Shutdown - What do you miss the most?

Fuck Joe Biden
I miss the gym, and the other gym I go to for Kettle bell workouts. My kettle bell place is great but its a small gym and they do different workouts at different times, its really the only exercise I prefer to do in a group. I doubt it will survive if this last much longer, and unfortunately even if it opened back up tomorrow, i don't think I would want to be in a group of people barefoot and sweating for a while longer. I will keep paying my membership even though they offered to suspend them during this, hopefully the couple hundred bucks at least helps the owner keep some food on the table for their family.


  • ime
    5 years ago
    Also I meant other than friends and family, I assumed everyone would miss that.
  • SteveSutton
    5 years ago
    Entertainment in general. Concerts, casinos, movies. Plus flying and vacations.
  • shailynn
    5 years ago
    I hate not being able to go have dinner/hang with my parents. I live in a relatively low risk area, but I am an essential worker with risk to more exposure than the average person in my town. My parents are in good health but my mom is a cancer survivor and my dad had a pretty major surgery within the last year. Now I just do their grocery shopping - drop it in their garage and talk to them in the garage.

    I used to play basketball up to 3 times a week, doubt that will happen again until the fall.

    I missed out on attending March Madness, a tradition I have done for the past 12 years every year.

    Just going out for a nice dinner. I was never much of a cook other than the basics and mrs shailynn and I have really tried to step up our meal preps, we have joked that we have a new appreciation for restaurant workers at fancy restaurants.

    Lastly, I just need a day off. While everyone is stuck at home I’m out working everyday, my job is now more intense than ever and every night I come home and drop dead from exhaustion. I am working 6 days a week. I am getting a few tasks done on the weekend because I can’t go anywhere other than work, but not nearly as much as I expected to get done when this all started.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Baseball. Other than that, I’m good.
  • BabyDoc
    5 years ago
    Freedom. The freedom to travel and enjoy life is very likely to be curtailed to a great extent for the remainder of my life. A rather depressing realization.

    Today I’m going to go out and try to hook up with a local girl. I don’t have her phone number but luckily for me she is working in a grocery store. You have to take whatever wins you can whenever and where ever you can find them…
  • elmer
    5 years ago
    Dozens of the small things we all take for granted

    Being able to have an excuse to get away from the SO

    In general
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    Had a nice little run of concerts, casinos and strip clubs just before the shut down but, those three will definitely be missed in a month or so. Going out to dinner followed by a night out in a local bar or my local VFW post to hang with friends. On the plus side, although essential, I am still just working my standard 40 and getting a lot of house renovation done and working out a ton.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    miss the most? the girls in tijuana.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Hasn't changed our life much other than take out instead of eating in the restaurant.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Bars and restaurants for me. My life outside the home is significantly built around those -- meet friends for drinks once every week or two, meet the SB for drinks and dinner, take my kids out to eat, etc.
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    I miss having things to look forward to. I’m not depressed. I love my family and my wife and being home has presented a number of silver linings. I’m lucky to be working.

    What I mean is I miss looking forward to the weekend and weekend events, sports and getting together with friends. I miss my monthly card games. I miss looking forward to happy hours and going out to clubs and bars. I miss looking forward to my vacations which are now seriously in doubt. My annual trip to Vegas is also in jeopardy even though it’s 5 months away. The fact that some states are planning to open has presented a bit of light and I’m clinging to that as restoring hope that my travel and social interactions will actually happen.
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    i cant escape the USSA to party citys like toronto or tj
  • misterorange
    5 years ago
    Gun ranges in NJ are closed thanks to Governor Doofus. I can't even go to my outdoor range which is large enough that you could easily have two ports in between each shooter. When the federal government added gun stores and ranges onto the list of essential businesses, this jerkoff was challenged and publicly exposed by several of the 2nd Amendment groups, and so he allowed gun stores to re-open, but not ranges. Then he immediately ordered IdentoGo (the fingerprinting company) to stop fingerprinting for anyone applying for a first time gun purchase (but they remained open for any other purpose other than gun permits). He also shut down the state's NICS system, so even those who already have an FID can only purchase ammo or accessories, but not guns. Again he was called out on it and was shamed into changing that, but he's still keeping ranges closed. Now he's banned 2nd Amendment group representatives from his press conferences and if they show up they are forcibly removed by his heavily armed security detail.
  • bdirect
    5 years ago
    sounds like everyday life in the soviet state of nj,,,, under governor stalin
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Looks like my trip to Aruba is canceled next month
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    It's going to be over 80 at the beach this weekend. I miss being able to go check out the mostly nude girls on the beach and enjoying the weather. I miss happy hour. And I miss he ability to travel.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Other than seeing some members of my family in person, which was the given, not much. But I understand the importance of what's gone absent. There's a lot of nice in the world, and it will be good for those things to be available again.

