

layin low but staying high
If you don't like my stories, this would be a good time for you to move on to the next discussion. Or go play with Juice. This post is for people who are willing to take the time to read my stories.

I've been playing with a new stripper for a while now but I haven't mentioned her much here. She is the focus of this story and she needs a name. I'll call her Bitch.

I met Bitch about 2 1-2 years ago. She works in a club far from me and I only see her 4-5 times per year on average. Bitch is my exact type of woman physically. She instantly and massively turns me on. I would call her a 9.7. Not physically perfect but damn close. It was lust at first sight.

The first night I met Bitch she was a tender 19 years of age. I ran my system on her and tried desperately to duck her. Sadly, though, Bitch was a non-extras girl. In fact, she was a no-contact, air dance girl. So while it broke my heart, I did't get dances from Bitch at first. Nevertheless, every time I came to her club I would tip her generously on stage, talk to her, and buy her a drink. But I never got dances from her despite her extraordinary beauty because she was insanely low mileage.

Then things changed and she became willing to give full two way contact lap dances. Basically she learned that she has to do this to make money. Her dances were pretty good, and I could have LDKed if I'd wanted to. We did this for a few visits. In each visit I'd run my system and try to get sex either itc or otc. But she nicely refused sex each time so I settled for just lap dances.

Then recently during lap dances when I was again trying to get sex, she offered a hand job for a $100 tip. I accepted. She did a very fine job of stimulating me to orgasm with her hands, and I paid the agreed upon tip. We did this for a couple of visits.

On my most recent two night visit, we did the usual hand job on the first night. It was nice but she kept pulling away when I tried to suck her breasts. I thought this was strange since she had allowed that in the past, but I decided not to make an issue of it.

On the second night, she was sitting at my table and I was trying again to convince her to go on an otc date. I offered her DS prices, which is $1,000 for the evening. After some discussion, she says how about you pay me $2,000. This really struck me the wrong way. I could respect her if she had stuck to her principles and continued to say that she was not a whore. But instead she just gets greedy and tries to double my already insanely high price. I overpay strippers for sex, but there's no woman alive who I'd pay $2,000 just for sex.

So I said let's just go back and do our usual $100 hand job. But I told her that I'd like to suck her gorgeous tits as I missed loving on them the previous night. She says ok but that will cost you extra. When I protest, she goes into this speech about how her body is special and guys have to pay a lot for the privilege. Then she goes into how it would spread diseases if every guy there was sucking her tits.

This pissed me off again. So I told her that I wasn't interested in doing any dances and instead I was just going to watch the stage show. When she saw that I'm serious, she changed her tune. She says I can suck her tits, no extra charge. She keeps telling me how badly she needs the money, and begs me to go back with her, promising our usual good time.

I should have said no but she's my perfect type. She had a tit hanging out of her dress. She is gorgeous. I'm a PL. I said ok.

We are in line to pay for a room, I have my arms around her, and she hugs some loser who walks by. I asked what was that about. She says she did lap dances for him earlier. Then she adds "and he didn't insist upon sucking my tits. In fact, he didn't even want to touch. He paid me just to look at my naked body."

I let go of her. The marijuana had made me tolerant up to this point, but even I have a limit. It was our turn to pay but I walked the other way, telling her that I was no longer interested. Bitch runs after me. She grabs me by the arm, pulls me back towards the VIP, and screams/cries about how desperately she needs the money. She begs me to do dances with her because she really needs the money. "No fucking way," I told her, and I headed back to my seat.

I was done with Bitch for good, and started scanning the crowd for a back up candidate to meet my needs. 20 minutes later, I still haven't found my lady for the evening, when Bitch comes by and sits in my lap. I would have told her to leave, but both of her tits were hanging out of her dress. She is gorgeous, and her tits are in my face. So I say nothing.

I think she is going to apologize. Instead she says she wants me to understand her perspective. She then gives me the short version of her life to date. Basically it amounts to her making a series of bad choices and suffering the natural consequences of those choices. One consequence is her desperate need for money, and she thinks it is very unfair to be pressured to sell her body to get that money. I can understand the dilemma she faces. Most strippers feel some pressure to sell sex to earn more more money. But I don't t really want to hear the detailed story of her particular struggle.

As she is talking, I finally understand where the conversation is going. As she talks repeatedly of her desperate need for money, I perceive that she has made a decision. She is going to offer me sex. I have two thoughts.

