
extras v. full contact laps

Avatar for skibum609

Extras or full contact laps with no extras? What say you? I choose full contact laps.


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Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Full contact laps. Always. I don't care for extras and I LDK all the time from full contact laps.

Avatar for Muddy

Full contact laps. With a little imagination, that’s shit will save you a ton of money and just sploooge your pants win win

Avatar for Cristobal


I've only been able to LDK once in my life.

CFS I finish everytime, BBFS I finish everutime (sometimes early).

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@Muddy9 that's exactly how I see it. As far as I'm concerned an LDK is "free" since you are just paying for the dance whether you LDK or not

Avatar for chowder

Just depends on the mood and the dancer. I wouldn't limit myself to either honestly.

Avatar for Electronman

Full contact lap dances are great, but they don't leave me satisfied. They are a warm up for extras.

Avatar for skibum609

My choice as stated above specifically does not include LDK, which I have never done and believe that I can't. it takes me a long time in bareback intercourse so a grind has no chance.

Avatar for rh48hr

It all depends on how much the "extras" cost.

With my fave, extras don't cost anything on top of dances. I give her a tip, but I don't have to and she never asks for one.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

My choice is still the same whether I LDK or not. I'm just saying that an LDK is "free" from a full contact LD if you can do it.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

If you buy enough time, you can get a mix of both.

Avatar for Warrior15

Why does it have to be versus ? I like both.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Liking variety my default pref is for good mileage dances so I can enjoy multiple dancers - I also like the foreplay aspect of sex vs getting straight to sex and good mileage dances are like the foreplay I enjoy.

I partake in extras in certain visits more of on the spur of the moment from getting really turned-on from some really good dances - most of my visits I don't go in with extras in mind but sometimes I do - part of the reason I don't enjoy extras as my main thing is having to do them covered which is a big turn off but obviously a necessity.

Avatar for gawker

I have been strictly there for extras for many years. The older I get the longer it takes to get off.
I recently had a lovely spinner suck on my bareback dick very vigorously for a good 10 minutes. I stayed as erect as ever but there were no fireworks for me that night.
It wasn’t her fault; just Father Time and 10 daily prescription medications getting in the way.
OTC becomes my habit of choice where full nude contact along with an hour or more available rows my boat.

Avatar for shadowcat

I prefer getting high mileage dances from several dancers and then going to VIP for the finale. I am too old to ever get off with anything less than an uncovered HJ. I also need the right dancer to take to VIP. I'm not paying a 6 $200 or more for any extras. I need the GFE from a 7 or higher at a reasonable rate .

yes I do go home with blue balls some time.

Avatar for codemonkey

Warrior15: "Why does it have to be versus ? I like both."

My thoughts exactly!

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Buying dances is a chump's game.

Select the girl you want, approach showing generostity. Get a front room makeout session going, take her into the back room when it is time for your own pants to come down.

Then take her home with your and keep on seeing her regularly.


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Avatar for Icey

The lap dance, a good lap dance with a girl when you're both high and have good chemistry, is amazing

Avatar for doctorevil

I’m in the Warrior15 camp: both.

Avatar for AnonymousJim

Sometimes one, sometimes another.

Let me put it this way: I'll take a full-contact LD from a 10 over extras with a 6.

However, I'll also go places where you can get extras with 9s.

Budget, her price, dance prices, her dance ability, her grind factor, her flirt factor, all factors that play in.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Buying dances is for chumps!

Front room makeout session, then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

Then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.


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Avatar for jackslash

I like full-contact blow jobs.

Avatar for codemonkey

Sorry SJG, but I don't want to have them around all the time or be waking up next to them. It's much cheaper to buy dances (with or without extras) when you want them than get into a relationship with a stripper (or civvy for that matter).

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ So then for some reason you are accepting a highly diminished state of affairs.

I know how rotten marriage can be, I just barely survived it myself.

But I also know that "buying dances" is not a substitute for real sexual intimacy.


Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Not everyone wants real sexual intimacy when they get dances, san_jose_creep.

