

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017 6:05 PM
Why are there so many threads about Vincemichaels being a pedophile and misrepresenting himself as a war hero?


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    And he’s special!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It's Dougster and his Nazi style propaganda machine
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    It would be nice if those discussions ended. It simply clutters the discussions.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Lick my asscrack, fag. I've done nothing wrong, you on the other hand continue to commit felonies.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Actually I would have been willing to drop everything with @vinceygirl if he had apologized for lying about military service. Now that he has admitted to being a pedophile there is nothing that will stop it less than him leaving permanently leaving the board.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Won't ever happen, fag. I'll be here long after you die. DIE BITCH !!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
  • MackTruck
    7 years ago
    We need more threads about tits and ass like this place is supposed to be
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Fuck off Dougie. No one ever "owes" an apology and I see no one asking you to apologize for being a pussy and a coward.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Sorry, @skibum609 I am the one putting it all on the line exposing @vinceygirl as a pedophile. I know he used to be popular around here, because apparently he can hide his true nature and fake being a good guy for some time in real life. I guess that's how he lures in children. A real coward and pussy (you!) would defend such a person, not do what he could to get the piece of shit off the board.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    My views about our board uber troll remain the same, that he's a disabled homebound dude who sits in this forum day and night spewing his frustrations because nobody else will have him. I have also questioned his gender (still do sometimes). But try as I might to feel otherwise, my sentiments are leaning a bit in his favor on this one. I have him and txtittyfag on ignore anyway, so I don't see a lot of what he posts. But as a father to young girls, I find VM's posts to be a bit creepy. And, to be clear, this isn't Dougster's normal BS spin on some innocuous comment - VM said this shit straight out. VM comes across as one of those creepy old fucks who I worry about when I bring my kids to the pool or when they are doing dance or gymnastics performances.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ post an example of a creepy VM post
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @RickyBoy my invitation is still open to you: Any time you are in NYC we can meet up at Gallagher's over in Long Island (would love to see you run The System in person) or at Duke's bar in midtown on 3rd.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    My two cent's. I have the idiots on ignore so I only see vm's REPLIES. The trolls stop, end of issue.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Here's the thread: [view link] Here's the context: vm: "And who here doesn't like looking at beautiful young women ? You are a stupid asshole, Douchester. I don't doubt for a moment you have looked at a young women or a hundred of them and wanted part of them. It's what you do about it that counts and I've never molested any of them. Can everyone here say the same ??? I doubt that. Not trying to insult those of us with restraint" tiifyfag: And who here doesn't like looking at beautiful young women ? ^^^^^^ ROFLMAO @ dat BS! 13yeer oldz aint yung womenz u DUMBAZZ #PEDO! txtittyfag November 29, 2017 13yeer oldz b kidz! U COMPRENDE U DUMBAZZ PEDO vm: "You are an idiot. A woman is a woman no matter what age they are, what a stupid POS you are, fag. Lick my asscrack. LMAO"
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    [view link] It started with the Miss Teen USA swimsuit post. The post itself was bad enough, but when I chimed in with the fact that they can be as young as 14, he said "True, but..." But what?! 14 is a child for fuck sake. [view link] In this thread, when he was getting more pedophilia troll posts, he responded with: "You are an idiot. A woman is a woman no matter what age they are, what a stupid POS you are, fag. Lick my asscrack. LMAO" There are also quasi creepy comments in both of those threads about enjoying young beautiful women even if he doesn't touch them. And then, of course, was his comment about fucking Stallone's daughters, including the 14 year old. Now under normal circumstances I might have been able to chalk that up as a careless remark from someone who didn't bother to read the caption underneath the photo, but given VM's posting history, I just don't know.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Is that it - one little comment in one thread taken out of context of a much larger thread, and considering he has 10s of thousands of comments, no pass
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    It was more than one comment Papi - it is multiple now. He's made his attitudes about lightly clothed young teens very well understood here. I'm as open minded as anyone around here, but his multiple posts on this topic have been creepy and disturbing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I recall that teen USA thread and didn't extrapolate from it as anyone advocating sex with minors and came across as more tongue in cheek sarcastic humor often used around here - it's mostly flaming and drawing at straws for the sake of flaming
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    The comments ab teens are creepy, and “a woman is a woman at any age” is exceptionally creepy, but he never even backs down from his stupid remarks, the way most ppl would. He just spouts on ab “we will ram you up the ass ROTF......!!” W anyone who says something, so it’s not like you can ask him to clarify. I do wonder where exactly the ‘stolen valor’ thread is tho. There’s something pretty off ab making stuff up just to win an argument, and then going back on it, and never explaining.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    He didn’t say “a woman is a woman...” on the teen USA thread. He was just saying that it was overly pc. He didn’t back down tho when ppl were pointing out how young some of the girls are. Maybe he’s just arrogant to admit he didn’t realize tho.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    @Papi, you can defend any one comment all day long if you assume that it was made in a vacuum. But when it is a collection of comments in the same vein, it becomes a pattern. And these were not the only ones - there are also plenty where he discussed thinking but not touching, etc. He just doesn't seem to have the ingrained sense in his head that tells him that openly lusting after Middle Schoolers (yes, most girls turn 14 in 8th grade) is an inherently bad thing. Yes they are starting to develop by then, but they are far from fully developed and emotionally/mentally they are still children. Seriously, his posts make me want to keep my kids in the house 24/7. I can only conclude that the people on this board who aren't getting the problem with this are those who just don't have kids.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I have kids and I get the problem but this is an unmoderated board and if you want to censor someone you have to censor everyone. That being said I have stated this before I have no one on ignore I just pick whom or what I care to respond to. BTW I think it was more an unfortunate choice of words and some misplaced bragging, I’ll bet there isn’t any one here that has been entirely truthful all of the time.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    "Is that it - one little comment in one thread taken out of context of a much larger thread" Taken out of context? How? I agree with Rick I see a pattern. I don't have children but from my perspective you don't have to have children to see that the guy has an eye for young minors. There is no way that girls 14 and younger can be considered women. I've mostly tried to stay out of this issue although I've been stewing since I saw his false combat post and I let loose and posted my thoughts in a thread or two. Add up his false comments about serving and his creepy comments about minors and i see a repulsive being. I see two guys defending him here, both have partied and drank with him. Yes guys getting together and yucking it up while naked women are running around can form a common bond but are you guys 100% genuine with each other while you're in the club? His words here and his aggressive overly defensive posture since his words were brought up tell me it's more than misplaced bragging or joking.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^I am not defending anyone you are definitely taking my post out of context. VM is a big boy he would be smarter to handle himself differently but I don’t care for the constant trolling. You go and do what you want IRDGAF
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    BTW I never said taken out of context.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I don’t really see them defending him. I reason that they’ve met him, so they have seen that he’s not all there, and isn’t mentally equipped to handle the situation. Anyone who responds, the way he does, can’t be right in the head.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, and next you're going to blame me for war, pestilence and Donald Trump. Get a grip on reality, I strongly doubt everyone here is picture perfect. Oh wait, Douchester is. LMAO. Yeah right. Those of you that dislike what I say, so be it, I don't like everything you say. Get a grip on it people and move on.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Don't actions count more than thoughts? He said he never actually molested anyone. When does a child become an adult, anyway? At 18? What about a month before you turn 18? How about an hour before you turn 18? A minute? What if it's a leap-year? I've met some women in their 20s who clearly look like they're still teenagers; it seems that people develop on their own schedules, both mentally and physically. Anyway, it is important to set an age of consent, and I think the standard should be consistent and applied nationwide, but it shouldn't affect people's thoughts. If you're not molesting anyone and you're not intentionally looking at child pornography, then what's the harm? Personally, I prefer a woman in her late 20s or 30s, but standards have changed a great deal over the centuries. Nowadays it wouldn't be inaccurate to refer to a 24 year old as a "kid." But Alexander the Great was already conquering nations at that age. And I'll bet anything that each one of us has at least a few female ancestors who became pregnant at the age of 14 or younger at some point in our distant family trees.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    LMAO, and who appointed you psychiatrist, Hj99. Your post really cracks me up, I don't ever recall seeing you at our MENSA meetings. Not all here, LMAO, maybe I don't want to be here in the same room with the true creeps we have. Like Douchester/txtittylickmy balls. He hates my guts and will do anything he can to hurt me. Bring it dickbreath, be a man and show up at a meetup. None that I know here have ever seen you. Have to wonder why.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    what?.. it’s like you went on an acid trip while draft dodging and never made it back.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahah, you are hallucinating again, Hj99 LMAO
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    VM has over 10k posts - I def don't see "a pattern" of him harping about underage girls - if anything there are is probably 100x comments made by Dougster all relating to a couple of posts out of 10k. w.r.t. the war-hero shit - I don't recall exactly how it started but again it seems it was Dougster commenting about-it 100s of times I assume based on one post by VM - if I remember correctly I "think" VM mentioned something about him being a war-hero by protesting the Vietnam war in the 60s as many young people did at the time - perhaps the wrong words to use but it's basically along the lines of how many young people felt at the time. Extrapolating from some poorly worded comments to basically accuse someone of being a pedafile and dragging that person's name thru the mud w/ no evidence beyond extrapolating some poorly worded comments, is a douche and self-serving move as if those making those extrapolated accusations based on just comments are walk-on-water holier-than-thou w/ no skeletons in their closet - and yeah yeah yeah, I'm sure some here will come out pounding their chests "hey when it comes to kids that's where I draw the line" - no you're drawing a line where one is not needed to be drawn based on no-evidence other than extrapolating poorly worded comments.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... I see two guys defending him here, both have partied and drank with him ..." If anything that means we would have a better gauge for him than someone whom has never interacted w/ him in person and is just extrapolating from a handful of comments out of 10k+ comments - I have SCed w/ VM and seen him interact and get dances w/ all kinds of dancers and don't recall him harping over preferring very young dancers over older dancers, nor did I witness that when SCing w/ him on multiple occasions - again alluding-to/accusing someone as a pedafile w/ no evidence is a douche and self-serving move and self-aggrandizing on the backs of others.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Well said Papi. Your post makes rational sense. There is a significant amount of hyperbole in many of the continuous discussions of Vince, and it largely comes across as noise.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    BHF, those are just the types of of weak rationalizations that a pedophile would use to justify his behavior. Now is there a point in a girl's development where these the distinctions may get a bit blurry? Perhaps, but it sure as shit isn't at 14.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Cash, hyperbole my ass. His statements speak for themselves and they weren't spun by anybody. Also, contrary to Papi's assertion, I have zero interest in self aggrandizement at anyone's expense. In fact, I normally steer a mile away from these screen name on screen name brouhahas. But I just find his posts to be so fucking slimy and creepy that I can't seem to help myself. In fact, my disgust is so strong that, as crazy as this is given the disdain I hold for trolls, for the first time I am not bothered by the endless barrage of troll posts cluttering the board (some of the troll posts are slipping through as I have not updated my list in a while).
