
Three Words I Didn't Expect to Hear...

Monday, August 17, 2015 5:42 PM
I was at my local club last week. I'd expected to see her, but she wasn't the reason I was there last night. Just chillin. I've known her for a few weeks now. She's around 20 and I am very attracted to her based on her face and nice derriere. I've danced with her around 4-5 times. No VIPs, just regular dances, with an average total expenditure of between $50 and $60 per visit on her. Mileage is low. I am middle aged, fat, boring, poor, and horny (the polar opposite of young, fun, and hot). Our conversations usually consist of her complaining about financial difficulties and me lending an ear to her gripes and being nice. I've never had a remotely sexual conversation with her or pried into her personal life. So anyway, she was walking into the club behind me on this night and she looked kinda messed up. Not sure if it was coke or weed or maybe she had a rough night. Idk. I didn't talk to her at the time and she didn't say anything either. She went back to get ready, and I chilled and got a drink. They called her up to the stage and I sat at her rail. She said hi and after her set was over, she told me to meet her at the bar. I bought her a drink and we caught up a bit and I told her that there are a lot of guys here, encouraging her to hustle so she can have a decent night. I don't like to waste her or my time: I buy her time for her hotness and because I really like her as a person. She thanks me and she starts getting her hustle on. They call her up again an hour or so later, and I sit at her stage again. She comes over to me after and asks me if I want to dance now or later. I tell her let's go. Before the next song, she sits on my lap and holds her face close to mine, and puts her hand on my face. Normally, I think she sits next to me so this is unusual. Then during the first dance, she says something about giving me her phone number after we are done. At this point, I am confused. I have never talked to her about this, and I am thinking maybe my regular perusals of this forum have result in the OTC Deities rewarding me with some type of gift. Not that I am remotely interested. Remember, she is less than half my age, and a very sweet person. I don't reply and she continues to dance. She never offered me her number after. She forgets how many songs she's done (she has trouble keeping count sometimes), and asks me if it was 2 or 3. I tell her it's 3. Then she tells me "I love you". Those are the three words I would never expect to hear from her or any dancer. I have heard "you're cool", "that was fun" (after dances), or other compliments but nothing like this. My thoughts: 1) Trying an angle to get my number to put me on her text list so she can send out those "come see me" or "I need money" type texts. 2) She appreciates me as a loyal customer. I always sit at her stage show, buy her drinks, and dance with her. I've never tried to finger her, proposition her, ask her out, be nosey, or otherwise act in a manner that she would find offensive. 3)She was loaded and got emotional. It was a unique interaction to be sure. I don't specifically recall a dancer ever saying these words to me, and I guess I should take it as a compliment. I think the facts that she sometimes is insecure about her abilities and hotness, and I'm a reassuring and encouraging voice had something to do with that. Idk. But it was definitely a strange moment for me.


