Getting back to the topics that really matter, strip clubs!
So how high is the level of nudity on your list of priorities? It's pretty low on mine. Probably at the bottom of the list below looks, grindage/mileage and personality. But I see a lot of complaints in reviews about lack of nudity in the "bikini bars".
when it comes down to it, as long as the club is topless, i'm OK. nude really isn't that big of a deal to me.
with that being said, most of the nude clubs i've been to haven't had really attractive dancers'. most of them were dive type clubs---which typically don't have the hottest girls.
maybe visiting some of the clubs in california or a place like mons venus in florida or a place like cheetah in atlanta would change my mind? hmmmmmmm
I like to see nude. However if the girls overall are hotter at one club and it's a lot more convenient, I might go there and just like to complain about pasties. I can see nude anytime online but it's not the same high def experience you can see in person.
Contact only is all that matters? Sex doll club in the dark might make money. Hmmm. Sex doll dancers wouldn't resist so might get in trouble with local laws though.
In general i'm quite content with topless clubs, but I must say I have greatly enjoyed the nude lappers that I've gotten at XTC in Austin and at Jimmy's and 390 in Chicago Heights, not to mention the bare-ass dances my CF gives me, against state law and club rules, in the VIP room of her club in Indiana.
Doesn't make that much of a difference to me. If it was entirely up to me and all other things were equal, I would choose nude. But it's never entirely up to me and all other things are never equal. Most places I go nude is the norm anyway. But every bikini club I have been in has had at least some toplessness on stage, and for private dances I haven't noticed much of a difference in what you can get in nude v topless v bikini. If anything the nude dances are somewhat lame in some places. Some of the very best "dances" I have had have been in bikini clubs.
Full nude clubs around here are few and far between, less common than before Ohio's anti strip club law passed several years ago but if all other factor's are equal regarding talent etc, i will always prefer nude over the other options.
Prefer nude clubs. High mileage topless are OK. Bikini clubs that are effectively brothels also work for me. Low mileage bikini joints are non-starters.
Topless is my baseline. A bikini LD is much less likely to do it for me. I find that nude doesn't add too much more to the regular lap dance experience, so I'll usually save the extra cash to put toward another topless lapper.
I feel that you need nude. You can then have cheap dances that are topless only out on the floor and reserve the nudity for VIP. In topless clubs, a bunch of rules have to be enforced for floor dances, otherwise there's no difference between them and VIP.
I prefer to see them nude. Most of my experience going to strip clubs has been going to completely nude clubs. The anticipation, followed by excitement, of seeing a really hot dancer for the first time as she is on stage and eventually removes those panties showing you every last inch of ber body.
As for dances, I've had high mileage dances that were both topless and nude, but you usually get better mileage during topless dances. I guess if they are going to grind, it feels better (and cleaner) for them to have panties on.
I prefer nude. Though since returning to clubbing, Ohio passed its anti-strip-club law (no nudity no touching) many city ordinances define nudity as breasts or bare buttocks, so the dancers end up as pasties on stage and bikini lappers, with no mileage. Here they have to wear 4 articles of clothing on the floor with covered butts with zero mileage, so it's okaaay. If I had the resources to travel and club (or at least OTC) I probably would.
Agree with Iopaw (who says girls aren't visual?); who goes to the strip club to use their imagination? Especially after paying for it? Anything less than topless isn't a strip club to me and anything less than nude isn't a "real" strip club. Skin to win. There's just a whole another dimension added when the bottoms come off visually and sensually. Heck, for all i know, what if you were getting a dance from a pre-op tranny on hormones or a bad boobjob with taped up junk? That's also one of the numerous reasons why i vastly prefer natural tits.
Someone also mentioned getting nude lappers at a topless club (VIP, i'm assuming). Someone else also mentioned the girls at topless clubs showing their pussy during regular private dances. i wonder how common that is and how strictly that would be enforced. In those cases, those clubs aren't really topless only...
A "pretty" pussy is something I like though, and an ugly one is something that will cause a dancer to be dismissed. Especially if we're going to go further than some table/lap dances. If I can't inspect the product first, I'm not buying it.
I have found most Bikini bars are also limited grind. I like at least topless.Although I was in a Bikini club in NJ last year and the lap dances were limited touching the VIP was no limits. I wore a hat and she wore a smile!