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Expanding on what Papi said VM doesn’t need anyone to defend him. This is herd mentality at its finest.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Right twenty. It's censorship and herd mentality when others object to a guy lusting after 14 year old girls and using the argument that "A woman is a woman no matter what age they are..." as his justification. Thanks for clearing that up for the "herd." ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think there's is too-much consistent finger-pointing by a few on this board which *IMO* serves no useful purpose other than flaming and/or posturing, again *IMO* - thus in this vein I'm not gonna keep on commenting about this issue since again it won't serve any useful purpose - I'll leave it at as a difference of opinion
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^And you are the person best equipped to lead the herd ?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^That was at Dugan, Papi you ninja’d me.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    The constant discussions aren’t serving their intended purpose. Basically it’s become annoying and it’s an argument that should be handled privately (not in an unmoderated Internet forum). Have you changed Vince’s views? No. Have you changed our views of Vince? No. Have you wasted lots of time, energy and space to voice your views? Yes. So it seems your efforts have been largely (if not fully) ineffective.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Twenty, good try with attempted deflection using your own construct, but you're not smart enough to pull it off. I am one guy voicing his opinion and others are equally free to do the same. In my opinion, VM likes them a little too young and I find it to be very disturbing. So disturbing and creepy, in fact, that I find myself agreeing and even empathizing with trolls, as sad as this is to admit. With that said, I am out of this thread before my temper gets the best of me. We'll just have to hope that VM never gets the opportunity to act on those urges that he so freely talks about on here.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @rickdugan, And if he leaves the board... what exactly would that accomplish? Hypothetically, if he is attracted to children, would leaving the board somehow stop him from being attracted to kids?
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > Hypothetically, if he is attracted to children, would leaving the board somehow stop him from being attracted to kids? Yep, who knows what would happen to the world without Dougster serving as vincemichaels' pastor.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dugan I may not be smart enough to pull this off but I’m sure that there’s at least one member of the board that I’m smarter than, that would be you. You want to pick on others using their posts and claim holier than thou status let’s see. Aren’t you the guy who writes stories about serial drunk driving, taking advantage of crack addicted whores and doesn’t even have enough self awareness to realize that you are just the pot calling the kettle. As far as losing your temper who gives a fuck you just get stupider when you get angry it’s not like I really give a fuck but tell me what the fuck your gonna do about it tough guy. You really are a dumbass.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    [view link] vincemichaels “August 14, 2016 It hasn't really stopped me before. My sailboat saw a lot of sex with me and my female friends, even the 14 year old.”
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Twenty, go ahead and find comments where I actually say that I've done any of that and then we can have that discussion about comparative morality. You won't, because I've never said that I've done either. They were products of troll spin stemming from much more innocuous conversations. And because I've had my own personal bitch troll for several years now, I'm the one, who is probably most inclined to sympathize with VM under these circumstances. But not on this one. VM actually said that shit, plain as day. It is right there and all the VM fan club spin is going to make it any less creepy or disturbing.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    correction: is "not" going to make it any less creepy or disturbing.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    DP, and just when I thought that I couldn't be any more disgusted, you find that.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Hmm... Sounds a lot like Roy Moore
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    Thanks for that DoctorPhil! Do you guys still want to defend him? Are you still going to swallow whatever spin/excuse he has saying that he never said that?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I knew he was creepy, and maybe mentally disabled or something, but damn.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    This is my last post on this subject nobody’s defending anything he said except for him we are just defending his right to say what ever he wants you certainly are free to say whatever that’s the point.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    That post by dr phil is pretty damning.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Well, that's pretty fucked up. What did he mean about the sailboat? But I still stand by my original points. And I don't think hounding him off the board is going to accomplish much of anything.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I guess that answers my question.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    VM: [paraphrased] I wish that they made young teens where bathing suits Meetup Crew: Hey now, that doesn't mean that he wants to touch them. VM: [paraphrased] I bet you have looked at young women and wanted a piece of them too. Meetup Crew: Don't take his comment out of context. And hey, he hasn't touched a "young woman" which is all that matters. VM: A woman is a woman no matter what her age. Meetup Crew: Don't unfairly peg our Vince as a pedophile. After all, he hasn't actually acted on his urges and beliefs, right? VM: My sailboat saw a lot of sex with me and my female friends, even the 14 year old. Meetup Crew: [Sound of crickets chirping]. This both saddened and sickened me. While he was bragging about sex with a 14 year old on his boat, I guess the lasting damage that he may have done to that young girl was of no consequence to him. Of course, I never believed that he hadn't indulged those urges to begin with, because guys with those types of urges can rarely fight them forever. But to actually see that post unearthed makes me sadder than I can say. I was planning on going to the club tonight, but now I want nothing more than to watch my girls tonight as they sleep safely under my roof.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    correction "wear" bathing suits.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Well, it looks like the juries in and it's hung. Too bad, flamers, I'm here whether you like things I've said or not. As I've said earlier, there are plenty of things you have said and done that I don't like, but you don't see me flaming you. Obviously, I'm a better man. QED
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    well vince, here’s my verdict. you deserve to be hounded to the grave for your Stolen Valor lies about serving in combat but whether or not that happens i firmly believe that there is a special place in hell waiting for pedophiles like you
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Nope, DoctorPhil, I've never liked the way you treat people and you are wrong again. Cie la vie, old man. You know nothing but various lies perpetrated here by the haters. Sounds like apt company for you.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Papi, If she were black, one of the dancers I saw vm with, well, you'd be jealous. But remember, I like Asians and I've never seen a Papi Asian. :) I'll state here, of all the TUSCLers I've met, vm was one of them, and would fit right in with the rest.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Agree with Papi on this. What is most irritating is the arrogance of these trolls in presuming to be the ultimate arbiters on what is acceptable and not acceptable on this board, with a close second being their complete lack of consideration of other members by spamming the board with useless, boring, repetitive, and often incomprehensible posts. The spamming is second only because I have most of the trolls on ignore so I usually don’t see the spam unless I happen to check the board without logging in. After this discussion, I may have few more to add to the ignore list. I have never met VM, but I am a father and combat vet and there is nothing he has said that particularly bothers me. Certainly he has not said anything more outrageous than any number of other posters. These trolls should just get over it. But I guess it really doesnt matter because ignore is such a useful feature.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    BHF: "Don't actions count more than thoughts? He said he never actually molested anyone. " By that reasoning nobody should have a problem with guys looking at child pornography. Right? Sorry, but the definition of "pedophile" does not require you to act. In case, DoctrorPhil, has posted a direct quote showing he has acted. No surprise to me. Once a guy gets to the point where he can rationalize "a woman is a woman regardless of her age" and starts projecting that everyone is like him, you can bet that he has built up those thoughts for the sake rationalizing acting on them. And the direct quote again just in case anybody had both DoctorPhil and tittyfag on ignore: [view link] vincemichaels August 14, 2016 It hasn't really stopped me before. My sailboat saw a lot of sex with me and my female friends, even the 14 year old.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    And I would to tip my hat to rickdugan for seeing things clearly on this issue. You won't find more polar opposites than him and I, but he is absolutely right here.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Thanks doctorevil. I've never said I was perfect. I think we have all done things when we were young that are not the wisest things. I know for a fact that my exploits never harmed anyone. I have a lot of female friends all over the world, I've known many of them for over 40 years and they know that I'm one of the good guys. Can my detractors say they are good guys. I doubt it. They lie, steal and cheat. I'm happy in my retirement. I'll be doing another road trip soon and visit some of my friends around the country. They know who I am. Not that dumbass fag,Douchestersucksdick/txtittylicksbuttcrack. He is such a stupid fool.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    You know something, @vinceygirl, I don't lie, steal or cheat. But even if I did that would be one millionth as bad as being a pedophile. I actually hope you do go on that road trip after you have openly admitted to being a pedophile here. I won't bet on you being able to finish it though.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    @ doctorevil. I'm speechless! Are you for real, did you see this or do you have the whole board on ignore? "vincemichaels August 14, 2016 It hasn't really stopped me before. My sailboat saw a lot of sex with me and my female friends, even the 14 year old." I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that because you have multiple people on ignore you've missed what's been going on here. Vince has admitted that he fucked a 14 year old girl, not woman, girl. That's besides multiple past postings of his with links that have been posted by the "trolls" showing a pattern of a guy that has desires for young teens, not 17 year old borderline teens, younger ones and you're comparing those comments as no worse that what others have said and you're OK with that? And as a combat veteran you're OK with him passing himself off as the same even though his latter posts show otherwise? I am looking forward to a clarified response regarding those issues or do you also have me on ignore?
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    Oh vince, nice spin, do you think you're self proclaimed good guy speech will work with anyone other than the fringe players?
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I admitted no such thing you dumbass. Were you there. I know you weren't.. I don't have to provide details about my life to you or anyone, you moron. I bet you lie, steal and cheat, Douchester. People in the financial industries do it daily. I suppose you think we believe your lies, Douchester. I don't, plenty of my friends don't. You are a pathetic POS, Douchester. Lick my buttcrack.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Fringe players ??? Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha, longtime members here, you dumb fucker. Get a grip on reality and stop sucking that cum from Douchester. His AIDS disease is well known here. LMAO
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    My grip on reality is firm, yours needs patches and duct tape. Good night.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Not at all, you just dropped from that ledge Douchester was sucking your penis on. Have a nice fall, dumbass. LMAO
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I think this is a good strategy you have here, @vincemichales and it will work. If you just talking about me and how much you hate that will win you enough points that people will just shrug off the fact that you have admitted to having sex with at least one 14 y/o girl.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    I too am speechless. So DoctorEvil, by criticizing the trolls for being the arbiters of what is acceptable, are you saying that you disagree with the notion that fucking 14 year old children is wrong? And before you launch into another one of your sackless tapdances, this is a Yes or No question. Obviously you should feel free to justify your position, but let's hear what that is first. While we're at it, perhaps Clubber and Papi would like to share with us their views on fucking 14 year olds. Because if you are going to defend what many would consider indefensible, you should just have the balls to do it. You know, I am probably, in many respects, one of the biggest scumbags on this board. Among other things, i've used countless angles to coax grown women into agreeing to p4p. But there is a reason why even rapists and murderers detest pedophiles. There are some things that are just too horrible to accept and fucking children ranks high up on the list.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    So who amongst us here have fucked a 14 year old woman. I have never done such a thing. I'd help roast the SOB. Pedos are sick fuckers. I'm glad I am not one no matter what you or TheeOSU or the fag monikers of you all know who say. I'd know. You know nothing. You choose to believe Douchester/txtittyfag. That's your problem, a big one it seems. Let's keep in mind that anything posted here could be fiction. What's true to one won't necessarily be to others. I met someone new this morning, a very knowlegable (sp) person. I strongly doubt he knows everything. His name isn't Jesus. We laughed as we talked about things we share although we've never met til this day. Go out guys, make yourselves happy. That's what he wants, our Lord and Savior. I suppose ratbag will jump up and bleat more nonsense, so be it. I find his whining to be quite, quite entertaining as he continually shows us TUSCL people what an idiot, he (Douchester) is.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    vincemichaels just reduced to incoherent blathering now.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Dougster, Like I said, I think it's pretty fucked up. He doesn't seem to have any real explanation to offer. And no, I'm not ok with grown men having sex with 14 year old girls. Once again, thoughts and actions are two completely different things. But I also don't like people arbitrarily appointing themselves judge, jury, and executioner. I honestly don't know what the legal age of consent should be. I guess I'll leave that up to the government. And I'll leave the policing up to them, too. Perhaps you should do the same.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    BHF: Please review. He has admitted to acting on his thoughts: [view link] vincemichaels August 14, 2016 It hasn't really stopped me before. My sailboat saw a lot of sex with me and my female friends, even the 14 year old. But I will also add that is not necessary to act on thoughts to fit the definition of pedophile. I am sure you would admit that anyone who looked at child pornography would meet the definition of pedophile whether they actually did anything beyond that or not.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "guess I'll leave that up to the government. And I'll leave the policing up to them, too." Well they dont do a good job of either.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Dougster, Yes, I know that. Like I said, what he did was pretty fucked up. And I'm not okay with people intentionally looking at child pornography either. But as for "impure thoughts," I couldn't care less what's in a person's head. Besides, we don't have to worry about what he's thinking when he has already admitted to fucking a 14 year old! Like I said, actions matter and he definitely did something bad.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @chessmaster, Ok, so what's your point? Should we form a posse?