  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    loaded or SS
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Or, most likely, 4) It's just part of her hustle with her regulars and doesn't cost her anything but a few empty words. ;)
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I'm generally not a cynical guy, but I think #3 is the most likely! :( But you should still take it as a complement! I don't think she'd say that unless she thought you were basically a nice guy! A brilliant guy! ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    3, and to a slightly lesser extent, 2.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Getting into a woman's mind is difficult – a stripper's mind – impossible (scientific experiments have been performed to test this theory). I think you are over-thinking this wayyyyyyyyyyy too much – the next time you see her she could be in a completely different mood anywhere from: + how awesome to see you + to not even acknowledging your presence As sands through the hour glass so are the days of a stripper. People use the word “love” very loosely – man I love Startbucks – if a chick loses her expensive smartphone and someone finds it and gives it back to her; her saying “I love you” b/c she's happy she got it back would be an example of using the term loosely. Call me a glass-half-empty PL; and I am – but a simple litmus test of sorts is to ask oneself would they get this type of response in a non-SC setting – if they answer is a pretty strong to complete “no”; then you have your answer as to the validity of her sentiments – just my opinion.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'm confused. Why would you not want her number? Why are you not trying to have sex with her? You say you're poor but you couid save up a few hundred for a couple of OTC sessions if you tried. You're fat ugly and boring, and she's young beautiful and sexy. Get over it and have some fun. Quit trying to psychoanalyze her and go get some pussy. You are in the one place where fat ugly boring old guys can fuck hot young women. Go get some. And you're a nice guy who genuinely cares for her unlike most of the other loosers populating the place. Give yourself some credit and try some 20 yo pussy. It's amazingly tight. At least it is at 19, and I'm really hoping that doesn't change when they leave the teen years. If you are married and don't want to cheat, then ok I get it. You'll get over that in time most likely. But from your post you sound like you think you're not worthy of this gorgeous young thing. That's bullshit. The strip club gods have shown you favor. Do not reject their gift.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    By the way the answer to your question is 3. So just get her high again, and she will love you again. Weed is a miracle drug. Use it and you'll thank me in the morning.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    You could have told her it was 2 songs. Instead, you were honest and admitted that it was 3 songs. In response to your honesty and your upstanding character, she showed you her appreciation by saying, "you're sweet, thanks for being such a giving, honest person" which came out simply as "I love you". Not, I loooooooooove you." followed by tear-filled heavy breathing. Just, "I love you.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    +1 RBD. Come'on a lot of girls (not just strippers) like to be emotional at times, and really it doesn't mean a god damn thing more than taking a verbal shit. It how they let it out. That said, she super comfortable taking a verbal shit in front of you (or on you if your actually buying it)
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    OP: Are you somehow related to Bavarian?
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I think it was a little bit of all 3 reasons. She was probably genuinely appreciative of the small gestures that you made for her during your visit. Enjoy it simply as a compliment from her, and don't overthink it.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    He's not over thinking, he INFLATING thinking. Definitely trying to make a dollar out of that $0.15
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Let me guess, you're new. What you hear outside of strip clubs is at least 60% bullshit and what you hear inside strip clubs is at least 80% bullshit. You don't need a whole different set of rules. It's nice to help people. If you're going to be upset if they don't appreciate it, don't help them in the first place. Don't go to strip clubs if bullshit upsets you. Better yet, don't ever leave your house. As others point out, her statement is some unknown mix of appreciation, the buzz, impulsiveness, and bad intentions. But lose sleep trying to figure out what that mix is.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Gaca this guy doesn't sound even half as sad as Bavarian. To op, yeah it is definitely strange but I agree with everybody else. It was probably mostly 3 maybe a little of 1 or 2. Mostly though it just sounds like something a 20 year old girl under the influence would say.
  • bang69
    9 years ago
    1 & 3
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I've heard it plenty of times. Ain't no big thang!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I had a dancer tell me those 3 words all the time. then she would occasionally. ask me if I loved her. I wondered why does she always use that word? It wasn't like any of us were in love. just more bs. maybe it was love = $$
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I can imagine a dancer saying, do you $$ me? then substitute the word love for money.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    "Love" has many meanings it seems. Especially in the always scrambled minds of strippers.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I've heard it many times and I think mostly it was for 2) but without being there it could only be a wild guess.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Heh, strippers say "I love you" VERY easily. I still remember the first time I heard it from a stripper, I was dumbfounded. I'd never heard it before, but then again, this was right after I'd transitioned from variety to ATFing. First ATF, first "I love you". Weird, right? lol No, not weird at all, part of her hustle with regulars she likes and trusts not to take it too far. I've heard it from 3 other strippers since then. It's hustle -- she may also dig you as a customer, but for her, it's just a fun thing she says that keeps her regulars loyal (for a time) I don't understand why in the world you wouldn't get her number -- at the very least, to find out when she's working, if not to arrange OTC. Unless, of course, the "I love you" thing has you totally discombobulated and off balance, in which case, you are very wise and should avoid her for a while
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    fuck fuck fuck fuck her. If you won't do it, let me.
