avatar for screamineagle10


joined Oct 2013last seen Feb 2021

Comments made by screamineagle10

discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Any of you 60+ guys believe youd live this long ?
Yes,an upbeat generally happy attitude can add years to our lives.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Any of you 60+ guys believe youd live this long ?
I'm 68,in good shape,watch my weight,active, just short of hyper, drink moderately, wear out my younger Harley riding friend's ,only relax at strip clubs. Triple bypass 5 years ago [hereditary] caught it before a heart attack. Long divorced,have a live in girlfriend, OTC relationships with 2 mid 40s strippers that adore me ,( so they say lol ). Even tho I should live well into my 80s my attitude is this is my last hurrah I'm gonna enjoy it to the max.
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8 years ago
avatar for houjack
Explosion in my pants
Need an Alibi
I'm long divorced but have a live in girlfriend. I take a day off in the middle of the week that i call stripper Wednesday as kind of a joke. We went together a couple of times and she is convinced that "nothing happens in the champagne room". Pretty much have the best of both worlds at the moment.
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8 years ago
avatar for FTS
At what age does your penis basically stop working?
67 here,in good shape,exercise,drink and eat in moderation,good attitude,had triple bypass in 2012. Don't need vitamin V for sex with the girlfriend but take it as insurance with my OTC excursions. Sometimes my big head messes with the little head
discussion comment
8 years ago
avatar for Estafador
For those who work out
oops. Im a 67 year old PL ,not a body builder but in real good shape,clean,showered,active,fun attitude etc.Of course i know its about the money but if someone comes in that is respectful,can carry on a conversation and make them laugh it makes their day go by a little more pleasantly.It pays off in the back where instead of just going thru the motions a lot more can happen.All have told me they dont like big belly's and one of my favs says she wont even dance for someone that has one.