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Thing is you stupid asses don't know what you are talking about. I did not say I fucked a 14 year old woman. Show me where I did. You can't. Lick my asscrack, Douchester.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    VM said: "I did not say I fucked a 14 year old woman. Show me where I did." Well, there's this (in case you haven't seen it yet...). VM said (August 14, 2016): "It hasn't really stopped me before. My sailboat saw a lot of sex with me and my female friends, even the 14 year old." Explain the exact context/background of the 2016 quote. Minus the threats and name calling.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Not that it's any of your business, [view link].Ishmael, there are all kinds of sex. Here's a clue: Bill Clinton. LMAO Happy now, TUSCL member ???? You people are so entertaining with your limited intellect. I wonder how long it will take for you to get it. Get it, yet ???? LMAO
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    All kinds of sex. All illegal. All make you a pedo.
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    I find it all annoying, however, easily scrolled through. Basically I don't give a fuck either way, has no impact on me getting my rocks off in a club or out of a club
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Ok, Sal69 doesn't care if there are pedophiles on the board or not. Cool. Some of us do.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    VM said: "Not that it's any of your business, [view link].ishmael..." Except you posted: "I did not say I fucked a 14 year old woman. Show me where I did."  So, my post and question is in response to your soliciting information. If you're going to continue to engage, then people are going to respond and ask questions for the sake of clarity. Offline or online, that's how communication works. VM said: "... there are all kinds of sex. Here's a clue: Bill Clinton." So... you got a blowjob on a sailboat from a 14-year-old girl. Correct? Being circumspect here does not help you. VM said: "You people are so entertaining with your limited intellect. I wonder how long it will take for you to get it. Get it, yet ???? LMAO" The continuous insults and LMAOing makes you sound more guilty and less coherent. If that's your goal, then keep at it.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I’m starting to wonder how vm can even be real, unless he’s just crazy. I hate to nit pick this bc it doesn’t matter what he actully did w a 14 year old, but he even lied ab having “sex” w a 14 year old and now he’s saying it was oral. Nothing he says is consistent. I’m thinking he just makes stuff up and goes on ab his asscrack and threatens to butt rape ppl. He responds to every troll post. He doesn’t OWE anyone an explaination, or apology, but if he didn’t like the trolling, it would help, or he could at least stop trolling in turn. I think he must like it.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I appreciate Ishmael’s question - and his rational approach. Sadly, after reading VM’s reply, he’s confirmed a sexual act with an underaged girl. I was hoping that he simply made a leading assertion, but instead he’s confirmed something worse. I’m going to leave this discussion now, as I find no basis to defend his actions, or to think there might have been a misunderstanding.
  • RedJohnson
    7 years ago
    WTF papichulo, doctoreveil, burlingtonhofacotry, clubber?! Always though that this was a weird bunch of old fucks who never got married or had kids because they were ugly or odd. But is it something else? Is there a pedo group here? Are they fighting so much because they don't wanna be judged for what THEY do? Is vincemichaels the kiddie fucker in chief? Do these pukes go to poor countries together so they can all fuck kids without goin to jail?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    That is sure some fucked up psychology. @vincemichaels get such a charge out of claiming he is "right" that he didn't say he fucked a 14 y/o girls (implies he stopped at getting a BJ) that he does a victory dance. That he has to admit to a sexual act with a minor in the process is no concern to him. And then he calls us stupid... Seems surreal.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    In Burlington’s defense, he did rebuke vm’s sex acts w a 14 year old as wrong. He just can’t stop arguing, or concede a point, but that’s another issue.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Let's see, it's OK for me to be insulted, but I can't return the riposte. I don't think so,
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I don't have an issue with anyone who was in denial about vm's pedophilia at first. I think it was txtittyfag who always saw it clearly from the start. The rest of us, we didn't want to think that of anyone and it took varying degrees of evidence to convince, since nobody wants to think anyone is capable of that. The only thing that counts is that there is absolutely no way to deny what he is now.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Let's see, I'm here with a group of perfect people, never do anything bad, make a mistake, etc., etc. Yeah right, I believe you liars. I must be the most horrible PL in the world. Let's see, it never happened again, we continued to be friends, I don't do sex tours as I have no doubt some of the TUSCL people have. I know of one TUSCL person who did time for some of his mistakes. So put me in jail ???? I don't think so, statute of limitations kicked in a long time ago. Waiting breathlessly for more of your insults. So predictable and boring. YAWN !
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit. Nobody believes a word of anything you say now. Not that it would matter anyone. Even once is enough to render you a complete subhuman.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    RedJohnson said: "Always though that this was a weird bunch of old fucks who never got married or had kids because they were ugly or odd." It is... mostly. In almost any highly-trafficked forum, there's going to be a few people that you wouldn't want to move in next door to your family. Given the world around which this forum is built (strip clubs), it's doubly true here. To think otherwise is naive. I'm not under the impression that any of the users you called out are closet sex criminals. They seem to be tired of the repetitive troll posts. They can speak for themselves, though. That said, with regards to the moral high ground, this entire site exists in a gulley. And that's not a put down. I'm right here, too. But, there are definitely a few guys here who brought their own shovel. Some are more obvious than others. Personally, I think it's a bit odd and risky that some of the guys here have meet ups. I'm sure that most of the users here are garden-variety perverts. But I'd never want to roll snake eyes and put myself on the radar of some undermedicated lunatic that I "met" on a strip club forum. My 2 cents.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    That's fine by me, there are TUSCL people you don't want to meet. In all the years of clubbing meetups, I have never had any problems with those I met. Some here these days think they will scare me with their empty threats. One guy I was supposed to meet turned out to be a loon with a pistol and a desire to have his ATF any which way he could. Talking with his ATF was illuminating. I'm glad he wasn't at the club we had agreed to meet at. He had come and left, leaving word where he was going. I was glad to have talked with the ATF cuz I didn't go to the 2nd club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    VM said: "Let's see, it's OK for me to be insulted, but I can't return the riposte. I don't think so." I made no statement that you're not allowed. Just that it makes you look more guilty and less coherent. I maintain opinion. Do what you will. VM said: "Let's see, I'm here with a group of perfect people, never do anything bad, make a mistake, etc., etc. Yeah right, I believe you liars." Nobody has made that assertion ever. That said, you made the choice to brag about oral sex with a 14-year-old girl. Both the act and your attitude towards it are equally unsettling. The vast majority of guys who have done such a thing in the context of a one-off critical failure of judgment likely regard it as a horrible mistake that fills them with guilt and they don't talk about it ever (even on an anonymous forum). Whereas you frame it as a point of pride. That's abhorrent and creepy as fuck. VM said: "Let's see, it never happened again, we continued to be friends, I don't do sex tours as I have no doubt some of the TUSCL people have." You don't get a gold star for being less horrible than other sex criminals. VM said: "So put me in jail ???? I don't think so, statute of limitations kicked in a long time ago. Waiting breathlessly for more of your insults. So predictable and boring. YAWN !" You also don't get a gold star for getting away with it.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    CMI, I'm tired of the troll posts too and have been for years, but that doesn't mean that they're wrong on this one. Now I'm also not ready to label VM's defenders as pedophiles-in-arms, but I am beyond skeeved out by the "judge not lest yee be judged" argument they are attempting to make in the context of pedophilia and I can't help but wonder how anyone could take that position. Sure we are all degenerates here, but involving children in one's degeneracy is just so utterly and obviously unacceptable that I am truly amazed that we are even having this conversation, even on a site like this.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ well said.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ to cmi.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I don't think all the trolling of vincemichaels is necessary or effective. It's passive attention seeking and does not help TUSCL whatsoever. Also as a TUSCL member he contributes by writing reviews and posting per thread topics. He's allowed here as much as any other member based on all this alone.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Oh and this is an awesome thread!
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Vm started the trolling and he keeps it going. He’s not the victim. The victims are the little girls he molested, and the members here who are annoyed by the daily multitude of vm centric posts. He actually seems to love the attention and to think that he holds his own. He’s that dumb and out of touch.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^I think that with this thread that flagooner taught the wanna be trolls a lesson in trolling. All hail flagooner the trolldaddy!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @vincemichaels said: "So put me in jail ???? I don't think so, statute of limitations kicked in a long time ago." I don't think this is really about the law. I'm 100% positive that you're not going to jail. But you did kinda fuck a kid, bro. You shouldn't have done that. And you shouldn't have bragged about it either. Do I think it's the worst crime in the history of the universe? No. But it was still wrong. Having said that, I stand by my claim that it doesn't make much sense to hound someone off a message board where we're supposed to be exchanging ideas and sharing information. Honestly, if Hitler were still alive, I wouldn't mind if he posted on TUSCL. I'd be fine having a debate with Hitler. (Oh, hey, I know what would be fun! Let's all talk about Hitler again! JK).* *Disclaimer: I don't think @vincemichaels is Hitler. He's just another random internet retard. I'm obviously using Hitler to make a point.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Red, I can't speak for others, and I rarely read (heavy ignore user) the non-SC crap unless the topic interests me, IE: football, tax reform, etc. You question why I am here. Simple answer, read the site title, "The Ultimate Strip Club List". There is your answer. I've been on here over 17 years, likely (judging by the apparent age of some users) older than some of the users actually are. That reason might be a bit difficult for you to grasp, it seems. And I really don't care what you think about "...weird bunch of old fucks who never got married or had kids because they were ugly or odd." since other than old, nothing fits me. Hope this clears up your uninformed views.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    WAAAH !!!!!!!!!! Awww. Whatever folks, I must be a horrible person if one chooses to support the flaming trolls. Me, a troll, Hj, that is astounding. LMAO. You gotta stop drinking, ya moron.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    @VM... Yep. Less coherent; more guilty.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    BHF said: "Honestly, if Hitler were still alive, I wouldn't mind if he posted on TUSCL." Really? Millions starved, gassed, and burned to ash in a pan-European genocide, but that's still a guy you'd like to chitchat with about lapdance prices. I mean... really?
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ Oh please txtittyfag. I had my fun with SJG in two months and I have never started a thread myself to troll him. You however are an alias just created to troll vincemichaels just as your other alias vincemichels is your passive counterpart to trolling him as well. And both of you have done it for years. There's no comparison to the level of trolling that you and your alias do. To use me w/SJG as an example just demonstrates your naivete and ignorance.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You know why I never respond to you dummy it’s because you don’t have a single positive post in you entire time on this board there is nothing in any of your posts that has anything to do with strip clubs all you ever do is post the same boring repetitive shit YAWN!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You really need to see someone for that bro maybe you could get a doctor to prescribe you som nice happy pills LOL If you don’t calm down a bit your going to give yourself a stroke.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Let him have a stroke, twentyfive. That vacant look, the twitching. Ace !!
