
Compare & Contrast Russians & Cubans

Sunday, September 9, 2018 3:36 PM
My question is: for the PL, do they provide the same experience? How are these groups alike and how are they different in any way? This is a topic that I don’t know much about. I’ve worked with some of both demographics. More Cubans than Russians, but I met like 2 Russians before. But I don’t have any particular opinions because the ones I met seemed “Americanized” to me. Both groups tend to receive a lot of trash talk from strippers for their reputation of inexpensive extras. Both groups tend to receive a lot of trash talk on here for their reputation of being ROBs. The main threads I found on this subject is [view link] [view link] [view link]


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t know much about Russian women but President Trump sure like Vladimir Putin ;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Oh yeah he don’t like Cubans or was that Mexicans, I don’t remember maybe it was latins ;(
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't think it's right to make generalizations about social groups whether it be nationalities, religion, race, gender,... ;-) That being said, there is one specific Cubana that rocked my world.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Oh, but it's okay to do it based on political affiliation and generation. Fucking millenial libtards.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    FLAGOONER STOP BEING A RIGHT WING OLD GEEZER @25 Lol. Trump’s opinion of who is sexier is pretty clear. :p
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Inexpensive extras and ROBs don't juxtapose properly...
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ^ No they don’t. It’s why I think it’s interesting. Granted, I’m more inclined to believe team PL over team stripper on this particular topic.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @nicespice just give flagooner a fruit cup and he’ll shut up. ;)
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I prefer the one that has their lips wrapped around my cock at that moment in time. Which is more talented at that task, I"m not sure. But I am very willing to put in some exhaustive research in getting to that answer. I am willing to make that sacrifice . How do I file for that government grant ?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Or a BJ
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    both border on fugly, no personalities, greedy AF, love coke, proud to turn tricks, compulsive liars, psychopaths
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^What a lovely positive guy!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    That’s exactly the contradiction that’s head scratching. If they are proud to be turning tricks, then they can’t be doing much lying. At least not where it would matter.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    They lie about everything. They just happen to come from cultures where hoeing is done out in the open.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    But I understand how they seem to be lumped together. I just wondered: 1. How accurate are these generalizations. 2. If they are accurate, are there any real differences between the two groups (aside from language and skin color)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “They lie about everything. They just happen to come from cultures where hoeing is done out in the open.” I lie about a shit ton of stuff about myself to customers too. But since my lying is mostly personal details or what I’m interested in, I never really thought it mattered. (For example, I don’t accept money for sexual favors I have no intention of doing) And *lots* of strippers, from all backgrounds do that.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Ive never had a positive experience with Cubans nor Russians, male or female. I guess the ones who come to the US have no conscience and will literally do anything for a dollar, and the more fucked up it is, the more proud of it they are. Difference is, Cubans live like complete animals and have zero shame.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Im talking in general, Im not talking about customers, strippers are selling a fantasy.