For some it's not a substitute for anything. It's exactly what they just want.

But you're incapable of comprehending this.

Avatar for Mate27

So SJG, If dances are for chumps does that mean you are buying extras when you go to the clubs?

Extras will cost more money, but more importantly it will cost you more time. I like the convenience of the LDK and low maintenance. It’s just a lap massage, with a mutual understanding that for an exchange of money for very little guilt on either party, we both can go merrily in our way enjoying life as god as we possibly can, with no strings attached. Long live the LDK!

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

If a stripper strokes your cock OTP and makes you LDK during a dance is it an extra or full contact?

Avatar for reverendhornibastard

I never realized there was a bright line distinguishing full contact lap dances and extras.

Avatar for skibum609

You couldn't pay me to blow a load in my pants, so the idea of paying for it is a non-starter. To each their own. The line is just as bright as the line bewteen home ownership and homeless.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

I don't see it as an idea of paying for it. I pay for the full contact lapdance and whether or not I LDK is my business and so to me it's free.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

LDK isn't my thing, but I generally don't like to tell people that they're having fun wrong.

Unlike SJG.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Unlike san_jose_creep we aren't using preaching on TUSCL as a defense mechanism.

Avatar for Jascoi

I echo electroman.
“Full contact lap dances are great, but they don't leave me satisfied. They are a warm up for extras.”

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

To each their own, but I don't know a lot of guys who look forward to almost coming.

Avatar for skibum609

LDK is right for you if you like it and wrong for me for the aforestated reasosns. I don't care what others do at all and plenty of people have things they consider fun that I consider stupid. I'mca golfer and skier and from my experience 90% of huimanity finds boith stupid. I don't care that they do.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

I love golf too, skibum. LOL my boss calls it a colossal waste of time.

Avatar for gSteph

I'm a married, no extras for me, type of fellow.
But I find a good full contact lap dance deliciously wonderful.

@CMI, I may be different than most, but I'm good with a lap dance getting me "almost there".

I have no desire to LDK (no judgment, sounds great, just not for me), so getting almost there means maximum fun for me.

Avatar for twentyfive

@skibum nothing rong with golf, but skiing is nuts forget the danger the fuckn snow running up your pants shriveling your balls 😂

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

gSteph... Fair enough. But without the constraints of marriage, would you prefer to come, or almost come?

My point is that the vast majority of guys would prefer to come if provided the opportunity sans constraints. I doubt that there are a lot of guys who go to the club hoping for the bluest balls possible (although I'm sure there's a few guys with that fetish).

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I didn't know LDKing was such a thing till ldk82 started posting about it and then other LDKers came out of the closet.

Before then I could see a PL busting once in a while during a dance bc he may have been really backed up, but I didn't know it was possible to LDK on the regular (this really should be studied) - when I first started SCing at age 30 I could cum pretty-quickly from intercourse but was never able to LDK.

One can argue LDKing is good in being able to enjoy dances at a greater level.

Avatar for Phandy

I prefer a good lap dance with a girl I connect with on some personal level even if it's just a one-time conversation. Not opposed to extras but most of the time when I've ended up getting extras it tends to lead to not as interesting the next time. Guess I prefer the chase vs the end-goal.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@Papi_Chulo I've been LDKing since my 20s and I'm in my 40s now. And to me it's something mutually exclusive with prowess at real fucking. It's closer to masturbation and the ability to will yourself to cum through a combination of fantasy thoughts and physical stimulation than it is to real fucking. For me I can LDK in two songs and I can fuck my wife or GF for half an hour. I can also masturbate from anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. I've never understood why others equate LDKing to premature ejaculation.

LMAO and yeah I've "studied" this for myself.

Also it's absolutely, to me, an enjoyment of a dance at a greater level. I've always said that when you can LDK you can always end a club visit happy.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

A lot of young women really don't like the idea of lap dancing, just because of LDKing.

To me, just basic grinding and titty sucking, and especially with DFKing is great. So is DATYing dancers in the dance booth.