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    "just demonstrates your naivete and ignorance. ^^^^^ Says the guy who thinks premature ejaculation and cumming in his pants like a 12yr old is cool. ROFL" ^ more of the same demonstration
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Vm, you trolled dougster when you lied ab serving in the military to win a point in a debate, and then you were too arrogant to just admit that you were wrong.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    ^ more of the same demonstration
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Ok so VinceMichaels is an admitted pedophile. What do we do now? All the trolling in the world by Dougster and his aliases has brought the issue to light. But that's about all it's gonna do. It doesn't seem to bother VinceMichaels to the point of leaving as he is still here and commenting in this same thread. The only person who has the power to do what you want to happen (Vincemichaels gone from the forum) is Founder.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "but that's about all it's gonna do.." ____ Not quite correct. If Vince ever runs for Senate in my state, won't vote for him.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    TFP has a point. Everyone can see for themselves that VM brags ab sex acts w little girls, and the stolen valor thing is likely also. He’s not going to leave or even shut up for a min, and he actully seems to like the attention. Would you guys consider just giving us a periodic reminder that vm is a stolen valor child molester, instead of ten a day? I promise do my part in explaining, if ever asked, or if it is questioned.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    One of the many things that I will continue to point out is your hypocrisy and how you twist things to the breaking point. You think I'm bragging. Lord Almighty., I am not. You just twist it and make it seem awful. You perfect people. Yeah, perfect your ass. You are a bunch of jackass sinners who hope and pray that your acts aren't paraded by a bunch of losers. Listening, Hj99 and TheeOSU ????? You are perfect, right ???? Yeah, silence. LMAO Blow me.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    How was that not bragging? You were bragging about not caring if it was illegal to have sex w your 14 year old friend, on your sail boat. And your, “oh hey, no one is perfect!” argument, is just bs. You should shut up and hope that dougster and tittyfag to drop it down a notch (for our sake; not yours), but you really do seem to enjoy the attention.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Because it wasn't. I should know, not some bystander trying to be an expert. I'd say the only expert thing you do is jack off guys for money. No BS, are you perfect ?? Come on, I can't hear you. Kinda quiet there, you know you lost. I won't shut up, I don't have to, ya moron. I'd rather live my life in peace, I have a good life here in the USA, I have friends who know the score. We talk and laugh at you jackasses.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Well my take is that @vinceygirl is on the board to get people to think he is an okay guy and then cement that by concealing his true self and act nice for an hour or two in real life. It like this false self of his makes friends and make his true pedophile self feel like he is alright. Now that we've taken that away from him, I think there is less motivation for him to be here. One of things he does seem to believe is that he can do whatever the fuck he wants and nobody can tell him otherwise. If he wants to fuck 14 y/o then fuck you! You can't tell him not. If he wants to lie about military service then fuck you! You can't tell him not to. So yeah he'll be around to point this out... But once he finds attitudes have changed about him and he is not well received at TUSCL meetups, I think he's out of here.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Not going to happen, fag. Lick my asscrack faggot.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Can't tell you how much I loved seeing and do my small part in contributing to your downfall here, @vinceygirl. And I was able to pull it off because I am approximately 1,000,000x the man you are. LOL! Enjoy life at the bottom, loser!
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Sex with a 14 year old is just plain sick.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I won't ever know, Doucocksucker You occupy that space, have all your pathetic life. Do us all a favor and die, fag.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    [sigh... ] VM said: "You think I'm bragging. Lord Almighty., I am not." Right. So this thread is about the titillation having sex in places where it might it's not necessarily allowed (i.e. strip clubs, public places, etc.).... [view link] You posted the following: "It hasn't really stopped me before. My sailboat saw a lot of sex with me and my female friends, even the 14 year old." You could have put the period after the word 'friends' and this whole thread would be 100 posts shorter. Actually, any guy with sense that God gave a box of rocks would have ended the sentence at 'friends'. At 14, that's statutory rape *everywhere*. But you felt the need to point out that you had sex with a 14-year-old girl in the context of your own personal sexual exploits. That's clear-cut bragging. And that's fucked up.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Why the fuck are so many people defending this pedophile?
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I don't think anyone is really defending fucking a 14 year old. It's just that no one is really accomplishing anything by spamming the board endlessly. At some point, enough is enough. Based on his responses, I think there's something wrong with this guy that goes beyond having sex with a 14 year old... but there's probably something wrong with the majority of people here, too. It is what it is. Anyway, I'll play devil's advocate. I've always felt that there is something random about the age of 18. Historically, societies have set the age of manhood and womanhood at ages ranging from 12 to 16. Here in America, we don't allow people to drink until the age of 21. Honestly, I don't think most people are even fully mentally developed until around the age of 30! Now think about this: how would you feel if you woke up tomorrow and the law had been changed so that the legal age of consent had been raised to, say, 22? Would you suddenly feel guilty about all the 18, 19, 20, and 21 year olds you had ever gotten a LD from? And if so, why? Because the law says so? We don't really think it's such a huge crime for an 18 year old to sleep with a 14 year old, because we know that, at some level, an 18 year old is still a kid himself. The law may not approve, but the rest of us generally don't care. But if a 50 year old does it? Well, we all agree that that's a crime, right? So if the 18 year old is still a kid, then why should it be legal for an adult to fuck him or her? It's kind of a mess, isn't it? Having said all that, as a man in my 30s, I would never do anything sexual with a 14 year old. Ever. Something inside tells me it's wrong. As for the stolen valor stuff... I can't be moved to give a shit. I have a lot of veterans in my family. Members of my family have served during WWI, WWII, and Vietnam. They make a big deal out of patriotic holidays, and I think that's nice. But I just don't care if some anonymous asshole on a strip club forum wants to pretend that he fought in a war. If someone pretends that they're a baker, we don't call it Stolen Carbohydrates. If someone pretends to be a stripper, we don't call it Stolen STDs. It's weird that we've created this phenomenon called "Stolen Valor." And I think it has something to do with how we've obsessively fetishized the military in the post-9/11 era, to the point where they can do no wrong. It's creepy. So if someone wants to dress up in a costume and pretend to be a soldier so that they can get a 15% discount on a soft pretzel at the mall, fuck it, I just don't care. Besides, soldiers don't deserve a special discount on pretzels; they might deserve a pay-raise, but not a discount. And they deserve for these stupid overseas wars to end so that they and their fellow enlistees can come home.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    You've exposed him, but that's all. Dougster/txtittyfag all the spamming threads aren't doing anything else but annoying all the members of the board. It's certainly not gonna make vincemichaels leave. He's gonna be here until he passed away and all the spamming in the world isn't gonna change that.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Bhf, i agree 18 is still a kid. That said i dont care what the theoretical age of consent is. There is a big difference between 14 and 18. Truthfully i think all those guys that love 18 y.o.'s are closet pedophiles but thats for another discussion.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Have to respectfully disagree with you TFP, and BHF. vinceygirl is here for acceptance and friendships off the board. We've succeeded in showing he is not a good guy. Think he'll be making new friends after this? Think some of his existing friendships will shrivel up now that they know exactly what it is. I take the exact opposite conclusion of you: I think the entire board owes txtittyfag a huge effort for seeing who vinceygirl was right away, and relentlessly hounding him and pursuing the truth until vinceygirl finally cracked. Almost anyone else would have given up at some point, but txtittyfag saw the importance and never did quit. Without tittyfag I bet nearly everyone would still be like "oh, the vinceygirl he's such a nice guy". One man really can alter the course of TUSCL history. Thanks tittyfag!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    chessmaster: "Truthfully i think all those guys that love 18 y.o.'s are closet pedophiles but thats for another discussion." You thinking of JS69?
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ^he is culprit #1 on here.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Actually vince is culprit #1. At least js69 had the discipline to wait until they are 18.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    18 year olds are adults. It doesn’t matter if it’s an arbitrary age. A man can be attracted to 18 year olds, and not 17 year olds, bc the idea of statutory raping a girl is repulsive, even if she is otherwise physically attractive. It should be repulsive to imagine fucking a 14 year old child. It would mean being a predator, taking advantage of a kid, and possibly hurting them mentally.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^If you are ok with 18 YO that’s a little pervy too. So tell me if instead of being underage, she was intellectually challenged like, border line retarded, would you be OK with that. This starts to get into an abusive situation as well. At the risk of starting this whole brouhaha all over again, don’t you agree that coercion is wrong be it physical or mental. Generally speaking an 18 year old is no more equipped to deal with a man 20 years her senior than a 14 year old. This is an abuse of power in many ways. Without calling any one out we should agree that this is wrong.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    No. I think being mentally challenged would be the same as sleeping w a 14 year old. I think a lot of ppl see it that way. 18 year olds are adults. They have been deemed mentally capable of making adult decisions, like joining the military, getting married, and entering into debt. I agree that it’s a sliding scale, and some ppl never seem like adults, but that’s a matter of opinion. The fact is, the legal standing affects ppl’s perception and attraction, and an 18 y old is an adult. If you fuck 14 year olds, you know damn well you are a child molester.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I think the more important factor than how much older the 18 year-old's partner is would be whether he's a psychopath. A kindly older gent who likes to discuss books with her in the champagne room leaving her to the care of a 20 year-old drug dealer with a propensity of violence doesn't really sound like an improvement. I have heard that in young women circles, it's accepted wisdom that older guys can be great because they actually appreciate them compared to guys closer to their age who are more likely to treat them as interchangeable conquests. Present company excluded, of course.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    yes BJ you are correct , remember thre are safeguards built into the military there are rules about fraternization, but here it’s the moral implications rather than legal ones. And quite honestly I agree with the your wrong camp about much of this, it’s the lack of self awareness that really is remarkable.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ppwh I said generally there exceptions but remember these young girls that we legally call adults are often led into abusive relationships through coercion, I can think of no better example of the stripper boyfriend stereotype.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive, I thought the stripper boyfriend stereotype was around 23 and had gotten kicked out of his mom's basement, so he has to play Xbox at her place. Are you proposing that women should be assigned a chaperone at age 18 to protect them from their decisions until they are 30?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It’s up to an 18 year old what she finds appealing/attractive bc she’s a grown ass woman. If you don’t think 18 year olds are mature enough, then it’s your call as a grown man to not prefer them in turn. Fraternization has nothing to do w age. A 28 year old Pfc can live w an 18 year old pv1. A 30 year old Lt cannot live w a 30 year old sgt. And from what I saw, within the nco/co classifications, fraternization is not so much against the rules, as something to be considered when building chain of command, so that a lower ranking individual (of either sex) is not under direct command/leadership of someone they are screwing.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Tho I should say that I knew a male nco married to a female officer, but she did become an officer after marriage. It was still a slight issue and they were placed in different battalions. My division was very strict tho bc it was rapid deployment.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Wow! This is quite the thread. I didn't read everything because I found myself agreeing with rickdugan and that always scares me. I just have two things to say: First, some people on TUSCL really spend a lot of time combing through other people's posts. I find TUSCL funny but I really don't have that much time in my life! Second, to vincemichaels: you've always seemed like a nice enough guy to me, but you did say some shady stuff. I was never sure if folks trolling you were making stuff up or quoting you but it is clear you have said shady things. I don't know if that was just crazy meaningless fictional stories (if so, crazy stories with <18.year old characters = not brilliant) or you just fucked up in the past. My advice is to stop debating people who are trolling you an move on. The stuff about "stolen valor" isn't cool either, but I take most of what is posted on a random Internet discussion board frequented by deviants with a grain of salt. No disrespect to the other deviants. I'm not saying I'm any better, just that this is a forum for saying stupid politically incorrect bullshit (some of which is totally false but some of which may be true!) If you were doing the stolen valor thing IRL that's disrespectful, but I give the benefit of the doubt with random TUSCL comments that they are meaningless. Peace to all!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ppwh i am not proposing anything at all I am saying grownups should have some self awareness @Bj again its the moral implications not the legal ones and just being right is not always enough, sometimes the rules don't cover everything, so here again, this is where a little self awareness would be a bonus.