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    For some reason i think PL generalizations are funnier than dancer generalizations. Maybe because i interact far more with dancers than PLs, i find that the cliche "every dancer is different" is true. I don't have much experience at all with Cubans (Cubanas?). And of course not all Eastern Europeans are the same, but i tend not to ask right away where an "exotic" dancer is from, especially just because she has an obvious accent. If a woman has a look like she "might" be mixed, i'll ask her what her background is, like after a dance. And every several visits with a regular, i might ask a girl a similar question, you know, for "research" purposes. FWIW, none of my favorites/regulars have said that they were Russian. I've had several Polish girls though, but "Chicago" has a pretty strong Polish contingent, and these girls didn't seem foreign born. As for the girls with obvious Eastern European accents, they do seem to fall in either category. Either very generous with mileage and/or extras or more cutthroat and hungry for money and definitely not generous if not ROBish. Maybe the first group were non-Russians. I don't even know how other dancers necessarily know which countries these girls come from. Many of them just assume. I've had a dancer talk about other dancers calling them Russian and if find out later that they were something else. I didn't think dancers necessarily communicated much with each other, as a lot of them don't really care for each other, considering them competition.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Cuban strippers sound loud and angry. Russian strippers sound like they want to kill Moose and Squirrel.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Cuban dancers tend to be ROBs - it's a combo of culture and socio-economics - most of Latin-America is rife w/ corruption and lack of opportunities so many people learn to scam as a way to get ahead if not more-so just survive. Due to the close-to 60-year totalitarian communist Cuban regime, the Cuban people have been very oppressed, devoid of any hope for a future, and thus willing to do w/e it takes to try to survive in a totalitarian regime by doing things on the sly and doing w/e they need to survive including justifying fucking people over - of course not all Cubans are like this ,perhaps not most, but a significant # b/c of the environment they come from. Thus the endemic Latin corruption along with oppression in Cuba is why many Cubans do shit on the sly - I personally avoid doing biz w/ Cubans if I can help-it b/c the chances are high of getting ripped-off - I live in a working-class Cuban suburb and I don't even put gas in my city and go to the next city over b/c I don't even trust the gas-stations near me to not water-down the gas. Miami at one point, and probably still so, was #1 in the country when it came to Medicare fraud and most of that were Cubans and their sly way of doing things - Cubans are not big when it comes to violent-crime (muggings; shootings; bank-robberies; etc); but they are big on white-collar crime (Medicare fraud; insurance-fraud (fake-accidents); etc); stealing gasoline from gas stations and selling in the black-market; practicing medicine w/o a license; etc) - whether by nature (Latin culture) or nurture (having lived in a oppressive communist regime) many Cubans will do shit on the sly and it's sorta part of the culture and the ones that do this kinda even justify their actions along the lines of just trying to get ahead - i.e in Cuba they never had anything nor hope of ever having anything; and now in the US they can have everything and they want it fast b/c they never had anything b/f; i.e. they've been starving for a better-life. Thus Cuban-dancer behavior is symptomatic of a large swath of the Cuban community - they're just trying to get ahead and will do w/e it takes to better their situation and have the things they never had b/f and want it ASAP. Most Cuban dancers become dancers for different reasons than the many a American stripper - i.e. the Cuban girls did not fall into stripping per se b/c they were into drugs or partying, or came from very dysfunctional families; it's just about getting ahead fast and why I don't think it's that common for Cuban dancers to stay in the game a long-time, nor do they generally get drunk in clubs or into drugs in the clubs - most of them are just about making that $$$ and often saving it to establish themselves (buy a house; start a business (Cubans, like many foreigners, are pretty-entrepreneurial); etc) - most of the Cuban dancers seem to have a plan and it's mostly all-business w.r.t their dancing and they are not necessarily slutty nor whoreish - Cuban women for the most-part are conservative and not the types to sleep around in their civilian-life - thus why many Cuban dancers are aggressive and ROBs; they wanna make their $$$ for a short period of time then get out - and they are ROBs b/c they grew up as that being the only-way to do things and survive if not get a little bit ahead. So yeah - Cuban people are more ROBish in general and even more-so the ones that are recent arrivals and don't have anything - the way the Cuban dancers act and the way they do business is kinda emblematic of a large swath of Cubans.