But better not to do BJ till completion or LDK, cause you want her to see that you are saving your load for her. Before it will be ejaculation, want to be looking to FS and to seeing her regularly outside.

Guys pay money for LDKing, they are just using money to exacerbate their own sense of sexual frustration and failure.



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Avatar for SirLapdancealot

I pay money for LDKing and I fuck my wife, san_jose_creep.

I think you are projecting because all you do is talk about how to have sex with a stripper from the free internet at the public library. It's like you are sexually frustrated and are taking it out on the internet.

Avatar for gSteph

@CMI, interesting question, yeah.

Without the constraints of marriage - I'd probably give LDKing a go. The idea a getting high/aroused on some lap dances, locking eyes with a hot beauty, holding/kissing wherever, while you and her slow rock over the edge into and through a glorious orgasm, well, sounds nice.

I'm old enough that I'm not going to come (or need to) every time I get aroused, and I enjoy the process itself, and can wait till 'next time".

Avatar for Dlee954

LDK once from my ATF and been chasing that high ever since.

Avatar for skibum609

If SJG worked instead of leeching off the rest of us he'd realize that people who work hard and make money have the luxury of spending it and therir free time as they wish. Why do I not meet women outside the club? I don't want to you stupid fucking douche bag. The money I spend in a strip club? Means jack shit stupid. I'd rather put it in a pile and burn it before giving it to the Government so spending it on stripps is actually being thrifty. 25 skiing actually is a very sexy sport. The motion of it, more so before the new skis, the feeling of being outdoors and pretty women in tight clothing is arousing. There is a group in New England that does swinger meets at a resort in vermont, they seem to be far more casual relaxed and erotic than the typical weekend night hook up parties.

Avatar for Darkblue999

Full contact laps with gorgeous and hot girls. Those dances should not be mechanic.

Avatar for twentyfive

@skibum just the thought of cold wet feet is enough to keep me here during the winter months my vacations lately have only been to mild and warm climate locales, my favorite for the past few years has been Aruba.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ in years past when I was younger I did enjoy my winters at the Playboy Club in Great Gorge and Stowe, but my arthritic cervical spine just can’t deal with the cold, I don’t even lower the a/c below 77’
Good for you to be able to enjoy cold weather fun, but it’s just not for me.

Avatar for skibum609

I could testify you have a good life 25. I have 2 brothers and a Mom who live near you and for the same reasons lol.

Avatar for codemonkey

I live in FL now also but I miss winter. I've always enjoyed snow and activities you can do in the snow including skiing. How did a discussion on types of lap dances turn into a discussion on skiing?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Skibum609, you are the leech. If it were not for pity, you would not still be breathing air.

You want a Civil War over UBI? Bring it on!


Avatar for skibum609

UBI is never happening stupid. Never. You are an umeployed pussy and nothing more. Your pathetic way of stri[p clubbing is nothing more than an infantile way of seeking out a girlfriend. Front room make-out session? Wow, we did the same thing in 7th grade. CODE - a good conversation simply flows from topic to topis and to my wife and I skiing is very interrelated with sex. Hot tubbing with out girlfriend after skiing always led to great sex, which also sadly led to the one male having to get dressed and go get food in 10 below weather lol. IKON pass.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Its reached the point where it will be UBI, or it will be total economic collapse and probably civil war.

I lead a small counter movement now, but no matter how things go, our people will benefit. We have learned how to dismantle the technologies of repression which keep the vast majority in chains.


Avatar for Mate27

^^^ SJG you dodged over my question in this thread I posed to you 3 days ago. Reference it above why your disdain for those who LDK. Does that mean you candome extras instead?

How many times do your club visits invoke a DFK makeout session, or even better yet what’s your conversion ratio for otc/per club visit?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

For one trying to make that happen, you can get more than enough front room DFKing and otc/per club visit, to have more than enough girls to keep you busy. Once one sees this, they don't need to use strip clubs for regular sexual gratification.


