
when they put on weight part duh

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OK, I am, as I type, staring at a girl that I used to eagerly take OTC. She has been hanging with me for an hour, giving me clear signs that she would like to go out again, but there is only one problem. She has gained 25 or so pounds and it doesn't look so great on her. I am just not as eager to take her out now.

Anyone else face this? How did you deal with it?


  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    i just take them out anyway rickyboy--even if they put on a few extra pounds

    i actually like the extra weight, because i like my women with meat on their bones

    and besides, most women, especially ones who work in strip clubs, aren't carrying too many lbs. it's like when women say/think they're "too fat" when they only weight 115lbs LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    The extra lbs could come in handy on these cold winter nights
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Come on, RickyBoy, you're always telling us what a "real man" you are, yet you have to ask how to handle this situation? *SMH*
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i fully understand your hesitation. if you don't feel it... then don't do it. move on.
  • ButterMan
    8 years ago
    offer to pay her less. of course don't tell her its because she has gained weight...LOL
  • It sounds like you're not feeling it. If the buffet doesn't look good, why pay for it, eat food you aren't going to enjoy, and feel sick afterward?

    I'd pass. If you aren't feeling it going into it, you'll probably regret it later. And during.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Typically, "a few extra pounds" isn't a big deal... particularly with one of my favorites, for whom my attraction is at least partially due to personality. But 25 pounds is DEFINITELY not "a few extra pounds", it's a giant deal-killer. I don't know many girls who can put on 25 pounds and get notched down 3 pegs on a 1-10 scale. A slim 115-pounds going up to 140? Pass

    But, I've definitely had girls put on an extra 10%-15% and was still crazy about them. If I were meeting them for the FIRST time, I might take a pass. But once I'm crazy in lust, I can deal
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Funny thing is that, the more I drink, the better she looks. Idk, but by the end of the night I could end up making an offer, lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Are her tits significantly bigger? If yes then proceed
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    95% the faggot RickyBoy just ends up greasing the bouncer instead...
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Within reason, extra poundage means more cushion for the pushin'. If I were previously attracted to her, I would probably still go for it.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    ^^ true
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    "ur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der iz a retardur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der iz a retardur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der ur der de der ur der de der ur de der iz a retard"

    Well said
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Get 2 dances from her to see if she revs your motor (assuming the dances in that club are good-mileage)
  • K
    8 years ago
    Just say "No Thank you" if you aren't interested. Short and simple usually closes the door on explaining why.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Tell her you have arthritis and can't handle the extra weight
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    One I was seeing OTC a year ago has put on so many pounds that I won't even get dances from her any more. Another dancer that has seen the difference told me that the weight gain was because she had quit drugs. I applaud her for that but I don't drink alcohol. So I can't handle porkers.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    Any other prospects in the club right now ? If yes - skip her.
    If none - try this line (YMMV):
    "I've had fun times with you and I'd like to spend money on you but gosh you've put on some holiday weight. Can we do "Jello Wrestling" back in my hotel and see where it goes." (assuming Jello Wrestling is your thing or tickles your fancy. Or insert something that's on the wild side for you)

    Point is, overweight woman will work harder to please you - but you have to tell what pleases you.
    25 lbs is bit much though.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I just cut them loose. That has happened to me with a couple of girls. I can't tell them they're fat and they need to lose some weight. What I do is just stop getting dances from them, I'm pretty sure they know why.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    It probably depends on the girl. There was a girl at my last regular club who had gained weight over the time I knew her and I thought it was an improvement on what she looked like before. She was bony before, but at the end, she had a much better figure even though she gained some weight. Frankly, if I like a girl, I don't worry about how big they are. I go to clubs alone the vast majority of the time, so it's not like I have to impress someone. And if I went with one my friends, I know he would probably be on the same girls as I am.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    This is just a matter of personal taste. If she's too fat for you, she's too fat. You should spend your money on the girl you want.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i know two specific dancers that would look better gaining some weight. ten pounds would do each of them well.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    It also depends on how tall the girl is. 25 extra lbs on someone who's 5'10" wouldn't look as bad as a shorter girl. When I gain or lose just a few lbs, it shows, because I am only 5'2". I used to be really petite. Never boney or skeletal looking, but my first few years dancing I was always around 105 lbs. Then I gained a little weight, which I liked. Then summer of 2015 I had anxiety that lasted for weeks and lost 15 pounds which is a LOT for a short girl like me to lose. Then Fall rolled around and by winter I had gained all my weight back and was a healthy 120 lbs. It was the most I ever weighed and I Loved being small and fit but still having an ass, thighs, and bigger boobs.