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    It's all about control and influence. The military goes further because respect of the chain of command is so critical. Fraternization is not just about sex, it was not allowed before females were in the service. Not looking to add any fuel to this discussion, just adding my opinion. Is 18 an arbitrary age? Yes,sure it is. Not all 18 yr olds have the same level of maturity. But you have to set some legal definition or you can not defend those who need defending. I'm sure there are 17 and even some 16 years that are better equipped than some 19 and 20 year olds, but it doesn't matter. The law is the law. If you leave it to subjectivity there is no longer any ability to protect kids from abuse. That said, 14 years old????? C'mon that is just plain predatory.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    @twentyfive @Bj99, @ppwh @etal. imho wandering off tangent into another TUSCL philosophical navel gazing discussion should wait for a more appropriate time. the issue at hand is that @vincemichaels is a real life pedophile. a 14 year old is a JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL student. a child not even a young adult yet. next time you happen to drive by a JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL take a look at the children in the school yard. those children are what @vincemichaels is turned on by, those children are what he whacks off to, those children are what he preys upon. may i remind everyone that this is about more than a onetime indiscretion that he himself posted about and boasted about. he has a long history of posting remarks about lusting after children that makes it impossible to conclude anything other than he is a full-fledged, real life pedophile. i’m sure it is difficult for someone like @clubber to face the reality that his long time friend is a real life child molester and what must @shadowcat think when he looks at his granddaughter knowing that he had invited a pedophile into his home. people have posted that forcing @vincemichaels off the board is not going to stop him from being a pedophile. there is no question that this is true. there is no hope for a pedophile. there is no cure, not even physical or chemical castration will make the urges go away. so why should anyone here on TUSCL care if @vincemichaels is allowed to stay? imo everyone here should care if for no other reason than self interest. allowing TUSCL to become a cyber safe haven for pedophiles like @vincemichaels to continue posting and possibly coordinating among themselves via PMs will eventually catch the attention of the Child Sex Trafficking Police which will lead to monitoring, investigating and possibly intervening into the site that i doubt anyone signed up for. give that some thought if the revulsion you feel for this disgusting piece of shit isn’t enough to convince you that he should be banned.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    ^ I apologize. Thank you for getting us back on track. VM is a stolen valor child molester.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ So go ahead and report him, I have repeated over and again IDGAF. Stop spamming the board with bullshit posts. This is old at this point. Bring it to the attention of the relevant authorities or drop it.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    @4got2wipe. zipperhead you know i don’t like you but on this issue i will give you a civil answer to your implied question of why i would dig through thousands of posts. the fact is that i did not scour through @vincemichael’s years of postings. it literally took less than 60 seconds of using the search function. my motivation to search was seeing people that i respect defending the child molester. i understand that no one wants to believe that someone they know is a monster and therefore psychologically they close their eyes to what they don’t want to see but there is never any excuse to close your eyes to someone who preys on the innocent
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    My personal take is this there are those here that get off on dramas like this. If you truly believe him to be a monster than you have an obligation to bring it to the attention of the relevant authorities unless you have something to hide yourselves, In very simple and direct language put up or shut the fuck up.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Lol 25, I love you, but sometimes you get kinda bossy. ;P
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Thanks baby I love you too
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Just realized where that last comment you directed at me came from my comment was directed at DrPhil not you Bj
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Oh it’s okay, I figured, but I know you can get all fired up anyways.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Well, morons, another day, another slather of garbage coming off you. Hanging out with Douchester/txtittyfag will do it. Your problems are your problems, but can you move downwind. LMAO
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    +1 for everything that DoctorPhil just said. Truth be told, I can't stand trolls and I will never understand what makes them what they are. But, as crazy as this sounds given my history with the trolls on this site, I am all in favor of what they are doing on this one. I hope the trolls keep hounding him for as long as he continues to post here. In an ideal world, he'd kill himself out of the shear shame of what he is and what he's done (and I'm guessing the full extent is far more than we know), which would make the world a slightly safer place for children. But he's obviously far too shameless and selfish to do the world that kindness. So the next best thing is to at least make this place one where he isn't comfortable; where every thread that he posts in is "ruined" (his words when a troll started in on him recently); where everyone who reads these discussions is constantly reminded that he is a fucking pedophile. Now sure he could ignore them, but he won't, as is already evidenced by his compulsive need to wade into troll threads and post goofy shit. And in the process of doing all of this, the trolls will also be continuing to affirm that we, a community of perverts though we may be, draw the line at providing a safe haven for pedophiles to talk about their exploits or to even post topics that refer to underage women. Shit, this may be the first useful function a troll has ever served on any website. If we're going to have trolls, they might as well be productive ones.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I guess the obvious question is... How does anyone report him? I guess I could call 911 "Yes, I'd like to report a TUSCL alias that goes by the name vincemichaels for statutory rape and misrepresenting himself as a war hero." "Oh, the second isn't illegal, just douchebaggery. Okay, how about the statutory rape. He admits to having had sex with a 14 yr old?" "No, I don't know his real name or where he lives. And, no, I don't know anything else about the unfortunate victim." "Okay. I understand that it will be awfully difficult to investigate based on the info I provided, but I was told to put up or shut the fuck up by some old bossy strip club enthusiast. Sorry to have taken up your time."
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Or you could walk into a child welfare office any place in this country and show this discussion to an investigator, and they have subpoena powers, and if they feel that this is information, sufficient enough to warrant an investigation they have the ability to actually find out who he is and act on it.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I am going to have to respectfully disagree with @25 here. I've stated my opinion a couple of times above but will re-iterate: My feeling is that there is not enough hard evidence to get @vincemichaels convicted in a court of law. The standard for a criminal conviction is very high. Higher than just knowing. "It's better that 10 guilty man go free than 1 innocent man..." and all. Like I've said above the main goal now is to rob @vinceygirl of his figurative oxygen. I would say his literal oxygen but I don't believe in the death penalty for anyone. If anyone did deserve, however, it would be a pedophile and especially one who is now in the "na! na! you can't put in jail for it" stage. @vinceygirl's oxygen is the ability to make friends on TUSCL and fool people. He wants friendships with near normal people to make himself feel near normal. If we take that from him his motivation to be on TUSCL and his comfort in life diminish. We also set a standard that as bad as us guys who pay hookers for sex is there are some levels we do not stoop to: Sex with human trafficking victims. Sex with children. I get the feeling alot of people don't want further discussion of @vincemichaels because it reminds them of how their judgement of people can be wrong. How they are able to be fooled. It was not until his "all women are women regardless of their age" comment that I was completely convinced that @vincemichaels was a full fledged unrepentant pedophile. Before that I only focused on the lying on military service that was 100% clear. One thing I wonder is if @vincemichaels is using the board to, in addition to meeting near normal people, also meet fellow pedophiles to trade information with. And that is why he'll once in a while drop hints at his attraction to underage girls. Do pedophiles signal each other as it were this way. I think we've done about 70% of the damage we'll ever due to @vincemichaels via this thread, but I don't want to see get comfortable again here or anyone to ever forget, so I will definitely being reminding everyone that he is a pedophile every so often. Maybe multiple threads a day aren't necessary, but that's each individuals choice of how or whether they want to remind people. I definitely won't chastise them versus the real problem: *** we have a fucking non-repentant even boastful pedophile in our mist. ****
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    And @25 let's get you are on the record here: I know you stated that you met @vincemichaels in real life and liked him. Will you now publicly admit you were wrong about him?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Same question for @Papi.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @DoctorPhil, I think we're on basically the same page. My point was that I find it unhelpful to lump 18-29 year old women into this kind of discussion. Same goes for the stolen valor stuff. It's a strong point that the underage stuff under discussion here is reprehensible and can only lead to further harm. For my part, I have had vm on ignore for months after having felt worse off for reading his comments.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    What a dumbass, you are, Douchester. I'm very comfortable here. You'll never win, dumbass. RickDugan, you have nothing to harp about. Your exploits, "The System" could be your way of signaling the other miscreants you hang with. Twist my words, gee, spell your words right, Rick. Doesn't help to let others know what an ignoramus you are. I guess we'll never see you at our monthly MENSA meetings. LMAO
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    I can't believe I'm saying this, but I just took Dougster and txtittyfag off of ignore so that I can see what they have to say about our resident pedophile while I'm logged in. I hope I don't come to regret this.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Dougster I have a real problem with this type of if you aren't with us you are against us type of thing, if this is true and it very well might be, that won't change the fact that I did like the guy, and here is your answer I am open minded that if the standard of evidence is met and he is convicted I will not be the hold out, but this is a kangaroo court and I don't hop just because the lead instigator tries to threaten me, I stand by my statement, if you want to just jump all over the man you don't have that right, If you truly believe that this is the truth than bring it to a relevant authority and let them investigate it properly, I don't go along with this mob mentality and never will.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    But he’s the one who said he had sex w a 14 year old. He’s not even denying it. He’s just saying that he’s no worse than anyone else bc none of us is “perfect”. It’s not a witch hunt. He’s not denying it. He just doesn’t care.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Wow RickDugan, you will get an eyefull reading everything that POS pedo does. Your pain, not mine. I'm no Pedo, doesn't matter what it says. And any crime back then isn't actionable. Statute of limitations applies. Can you say you haven't made any mistakes in your life, Rick ???' I think not. We all have our secrets, moron. People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    That's right, moron. I don't care. I care about the stench you carry, moron from hanging with Douchester. Take a bath, moron.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Twentyfive, thanks, I'm holding my own against these holier than thou creeps.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    with all the exaggeration that goes on here, and even the outright lying, has anyone considered the possibility he was just saying shit to get attention? not that i agree with that method of getting attention but this site does say "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    The things I've heard at meetups from our PL crowd can be eye opening. For their sake, they'd better hope the statute of limitations has kicked in. (:
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @25: so as of right now you still like @vincemichaels and think he is a good guy and still like him? Or you are undecided?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ You missed my point entirely of course I believe it’s wrong and certainly changes my opinion of him but I don’t go along with this mob. I’m never going to join in a lynch mob get some one here from outside to deal with this I won’t go along with this.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Twenty, that is probably one of the stupidest things ever posted on this site, which is saying something. Intentional stupidity to be sure, likely driven by emotional considerations (you must vote Democrat, lol), but stupid nonetheless. Are you really taking the position that a pedophile is only a pedophile once he's been convicted of a crime? So now we need law enforcement to help us properly translate a flat out admission to getting a blowjob from a 14 year old girl? We need a jury of 12 people to interpret for us what "A woman is a woman no matter what her age is" means in the context of what he was responding to? So as your thinking goes, the next time someone who I meet in a bar or elsewhere admits to doing something horrible, I'll can just tell him,"Aw, don't worry friend, I won't believe it until they prosecute you for it." ;)
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @anonlvone, of course this site is fiction, but we as authors have the right to discuss what kind of fiction to write. Conversely, obscenity such as what we're discussing now falls outside the scope of the first amendment.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I misspoke if any one here has legitimate firsthand knowledge and it was deemed reliable by an authoritative source I would change my opinion for the moment this is just a lot of shit
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Please Dugan you don’t have a drop of self awareness you are actually a follower just like the rest of these self styled Joe McCarthy’s those that don’t understand history are doomed to repeat it with the same results.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Fucking moron that you are Dugan just like many of the morons here it all comes down to politics what the fuck does who anyone voted for have to do with the topic of this discussion you really are an idiot.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    And yes fucktard you do need law enforcement this is a lynch mob.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > And yes fucktard you do need law enforcement this is a lynch mob. I don't see how objecting to obscene material being posted on a website is a lynch mob. Google kills Youtube accounts all the time for simply being politically unorthodox. IMO, it's imperative to reject this shit culturally way before it gets to the point of the law coming in with guns drawn.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^^You can reject it easily, there's an ignore button, and this ain't google or facebook
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    That's been tried before, ppwh. Doesn't work well. OSU May 4,1970. Remember that one, TheeOSU ?