  • Pooshe1994
    6 years ago
    How old is flagooner
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I don't have that much experience w/ Russian dancers - but I think there are similarities to the Cubans - i.e. the Russians also were under communism where people learned to do things on the sly to try and survive - one had to be dishonest to not get in trouble for the simplest of things; trying to get around the system was a way of life and getting around the system usually required lying and cheating. Like the Cubans, the Russians also seem mainly about business and don't seem into being career dancers, in my limited opinion - they seem to see dancing purely as business and as a stepping stone to getting established - i.e. like the Cubans they don't seem to be party-girls into getting drunk and doing drugs - like the Cubans, the Russian dancers probably never had much and now in the US they can have everything and "act accordingly" per se in order to get what they've never had and have always desperately wanted.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    flagooner is 50 ys/o
  • ime
    6 years ago
    @papi there use to be a show on Discovery channel about cuban cab drivers in Cuba and all the stuff they had to do fix their cars it was pretty interesting but you could tell when they were bartering or making deals they were all always trying to fuck each over to get the best deal. It was a cool show, it really interesting how creative they were when trying to fix stuff, one guy had his 55 chevy running with a diesel boat engine so he could keep on the road.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    @1994 If you want to change your TUSCL-name you don't need to create a new account, just PM founder and he'll change the name while keeping your current account
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Cubans aren't trash coz of socialism. Its just that the ones who come here are criminals who refuse to work for a living and build their country. They're gusanos escualidos. Cuban bitches in clubs are the worst, some will do a whole gram of coke a night, never saw one who didnt need at least 4 bumps though. They are mostly party girls who go to clubbing and get high even on their days off. They're so used to hoeing they cant distinguish P4P from a normal relationship, and the obnoxious loud ass assholes they're with usually support that, the cuban fags are the ultimate wannabe boyfriend pimps.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    @IME As the saying goes, "necessity is the mother of invention", and the Cubans to a large-extent def fit that saying.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    nah they're just opportunistic brazen trash petty criminals
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    man. he's OLD.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    So a different mentality in general from Cuban dancers entering the industry. FWIW, i think Russians were the ethnic group with the most millionaire households (mostly self-made) in the US (from The Millionaire Next Door, so that could be outdated) relative to total households. Something like 22% of Russian households. So maybe Russian dancers bring that same extreme entrepreneurial or capitalistic spirit to the SC. My wish is that such attempts to make money this way in the SC largely fail as it leads to a worse experience overall for PLs and even dancers alike. Money wasted on a ROB is money that should have gone to a legitimate stripper and the ROB experience turns off many a casual PL from SCing at a particular club or even altogether.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    For a while I wouldn't touch a Cuban dancer bc of how many of them operate, I still tend to avoid most if them most of the time but don't have a 100% blackball policy like I did for a while
  • Eve
    6 years ago
    I haven't worked with a lot of Russian girls, but I know they are prevalent in some cities (especially in this line of work). But the 3 Russian girls I have worked with were actually very nice, not aggressive (in a mean way, anyway. They all had no trouble with selling.), and seemed to be very financially stable compared to the rest of the girls I have danced with. So their personalities definitely contrast to what I have commonly heard strip club Russian girls are like (NY for a big example).
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    My only experience with a Russian dancer was with a really beautiful, sweet girl from a "suburb" of Vladivostok. I asked at the start of the dance what her personal limits we're, to which she said anything not covered was fair game and then thanked me for asking. If I had ever seen her at that club again, I would have happily bought more danced from her
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Actually I'm 51. But I am very mature.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I don't even consider dances from either group. To me Russians are emotionless robots and cubans are thieves. I am sure there are very nice exceptions, but in a world where time is money I have no time to waste on either group.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’ve not yet gotten a dance from a Cuban dancer. I’ve avoided Russians due to their sales tactic of saying they will do more - and then doing almost nothing in the back room. If there is a hint of Natasha (from Boris and Natasha) in her voice - I’m not interested. Russian dancers can look beautiful - but they never deliver.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    This is the college sociology assignment that I always dreamed of...