Avatar for rl27

I shoot for a bit of both. My most memorable dances start off as a two or three song full contact lap dance that ends in extras. A warmup dance from a really good lap dancer followed by amazing extras is also quite fun. Years ago I used to get a three song set from this hot and usually a bit wasted spinner- who gave an amazing grind, then right after go into the back with one of three different dancers depending on who was there, who were great at finishing me off. If more than one were there then I had a specific order of who to choose.

Avatar for rogertex

skibum is making us choose between food & water!

As most have stated I don't want extras without full contact, but I'll take full contact even if extras are not on the menu.

Dancers who offer extras are usually cool with full contact. Makes sense.
Dancers who offer full contact, but not extras. Gotta be cool with that.
Dancers who offer extras, but not full contact - generally have mental issues. Kinda like whores who will fuck all day but not allow face contact. A boundary line to supposedly redeem self respect - because the whore deeply believes she is doing degrading work.

Avatar for Mate27

SJG, once again you’ve deflected and dodged the question. Maybe that’s because you don’t want to face the truth which is you fail miserably at getting a DFK front room makeout session at the club. A vague or no response at all means your club visits never end up in DFK in the front room with taking the girl home and waking up with her in the morning.

I’m going to ask again, and if you dodge and deflect I will take that as an admission you are unsuccessful in achieving the claims of toda last noche and frontroom makeout sessions. What is the ratio of your closing per club visit for DFK/OTC action? 50%, 25%, 10%, 0% or did it happen once and it left such a memorable impression on you that you anchor your mind to it thinking that it will happen again; aka wishful thinking?

Man up SJG and answer the question, or else if you don’t then the discussion board will believe you are full of shit, if they don’t believe that already. I know I do.

Avatar for skibum609

Translation services provided. "I lead a movement...." = "I am a fraud and an unemployed loser..." UBI lol. Civl war between those with guns and those without -- great idea.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

I want to strip just as a socialexperiment.

I will give zero contact besides the lap part which will be light which ill tell them about upfront

Oh u wanna talk about how ill get zero customers?

  1. umm false lol
  2. i dont care about making $$ anyway cuz i would just b doing it as a soicial xperiment
Avatar for JAprufrock

@ Nicole, question for the social experiment I am conducting:

When you saw a penis for the first time, what was the first thought that crossed your mind?

A. Why don’t I have one of those?
B. I’m glad mine is bigger than his.
C. Why does TxTittyFag have his lips wrapped around that thing?

Your answer will be confidential.

Avatar for skibum609

Nicole you mean you will lightly grind your ass on a hard-on? LDK?

Avatar for Mate27

Nicole1994, the queen of hypotheticals. In other words the queen of all talk and no action.

Avatar for skibum609

You seem to be missing the point Nicole.

Avatar for twentyfive

@Nicole if you’re doing a lap dance and the guy you’re dancing fore doesn’t have a hard on then it’s on you, if you don’t give the guy a boner he ain’t gonna be very interested

Avatar for nicespice

Nicole says—>“7 Hours Ago
I want to strip just as a socialexperiment.

I will give zero contact besides the lap part which will be light which ill tell them about upfront”

LOLOLOLOL, 2 points about Texas:

  1. Total average cost to work (could be a bit more or less) ~$60. If you want to be a jerk and not tip out staff, then your range is $10-$60 for total cost to work. (On average $30-$40)

  2. Texas customers are going to grab at you and some of them will succeed. Sure you can yell at them and get pissy at them after the fact, but yes you will be touched. Good luck with your rules.

But then again, I could easily visualizing you doing some dumb shit like a front room makeout session for that one bottle service table of frat guys tipping stage but buying no dances...

On the off chance you’re not full of it—I’d recommend going somewhere like the MSP area in Minnesota, or a few other places.