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Oh fuck, I just realized there is an ignore button! Now I feel totally cool with hanging out at a place that giggles over fucking 14 year olds.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Even as fiction it should be rejected by our community. Bragging ab child molestation is beyond the scope of our usual bad taste. Even animated child pornography is illegal.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^I agree with that everyone should reject it but this is just plain stupid. I gots to say @VM you aren't helping your self with all of the insults you are throwing around, at some point it would behoove you to be a bit more self aware. a simple apology to people that you have offended would be more beneficial than acting all aggrieved and entitled. @Dougster as the lead instigator how do you feel about child pornography ?
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I know what I'm doing and no apologies are warranted. Douchester loves child pornography. He rapes 2 year old boys nightly.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I don’t think you have any self awareness for what is going on you are behaving exactly like like Dugan you are just doubling down on lbeing wrong.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    twenty, so VM is not an "authoritative source" for his own thoughts and actions? His own admission is not to be deemed as credible? Alright then. But while you wait for someone in authority to come tell you what to think, I'll feel free to form my own opinions about his direct statements. ;) He said, straight out, that he got a blowjob from a 14 year old girl. Unless you are implying that he was lying, I don't see how that can be misinterpreted or how expressing outrage over that is an exercise in following anyone else. I would be saying the same things even if this entire board disagreed with me as, unlike you, I don't need someone else to tell me what to think. And let's stow the girly "lynch mob" label. Noise on a discussion board is a far cry from collecting pitchforks and torches and pointing our cars to his last known location, lol. But I do wish ill on him and he has brought it all on himself.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Oh please spare me your platitudes you write just like you act in real life everything is a put down in every one of your statements you throw girly around like stuttering imbecile you have the self awareness of of a monkey with your drinking and driving one day you are going to kill someone in your car and it won’t be your fault you cockeyed motherfucker just like that girl that passed out in your hotel room your fucking dilemma was how are you going to explain it to your family, or your intolerant shit how if a tranny was using the bathroom at the same time as your daughter you’d gun them a beating because of what they might do that isn’t shit that your trolls put out there this is shit you wrote so get off your high horse and start acting like a mensch. @ VM this is how you are carrying yourself if you can’t see it then you have a problem.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > get off your high horse and start acting like a mensch. What's with the Nazi language? Is rickdugan an untermensch now that he slighted your homeboy?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^^Mensch is a Yiddish word moron, it means responsible human being. Try using the dictionary on your computer About 55,400,000 results (0.73 seconds) Search Results Mensch - Wikipedia [view link] Mensch (Yiddish: מענטש‎ mentsh, cognate with the German word Mensch meaning a "human being") means "a person of integrity and honor". The opposite of a "mensch" is an "unmensch", meaning an utterly unlikeable or unfriendly person. ‎Übermensch · ‎Untermensch · ‎Gutmensch
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Well, obviously if one doesn't rise to the level of your mensch, one be an untermensch: [view link] Untermensch (German pronunciation: [ˈʔʊntɐˌmɛnʃ], underman, sub-man, subhuman; plural: Untermenschen) is a term that became infamous when the Nazis used it to describe non-Aryan "inferior people" often referred to as "the masses from the East", that is Jews, Roma, and Slavs - mainly ethnic Poles, Serbs, and later also Russians.[1][2] The term was also applied to most Blacks, and persons of color, with some particular exceptions.[3] Jewish people were to be exterminated[4] in the Holocaust, along with Romani people, and the physically and mentally disabled.[5][6] According to the Generalplan Ost, the Slavic population of East-Central Europe was to be reduced in part through mass murder in the Holocaust, with a majority expelled to Asia and used as slave labor in the Reich. These concepts were an important part of the Nazi racial policy.[7] In other words, you Nazi pedo fucks aren't fooling anyone.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^I'm a pedo and a Nazi, fuck you scumbag you are an asshole .
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    ...says the guy who claims he is the arbiter of menschhood and gives PR tips to the guy bragging about what he did with a 14 year-old.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    So the guy who needs others to "validate" a direct statement made by someone is calling others a moron? A guy who just regurgitated a mix of troll spin and mis-characterizations to paint a picture of someone else calls others "followers" for taking objection to very direct statements? And to top it off, that guy then struggles to understand why someone else might call the hyperbolic label of "lynch mob", in an anonymous discussion board, "girly?" Man, I have to say that down is up and up is down in this crazy discussion board world. ;) I'm actually a very cheerful guy in real life. But let's for a moment even assume that everything you said about me is true. You know what also is true? I never had sex with a 14 year old girl, nor did I come on a board like this and admit to doing so. Feel free to keep making noise in an attempt to deflect from this, replete with twisted logic and, when all else fails, misguided character attacks, but none of that will change the stark reality of what VM has posted about his actions and beliefs.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^I hate to sort of agree with that txtty but I do agree its too late, by the same token I resent the constant usurping of this board by folks with an agenda that is entirely negative based, so how about calming the fuck down and quit the flaming.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Not sure what the question about what I think of child pornography is getting at? I think my views are what anyone else's are: it should be stamped out wherever possible. There should be the harshest of sentences to anyone who looks at it, possesses or produces it.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Wow, this is one hell of a thread. First, I'm shocked to see so much agreement with DoctorPhil (or course some of that is from rickdugan so consider the source...). That twit is one of two people I actually ignore. He kept accusing me of being somebody else. Don't know if he still does so, don't care either. If he's still got an inexplicable hard on for me that says a lot about him (i.e., that he's a hostile idiot). In this case he's being hostile to something reprehensible. Fair enough. A broken clock is right twice a day. Unless it is digital. So DoctorPhil is smarter than a broken digital clock. Brilliant for that guy. anonlvone has it right. We have no idea whether anything said on here is true. I have my suspicions about the liars and exaggerators but who know? But seriously, vincemichaels, just apologize, take some lumps, and move on. No matter how you cut it targeting a 14 year old is seriously non-brilliant. You said the statute of limitations has passed so you haven't done it recently. Great. If it was a fuck up and you just didn't know that's cool. Move on all the wiser. If you just plain fucked up then you just plain fucked up. Admit a fuck up and move on. One of my issues with rickdugan is that he claims to drive drunk and then "justifies" it. He's a d-bag for that. If he said "I fucked up and will try not to do so again" then it isn't cool but at least he's a normal human, not a d-bag. Going after 14 year olds is way worse than drunk driving (though both are seriously d-baggy). If you fucked up just admit it, just say you don't do the shady 14 year old chasing, and say you won't do it again. Even if you thought she was older it was a fuck up on your part, not something cool. Sometimes we fuck up. The brilliant way to recover from a fuck up is to admit the fuck up, apologize, then move on! Be brilliant!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @tstittyfag No usurping the board for the sole purpose of your agenda is most definitely negative based. I come on here and am forced to scroll looking for topics of interest, because I don't like the concept of the ignore button, because you have thirty fucking threads about the same stupid thing tell me how that's positive, then you bump them an hour later, I dislike censorship but this is just you being obnoxious because this is the one of the few places on the internet that you could get away with this type of behavior, and by continuing to behave in this manner eventually the site will be forced to empower a moderator to survive. In that respect you will have succeeded in only one thing , that is making it bad for everybody else, that makes you a selfish prick, is that what your ultimate goal is to shut this site down, that's what is really going on isn't it. That is your real hidden agenda, are you really working for one of those Christian groups like the AFA or some other nonsense.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @Bj99, @flagooner, @DoctorPhil, @rickdugan, @ppwh, I'm starting to forget who wrote what, so I'll just lump all of you together for now. First, statutory means 'by law.' If the law alone has the ability to make you feel creeped out about someone's behavior, I don't know what to say about you. Some things are right or wrong regardless of the law. If an 18 year old sleeps with a 14 year old, to me that shouldn't be a crime. If a 50 year old does it, then we've got a problem. The law does its best to make some distinctions, but the law is a blunt instrument. If the law changed so that 30 were the new age of consent, would you guys be creeped out because I got LDs from a 27 year old? No, of course not. Trust me, when they wrote these laws, they didn't take "scientific evidence" about brain maturity into consideration. Otherwise the age of consent would be a hell of a lot closer to 30 than 18! I'm convinced of that. Second, as for this being "obscene speech," I think the average church-lady would view everything on this entire website as obscene. Guys here talk about cumming in their pants like they deserve a trophy for it. Third, someone mentioned that this makes us a target for LE who may want to shut this site down. A) I seriously doubt that, B) the constant troll posts will attract much more attention than anything VM said about a sailboat. He babbles crazy shit all the time (as do many others here). I don't think the FBI would notice what he said. Also, do you guys have any idea how bad this makes us look to the whores at SW? They already kind of look down on us, no doubt, but this constant craziness just puts us over the top. Endless posts about asscracks and fags and stolen valor and pedos. Well trust me, it makes us look bad.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > Also, do you guys have any idea how bad this makes us look to the whores at SW? They already kind of look down on us, no doubt, but this constant craziness just puts us over the top. Endless posts about asscracks and fags and stolen valor and pedos. Well trust me, it makes us look bad. Dammit! My life's work has been ruined! Now that everything good has been ruined, let's start settling scores starting with the fucking assholes bragging about what they did with 14 year-olds.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^^Reply to your first I told him to use if more in response to his comment about google and their censorship as far as the above that makes you just like I said a selfish prick.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Wow 25, that whole moderator argument was the defining "clutching at straws" moment in your ardent defense of your pedo buddy vince. First, if this site was going to have a moderator, it would likely have happened long before now as the troll activity is nothing compared to what it used to be some years back. But more important, if this site did have a moderator, do you really think that posts from admitted pedophiles would be any more welcome than those from trolls?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I wouldn’t let you suck my prick you dumbass motherfucker although yo know that is wat you really want.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Good luck with that one you’ll have better luck finding vids of you getting fucked by your father those actually exist.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    No secret relationship that just you projecting your own inner desires
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    With so many posts and comments on the subject of homosexuality and pedophelia one needs to ask what exactly is txtty’s interest in this subject hell he even has fag in his screen name, what the fuck is up with that
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    They don’t bother me none bud if you want to play for that team go right ahead I hope you enjoy it.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I’m sure that you’ll pounce on my misstatement so fucking what, that should have been homosexuals don’t bother me none I’m not in favor of pedophelia. So carry on as much as you’d like I guess you are an idiot I’ll going back to paying you no never mind.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    @BHFaggery That was me concerning statutory. I was pointing out why an age has to be set, and I quite explicitly said it was an arbitrary age. I even pointed out that chronological age doesn't determine one'side maturity level. At the same time, in my opinion for any of us to be pursuing a 14 year old is predatory and disgusting. 14 is young, period. Even for an 18 yr old it is young and smacks of manipulation. I guess I'm just not as open minded and cool as you on these matters. I would rather err on the side of protecting kids than giving the benefit of the doubt to a pedophile. I didn't read past your first paragraph of inane BS. I think I have kept my comments to generalities. In regards to any specific individuals, I believe I have refrained from making direct accusations, but VM's own words don't paint a very good picture of him.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Ask me if I care what you think of me. I dont give a damn. So go ahead be yourselves, be assholes. I can be an asshole back. You that are so perfect. Yeah right, like anyone with brain would believe that.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Hey Burlington, try to keep your inane pseudo intellectual debates to your safe place. No one will bother you in the Hillary thread. ;) [view link]