I do the vast majority of my SCing in no-nudity no-extras clubs, and this has been my M.O. for about 10 years now... but I have to admit, this is more of a "turning lemons into lemonade" thing than anything else. Those no-nudity clubs are my only options, since the nude clubs are usually such poor choices here. Everyone once in a while I take a trip back to a nude club and, man, I fucking love it that she's nude. The fact that there's no alcohol sends me scurrying back to my non-nude clubs, but dang I like the nude
Great Topic! Finally someone brings this up! I like nude clubs and wish they had more in NYC! Jr's Cabaret in the Bronx is the only one. Going to New Jersey isn't exciting as most clubs are bikini go go :-( Nude clubs are real strip clubs, anything less than that is a joke. Its called a strip club for a reason. Also people down south are so lucky compared to the tough liquor, distance, and touching laws in the North East clubs.
Where I am, the nude clubs are kind of messed up. They have had to agree to a long long list of rules, prohibiting off stage nudity, and of course there is not contact. So nudity does not help, but it does increase the cover charge.
So for me, even though I don't drink, it has mostly been the alcohol bikini bars, and our one topless alcohol place.
I go there for the women themselves, so how much they show does not really matter, not under those constraints.
But in future travels, to places where there are few rules, I will always look for nude places.
At my local club, it can get a little crazy on Friday and Saturday after midnight. So much so, that some of the confident and good lookin' girls just walk around the main floor butt-ass naked, soliciting dances from customers.
I think it they were all naked in a club all the time, it would be too much. Like overload. But I would rather have overload than no nudity ever.
I love boobs and love to see them and touch them , thus bikini or pasties are a turnoff but not a deal-breaker if it's the only option and the mileage is good.
Thus for me I'm good w/ topless if she's wearing a small g-string (vs full bikini bottoms or booty shorts). Nude is not a must-have for me and when in a topless club her not being fully nude does not cross my mind - but all things being equal I guess I prefer full-nude but as someone mentioned often times dancers don't feel as comfortable grinding full-nude.
As trackstar mentioned, I do think it's a big turn-on when dancers walk on the floor full-nude (or at least topless) , not too rare in clubs with topless or nude floor dances, def gets my attention
I like to see dancers nude before I spend much money on them. I want to be sure I am spending on a girl that's really attractive. In bikini clubs girls can hide a lot. The lap dance doesn't have to be nude though. I can go off the memory of her nude image.
I avoid full nude only because they tend to be BYOB, so at peek hours there's some drunk doing something stupid. Daytime is fine. Other then that I just go by reviews. I'd rather go to a bikini bar with high mileage and girls that can bend the rule, then a topless bar with a stictly observed no touch policy.
If nudity means that their can be off stage physical fraternizing, and with either some nudity, or at least some uncovering, then that would be awesome.
But at our local two nude clubs, there is nothing of the sort. These nude clubs are the most tightly controlled.
I love Bare Elegance near LAX where some of the girls walk the floor nude. Pretty amazing to sit and talk with girl in the nude. I miss traveling to Germany where the girls in FFK clubs must be nude. Nothing like a room of hot babes nude.
last commentI have zero imagination and need to see it all, up close and personal.
with that being said, most of the nude clubs i've been to haven't had really attractive dancers'. most of them were dive type clubs---which typically don't have the hottest girls.
maybe visiting some of the clubs in california or a place like mons venus in florida or a place like cheetah in atlanta would change my mind? hmmmmmmm
But HM topless is better than LM nude.
Avoid clubs that require the dancers wear pasties.
As for dances, I've had high mileage dances that were both topless and nude, but you usually get better mileage during topless dances. I guess if they are going to grind, it feels better (and cleaner) for them to have panties on.
+1 TheeOSU
Someone also mentioned getting nude lappers at a topless club (VIP, i'm assuming). Someone else also mentioned the girls at topless clubs showing their pussy during regular private dances. i wonder how common that is and how strictly that would be enforced. In those cases, those clubs aren't really topless only...
A "pretty" pussy is something I like though, and an ugly one is something that will cause a dancer to be dismissed. Especially if we're going to go further than some table/lap dances. If I can't inspect the product first, I'm not buying it.
So for me, even though I don't drink, it has mostly been the alcohol bikini bars, and our one topless alcohol place.
I go there for the women themselves, so how much they show does not really matter, not under those constraints.
But in future travels, to places where there are few rules, I will always look for nude places.
I think it they were all naked in a club all the time, it would be too much. Like overload. But I would rather have overload than no nudity ever.
Thus for me I'm good w/ topless if she's wearing a small g-string (vs full bikini bottoms or booty shorts). Nude is not a must-have for me and when in a topless club her not being fully nude does not cross my mind - but all things being equal I guess I prefer full-nude but as someone mentioned often times dancers don't feel as comfortable grinding full-nude.
The bikini clubs and our one topless club really are looser and more relaxed, so you can more fraternize with girls.
When I travel though to anything goes places, that will be different.
But at our local two nude clubs, there is nothing of the sort. These nude clubs are the most tightly controlled.