My first thought is that this is what Rick Dugan does. He finds some poor woman who is desperate for money, and he exploits this desperate need to get sex. This thought does not turn me on. I don't like being involved in my girls' struggles, and I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of someone.

My second thought is excitement at the fact that after two and a half years of effort I'm finally going to have the option of getting my dick wet with a gorgeous young woman who I know for a fact is not fucking other guys in this club. She has decided to offer to let me be the first to pay her for sex. This thought, and her protruding breasts, get me very very hard.

Then she formally makes the offer. She will give me a blow job and let me cum in her mouth (she knows from our prior conversations that this is important to me) for $500. I'm torn. On the one hand I desperately want sex with this exceptionally gorgeous young woman. On the other hand, she has treated me like shit and pissed me off several times tonight. She is Bitch.

I have three choices. I could do the deed and pay her the $500. I could negotiate the price down. Or I could say no thanks.

What do you think John did? I will post the answer tomorrow. What would you have done?


  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    Such a great read and awesome writing

    Despite this woman being damn near perfect to you, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you said no thanks
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Read only the last sentence, but guessing Smith fell in love with another prostitute.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    If I had the expendable money, I would have given her a test run for the $500.

    My guess is... she's not that experienced in the art of giving head. So she would be no where worth $500.

    Then I would have crossed her off my list and never gotten dances from her again.
  • motownkid
    7 years ago
    Dude - no brainer - you gave her the $500 because you are a hard core PL - you then dumped a huge load in the back of that mouth and enjoyed the gag reflex. Then you enjoyed the moment for a little bit - then felt a little bit like a piece of a shit... No worries you will get over it...
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I would have passed but I don't have your money.
  • l00ber
    7 years ago
    Stayed *firm* on the $1000 offer for FS.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    you called her a slut, told her you weren’t there for ejaculation services, put on your sombrero leaving the club with your head held high, road your huffy bike straight home as fast as you could pedal and then cried yourself to sleep after you discovered your mommy’s purse didn’t have $500 in it. am i close?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    It's Captain Obvious, you gave her the money and afterwards invited her back to your hotel and paid her more than she wanted. Just another Humble Brag by the rich guy. LOL.
    BTW if you met her two and a half years ago and she was 19 her expected appeal is in jeopardy.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    Paid the $500
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I would have said no. Of course, I would never have offered her a grand for sex in the first place, but that's just me. Only way she would get even the 500 would be to spend the night, and do damned near anything I wanted to her.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    After her acting like this I would have honestly passed.

    I'm at the club for a light hearted good time. The sex needs to feel organic and mutual for me to partake...as soon as it feels forced or manipulate ed on either side I'm out

  • ime
    7 years ago
    Maybe he flipped the script and gave the Juice counter off of a Four Loko, one and a half chacken fingers, $27 and all the change in his car cupholder, 3 sticks of gum and a rubber band.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Well written. I can defiantly see why you felt treated like shit, and I can also relate to her struggling with the pressure to do more than she's actually comfortable with. She shouldn't have made that snotty remark ab the other customer just wanting to see her naked. Prolly not willing to pay 1k just to see her naked tho.. I think you should go for the 500 bc it's a step, and her issue is more mental, and comfort level, than money. The money would just make it okay. It would be more than she'd expect someone to pay, and would make her feel like it's an offer she can't refuse, and so it would put her conscience at ease. That doesn't mean you should give her that much.

    I also wonder how often she works. I hear a lot of girls telling guys how desperate they are for money, while hardly showing up for work, and showing off new tattoos. The titty sucking does come up a lot in locker room conversations. I'm not personally opposed, but I get qualms ab it too sometimes. You hear stories, and other girls forcefully give their opinions ab girls who do this or that.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    easy decision. use that built up energy for some awesome angry sex.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    First off, thank you. Your posts are immensely helpful.

    Second, you picked the right name. I don't think she intentionally set out to be a Bitch, but she sure let it happen.

    "Then things changed and she became willing to give full two way contact lap dances."
    Student loans ran out, parents finally cut off her allowance - the harsh reality of "oh crap, I have to pay my own way". Amazing how that happens.

    "But instead she just gets greedy and tries to double my already insanely high price."
    This happened to me with a potential OTC girl. We had our "safe" date, but before we could have our first agreed to $500 whole evening date, dinner and fun at a reasonable hotel turned into a request for dinner at a 5star restaurant, a shopping trip, and a couples package at an expensive resort. I suddenly became very unavailable.

