
Enjoying It Less

Detroit strip clubs
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:35 AM
For the past 6 or 8 months, I have been enjoying strippers and strip clubs less. Early this year, I lost my favorite dancer Marilyn. She was a very attractive blonde and also a very nice person--the least crazy stripper I've ever known. I was the only customer she saw OTC (or so she claimed--I think she was telling the truth). But Marilyn found a straight boy friend, a guy in his forties with a good job. He convinced her to quit dancing and move in with him. I hear she is now pregnant. She is never coming back. I then started seeing 5 or 6 other dancers, all in the 8 to 9 range. But one by one they disappointed me. Tammy dropped out of sight, not coming to the club and not answering my texts. Jessica lied to me so egregiously over a 6 month period that I decided I did not want to be involved with her any more. Sansa treated me disrespectfully a couple weeks ago, and I told her I was through with her. In July I hooked up with my old ATF Christie, and met her a few times at her house. She was fun, but it was not the same. She no longer makes my heart sing. I've tried visiting some Detroit clubs other than my usual haunts, but I have not met any strippers I liked well enough to see on a regular basis ITC or OTC. So I'm enjoying strip clubbing less. It may be the strippers' fault or it may be mine. Maybe I'm getting old--or turning gay.


  • kingcripple
    10 years ago
    You may be gay, dude. The way I figure, the older you get the more you would enjoy clubs. I usually see alot of older guys when i go, especially if during the day
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I know I've turned gay from watching The Big Bang Theory every night
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    You're missing Marilyn. You really cared for her.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Could be the ole “familiarity breeds contempt” thing? I think a lot of us PLs go thru these phases – the obvious answer is to not got as often or take a hiatus; but then what is a PL to do? It seems you may like the “one girl” thing – so maybe a SB with her head on straight (sorta); could make your penis hard again?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Maybe it's not challenging enough if you just ask. Complicate things by inventing a system and getting your success rate down. Oh wait a minute, that would be gay. Never mind.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I think many of us have had moments like this. What I find funny is that when I joined this site 5 years ago I used to laugh at threads like this. 95% of my club activities were road-based. What finally sucked me into spending more time in a local club was finding a good favorite. Since then, many of my best club experiences have involved local favorite situations. I still enjoy road clubs, including the opportunity to score same night OTC, but I have less patience now and am more inclined to hoard my acorns for my local clubs if gals in road clubs prove to be expensive or elusive. Cheer up though jack - your next ATF could be just around the corner, but you'll never find her if you are sitting on the bench.
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    Take a break, for a few weeks....
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    That's the way I am with porn. I think strip clubs have me spoiled. :)
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    What is a PL?
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Diva, pathetic loser. There is a glossary on the bottom of the pages. Jack, I'm going with gay. I'm getting older but that doesn't stop me, ergo, you are turning gay! :-)
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I don't suppose as we get older, fucking beautiful women is less important than fucking someone you actually like? I know that's true for me.
  • occurious
    10 years ago
    You clearly had feelings for her, more than you want to admit. So you weren't madly in love with her but in a way she broke your heart. As rockstar666 said fucking someone who you have a connection with is better than just random strippers, especially as we get older. Stay away from clubs for a month or two or until you have a better outlook on it and really want to go back.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    I think it's because you been there so much and seen so many tactics, nothing is new, making your head spin and making your heart "sing" as you put it. Quite frankly, you've have too much of a good thing. Take a much needed break and come back next month. plus your stuck on preggo and trying to one up that "magical" experience. Take a break, realize she wasn't that great and eventually you'll have tight pants for days
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    Thanks clubber! You guys shouldn't call yourselves that!
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    I thought it meant pussy lover lol
  • curiositycat
    10 years ago
    It is probably a phase.. ebb and flow. I'm also in the phase.. mostly because my last visit i found myself doing things in public with a dancer with my pants down and I didn't even know her stage name.. i had to reevaluate myself after that
  • grand1511
    10 years ago
    Even Ted Williams had slumps. Just keep hacking away and you'll hit a homer!
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Happened to me yesterday. I wasn't feeling any of the girls, went to two clubs. Guess it is like porn. Sometimes you need to give it a day or two.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Take a good long break and then re evaluate.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I feel you Jackslash. I kinda feel the same way. Since me and the ATF had a falling out, it hasn't been the same.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I, too, am going through a down period. For my own sanity I've had to break things off with my ATF. I found a new spinner who is a master of BBBJCIM and was supposed to meet her OTC for the first time today, but began saying why? to myself. Then my ATF called and offered hours of unbridled pleasure for very little money (basically offering "make up" sex. I started on my way and heard the voice of the most intelligent dancer I know: "All you do is complain. You're worse than the strippers whose boyfriends beat them up and they go right back to them.". I turned around and went home. I'm going to wait awhile and then go back to the club and not go expecting FS but rather get some dances with some gals I know will never come across, but just center on having fun. If something good arises, so be it, but I've been focused too much on making every trip like a trip to a brothel. Nothing wrong with that, but I think I forgot how to have fun with my dick in my pants..