But let’s face it, we all know you’re only posting here because thread ignore had reduced traffic in your own threads.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

Agree with nice about Texas customers. And it is like that in a lot of other areas outside of tx

Avatar for blahblahblah23

The only place I'm aware of that is legit no contact and has decent money afaik is the one in fargo nd. But I hear the money there has declined quite a bit. Although still good or decent if I am to believe a pervert on here. I dont know that I wanna be treated as an employee though for something that isnt a real job that I pay to come in and deal with stupid staff, mgmt, customers, other dancers w/o real job benefits. That place is ultra strict scheduling I heard. If i wanna deal with strict scheduling I'd rather just go back to working a real job honestly fuck all that mess.

On the other hand the clubs with the least scheduling and fees I've found to also let a lot of illegal things go. Cant have it all I guess.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

I also heard about some ca air dance places being good, but not sure I never looked into there. And now they have some new law pretending to help dancers with bullshit employee status hah.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

But let’s face it, we all know you’re only posting here because thread ignore had reduced traffic in your own threads.

Umm that reduced traffic was purely intentional , genius

Almost every post ive made since a yr ago until now has had stirred up a lot of traffic. Ive made intentionally uncontroversial threads recently for a very obvious reason- i have announced my retirerement from queen troll.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

LOLOLOLOL, 2 points about Texas:

I dont think im gonna dance anyway, so...ill just tell them i wanna work but ill just socialize and just stand there when i work to conduct my social experiment.if they fire me.itll be ok cuz its not like i was planning on working there for more than few nights.

Avatar for bman77

I like them both but prefer extras. I can still ldk but it is getting harder now that I'm in my mid 40s. When I first started clubbing I could nut during a lapdance even if the girl didn't know what she was doing. Now, if it's not a good grind, nothing happens.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

@heaving, this varies with every girl. I generally find most girls are fine with touching with a certain minimum being spent though...whether this be a lot of lapdances negotiated upfront or private room sales. I think it is good not to assume you can just grab without asking or being encouraged to touch.

Some care some don't. I was more ok with touching at first. These days I am still ok with it, but need a little bit more money upfront. Nothing astronomical though.

I might be the wrong person to ask. Might go on a dancing hiatus due to burnout. The burnout isn't from customers or fellow dancers though. Fuck some of these clubs and their mgmt/staff with a 20 ft pole.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

@heaving think you are going about it the right way

I wouldn't do anything differently. I feel like I give the customers a better experience if I am comfortable around them. You seem like you try and make sure the girl is comfortable around you.

Anyway if no touch is a dealbreaker for you just do as others do and cut her off. Or negotiate the touching upfront. Maybe if you really like the girl just spend on her anyway despite limitations. Sorry that is all up to you, obviously.

Avatar for nicespice

—>“.itll be ok cuz its not like i was planning on working there for more than few nights.”

Okay...so you bumped it up from one night to a few. Let’s say it’s three nights at the lowest possible cost.

For point of reference, I’ll use Palazio as a frame of reference for house fees/tip out. (Though I have my doubts that they would allow you to work there)

  1. Tuesday audition@around 7:30pm no house fee first night
    Tip out = $30 (and you WILL be tipping out since you said a “few” nights)
  2. Sunday before 7pm: $1
    Tip out = $30
  3. Monday before 7pm: $1
    Tip out = $0 because it’s youre last day and you want to fuck over club staff
    Cost to work at the club for three days at the LOWEST possible cost=$62

1)Clear pleasers heels: $50
2)Random outfit from a sex shop: $30 (can be higher...working with low end)
3)legally complaint t-back underwear: $25

All three nights you will be on stage about twice a night. Stage money sucks unless it’s the weekend and you either have a certain (big booty) look about you OR you’re good on pole...but I’ll be generous and say you make $15 from every set.
Income: $15 times 2 times 3 is =$90.

Under optimal circumstances...
Total expenses: $77 cost and 20 hours in the club (not counting commute time/expenses)

And obviously you were clearly being serious with all that you said, because of your “retirerement from queen troll”...

So all I can say is that, that’s quite some frivolous money and time being dropped for a girl who is in her mid20s and has no job.

So I suggest you stop creating threads throwing shade at your dad and be a little more grateful that he is happily funding you doing stuff like that instead of...oh idk finishing your undergrad.