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    So concensus, there’s a reason for the generalizations of ROB (but of course there are plenty of exceptions). And there’s not that much difference between the two (hustle style). Possibly because both groups are pretty entrepreneurial and come from harsh communist environments. So now I wonder at stripper opinions themselves? I guess it’s just us not wanting to have our jobs “stolen” from foreign dancers if they aren’t actually having sex with the customers as much as suspected(maybe a little more at best)? (MAGA lol)
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Actually, Russia hasn't been communist (socialist really, as true communism was never instituted in the Soviet Union) in almost 30 years. So most Russian dancers might not have any direct experience with that. Now living in a relatively poor country with huge income/wealth disparities, yes.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    A lot of them have drug problems, debts and pimp-boyfriends. Both groups
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    This thread is pretty funny, didnt know that the US was exempt for ghettos, few career opportunities, drug epedemics,... I give all strippers the same probability of being able to rob me, doesnt matter if they are cuban, white, hispanic or asian
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Yeah, I'm not cool.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Nicespice, talking about Cubans and Russians. Yes, the specifics of how things go in strip clubs, and the cultural proclivities, are very important. So we have talked about this before, front room makeout sessions. You say you have never even seen one in a strip club. But it sounds like in your clubs girls lead with lap sitting. Now I know that some girls would never go for this. But likely still there will be some who at least sometimes would, and then that influences everyone else. So at your clubs, girls sitting on laps, what stops makeout sessions from ensuing? Are there penalties enforced? And are girls never tipping out bouncers and do bouncers really care what goes on? Now admittedly, most all the times I have observed or partaken of this, its is because immanent FS is on the table, either ITC or OTC. Do your clubs have some mechanism in place to stop FS, like preventing privacy? Otherwise it probably is transpiring. You spoke of a Latina dive where front room FIV is common, but not DFKing. Presumably this is because the FIV is hidden by tables? Still, it is impossible to enforce rules if lots of people want to violate, and all the more so when there is money in play. And then there are always the chair forts, improvised privacy made by dancers in the early days of Texas high mileage. At a local place, back room mileage gone off the charts, a girl taking guys by surprise with stage side DFKing. And then on stripper web, them all worked up over girls who go and give thank you DFK's, probably along with back room invites, to everyone who tipped them on stage. So at these clubs you work at and at the Latina dive, what stops FS from happening? And what stops front room DFKing from occuring? Lap sitting is quite conducive to it. SJG Really Good! Mystic Siva - Under the Influence 1969-1970 (FULL ALBUM) [Progressive Rock/ Psychedelic Rock] [view link]
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    “what stops makeout sessions from ensuing? Are there penalties enforced? And are girls never tipping out bouncers and do bouncers really care what goes on” It’s not the club managers (who are a very lazy bunch) it’s the dancers themselves who wouldn’t allow it. Seriously, I had a friend who worked at my club who tried to go to management to complain about a customer. They just shrugged their shoulders at her and said “well why did you let the customer do that?” “You spoke of a Latina dive where front room FIV is common, but not DFKing. Presumably this is because the FIV is hidden by tables?” As far as that club, it’s not a dive, it’s a midtier club. I assumed it was common enough because of being pitched by a customer for “the $30 dollar dances” which I declined. There was a dancer there who also one time asked me for a condom. So...I guess it happens but I stay out of it and it doesn’t affect my money. I didn’t mean to accidentally imply that it’s a free for all. ...but either way this discussion has nothing to do with either Cubans or Russians. Hopefully you run into them during your travels!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I have heard that line before about why there is no front room DFKing, "It's the women's rule." Well that then is a pretty tame club. It does not have lots of women in competition with each other. Otherwise such a "women's rule" would disintegrate. And most so if there is FS going on, then to get those gigs, the best way is for the dancer to get a makeout session going in the front room. And then of the Latina club, it really is the same situation, unless there is something controlling it, it will go to back room FS and front room DFKing. Deja Vu is the expert at controlling clubs, and they own stuff people don't know about. If a club only hires the hottest looking dancers, and not that many of them, then those girls can follow the rules and make money. But if a club just hires as many as possible, then most of them will not follow any rules except for their own. Thanks Nicespice, SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    A lot of times, solidarity of the women trying to regulate the club and break down any "Pussy Cartel" occurs because of minorities. Once at one of our Mexican bars, two girls got the gig and were really regulating it. Then two black girls showed up from Market St. Cinema and they completely changed it. The White girls were pissed, but they had to do like the blacks or just go home. So you talk about Russians and Cubans, not sure if these are in your clubs. Here it is blacks and mexicans. And I believe some clubs don't want to hire blacks because they know they will not follow the rules. SJG
  • ime
    6 years ago
    @nicespice you do know by now that SJG is entirely full of shit, and when you actually explain reality to him it won't matter. You being a stripper knows far better than he does as he doesn't even go to clubs, he will continue to tell you are wrong. Don't waste your time with that douche nozzle.