    "I don't like being involved in my girls' struggles, and I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of someone."
    Had this problem with my first SB from SA. It completely changed my approach, and I've passed on a couple of interesting possibilities because they needed my money too much. I don't want my decision to stop seeing someone (and thus not paying) to be what makes a girl homeless.

    Based on your posts, you have lots of options. So, no real reason to cave with her and start a situation where she is just doing stuff with you out of desperation for money - her heart and libido will never be 100% into it. I say you passed.

    In my case, if she is a 9.7 on your scale, she would have been a 12 on mine (I'm an easy grader, so sue me). So, I would have gone through with the $500 offer knowing that it might be a one time thing (if she's not an extras girl, her BJ skills may not be any good and I won't want to repeat; the experience may traumatize her and she never does extras again), or that it might turn into even more next time. Since you only see her 4-5 times a year, she can't make your 500 last 3 months, so she'll have to up her service level and it won't be long before she's doing FS.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Dr Phil is a worthless, sadistic piece of shit. However, for a change, that particular answer was hilarious.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Along the lines of what "warhawks" posted, good-chance the $500 will probably be a waste b/c she's probably both inexperienced and unwilling - but not every encounter is gonna be easy and some take more time and effort and these are either worth it or not depending on the PL and the dancer in question - so I see the $500 as a speculative investment that may pay off or not going-forward - if you like her that much and the $$$ is not do-or-die for you, then IMO it's worth working-it some-more and see if she comes-around (YOLO).

    I'm 99% certain you gave her the $500 b/c you're used to getting what you want and I can't see you just walking away w/o seeing it thru to it's "logical conclusion" ("logical" being used very loosely).

    I do think you should play it cooler and not let a 21 y/o chick w/ problems get to you - you should expect this kinda SS and know/accept it can often be part of the process - really does no-good to get bent-out-of-shape about-it b/c this is not uncommon stripper-behavior especially from GPS young strippers - it's often part of doing stripper-P4P business and one should be prepared to potentially deal w/ it w/ every new dancer one meets.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I'll venture that you accepted the offer, but then "bitch" failed to deliver upon the agreed BBJCIM, hence the moniker.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    She is way too complicated and conflicted. If I were on a desert island with her, I'd put up with her ( but hate myself for it ). But, you're in a friggin strip club. Move on for chrisake.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Good story JS

    If it were me, I tend to be a little less little-head-driven than you. Once I"m annoyed, I'm annoyed, the magic spell is broken, and it's not easy for me to reverse course on the spot, much less because "her tits were out". So, pretty unlikely I could have flipped a bitch (as it were) and taken her up on that $500 offer right then. Plus, BBBJCIM isn't as awesome to me as it is to you. Between all of that, very easy for me to take a pass, especially since she's a girl you don't have any other ties to.

  • DisRuptive1
    7 years ago
    I would have negotiated her down. $500 is too much for a blowjob. Probably $100 for the blowjob and $100 if she gets me off and swallows. I'd give her $20 for spitting.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    You got a $500 bj. SF cost that much for a few lap dances :)))
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    BJ69. I continue to enjoy your insight.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Oops, Freudian slip. I shorted you 30 bj99. :)
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    It was nice to see a departure from JS' normal romantic descriptions of stripper pussy. ;)

    I wouldn't have done it. Don't get me wrong, my reasons aren't sympathetic in nature, but rather that she was simply too conflicted about the whole thing. A girl behaving like that is almost sure to provide sub-par service. If they aren't doing a decent job of convincing me that they are eager to suck my dick for the rent money, I steer clear. If there is one thing i've learned after countless OTC adventures it is that shitty attitudes ITC almost always stay that way OTC.
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    I'm guessing choice A- pay her $500 and do the deed. You've let her string you along for over 2 years already, why stop when a "milestone" is within reach.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It has to be some twist ending.

    @bubba that's okay. I got it ;)
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I would not pay $500 for a blow job, but I think JS69 did.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Once I"m annoyed, I'm annoyed, the magic spell is broken, and it's not easy for me to reverse course on the spot, much less because "her tits were out"

    Yeah that's me s well
  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    I think you offered to pay her $300.
    I would have told her to go away.
    I'll put up with some SS, but her attitude was more BS.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Interesting, well-written tale, JS69! I miss your DS stories.

    I think you told her "No, thanks", not because $500 is too much for you but because you knew her attitude would suck, making the experience ultimately unsatisfying.