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Diva, "...You guys shouldn't call yourselves that!" We don't, but others do. :) "I thought it meant pussy lover lol" That goes without saying.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    @gawker if you figure out how to have fun with your dick in your pants, please do share that secret. If I'm not FS I'm jerking.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    What a drag it is getting old:Jagger/Richards.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Me too, jackslash, me too. Do you think we are growing up?
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Almost every time is interesting for me. Switching from one alternate universe to another, even if I see the same dancers in a club and they haven't suddenly all switched, then there are usually variations in the same dancers that are still in the club. When I listen to a dancer who says she hasn't seen me in two weeks, I think either she is from one of these alternate universes or she can't remember talking to me last week. Her tits did seem bigger than I remembered. Must be a girl fom another universe, Every time I visit clubs lately, I'm seeing different dancers. It's a bit more annoying when all the other employees change too. There have been 2 consistent dancers. I think they like to play with me.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I might try to experiment with switching to alternate realities. Say you remember a hot dancer, boom, she's there during your next visit. That is if I don't get too distracted thinking about one hot dancer wanting to run her hands all over me. I'm still not used to everything changing so much. I think I may be geting psychic too. I asked a girl if she was from Brazil. She said no but her parents were. I bought a stock the other day and made over 2% in about 30 minutes. Kind of sucked that I did not trust a hunch and buy it earlier, it was up 10% in the morning. When everyone stayed in the right lane at a traffic light and the light turned green for me and another light mysteriously stayed green when it usually doesn't, I figured I must have entered a bizarro universe or one where my thoughts are altering reality.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I was with my CF the whole night tonight spending time on basically mundane stuff, then I read the discussion about the dancer that got away. My Samsung S5 phablet was perfect for the moment reading stuff about this one. Then I thought "what if that happened to me?" Without her knowing it, I just gave my CF a big tight hug. Then squeezed her sexy butt (I cannot lie) so hard she looked at me like she was about to hammer my head. Man, that was good.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Jack, I agree with some of the others: It sounds like you really did develop some serious feelings for her. Sorry to hear that she moved on, but that's the transient nature of the stripper business, too. Something else will come along -- like a life with actual substance instead of the trappings of an illusion -- and either they or us will move on. It also sounds like you might be going through some burn-out. Take some time off; clear your head and save up some cash for a big night out in two or three months.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    As far as strip clubs go, it's something like a down period for me, too, but I've also had a fuck buddy I met in a non-SC setting to keep things interesting this summer. As far as strip clubs go, I prefer not having only one girl to play around with, but I feel like if I continue going to my top two clubs, that's exactly what will happen, so I've been mostly going to my #3 club, which mostly sucks, but there's this one girl there who will always get my money there, even if she's a little fat. I don't see her as an OTC girl, though.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @jackslash: Join the club. After my ATF left, I felt much as you do. For a while, I'd just go in and look. @rockstar666 has a good point, and one I think applies to me. I've always been partial to the girls who were interesting, as well as pretty, but since she left, the girls who have personalities are *much* more likely to get my business now, and are rally the only ones I even consider meeting OTC. Hot, boring chicks are ok for ITC BJs, but for coitus, I want someone I can talk to. Yeah, I'm still pretty shallow and superficial.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Nothing that a short break or a reliable new ATF won't cure. Unless you're gay. Only time will tell.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Maybe it's just like Huey Lewis said, you need a new drug.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Maybe it's just like Huey Lewis said, you need a new drug." @slick - You know, I think you're onto something... @jack - Sounds like you're asking yourself "If This Is It"? You wish you could go "Back in Time" to when your ATF was "Stuck with You," before there was all this "Trouble in Paradise." But don't forget "The Heart of Rock & Roll" is still beating in the Motor City, "Do You Belive in Love"? Then you have have to put your "Heart and Soul" into it, keep "Workin' for a Living" and climb "Jacob's Ladder" to reach the "Power of Love." And, remember, as always, "It's Hip to be Square."
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I get it. I haven't been in 2 weeks, having said good bye to the dancers I liked. I am done.
  • HungryGiraffe
    10 years ago
    jackslash, I can relate. Hope you find a new "friend" to fill the void soon!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    A few times I enjoyed strip clubs a lot less for a while but I noticed my bank account started growing when that happened and I wasn't even trying to save a lot more. All the dancers trying to charge more just turned me off from lap dances more. Fortunately I still had a couple of favorites who hung around. There have been nights in times past when I found no favorites and did not buy any lap dances. I just saved my money for better times. Everything keeps changing. One year I even stopped visiting strip clubs for over a month or two. I saw a news story on tv about a city trying to close down a strip club. It made me want to go visit while I still could. I tell you, the devil is working through all these church people protesting things they shouldn't be. I might have kicked the habit if not for church people protesting and getting on the news. I thought I had to defend my rights. I've been visiting strip clubs ever since.
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