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy: san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Ime +1 Watching nicespice waste her time talking to this shithead SJG is almost as frustrating as the dancers in the club who waste their time with nonspending fucktards. While a dude like me waits till she finally gets the clue the other dude is a broke ass poser.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    To answer this question, both stereotypes are ROBS. Both put out. Both are disliked by fellow dancers for different reasons namely Cubans will do extras for a discount, Russians will charge a little more but back it up with enthusiasm. Both wind up hustling you, a Russian hustles for an extra 20, a Cuban for an extra 5 or 10. I prefer Russians because they don't pull the me no speak inlges card. So when Imbeing hustled, I'll take em tall blond and with a good titjob versus dark stinky armpits and a horrendous boltons. There ya go, stereotyping at its best. They didn't call it bay of pigs for nothin.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    When I saw the title of the thread I thought I was back in college in a poli sci class. I didn’t have any profs that looked like nicespice though.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Apparently there’s a professor at UT Austin that looks like me, lol. Maybe I can walk into Nicole’s class and see for myself. As for SJG, 1. He messages me personally asking for a reply. 2. I tend to have a soft spot for autistic people. Even if they do threaten f2f violence :(
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I'd ignore the messages also. Crazy to hear that he PMs you asking for a response. Yet the way he responds to you in the public discussions (not taking any of your well thought out responses into consideration and repeating his same garbage) it's plainly not worth it. You see how you responded to each of his questions by repeating it and then responding? He doesn't know how to do the same. You ask him something and then here comes the privacy wall talk and all types of other bullshit. But hey, you said you have a soft spot for folks like him. So have fun with this dude who is more stuck on front room make out sessions than anyone should ever be stuck on anything.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Well not completely sweet. I am the troll behind Family_Man after all, who is anything but ;)
  • math14
    6 years ago
    Papi and nicespice I appreciate the thoughtfulness and insight that you put into replies. Very insiteful !! Thank you!! My first Russian was great some years ago, so I tend to judge them all as if she were the standard, and then in my mind the others come up short. Instead of me thinking that she was the exception to the generalized group, because she was first, the rest are just not what they could or should be. But you have to admit that some are drop dead gorgeous.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    One of my best experiences was with a Cuban.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So if it is as Pistola says, that Russians and Cubans are ROB's, then probably, and more importantly, that probably means that some of them would be the ones who would break the pussy cartels which enable Deja Vu and clip joints. I do not know if there are such gils where nicespice is, but if there are, then they probably would not be inclined to go along with rules which limit front room friendliness, or any rules which limit back room mileage. I may not have been clear enough when I raised the issue on this thread, but usually it will be ethnic minorities, here blacks and mexicans, who will first break the pussy cartels. They will be the ones who just go full throttle and get a guy into the back room. A while back someone did speak of a cuban girl. He was just coming in and she was on stage, and he put a couple of bucks on the tips rail and then got his drink. Soon she was off and came over and initiated the stripper handshake. Without letting go, she suggested and they moved to the other side of the room for more privacy and continued. She helped him get his hand into her panties, then they went into the dance booth, and only in helping to make sure insertion occurred did she finally let go of his cock. The guy asked her how much money, but only after they were done. Now where I am, if anything like this is going to be happening, it will likely have been started by blacks or latinas. In other places is it Russians or Cubans? These clip joints only run because a club management is able to convince girls that it is their interest to up hold a pussy cartel. And as for the male customers, they are chumps. That such cartels and such club managements do not exist in Tijuana is the reason that place is so much loved. And now NiceSpice, you have repeatedly talked about this subject ~~ Autism / Asperger's / Neurological Difference ~~. There is NO SUCH THING! The entire concept is simply a way of legitimating the abuse of children and adults. Most middle-class child abuse revolves around doctors of one sort or another. This is why middle-class child abuse is very rarely dealt with in the legal system. These parents know what they can get away with, and they know that the doctor's license, framed and up on the wall, is what will shield them. So who then is more at