  • rogertex
    9 years ago
    if god gives you such a moment again - seize it. Even if you have to break the bank.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Love is a many splendor end thing.... There's a stripper I've been sniffing around who asked me if I could help her out with a $100. I said no, I'm short on cash. We smoked a little weed and some crack in my car and then we played kissy face for a while. She unzipped my pants and gave me a BBBJCIM. She then said she'd like for us to get a hotel next week so we could fuck and do a good 69. She said she'd get the room with points from her credit card. She's a solid 7, 26 years old and I'll be 70 next month. I'm not telling this to brag, but to illustrate how unpredictable and (dare I say) irrational they can be. Who knows why she's texted me every day since, saying "I love you" or ""I adore you"? I unwittingly tapped some vein of caring, kindness or other emotion that she responded to.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    MY #2 says 'I love you' all the time, but has never even hinted at OTC so I take it as, "I love I'm your #2 because you're one of my regulars. If grinddawg is not interested in OTC with her then just let it go. I'm with Lowpaw: don't read too much in anything she (or any dancer) says because they'll say anything.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    +1 for what John Smith said in his first post lol. He kept it real and was funny at the same time
  • screamineagle10
    9 years ago
    My 39 year old ATF of 2 years now says it all the time both inside the club and OTC,i did'nt think too much of it until one day out of the blue she says "im IN love with you ". She also calls me her boyfriend and has told that to her other customers.Does she have a "boyfriend" for everyday she works,who knows,do i want to be her boyfriend,not really,but i have gained her trust,she shares her personal info with me,and have not caught her in any lies so [view link] cynical but not as bad as some,and in a strange way im impressed with her work ethic.If it all turns out to be B S i'll just chalk it up to an experience at 65 years old that i missed out on in my younger years.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    screamineagle: I consider myself a grizzled, cynical realist, and the little "I love yous" and the like are nothing but meaningless fun fllirting to me... but even for myself, if my ATF was saying "I'm in love with you" (rather than a flirty chirpy "love you!"), telling people I was her boyfriend, etc., that might be a level of psychological warfare that I'm not fully prepared to resist, if I have any feelings for her at all. I'd proceed with caution if I were you.
  • screamineagle10
    9 years ago
    Thanks Subraman,proceding with caution!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @screamineagle: That's funny because I call my ATF my "pretend girlfriend". She has no interest in an actual relationship with me, but she's GFE so she's a good substitute.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I was getting a dance and another stripper, a favorite, came by and told the stripper giving me the dance that I was here husband. :)
  • grinddawg
    9 years ago
    Thanks to all the guys and gals who offered sincere feedback. Given the totality of the circumstances (the face caressing, the phone number statement, and those three magic words), I became a little scared that she had some type of crush on me or was trying to hustle me. Remember, she is only 20ish and fairly innocent for a dancer. She doesn't have a lot of regulars because she isn't a pro yet, and she has a certain innocence about her that only young strippers do (right JS? :-). I'm aware she probably won't even remember last Saturday next time I see her. I thought about going to see my back up this week, but I'm going to save my funds for my fave. There's something about chillin with the young hot ones who are cool that I really enjoy. She doesn't hustle me to buy a VIP or ask too many personal questions. She just hangs and sometimes I try my best to crack a few jokes with the kid. I do love that booty and face though. Like a model. Anywho. Thanks to the nice people who gave me feedback. Thanks to the trolls too because I've added a couple more keyboard warriors and know it alls to my ignore list :-).
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Funny. All these examples of ATFs throwing "I love you" left and right. Mine didn't until she was leaving.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I was thinking the three words were gonna be, "it's not yours".
  • rentz2
    9 years ago
    There is no reason to read into the phrase "I love you" with young people. It is thrown around haphazardly.
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