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @fagooner, Actually I checked and the part about statutory rape was mostly in response to something that Bj99 said. This was her quote: "18 year olds are adults. It doesn’t matter if it’s an arbitrary age. A man can be attracted to 18 year olds, and not 17 year olds, bc the idea of statutory raping a girl is repulsive, even if she is otherwise physically attractive." Well, her whole comment makes little sense to me. We don't decide what's repulsive or not based on the law. Either it grosses you out or it doesn't. Having said that, I'm fine with the age of consent being 18. Or 17. Or 19. Or 25. Or whatever the consensus arrives at. And I believe we should make it consistent across the entire country, and it should apply to smoking, drinking, driving, voting, and military service, too, not just sex. And we also shouldn't allow "child brides," which is still legal in many states, as fucked up as that sounds. But even if it were perfectly legal to have sex with a 14 year old, I still wouldn't do it. It feels wrong. There is morality that exists beyond the law. Hell, I don't even like messing around with girls under 25 for the most part. But that's just me. Bj99's post makes it sound like if they lowered the age of consent to 14 it would somehow cease to be wrong to fuck a 14 year old. Listen, the law once allowed slavery; but that didn't make slavery morally acceptable. For your part, this was your original quote about statutory age limits: "Is 18 an arbitrary age? Yes,sure it is. Not all 18 yr olds have the same level of maturity. But you have to set some legal definition or you can not defend those who need defending. I'm sure there are 17 and even some 16 years that are better equipped than some 19 and 20 year olds, but it doesn't matter. The law is the law. If you leave it to subjectivity there is no longer any ability to protect kids from abuse." I'm not sure I agree with your reasoning. If you acknowledge that there are lots of people who are emotionally immature at the age of 19 and 20 then aren't we leaving them undefended by making 18 the legal age of consent? Shouldn't it be higher in order to protect these 19 and 20 year olds? And then you acknowledge the flaws but justify it by saying that the law is the law. Maybe medical science should have a say in this at some point. Alright, anyway, now I guess it would be appropriate to get back to calling each other pedos and advising each other on licking asscracks and whatnot. You can be the first.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Naah, this is my thread. Lick my asscrack, Hj99. :)
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    The criticism of @txtittyfag is absolutely bewildering to me. As I say he campaigned tirelessly, for some stretches of days alone to bring the truth about @vincemichaels to the surface. I can't think of anyone else who would have persisted through all that never losing focus on the ultimate goal. People have often said that I am txtittyfag, but today I just stand in admiration of him. Until about a month ago I would have said that I was TUSCL poster of the year for my sedfast advocacy of Bitcoin, but no I have to concede a 2nd, and by a huge stretch I might add to txtittyfag. @txtittyfag: Take a bow, buds! You deserve it.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    You make no sense BHF. Just because someone is abnormally immature at 22 doesn't mean that you should make it illegal to have sex with mature girls who are younger but of normal maturity. As for consistency across the whole nation... Do you have any understanding of state rights? I'd dive deeper into that, but that is a topic better discussed on the Hillary thread. You libtards seem to think our country's name should be America Divided into States instead of the United States of America.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ oh, I forgot to mention. There are other laws that help to protect those who are unable to make life decisions on their own.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @fagboner, Well, this is fun. First off, I'm not talking about someone who is "abnormally immature." I happen to think almost everyone's immature at 22. As for states rights... what kind of bullshit is this? You mean you'd be ok with a state setting its age of consent at 14? Well, I wouldn't. Many states still allow child marriage which is seriously fucked up. Maybe they should amend the constitution. I don't know. Check this out: [view link] [view link] [view link] And trust me, there's a lot of science that says that people are nowhere near adulthood, mentally, at the age of 18. Here you go: [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > And trust me, there's a lot of science that says that people are nowhere near adulthood, mentally, at the age of 18 Speaking for myself, I had a pretty good idea of who I wanted to fuck when I was 18. Since achieving full adulthood, I credit falling testosterone levels with becoming more picky vs. any newfound maturity. Being "nowhere near adulthood, mentally" sounds more like criteria for choosing people for management roles like the 35 year-old age limit for a president rather than allowing people to make decisions for their own lives.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ "You mean you'd be ok with a state setting its age of consent at 14? " That's a great point because I specifically advocated for that in my previous post, and I'm pretty sure there are bills in 7 states that are actively seeking to lower the age of consent to 14. NOT. Let's flip it around. You mean you would be okay with the federal government setting the national age of consent at 14 and forcing all the states to abide by that? Before you get on you high horse again, that comment was just meant to illustrate how ridiculous your statement was. You, sir, are a fucking pseudo-intellectual scrotum.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Okay, I'll go back to your first post to illustrate how ridiculous your train of thought is. We agree that the purpose of legislating an age of consent is to protect kids who are not sufficiently mature from getting taken advantage of. You write: "Some things are right or wrong regardless of the law. If an 18 year old sleeps with a 14 year old, to me that shouldn't be a crime. If a 50 year old does it, then we've got a problem. " I think the 50 yr. old pursuing a 14 yr old is creepier than an 18 yr old doing it, but the 14 yr old is no more equipped to consent with a 50 yr old than with an 18 yr old. And you say: "If the law alone has the ability to make you feel creeped out about someone's behavior, I don't know what to say about you." Human nature is to do what pleasures us. Without laws (biblical, Koran, municipal,...) there would be nothing to establish morals and keep us accountable to them. We would live in a SJG fantasy world. For those that don't recognize the immorality of their desires, laws set the guidelines to protect us. I'm not saying all laws are correct or even sane, but most generally make sense and are necessary.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Plus, there is a place here for pseudo intellectual scrotums; The Hillary thread! Go there... where you are free to ponder and argue, endlessly. It’s your safe place. Go to it, Burlington! Go and explain everything! Use all of the links! And all of the definitions! And all of the hypothetical exagerated examples!!.. and don’t you dare leave out the douchy air quotes. ;)
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I couldn't have said it better.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    ppwh stated: "IMO, it's imperative to reject this shit culturally way before it gets to the point of the law coming in with guns drawn." So that got me to thinking about all the ways that leftists *are* embracing pedophilia culturally, such as advocating: 1) illegal immigration in the United States; 2) Muslim immigration in Europe; 3) gay rights; and 4) political correctness. The crime rates for the 50 states are highest in border states. It's known that 95% of the aliens in US prisons are here illegally. In states like Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada and Texas, upwards of 80% of all murders are committed by illegal aliens. Upwards of 70% of all stolen cars are stolen by illegal aliens. At least half of all robberies are committed by illegal aliens. Upwards of 90% of all illegal aliens are driving without a license, registration or insurance. For a general overview of this problem, see here: [view link] A couple of years ago I tried to get detailed statistics on sex assault cases, particularly of underage girls and found that in many cases the federal government goes out of its way to *not* compile crime statistics for illegal aliens. This particularly seems to have been the case during the Obama administration. Despite that, I found clear indications that illegal aliens are responsible for a tidal wave of underage sex assaults, as documented here: [view link] Anecdotally, I can't count the number of stories I've read of Mexican nationals raping underage girls. Rarely discussed in the news articles, is the fact that the federal age of consent in Mexico is 12. In Europe the problem is even worse. Islam literally institionalizes pedophilia. And just like in the United States, many European states have now passed laws which deliberately obsure the national or ethnic identities of criminals. Despite this, it's now known that 43% of all rapes in Sweden are committed against children, primarily underage girls. [view link] By some odd coincidence, the attackers often seem to be named Mohammad, a phenomenon which has also been noted in Great Britain, France, Germany... Speaking of Great Britain, the Muslim gangs there have long been known to target underage girls for sex grooming. But as in the United States, it's not just children who have reason to fear. In Sweden car bombings and grenade attacks are now common. In England acid attacks are common. In Germany, Muslims are pushing women to their deaths in front of speeding trains and everywhere women and young girls are being gang raped. Europe is literally descending into barbarism as IQ scores plummet across the EU states. But back here in the USA, until 1974 homosexuality was considered a mental illness and the change didn't occur because of some new discovery, some new scientific understanding, but was rather the result of agitation by political demonstrators on the outside, and secretly gay members of the APA on the inside. And now that homosexuality has been normalized, the next big push will be to normalize pedophilia. Homosexuals have always enjoyed buggering young boys, this is why in both the united States and England you will find periodic efforts by homosexuals to lower the age of consent and normalize "man-boy love" as shown here: [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] But try to discuss any of this and you immediately come across censorship in the name of "political correctness." George Orwell doesn't have anything on today's leftists.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    To summarize: At age 18, the understanding is that an individual has reached a level of biological maturity and cultural training to have become effective at pursuing their own self-interest. At age 35, they may have reached a level of maturity to promote civilization. Contrast conflating the two to argue that since an 18 year-old hasn't reached the highest level of wisdom, it's morally equivalent to go after 14 year-olds.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    anonlvone: "And now that homosexuality has been normalized, the next big push will be to normalize pedophilia." (same moron - anonlvone - again): "George Orwell doesn't have anything on today's leftists." You are truly off your rocker, anonlvone.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @Dougster - I didn't even go into all the cultural nods to pedophilia in music, television, film, literature, art, etc, that would have been too easy. None so blind as those who simply will not see...
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > anonlvone: "And now that homosexuality has been normalized, the next big push will be to normalize pedophilia." As though pederasty wasn't common among the ancient Greeks and continued through the Roman Catholic church. > (same moron - anonlvone - again): "George Orwell doesn't have anything on today's leftists." The other moron, twentyfive, at least acknowledged this about Youtube.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @flagooner, Excuse me, I happen to think that I am a fully intellectual scrotum. But I have to confess, this thread is starting to remind me somewhat of the Hillary thread in one key respect: I'm starting to forget what I'm arguing about and who is arguing what against whom. It's getting a little convoluted and off-topic. I don't find anything particularly objectionable in your most recent set of posts, so I'll just concede most of those points. (Except the part about law and morality - I don't believe morality is based on law or religion or anything like that. It's just something innate and universal to human nature that's hard to explain. Some people are moral, others are immoral, but you know it when you see it.) Beyond that, unless someone wants to talk about Hitler or Hillary Clinton again, let's just get back to basics. I'll reiterate my original points from way back: vincemichaels really shouldn't have screwed a kid. Legal or not, it's fucked up. But there's no need to harass him off the board, because it accomplishes nothing and is contrary to the original intent of open discussion on the internet. That's my view. And furthermore... lick my stolen valor and suck my faghole, you pedo-breath douche-monkey!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    ^^^I don't know. Somehow it doesn't have the same ring to it when I say it. I think I'm doing it wrong LOL.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Oh, sorry. Thought we were talking about modern day America here. Did realize the discussion was about what happened centuries and millennia before now.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Yeah psychopaths fucking young boys has totally been driven out of human nature now. Evolution on internet time, bitch.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    BHF: " But there's no need to harass him off the board, because it accomplishes nothing and is contrary to the original intent of open discussion on the internet. " It makes his life less pleasant. Something every pedophile deserves.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @ppwh - The Greeks lived 2,000 years ago. And the Roman Catholic Church has never publicly advocated pedophilia or I'm woefully uninformed, which I'm not. Feel free to name one Western culture or cultural institution which has publicly advocated pedophilia over the past 2,000 years. The sniping from mental midgets here is extraordinary.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > The sniping from mental midgets here is extraordinary. My mind is wearing elevator shoes, punk!
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    @ppwh: is your head full of rocks? Nice strawman. We weren't talking about a small number of psychopaths or what happened centuries or millenia ago. We were talking about this notion that it will be "normalized" now in modern day America. Anyone who believes that has rocks in their head and is off there rockers. Guess that includes you. No surprise. LOL!