    For the people who are working around the clock to try and get us all there, thank you.
  • BBBC
    5 years ago
    "I miss the titties!!!!!!!! pussy galore I miss the fantasy of the club

    fucking all these girls is getting boring"


    Here os a video of the forst time my babe desertscrub came out of the closet
  • 48-Cowboy
    5 years ago
    I miss Carmen Electra
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    fantasy sports leagues and sports betting in general
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    International travel. I expected to be in Egypt now--pyramids, temples, Cairo, Alexandria. On the way home I had planned to stop over in Frankfurt for 4 days.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Gym. Huge for just relaxing me, keeping me level headed.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    Going out to a restaurant. I'm getting tired of take-out.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Right now I would settle for just being able to do my own grocery shopping.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Haircuts and playing live poker. I miss the kibitzing of the live game and it is paingful to type it when we play on line. I feel your pain 25 my flight to Fort Lauderdale was supposed to land at 3:00 p.m. today and I should be getting my rental car right now, niot typing from 37 degrees New England.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    This too shall pass buddy, I have been able to get a little golf in, at a friends club, the public courses are shut, but a few of the country clubs are open for members, social distancing is enforced, by walking the course or only allowing single persons in each golf cart.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    I miss Carmen Electra from the 90s.
    5 years ago
    Since this damn Coronavirus, I simply miss the positive ‘Hope’ we enjoyed on a daily basis and looked forward to.
    5 years ago
    Titties, Strip Clubs, massage
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I miss the gym - not necessarily b/c I'm a hardcore gym-rat, but it was a distraction particularly at the Miami area LA Fitness I hit where some of those Cubans dress to f'ing kill (in past years I def had episodes where I had been working-out in the late-afternoon and got so horny seeing those Cubanas dressed to kill that I had to hit Tootsies later that eve) - I also miss the high working-out would give me and I would drag less.
  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    9. Nicespice posting
    8. Going out to dinner. We don’t do this a lot, but we are way overdue.
    7. Memory – of the club visit(s) that would have happened by now.
    6. Normal girl watching - without masks - while out and about.
    5. Local family. 1 brother, and 1 sister live in same town. Used to have them over for dinner every few weeks.
    4. Anticipation – of next club visit. Now a big unknown.
    3. Camping. We were going retire on the 1st day of spring, hitch up the trailer and go to the coast for a few.
    2. Contra dancing – swinging the lasses around to wonderful music.
    1. Granddaughter. 20 months old. Just a hundred miles away in Portland. Near, but so far.

    And has been mentioned before: TITTIES
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Being a single PL I eat out a lot thus I miss being able to sit at a restaurant and having a good meal - also I'm not a regular drinker but will partake once in a while - I miss being able to order a drink from the restaurants I normally visit (I don't have any liquor at home nor necessarily want to have it).

    I don't have the same gusto I once had for SCing, but still nice if I could hit a club once in a while - in the past I enjoyed taking a short (1 to 3 days) out-of-area SC trip for a change of scenery (getting away from the same-ole same-ole).

