Do you read the club reviews on TUSCL for your town?

avatar for wallanon
Do you read the TUSCL reviews about clubs where you live? Ever learn anything you didn't know?


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I always read them mainly out of curiosity and to see if something has changed.

Once in a while I may learn some new minor peculiarity I may not have been aware of but that's not necessarily the reason I read them.
avatar for eyeofodin
6 years ago
Yes, not anything of importance to me, but I enjoy others perspectives.
avatar for eyeofodin
6 years ago
I need to change my answer to part two... neighborhoods and clubs are fluid, so if I have not been to the club in a year or two I do get something of importance out of the reviews.
avatar for rockie
6 years ago
I read all reviews for any club I might consider visiting. While some reviews offer little, a recent review might at least suggest the club hasn’t closed yet.
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
I mostly read the reviews for clubs in my area.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Hell yeah I read them. I wanna see if I'm getting the best possible experience. Besides that, reviews are usually good entertainment anyway. I read pretty much most of the daily reviews.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
yes. for reasons allready posted.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Me, not really. But I live in an area where the strip clubs are not worth going to. ( Nashville, TN ). But I travel a lot. So I read the Reviews for the clubs in the cities where I am going to.
avatar for jsully63
6 years ago
Yes and it’s intrtesting to see if the review mentions any girls you see regularly at that club. Reading another persons perspective of the girls you know is entertaining and helpful at times.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Yes and occasionally.
avatar for s275ironman
6 years ago
Yes, in fact, about 90% of the reviews I read are for clubs in my area. The majority of them don’t offer any new information, but every now and then, I read a review where significant changes are mentioned (price increaes, curtains removed from the VIP, etc.). The reviews have done enough to convince me which clubs in my area are worth a visit, and which clubs to avoid. Whether it is a club I visit or not, I do enjoy reading the daily reviews for all the clubs in my area.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I mostly read the reviews in my area, same with the unpublished reviews, usually I just skim through the out of area reviews.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
Of course!
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Yes. I like to read about my favorite clubs and I want updates on clubs I don't visit often.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
yes because the different perspectives are interesting, but there is a high number of reviews written by obvious employees and bitter tourists. both skew the reviews unfairly. I also think something should be done about removing listings for clubs that are closed. or at least not allow new reviews for them.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
Yes I do. They usually confirm my experience but sometimes the updated experience of a trusted reviewer is going to sway me if I’m deciding between clubs.
avatar for 501traveler
6 years ago
Yes I read them. I mostly club when traveling for work, so it lets me know of any changes or dancers who may have switched clubs if do decide to hit a local club while home.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
6 years ago
Yes, 90% of my clubbing is in my hometown. Some clubs I don’t frequent often, but a positive report can change my mind.
avatar for Pyroxl
6 years ago
Employee reviews skew unfairly if written as a sales pitch.
What is unfair about bitter tourists? Maybe they were easy pickings for a ripoff.

As for the OP, yes, just like people read Yelp reviews (including of SC's) for their hometown.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
No, I don't think they're useful. Some are entertaining, especially ones about guys getting kicked out or ones being obviously pissed off coz they didn't get sex or spent too much. But I don't think they're useful as such. I trust Google reviews the most. They tend to have more and are more current....
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
Short answer, yes I read the reviews within a hundred mile radius of my home.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
my neighborhood has two hundred stripclubs. but I will admit my neighborhood is big. socal, arizona, vegas. and tj.
avatar for ButterMan
6 years ago
Yes I do and I don't necessarily learn anything I didn't know but I like here others opinions and experience at the same clubs I go to.
avatar for busta_nut
6 years ago
Why wouldn't you?
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
I check my city's reviews daily to see if there are any new reviews.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
the reviews for LV are the worst
avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
I read all of them for clubs I've been to or considered going to, or at least areas I might be going to soon. It's mostly for my entertainment, but sometimes, someone says something about a club better than I would say it.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I read the reviews of the clubs I frequent. I like to know if there are any major club changes.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
I read the reviews for Socal and TJ and occasionally glean some new useful information.
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
I read reviews for local clubs regularly. Nice to see other perspectives, but sometimes clubs make a turnaround. One of my regular clubs now (such as they are) I only went back to off a TUSCLer recommendation.
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
I occasionally read the local clubs reviews, to see if anything new is happening. Since clubs can change quite a bit over the years, many times I club I quit frequenting has new information on how things changed and try another trip, and it then becomes my next regular place.

I have also found out which clubs to avoid due to either owner or authority crackdown on dances.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Yes and yes. There are a lot of clubs in my area and I generally frequent only a fraction of them, so I like to see what's going on elsewhere from time to time.
avatar for lopaw
6 years ago
I used to but not so much anymore.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
For entertainment purposes sometimes. Not coz they're useful coz they're not
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
For clubs i go to frequently, say every month or so, i don't expect to get any new or useful info. Most PLs don't write very specific or detailed and comprehensive reviews to begin with. Or things like exactly how much they tipped a bouncer or dancer for exactly what services. Or specific tips or tricks to maximize one's experience there. I wouldn't expect that in most reviews anyway, which are often a first review/visit of a particular club. But if say, Sinclair, were to review one of my favorite clubs, hell yeah, i would read it just based on his notes on every single dancer that worked that shift. I still might not learn anything new besides the name and description (and subjective rating) of a new or unfamiliar dancer but those are usually the only changes i see in a club in a relatively short period of time, i.e. between visits.

Interestingly, the clubs in my area that i go to the most, tend to get more reviews than the ones that i don't frequent as much. So i actually end up reading more reviews of the clubs i already know what's going on with than the ones i wonder if anything has really changed. Hopefully changes for the better, but usually not.

But for the most part, the local reviews are read/opened in hopes of entertainment value or even to have the club experience again vicariously. Usually, i don't even get that. That doesn't surprise me as many reviews are just written to the minimum standard to get VIP access.…
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I’m always checking updates on local club reviews. Maybe they seeing something I’m missing? Some shit went down I wasn’t there for? Some dirt on some dancer/customer/manager/bartender this shit interests me it does, not gonna lie.
avatar for Estafador
6 years ago
This is the front room. Many of us already cannot. Maybe if we hit a SECOND club within 30 days after our previous review
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