    No blowjob is worth $500! I've had a *lot* in the last four years, paying anywhere from $50 to $250 (for a half-hour VIP with a 9), and would never consider paying anywhere near $500, especially from a stripper with a bitchy attitude.
  • BrotherFogHorn
    7 years ago
    Go straight to hell johnsmith. Dont pass go, dont collect $200... just go straight to check in with the devil
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    Hey, I love your stories JS. Keep them coming.

    I probably wouldn't have done it. Her drama would have ruined the mood for me.

    I would guess you turned it down too.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    You agreed to the $500 BJ, but she flaked oUT and it didn't happen.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    I think that JS just gave her the money to help her out of her jam without a quid pro quo.

    Oh, crap, I can't even write that with a straight face..... ;-)
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    You paid. 500 for a mediocre by from a hot girl.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    In Texas, this type of dancer will be labeled a major ROB (all CAPS).

    I'd be surprised anyone wastes so much time with sex-industry rookies when plenty of dancers with good game and good looks are around.

    But then you were already smitten .... !
    " Bitch is my exact type of woman physically. She instantly and massively turns me on. .... It was lust at first sight."

    You are not the "Frankly my dear I don't give a damn" kinda guy.
    So - You paid. You came. You wrote.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    I've said what I would do aka W.W.J.D. ?

    Now my opinion on what John did

    Seeing he got her to break down and since he has spent over 10,000 hours studying Rick's system...he knew instinctively this was the time to strike for blood...the trap had been set and the kill was impending.

    I say once she started slobbing on your knob like corn on the Cobb a cascading volume of tears flooded her eyes and poured like Naugru Falls...it was then John used it for lube and busted the biggest nut possible deep into the back of her neck....he held forceful the back of her head and with the other held her nose and made her suffer defeat
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    ^ Juice, your writings are becoming more cogent and better spelled, thereby losing some of their charm. Still funny, though.

    JS, I think you paid $500 for the bbbjcim because A) you have a lot invested in this dancer: you've been trying to wear her down for years; B) you are strangely forgiving: I would echo the sentiments of some of my fellow PL's that it is incongruent to tell a stripper off, and for good reason, but then let her sit on your lap a few minutes later, regardless of how hot she is; and C) if I recall correctly, you had a DS who was a drug addict, and whom you supported through multiple insincere recovery attempts, so you obviously didn't have a problem with creating a dependent relationship at that point.

    That's my take, but, hey, I could be wrong. Can't wait to find out, and keep the stories coming: it's good to have a few well-articulated, honest, and useful posts in between the "Rick Dugan is gay,"s, "check out this model,"s, political bullshit, sports bullshit, the continuing flame war of SJG vs. Mamisan and literally everyone else . . . and, of course, Lecherous Monk's whiny bullshit, too.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    With both tits hanging out, I don't think you had the will power to say no. As a rich stud, $500 wasn't t an issue. If she actually delivered, you wouldn't be writing the story. So, I agree with others that you went back and she didn't deliver.

    BTW, nice post!
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Lol..well six years of writing and reading and criticism from everyone and their mom plus advancement in phone technology has increased my ability to master the English language
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Mind boggling. Not what actually happened. Actually maybe it was, but I have no idea since I didn't read the post. But what's mind boggling is that there are multiple people so devoid of any type of life that they did read all of JS's post.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I don't know what everyone else's excuse is, but I get very antsy when I'm not working. If it wasn't for tuscl, I'd prolly be off fucking customers. :P
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Damn, we are keeping some PL from getting laid BJ? ;)
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Prolly, I don't know.. but I'd least get bored enough to start returning texts. ;)
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Based on prior situations, I'd say you got the bj to cross it off your list since you spent so much time trying to get her to do it. Then you dropped the mic and told her you wouldn't be seeing her anymore.
  • rogertex
    7 years ago

    JS69 wrote on 11 Aug 2017: "What do you think John did? I will post the answer tomorrow. What would you have done?"

    ... r u alive ?
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    "but rather that she was simply too conflicted about the whole thing."

    I met a girl on SA. We hit it off over text, she sent me naked pictures and videos, talked about what she was going to do to me, but then flaked every time we set a date. Turned out she was conflicted about being a SB for a married man, cause she wanted to meet SDs willing to provide the MRS upgrade.

    I still get texts from her every now and then begging me to come fuck her, but I know the conflict is too embedded and she'll just flake again.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Bj99, pm me your #. I'll send you texts, and I don't mean dick pics either.

  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ Okay bj99, that's all the encouragement I need to sabotage this site and become one of your customers.

  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Lol. Flag, you're going to put me on ignore so that I text my customers?

    Thank you, Meat. Always a gentleman. ;)
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