    Then this past summer I got up to 128. I looked fine, although for the first time ever my stomach wasn't completely fat, so ate nothing but salads for a week or so and got back to 120 or so. I just had another anxiety attack last month and lost 15 pounds again, dropped to 105. Then I was finally able to eat again and a couple weeks later I already gained 9 lbs back. I am 114 and will probably be back to 120 by Christmas. I think as long as I stay toned I look best between 115-122 lbs.

    Anyway, whether I was 105 lbs or 128 lbs my earnings stayed pretty consistent. I think the most important thing is to keep your stomach flat and toned. As long as that's happening, IDC if my ass, thighs, and boobs get better. More to twerk with when people want to make it rain on me.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Bigger* not better. Freudian slip? Lol.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Bigger is better when it comes to boobs.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    There's a dancer I am very fond of in Detroit. She's taller, 5'7" or 5'8" and she put on around 20-25. She always dresses hot and is fixed immaculate so although heavier she still looked good and she'd still get money of me.

    About 6 months later I walked in and the weight was off and she looked perfect. She said her house mom said she was getting fat so she went on a diet. Lol - good for her.

    Nina is 100% right btw - 20lbs is different for every girl and a lot has to do with their height and also if their boobs get bigger as well.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Was you're not posting on TUSCL a side effect from the anxiety Nina? I find that whenever I have those anxious moments in my life that I plow my way through my routines, but crawl inside a hole and do not want to come out and see anybody!

    The other thing I do is step up my eating skills to fill the lonely space inside myself. My shrink says I'm only eating my feelings, but I told him "then feelings are delicious!" My wife and kids are the only people that get to see me when I have anxiety, but I tell the doctor I'd rather take food than prescription drugs like Prozac. End of rant, sorry.
  • Darkblue999
    8 years ago
    Depends on how tall she is or how short she is?.If she is not fit after putting on more lbs then I won't take dances
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Nah I just got bored with tuscl lol.

    I am the opposite, usually - the more I eat the happier I am. I actually have a hard time eating when my anxiety gets really bad because with my anxiety comes horrible nausea.
  • pensionking
    8 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Rick passed up free fat pussy to pay to take it up the ads from a bouncer while drunk on whisky
  • So what happened Rick? Did you fuck her or not?
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    It seems to happen to me a lot, I gravitate towards the slimmer girls so 20-25lbs on a 100-120lb girl usually shows. I don't have a hard and fast rule. If she's just not attractive anymore, I pass. If she's less attractive but still hot enough I'll lower my offer, ask for an improvement in an area that was lacking, or otherwise provide her an opportunity to compensate. My results have been as mixed as my approaches. Totally passing seems to be met with the worst reaction from the girls.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Depends, I'd throw her a few dollars to keep her in rotation with the hopes she'd drop it back and I don't look like a total ass. But if it stays too long I'd call it a lost cause and move on.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    There was a girl in my favorite club that started when she was 18. That girl was very cute, had one of the very best bodies I have ever seen in or out of a club and wasn't afraid to show it all.

    After about six weeks, she was fired from the club for missing too many shifts because she was too lethargic from using heroin with her friend who was also a dancer/user.

    Moving forward six months, a dancer with the same name showed up on the roster. This girl was just plain fat and pretty lethargic. Then I noticed the very distinctive tatoo on the back of her right shoulder. Holy shit, what happened to her?

    My ATF told me later that the girl was on methadone which apparently can lead to weight gain. That girl ended up losing a lot of that weight. Unfortunately, she apparently did it by falling back into heroin use. She ended up being fired for stealing from the other dancers.
  • magicrat
    8 years ago
    ATAC....that sounds like the infamous Gwen from PP Columbia! Right Shadowcat?
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    magicrat - Yes it does!
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    "My ATF told me later that the girl was on methadone which apparently can lead to weight gain."

    I've also seen this more than a few times. Talk about a Catch 22 - it is good to see them pull themselves together, but then they start to look unfuckable. Worse though is that I never would have touched them in the first place if i had known about the heroin use. It is amazing how often I end up learning about a girl's heroin use AFTER she has switched to methadone and put on some weight.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Doesn't it just make u shed a tear ^^^?

    "I never would have touched them in the first place if I had known about the heroin abuse."

    That's compassion my brethren! Take note.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    If the extra 25# doesn't look good on her, then it doesn't look good. I see no problem with not seeing her, as long as you're not leading her on, and it doesn't sound like you were.

    My ATF put at least an extra 25 on her 5' 2" frame after her last child but, whether because it all went into the right places or there are other reasons more related to my affection for her, she is still hot as fuck.
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