    Miss hanging out in South Beach - South Beach area has a more laidback/relaxed vibe compared to the city (Miami) not to mention the eye-candy (babes in bikinis not only on the sand/water but walking up-and-down Ocean Drive.)
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    I miss the gym and being able to get a haircut from my regular barber. With the absence of those two I feel like a slob. Sure I can workout at home but like Papi said, the eye candy in the gym is a major motivator and always something to look forward to.

    I miss the ability to meet up with friends at a bar or brewery or even a get together at someone's house. Seemed like a pretty normal thing before but compared to now it would feel like a trip to Vegas to be able to do any of that.

    I miss bowling, didn't realize how addicted I was to it until it was taken away.

    I miss not wearing a mask everywhere. Shits uncomfortable and even puts a damper on checking out eye candy in the grocery stores because even the hot chicks are wearing them. I can judge their bodies just fine but can't really see their faces because 60% of it is covered by a mask.

    I miss going out to eat. Take out is nowhere near the same as sitting in and enjoying a meal at a nice restaurant.

    I miss sports. The NBA playoffs are my second favorite sporting event post season behind the NFL. We'd usually be right in the thick of the post season now. Even the NFL draft wasn't quite the same with no inevitable booing of Roger Goddell as he announced each pick.

    I used to religiously listen to sports radio on the way into work. Now, however, with no sports they struggle to find stuff to talk about. It usually ends up being about old events, or hypothetical questions like the 95 Bulls vs the 2017 Warriors. Shit gets boring fast.

    Man I'll be relieved when this nightmare is over. Even if it takes an entire year, I'll take that over living like this for the rest of my life.
  • ime
    5 years ago
    I can't wait to get a haircut, i'm an every two weeks haircut guy. I can't really do any type of good workout living on the third floor not enough room for real weights up here anyway.

    My international trip planned for the fall with my buddies is off for this year now, but hopefully by winter we can make it happen, money will probably go even further then so maybe it will work out.
  • DandyDan
    5 years ago
    Other than the titty bars, of course, going to restaurants and the casino, particularly for the sports betting. I was getting into that, and then I went there, only to have the NBA suspend its season right there as I was watching the TV. I still have futures bets to get my money back on.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    What I miss most are the things that my kids have lost. School for starters, but also extracurricular activities and events that they have been working so hard to prepare for. It sucks for them and for us as a family. It will also be nice to be able to take family day trips and vacations again.

    I was missing hair cuts, but Mrs. Dugan just took the job on herself and did a surprisingly good job.

    Restaurants are also a big loss. Not because the food is better than what I can get at home - Mrs. Dugan is a fantastic cook and makes all of my favorite comfort foods. But it's fun to take the family out to dinner and a movie and leave the mess for someone else to deal with.

    That's my short list.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    I miss my income -- I'm wondering if I'll ever again feel like I have plenty of money to blow on entertainment.
  • BabyDoc
    5 years ago
    First off, I did meet up with a local FWB girl yesterday and my eye balls are no longer floating in a sea of cum. WooHoo…

    So today we went to lunch at a favorite restaurant that is doing curb-side pick-up. It is located in a strip mall and when I pulled into the parking lot it was completely empty except for a few employee cars in the far corner. It was a beautiful day so we opted to sit on the grass in the lot’s medium for a picnic style lunch. It felt great to be out in the fresh air and sunshine and in short order two other couples that we didn’t know followed our lead and joined us (of course observing the prescribed six foot spacing dictated by our fascist overlords). Very enjoyable conversations.

    Afterward we talked about going back tomorrow for a better planned American tradition – tail gating with a cooler full of beer. So far we’ve invited fourteen additional people and all have expressed interest in joining us. Simple pleasures, I know, but the idea of helping a struggling restaurant and being a scoff law at the same time are a welcome change to staring at the walls.

    For those of you who are missing dining at a restaurant, you might want to consider tail gating in the restaurant’s parking lot. Be sure there is a tree available to piss behind.
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