Avatar for nicespice

@heaving it’s not a big deal in Austin. Be slow with your hand movements, and she will have lots of warning to redirect you if need be.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

oh idk finishing your undergrad.

Oh. You havent finished your undergrad and your talking about me not finishing mine?

And who told you i wasnt finishing my undergrad?lmao i keep saying that i only have 6 hours left to graduate, ive been purposely delaying my graduation date for a certain reason.i graduate in may or december 2020 tho.

So I suggest you stop creating threads throwing shade at your dad and be a little more grateful that he is happily funding

How about you not suggest shit and learn to be more accurate instead? Cuz theres a reason i havent said a single post about him in. While, and those posts about him were never serious anyway.

Being more accurate will also hep you refrain from saying stuff like telling me to finish my undergrad as if i take 15 hours a semster just for fun. Sure i might be extending it for a while, but lmao you havent finished ur undergrad urself so have no business talking about finishing mine when im extending it because i think it is best for my future career.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

"So I suggest you stop creating threads throwing shade at your dad and be a little more grateful that he is happily funding ...."

How about you not suggest shit and learn to be more accurate instead? Cuz there's a reason i havent said a single post about him in a while, and those posts about him were never serious anyway.

Btw ,being more accurate will also help you refrain from saying stuff like telling me to finish my undergrad as if i take 15 hours a semster just for fun. Sure i might be extending it for a while, but lmao you havent finished ur undergrad urself so have no business talking about finishing mine when im extending it because i think that doing so is best for my future career.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

@heaving I wasn't offended by the joke. I say dumbass shit pretty much all the time. Idk what my problem is. On another thread I thought I had tourette's until someone kindly informed me I'm a dumbass. 🤔🔪

Avatar for nicespice

—>”Oh. You havent finished your undergrad and your talking about me not finishing mine?”

Oh but I have. 🙂

—>”when im extending it because i think that doing so is best for my future career.”

How many lawyers on this site have basically laughed at you already? 🤣(And here’s a hint: not all of them have publically revealed themselves as such on the board)

—>“Cuz there's a reason i havent said a single post about him in a while, and those posts about him were never serious anyway.”

Well that’s good then. Best to not have a hostile attitude towards the one paying your bills.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

So all I can say is that, that’s quite some frivolous money and time being dropped for a girl who is in her mid20s and has no job.

Who the fuck said i was planning to do this now? Maybe if you knew when i was planning on doing it, you wouldnt have brought my dad's wallet into a sitution i never planned to use it in.

Again, instead of butting ur nose in my business , learn to be accurate

"For a girl who is in her mid20s and has no job. "

  1. nah..i wont not hired just cuz i havent had a job.ive done internship , research, and led prestigious student organizations so im not concerned about my employability lmao cuz i know i havr transferable skills

Case in point: looking to work in august, would not have got called for an interview the other day if me never having a job was an issue...i have transferrable skills and thats whats most important.same reason why i got a call to interview to work for a different senator......

Also i applied at spearmint rhino in vegas just 4 fun and they wanted to do an interview...

So how about you go find a place( besides my business ) in which you would either be useful or accurate in?

Avatar for nicespice

—>”lmao cuz i know i havr transferable skills”

Transferable skills=transferring money from Nicole’s dad’s bank account into Nicole’s

—>”Also i applied at spearmint rhino in vegas just 4 fun and they wanted to do an interview...”

That doesn’t mean shit. Pretty much all clubs will tell a girl to come in, in person.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

Oh but I have. 🙂

Hard to believe after you told me you did not finish when we met. But if you did, that doesnt give you a higher credibility for making a stupid assumption.

”when im extending it because i think that doing so is best for my future career.”

How many lawyers on this site have basically laughed at you already? 🤣

Oh yeah . because its the opinion of lawyers on tuscl , rather than opinions of the law school admissions officers themselves that is what matters for getting in........

Also, who told you i was doing this for law school?? I've listed my other professional interests on here, and law school was only one of them .

