase you, there an awful lot of great guys here and gals too, many whom I've had the pleasure to meet over the years, some whom I only know from PMs so I stay here as I still believe the good guys tremendously outweigh the negative posters.
And SJG. Even though I occasionally agree with something he says, he's just toooo much when he gets going. Which is usually.
I note that the public pages are quite accessible to thirteen year-olds with basic computer knowledge and that means you're bound to get a few of them playing around for something to do. I don't hold it against them, but that doesn't mean I have to bear witness.
I've got a few handles on ignore, they're probably only two or three people though. SJG is the only one I ignore that I think has ever said anything on-topic or useful. But as others have said, his need to keep bumping his own threads that are completely off topic and his insistence on telling us that buying dances is a chumps game in every thread is just too much. I'm sure he'll jump in this thread to tell us all to make sure we make out in the front room.
cedrick69: https://tuscl.net/member.php?i…
sera1: https://tuscl.net/member.php?i…
If you go to the Rhode Island boards on another strip club site (SCL), this is the guy who floods those boards with racist, political, and scatological trolling *all* day long. He has made those boards essentially unusable. No idea why; it's his sad little mission and he's been at it for years. Enough people on SCL have mentioned this site as being more useful, so I imagine he's on the same weird quest here.
Meat....like a nasty more belligerent version of skibum
Macktruck....its annoying
Sanjosegay...sounds like a whinier version of 20fag rather than a mockery of sjg
-future POTUS and Senator in training
Haven't really been participating much on the forums in the past year so haven't added any new names since then.
I don't think I have anyone with whom I *just* disagree on ignore. If I do, it's because of classified them as one the aforementioned trolls.
That's why I only ignore threads and not profiles.
I used to have some individuals, but the thread ignore I think is more useful.
No the ignore button is just allowing me to decide what or who I want to listen to. Same as if I hear a program on the radio I don’t like. I change the station.
The one way ignore button is perfect. If you have someone on ignore, why do you care if they can read your posts? You're not going to see them anyway.
LMFAO unless of course you're still bothered by it and have to peek because you really weren't interested in ignoring them in the first place. 🤪
The only one that never ignored me was Nicole1994. I tip my hat to her for that because I tried hard. She never broke. 👏👏👏
Lancelot would be proud of your 21st century questing lol.