fault, the doctors or the parents? Hard to say, but for certain the most important first step is to get the one being targeted a lawyer. I listened to a guy scapegoating his eldest daughter, going on and on. I only needed to hear that performance once, and I jumped in head first. He had felonies pending for molesting each of his three daughters, and his entire Pentecostal church was backing him. It ended up that this took a very long time, but I would like to believe that I did play an important role in getting him convicted. I read some writings of his much more carefully than the Prosecutor did. He is now serving a very long term in San Quentin, and the Appeals Court and the State Supreme Court just rejected him. So as it is now, his life span may not go out to where he could be first eligible for parole. But it is ~~ ADHD / Autism / Aspergers / Neurological Difference ~~ and ~~ Brain Chemical Imbalance / Bipolar / Mental Illness ~~ that are some of the biggest remaining unprosecuted forms of child abuse. In Arizona though, there is now court precedent, treating ~~ Autism ~~ as an example of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, and as Medical Child Abuse. [view link] Maybe Refrigerator Mother was too simplistic. But Autism has turned into an industry, and it could never even have existed without the Eugenics Movement. And finally there are people who are fighting back. [view link] [view link] [view link] The Arizona case started with pediatricians at the Phoenix Children's Hospital. But most of the time people who have been severely abused end up as Uncle Toms, so they are not likely to want to file a lawsuit, and especially against their parents. But then again, there will always be unique situations where it could happen. SJG Ben Franklin (Documentary) [view link] BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Live 1975 [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And there is no way I could possible describe to you how shocked that Pentecostal Daughter Molester and the Wife were when I showed up at Jury Selection. He said that it was going to be like, "Having another Prosecutor sitting in the back row." And yes it did start that way, but before too long I opened a communications channel with the Prosecutor and with her elected boss and it became far more intense than he ever could have imagined. And in each of my communications, to the Prosecution and to the Court, I always emphasized how blown away I was with the emotional investment that this guy had in scapegoating his eldest daughter, and just how clearly this indicated a lifetime of abusing her. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... Actually, Russia hasn't been communist (socialist really, as true communism was never instituted in the Soviet Union) in almost 30 years ... So most Russian dancers might not have any direct experience with that ..." True - but one could assume that the prior 70-years of communism prior to that may still have lingering affects if not substantial lingering affects in the way of life there (IDK for sure) - and one can argue that living under Putin for almost 20-years probably has a similar effect to living under communism although there are significant difference b/w the two eras.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @Papi, WTF do you know about Cubanas? ;-)
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > So if it is as Pistola says, that Russians and Cubans are ROB's, The Cubanas I have met in the US have more of a capitalistic outlook. The Russians seem to still be learning. It might just be that Cubanas can see that I just like them better, though. There are certain things that bitches know that we never will, and I find that hot.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ :) :) :) So then do both groups understand organized crime, and clandestine activities, and doing what it takes to get the money? So then if a club had rules restricting front room friendliness, and limiting back room mileage, making for a clip joint, selling fantasy more than delivery, using back rooms when they really are not necessary, but just to get more money to the house, do you think Russians and Cubans would break this down? Do you think Russian and Cuban girls, not going along with those rules, might just start doing whatever it takes to get guys into the back room. Maybe stripper handshake, but especially, front room DFKing? Here where I am, it will be always blacks and mexican girls who are the first to trample on the rules and break the clip joint pussy cartel. In other places is it Russians and Cuban girls who would do such first? SJG want to watch: Chronic State [view link] an anti-marijuana film