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

That doesn’t mean shit. Pretty much all clubs will tell a girl to come in, in person

Yes, it does mean shit.it doesnt mean that they will hire me which is never something i assumed would happen, but it means that my unemployment was not a barrier.they called me im after i had already submitted an application .

If my unemployment was a barrier, they would not have called me in after submitting an application in which they could see that i was unemployed. Common sense, but not to you though i guesa.

Avatar for nicespice

—>”Hard to believe after you told me you did not finish when we met. But if you did, that doesnt give you a higher credibility for making a stupid assumption.”

We met almost an entire year ago. Somehow, I managed to finish up two semesters later. You don’t get a higher credibility for making a stupid assumption.

-->“Also, who told you i was doing this for law school??”

You did, LOL. Something about getting into a top 10 or top 20 or something. LOL

Hopefully your dad can bribe somebody.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

Transferable skills=transferring money from Nicole’s dad’s bank account into Nicole’s

Nahh...pretty sure the two different chiefs of staff for texas senators i submitted a summer application to saw something more than that ! Dont blame them tho.

Avatar for nicespice

—>“but it means that my unemployment was not a barrier.they called me im after i had already submitted an application .

If my unemployment was a barrier, they would not have called me in after submitting an application in which they could see that i was unemployed. Common sense, but not to you though i guesa.”

Hold on...did you just brag that you found out a strip club doesn’t care about previous work history?

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

You did, LOL. Something about getting into a top 10 or top 20 or something. LOL

Me talking about wanting to get into a top 20. Does not equate to me staying at UT to get into a top 20.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

Dafuq did this thread devolve to. Nickle stop arguing with my wife.

Avatar for nicespice

—>“Nahh...pretty sure the two different chiefs of staff for texas senators i submitted a summer application to saw something more than that ! Dont blame them tho.”

For the sake of your dad’s wallet, I hope your applications all the best. 🤗

Avatar for RandomMember

Is it okay if I return to the original topic?

If unrushed OTC sex in some upscale setting is scored 10/10 then,

Extras ITC == 3/10
Full contact laps == 0.1/10

Avatar for rockie

I only have two members on ignore and forgot Nicole was one of them. I'm not even a little tempted to view what's she spewing this week that could agitate 2 real female posters.

Avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training

only have two members on ignore and forgot Nicole was one of them. I'm not even a little tempted to view what's she spewing this week that could agitate 2 real female posters.

I mean idk. I wouldnt say i agitated anyone , but i would say this asian dancer came out of nowhere when nothing was said to her (lmao) and not only made a number of incorrect assumptions , but also made false claims about about both the trajectory of my future career and my current employability when compared to what i've came across statistically and in real life .

thats all i gotta say .. Lol.

Avatar for PaulDrake

So blahblah you're married to nicespice now?

Avatar for Prim0

I'm in Ohio......high contact lappers is about all I can hope for. I have never been offered extras and don't really go for them.

So I settle for an LDK and the feelings of shame that come with it when it happens.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ Buying dances is a chump's game.

Front Room Makeout Session, then you invite her to the back room when it is time for your own pants to come down.


Avatar for LDJunkie

Full-Contact lap dances all the way.

Avatar for skibum609

Front room makeout session means a "man" is still a 7th grade boy.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Front room makeout session means a guy still knows how to hit on women in a civilian manner, and that likely he and is girl will be waking up together in the mornings.

Only need to do that with her once.


Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Front room make out session just means DFK is on the menu or it's negotiating in "good faith".

LMAO all san_jose_creep does is project his fantasy GFE.

Avatar for skibum609

Wake up with a stripper in the morning? Yeah lol, thats my goal, just like when I go to fenway my goal is to bath fourth.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

He, find the one you like, and then get her into your own bed so you can pump loads into her and watch the colors bloom in her face.


Avatar for SirLapdancealot

...because nothing makes a woman's face bloom like loads being pumped in her from a sleepy time rapist creep. Toda la noche, of course.

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