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @Dougster, lawl! I'm glad you are here to inform us on gay culture. It's reassuring to know that it has throughout history only involved men who are 18 years and older.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @Dougster - you ever hear the phrase "demographics is destiny?" you have the slightest clue what is happening to the ethnic and cultural composition of the United States and Europe? when all of the United States is Mexican, and all of Europe is Muslim, pedophilia will be the new normal.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Huh? The subject was pedophilia. Please clue in. retard.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Yeah, okay, anonlvone. You ought to seek medication for your paranoia.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    my paranoia must be really powerful, to be able to affect birth rates in Europe...
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    All this talk of bacha bazi is just a right-wing conspiracy. And anyone who wants to stop it is clearly racist.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @anonlvone, I don't know if any culture specifically *encouraged* it since the ancient Greeks. The ancient Greeks had the concept of the Erastai and the Eromenos, but you're right, that was more than 2,000 years ago. Still, they helped to found this culture that we're living in right now. And if you're talking about Muslims... "those people" may or may not tolerate pedophilia, but they really seem to hate the gays! Also, support for gay marriage has always been higher among whites than among blacks or Hispanics. Something to think about.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    There's a fair amount of sea-lioning in this thread: [view link] Basically, VM has bragged about sex with a 14 year-old girl, and his mental framework for this act consistz of (1) statute of limitations has run it's course so I'm cool, and (2) people have done worse things. But... not one expression of true remorse (unless I've missed it in the mix of LMAOs and playground insults). Though the crime has "expired", it remains an abhorrent act. The passage of time may nullify the legal repercussions, but that holds no bearing on the morality of the act. And I suppose it would be nice if I could kill a guy in the street and then say to the cops "Hey, it was only one guy, so I'm not as bad as Edmund Kemper. I get a pass, right?" Except that's not how it works. Ultimately, a 14 year-old girl is a child. You can debate all you want, but I think I'm going to stay solidly on the side of not condoning or tolerating pedophiles. I guess I'm a nut. Good night.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    i have thought about it. in a previous post i was making a joke about the ridiculous alliance of feminists, gays and muslims being advocated by leftists. It has more holes than swiss cheese in an MC Escher inspired acid trip. it may not make sense to me, but the common denominator, or at least one, among radical lesbian feminists, mexican illegals and muslims is pedophilia
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Whatever you say, Captain Non Sequitur.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The vast amount of misinformation that is out there is astounding, first of all even now in modern times you have people here on the board that advocate violence against sexual deviants, Dugan was a perfect example with his bullshit about beating up on a transsexual because she\he entered a public bathroom when his daughter was using the facility. then of course you have these homophobic slurs flying back and forth between so called intellectual individuals, as far as pedophilia goes these people need to be isolated for the benefit of the community, but advocating violence against them is absolutely ridiculous, then of course you have the argument about age of consent and actually there needs to be an age of consent everyone agrees that there seems to be a bright line at age 18, that's fine . Now get into the morality of the situation, nobody knows other than VM whether this actually happened, or not and he is behaving badly to say the least. I am not defending what he said rather I am defending his right to say it, you folks here on the board tend to side track that fundamentally American notion, my views on the subject are probably the same as the majority but this group seems to think that the values that are enshrined in our bill of rights, can be abrogated by a bunch of keyboards clattering, there have been suggestions of unpatriotic behavior raised this whole stolen valor side issue is a red herring, do a little research about the actual law, it was never intended to cover this situation, it was actually written in response to folks profiteering off of statements and actions that were untrue. Yes bragging about being a veteran if you are not, is not an admirable trait, but it isn't stolen valor, unless there is some profit motive attached. As for the rest of the bullshit here it is just noise, here I will leave it with a quote from the Bard from Macbeth, >To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools. The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.<
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    every single person who claims to be against pedophilia should never vote democratic again [view link]
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    @BurlyHo - Speaking of the ancient Greeks, I can't remember if it was Socrates, Plato or Aristotle, but one of them wrote that democracy requires uniformity among the people, while tyrants always arise in pluralistic societies, because only the power of the tyrant can unify disparate peoples who have no natural common ground. From a logical standpoint, the alliance of feminists, gays, Mexican illegals and Muslims makes no sense. So that's a tipoff that something else is going on. So why would the Democrats want to deliberately introduce such disparate and naturally warring elements into American society? Hmmm... Ordo Ab Chao? The Hegelian Dialectic explains that by combining a thesis with an anti-thesis you can create a new synthesis. I would suggest that the real hidden agenda at work is to further destroy American society, increase the power of the state, and normalize certain elements common in Islam to American society, such as pedophilia.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    @anonlvone, I don't really know. I generally don't believe in conspiracy theories. The simpler explanation is usually the correct one. I think the reason all of these groups are housed within the Democratic Party is identity politics, not pedophilia. Liberals tend to be obsessed with equality and with undoing past wrongs, collectively rather than individually. I don't agree with it, but that's what they seem to believe in. As for democracy vs tyranny, I don't think those are really opposites. And I don't have anything good to say about democracy, regardless.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    What does the term SHORT EYES mean?
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    seems to be prison slang for a pedo. from urbandictionary: Every parent knows what short-eyes means. It's that weird man (or woman) who doesn't look the parent in the eye, but instead looks down to stare at the children. In prison, it refers to a pedo.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Oh, okay thanks. That makes sense then after his posts bragging about fucking a 14 yr old.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I just read through most every word of this train wreck and would like to make a few observations: First of all, as certain people love to remind me, this is a board for strip club mongers, in plain English, people who have the intention of violating numerous state and federal laws pretty much every time they step foot into a strip club. As such, there's a lot of things on here I find objectionable, and for the most part I simply ignore them. I will say a lot of the stuff I read on here simply doesn't come across as believable, perhaps because people are trying to out-do one another, or simply don't want to feel left out. On that note, I do think it's possible that VinceMichael's has posted shit in the past just to get attention or to rile certain people up. As for those claiming he's unapologetic, that's not true. After being called out on the comment about fucking a 14 year old, he backpedaled and apparently now claims it was just a blowjob. The point I'm trying to make though, is that you can't convict someone on nothing more than their own words, because those words can always change. You need evidence. At this point no one even knows that this 14 year old ever actually existed except in VM's imagination - and I suspect she doesn't. It seems to me that some of the people on this board are really over eager to point fingers, as if to excuse themselves for being middle aged men (often times with children), who take advantage of financially desperate young women for sex, women who in some cases may not be much older than, or who may even be the same age as their own daughters. I can't help but wonder how much self-loathing is at work here. This verbal public stoning isn't accomplishing anything. The stated purpose is to make VM so uncomfortable that he leaves the board. Well, that worked out well, didn't it? Instead he seems to enjoy the attention. Also for those claiming that a 14 year necessarily looks like a middle schooler, or child, guess again. I've known 14 year olds who looked like they were in high school. I've known 15 year olds who looked like they were in college. And I've known 18 year old college girls who looked like they were in middle school. It's not always so easy to tell. Tracy Lords was a porn star at 15. How many guys here once whacked off to her photos or videos, or perhaps still do? But even if this hypothetical 14 year old did exist, could we please have a little perspective? I live in a world where it's now common for female teachers to not only fuck their male students, but to actually marry them, where pedophilia and child marriage are both sanctioned by Islam, where underage girls are being raped and tortured and even killed by Muslim animals all across Europe every day, and where the age of consent in Mexico is 12 for fuck's sake. I live in a world where a man with a criminal history of rape going back to his earliest college days was elected president (Bill Clinton), where a woman who took trips on the Lolita Express, and whose husband and lesbian lover and closest advisors and associates all have pedophile links, was almost elected president herself (Hilary Clinton), where men such as John and Tody Podesta reached the heights of political power, despite building respective art collections that screamed pedophia, and whose emails have been found to be laced with pedophile code words, well, you'll just have to excuse me if I don't have a lot of outrage left to spare for some guy who claims he once got a consensual blowjob from a 14 year old girl. All the people wasting energy on this thread, why don't you sign a petition calling for the investigation of Hilary Clinton? Why don't you agitate to stop illegal immigration in the United States? Why don't you agitate to raise awareness of the destruction of Europe through Muslim migration? Why aren't you agitating to stop the normalization of homosexuals and transgenders? Why aren't you spending your time and energy and money supporting Donald Trump, since he seems to be the only one fighting to stop the utter destruction of Western civilization? Instead of posting in this thread, why aren't you sending PMs to Founder? Do you want VinceMichaels banned from this forum? Founder is the only one who can do it. Do you want PMs scanned for signs of pedophile code words? Founder is the only one who can do it. Do you want people to stop cluttering up this forum with useless troll threads? Founder is the only one who can do it.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    This was actually a very productive thread. Dr Phil exposed vm and many ppl discussed how they feel ab various aspect of the situation, at hand and philosophically. Dougster and tittyfag have already reduced the quantity of reminder threads, and all information ab the entire thing is available for any memebers who care to check it out for themselves. As far as what next, I can only speak for myself, but I’d be happy if vm doesn’t post threads ab underaged girls, like the Miss Teen USA one, and if dougster and titty keep the reminders to a more reasonable frequency. Also, I’m happy to know more ab a situation that was puzzling.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @anonlvone, Leave it to you to focus on Hillary Clinton being a key operative in a rapist and pedo network! Meanwhile, Trump has cut the corporate tax rate by 14%, putting us almost in the company of Iceland, you fucking fascist! I mean, I could see it if he only cut it by 13.49 percent to bring us in line with the EU average, but this shit is fucking ridiculous. And I'm not just wearing a pussy hat because my ears are cold, you prick.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    NYPD is said to have a video of her and Huma in bed with an underage girl...
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    @anonlvone, This is obviously fake news. Just because 25 officers working on an investigation turned to stone, that doesn't mean it was because of a video of Hillary and Huma in bed with an underage girl. There is surely a scientific explanation for this involving global warming.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    anonlvone said: "I will say a lot of the stuff I read on here simply doesn't come across as believable." I'd never suspect that you re-read your own posts.
  • anonlvone
    6 years ago
    The religion of peace? No, the religion of pedophilia. Turkey has just decreed that 9 is an acceptable age for young girls to marry and become pregnant. Europe must end Muslim migration or Europe is lost.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Turkey passed a law allowing muftis to perform civil marriages. There is a concern that some muftis will turn a blind eye to marriages involving those under the legal age of 17. But Turkey has not actually passed legislation stating that 9 year olds can marry and procreate. [view link]
  • anonlvone
    6 years ago
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    That is an *opinion* on marriage age from a single state agency within the Turkish bureaucracy (though a horrible opinion and not a small agency). The minimum age for marriage in Turkey is 16 (I was wrong previously), and even then only with an exceptional legal decision. Ordinarily, couples must wait until both parties are 17 with parental permission, or 18 without. The advice from Diyanet is highly troubling, but it is not Turkey as a nation making the decree that 9 year olds may marry.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I know it makes you uncomfortable to read beyond InfoWars.
  • anonlvone
    6 years ago
    I know it makes you uncomfortable to face facts and think critically on your own outside the box. You should probably apply for a job as a "fact checker" with Snopes. They could use someone like you. The piece of writing you're dismissively referring to as an "opinion" is known as a fatwa - an authoritative legal opinion from a qualified jurist (aka mufti), the same muftis who you've just admitted are now empowered to perform civil marriages in Turkey. So any Turkish mufti can now marry a 9 year old girl with the blessing of the state's highest religious authority. In Islam religious law trumps state law.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Except that it wasn't a fatwa. It was an opinion. Those are different things. Turkey is not going in the right direction for several reasons. This is just one of them. But the reality is that Turkey has not legalized marriage amongst pre-teens.
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