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I've dealt with both and they are very different. On the surface they seem similar, especially when the Cubans are compared to EE girls who are new to the U.S. There is a lot of wanna dance and they tend to congregate together when they are not giving LDs or on the stage. But the Russian girls adapt a lot faster, including learning the language and how to maximize their incomes. They also tend to be less lazy than the Cuban girls IME, sorry to say. They will both put out, but Cubans are generally much more willing to do so on the cheap. The EE girls tend to be smarter and more suited to working in higher end clubs, at least once their English develops. In fact, many of the EE girls that come here have some level of higher education, yet they are also street smart enough to understand how men think and some become very good at getting in guys' heads. Anyone who wants to see a Russian seductress in action can go to places like Gallaghers in LIC, Mystique in Stamford or Bridgeport CT, Cheetah in Manhattan or a number of other clubs in the NYC metro area. Many of the higher end Philly clubs use them too. I doubt that most of the Cuban dancers could make it through a shift in most these clubs, which is why you find them mostly in Latin clubs and higher volume FS operations in the south.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Do you think Russian and Cuban girls would up hold Pussy Cartel Clip Joint rules which limit front room friendliness like DFKing, and which prevent back room FS, or would they be the first to break down the rules? Here it would be blacks and mexicans who did that. SJG
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Oh, and I hate to say this, but a lot of the Cuban girls I see seem to have trouble controlling their weight. I'm guessing that coming from a place like Cuba, where food is rationed and/or very expensive, to a place where food is cheap and plentiful has something to do with it. You won't find many fat Russian girls working in strip clubs.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    The Russians must like rickdugan better, or they like him better because of the suit... I found that with the Cubana I liked best, a language barrier wasn't a problem, it was just something to joke about. Recently met another who also seemed cool in her own way and also didn't speak English, but I'm working with a limited sample size. In my experience, Cubanas text while I'm sitting with them more, but I think they get away with it because of the translation app and they're so psyched to finally have a taste of freedom that they do it even if it's not maximizing their income.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Oh, and I hate to say this, but a lot of the Cuban girls I see seem to have trouble controlling their weight. I'm guessing that coming from a place like Cuba, where food is rationed and/or very expensive, to a place where food is cheap and plentiful has something to do with it. Agreed. I once spoke with a civvie Cubana and she said when she arrived, she only ate baby food for a while until she noticed what effects it was having. My favorite one was fine even after several months, though.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ppwh posted: "The Russians must like rickdugan better, or they like him better because of the suit..." Could be. Or it could be everything I just posted. Hmmm. ;)
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    wouldn't know, I'm working with a very limited sample size of either.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Probably the Cuban girls are just very sensual, like with food and with everything else. :) :) :) Hard to believe that they would always stand firm and stop a strip club from going to front room DFKing and back room FS. Russians, I don't know about . SJG
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @math14 thanks for the compliment. And I think Papi’s is well-deserved. Also, for rickdugan who posted as well. Maybe I should ease up with the Family_Man stuff. So, difference between Russians and Cubans: Russians can adapt to American culture more easily, which makes it easier for them to deal with customers and make money. And extras from a Russian are more expensive from a Cuban then.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Nice, that's somewhat oversimplifying. Read what I posted above about their skill sets. They adapt, but that's not the same as Americanize. They're emotionally tougher than most of their American counterparts, including being less prone to showing signs of self-hate or self-judgment. Net-net comparing the average Russian dancer working in the NY metro area to the average Cuban girl working in the south is like comparing a prize stallion to a plow mule.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    "emotionally tougher than most of their American counterparts, including being less prone to showing signs of self-hate or self-judgment." Interesting observation, Rickdugan. Thanks for sharing.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    agreed, they sent up sputnik first, too
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... They (Russians) also tend to be less lazy than the Cuban girls IME ..." Russians are def hardcore hustlers - but I don't think the Cuban dancers are considered lazy - the main-gripe w.r.t. the Cuban girls is often how annoyingly aggressive they can be - if anything IME they usually hustle harder than almost anyone I've seen and that may be part of the reason they drive away other dancers when they invade a club (b/c of their aggressiveness) - but it does seem that the Russians' hustle tends to be more sophisticated than the Cubans' hustle. "... The EE girls tend to be smarter and more suited to working in higher end clubs, at least once their English develops. In fact, many of the EE girls that come here have some level of higher education, yet they are also street smart enough to understand how men think and some become very good at getting in guys' heads ..." I'm not sure EEs as a whole, and Russians, are equivalent w.r.t. to the SC game; but I have not had as much exposure to them - w.r.t. education, Europeans on avg def seem better educated than Latinos but Europeans on avg are also probably better-educated than Americans - comparing Russians to Cubans is kinda apples to oranges in a way since Russia is a European nation of almost 150-million people vs Cuba a Caribbean island of 12-million - w.r.t. education, at least on a per literacy rate, Cuba is actually in the top 15 countries in the world (and so is Russia) and ranked higher than the US ([view link]) - I think a lot of people mistakenly lump all Latinos together b/c they speak the same-language but there are obvious differences b/w Guatemala and Cuba just like there are differences b/w the US and Australia even though they speak the same language. "... a lot of the Cuban girls I see seem to have trouble controlling their weight. I'm guessing that coming from a place like Cuba, where food is rationed and/or very expensive, to a place where food is cheap and plentiful has something to do with it ..." Yeah - food is scarce in Cuba; not to the point people are starving in the streets; but def no where close to the level in the US (they don't have as much as the want but tend to have enough to survive) - and yeah, many Cubans indulge w.r.t. eating when they get to the US and put on weight - for the most-part they get that under control and adjust after a while and lose the pounds they gained - additionally the typical Cuban diet is not exactly the best w.r.t it being healthy or maintaining a good-weight (Cubans love their rice-and-beans and fry a lot) - and w.r.t. Cubans women being meaty; it's also a cultural thing - seems the avg white/Anglo/European PL prefers the slim non-voluptuous female-figure; whereas the Latino (and blacks) have a preference for curves and love/prefer the big butt; wide-hips; and thick-thighs - what many a Latino or black men finds attractive/desirable; the avg white/Anglo dude may not; and what the avg white/Anglo PL LDKs over, the avg Latino/black man often has no interest in - what many a white-cracker considers fat; Latino or black men may often see as voluptuous - for the most-part being skinny in the Latin and black cultures is actually seen as a negative and undesirable - to the avg white-cracker a flat-ass is a beautiful thing; whereas a flat-ass makes the avg Latino or black man wanna throw up. "... The EE girls tend to be smarter and more suited to working in higher end clubs ..." Could be location; as Russian girls tend to be more predominant in the NE where there may be more higher-end clubs - but from what I notice, it seems the Cubans often end up working at the top $$$ clubs in a particular city; they just happen to be in the South (e.g. Baby Dolls, Tootsies; Diamond Dolls Pompano; Cheetah West Palm Beach; Follies; Wackos Jackosnville; etc). "... They adapt, but that's not the same as Americanize ..." IMO it has to do a lot w/ location - traditionally Cubans that immigrated to other parts of the US not Miami, kinda "Americanize" themselves more including learning the language - part of the problem is in Miami Spanish is the dominant language and actually not knowing Spanish can often be a bigger hindrance than not knowing English - the over Cubanization of Miami means that the Cubans coming over don't necessarily have to Americanize; which is not a good-thing; but it's the nature of the beast - but; this is pretty-typical of most immigrants; the ones that immigrate here as teens or young adults often keep many of their "legacy ethnicity" per se whereas the 2nd-generation are mostly Americanized.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Waste of time rebutting RickiBoi he’s the original know it all on this site.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ wasn't really trying to rebut Rickiboy; just adding info to the original question posted
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ whatever, don’t patronize me bro ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ GET OF MY LAWN - gringo
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Like I said viejo don’t patronize me hermano;)
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So say you got a typical clip joint US club, strict code against front room friendliness and back room FS. And of course it depends upon a pussy cartel. So all it comes down to is buying dances and ejaculation services. Usually it will depend upon minorities to break such a cartel. So which will do it first, Russians or Cubans, turn the place into front room makeout sessions and back room FS? SJG Katherine S. Newman, on campus safety, 2008 [view link] Why 20-Somethings are Moving Back Home [view link] Katherine Newman - America's "missing class" presentation [view link] Elliot Rodger The Virgin Killer 2014 Isla Vista killings Documentary [view link] The Secret Life Of Elliot Rodger 2020 FULL Interview [view link] Channel 4 Elliot Rodger The Virgin Killer Full Documentary [view link]
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Papi sure does love semicolons
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ hey man semicolons were hard to come by in Cuba so I'm indulging now
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