
SC Dress Code ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Monday, February 17, 2014 7:41 PM
To piggyback on the recent thread about SC pants. Have you ever been turned away from a SC b/c of your attire? For me it's only happened once. Back when I lived in Dallas I was turned away @ Baby Dolls in the early 2000s on a busy Saturday night just b/c my shirt did not have a collar. Mind you this was prior to my sweatpants/commando days – I was wearing kakis; dress shoes; and a nice shirt that just happened to not have a collar. The guy at the door seemed like a prick to begin with and many times before that and after that; I visited Baby Dolls w/ similar attire (or worse) and was never told anything. Only thing I could think of is that it was a very busy night and they were using any excuse to turn away certain customers. I was in my early 30s then and was by myself; so maybe the prick at the door thought I was not a good profit prospect?


  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    Multiple times, as I dress for easiest access. That's at times contrary to some club's ideas about their stature.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I've never been turned away - but I saw a guy turned away because his pants didn't have belt loops. Apparently this club had a rule against any sort of pajama pants or drawstring running pants. And it wasn't even an upscale club.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    I've been turned away one time. It was because I was wearing basketball shorts. The funny thing is I've been to this club (wearing the same shit) countless times before and had never been turned away. But apparently they were under new management so the dress code became more strict because of the new manager.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    I've been told to turn a Braves hat around, petty but I didn't argue. Another time I was told I couldn't wear a hat period, I told him to get the manager and he changed his mind. As I said in the other thread I think a lot of it is arbitrary and used to keep out certain undesirables.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    I feel like we run out of ideas to talk about on this forum
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Once. at Thee Whiskey Tavern in Columbia SC on Dec 23, 2010. I had planned on being the first person to review the club but was turned away for wearing sweat pants & shirt. The club now has a total of 12 reviews. No FUCKING loss.
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    "I feel like we run out of ideas to talk about on this forum" Not really wait for my thread about what type of footwear you like to wear at stripclubs.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    are the reviews any good?
  • samsung1
    10 years ago
    Sirens in Columbus and hustler in Cleveland both are strict about dress codes. Hustler charges $10 to park on busy nights so it really sucks being turned away at the door after paying to park.
  • RickyBoyDugan
    10 years ago
    I prefer strip clubs that don't implement a dress code. That way I can be the only one wearing a suit (my white three-piece polyester one) in it. If too many guys are wearing suits, I can't handle the competition and The System breaks down.
  • jack0505
    10 years ago
    Never turned away for dress code, but I am never in sweatpants or basketball shorts.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    "Multiple times, as I dress for easiest access. That's at times contrary to some club's ideas about their stature." Alucard you shouldn't leave home in your ass less chaps, it's very unbecoming, and furthers the stereotypes about male nurses.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    I was wearing a solid navy blue Brooks Brothers hooded sweatshirt. I am over 60 years old. The sweatshirt had the BB logo on it. I was told that I could not enter The Coliseum in Detroit. I unzipped it offered to take it off, showing that I had nothing on underneath. "Hey, I'll go topless." He told me to zip it back up and let me in.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I drove 40 minutes to a club, and they wouldn't let me in because I had on a black tee. It's not a upscale club at all, why the fuck where they trying to act like the club is classy? I was so fucking pissed.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Not so far. I want to try walking into a club wearing only a labcoat and see what they do.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Lopaw, just let me know when and where and I'll be your witness.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Ass less chaps lol ime
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I have never been turned away because of attire, but I have been asked to turn my hat around
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Thanks, Corvus. I'll bring a labcoat for you too ;)
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Lopaw, thanks. Looking forward to it.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    @ crazyjoe: That must have been a classy place you were in. They expect you to wear your baseball cap facing forward!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Did you Mike Ditka's comment that Lion's QB Matthew Stafford should stop wearing his hat backwards? He says it lacks professionalism and reflects poor leadership. LMFAO
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    My second strip club visit ever, to Heavenly Bodies by O'Hare airport, resulted in me being turned away because I wasn't wearing a collared shirt. Much more recently, the Minx in Des Moines told me I couldn't wear a hoodie into their club when I went there once. (It was chilly that night.) I asked if it's OK if a t-shirt was all right, it was, so I put my hoodie in my car. I got rejected another time at Saries in Carter Lake, Iowa (which is now a Spearmint Rhino) for wearing a hoodie. I think they hate hoodies.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Once when I was wearing a hoodie. This was at least 5 years ago, before the Treyvon Martin thing even. Luckily I had a decent T on underneath. This is funny to me because I'll pop in before a gig and be wearing my torn jeans, leather crap etc. so I look like a down on his luck biker or something, but as long as I have no gang logos they don't seem to care.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    @Dandy: I frequently don't have a collar!! WTF? I go in the afternoons though so maybe it's different?
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I have never had a problem. I wear collared shirt and decent pants or shorts with belt. I think some club use the "dress code" for crowd control or the bouncers just feel like it. I have been to clubs that have a posted dress code and have seen it consistently enforced. I have seen hoodies given a choice to check or go take them off and guys turned away for sweat or pajama pants or shorts. I was also in a club where no shorts allowed after 7 pm and they enforced it. I do not have a problem with a dress code as long as it is posted and consistently enforced.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Once when I went commando and accidently left my zipper down.
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    @sfl I shall see
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    @Dandydan why didn't you tell the big bad guard that you can just slip it off and give it to the coat check?
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    I've never been turned away, but I've avoided clubs knowing what I had on was potentially problematic. It's S. FL, so boardshorts, T-Shirts, and Flip-Flops aren't uncommon for me to wear. There's a number of clubs that couldn't care less, but some clubs on some days I know enforce dress codes, so I just don't bother stopping by if what I'm wearing won't cut it. Like others have said, around here the dress codes are mostly selectively enforced and are just excused to keep folks out that they couldn't refuse service too based on the real reason they don't want them there. Much the same way as drink minimums are, they'll never throw out a custie who's tipping dancers and getting dances just because he isn't drinking but they'll use the drink minimum to toss someone who isn't spending and causing even a minor fuss.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I've never had a problem with the strip club dress code. Now, at regular bars & night clubs that have preconceived notions of who & what constitutes the "Element", I've had problems. And not because of what I was wearing . My Mom taught me long ago that I should never mouth off to cops and I should be the best dressed man that I can afford to be.
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    Once I was admitted by the door girl but then denied admission by a manager at Industrial Strip in Hammond, IN because I was wearing sweat pants. I went out to my car, changed into marginally dressier sweats, and walked right in.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    @rockstar- This was way back in the 90's. I believe this happened at night, too. Things could be entirely different now and it could be entirely different during the day. @Estafador- In the entire history of me and strip clubs, I've been to exactly one club (Admiral Theater in Chicago) with a coat check, or at least one where I was aware they had one, so that's not possible most of the time. In general, if a place has a dress code they enforce, it's not worth going to.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… In general, if a place has a dress code they enforce, it's not worth going to …” Me agrees – I prefer strip club over “gentlemen's” clubs
  • yndy
    10 years ago
    @Papi- In the mid-80s my NFL team had the first of several playoff qualifying seasons. My coworker and I went up the night b4 the conference championship game (the one b4 the Super Bowl)to celebrate in the bars near the stadium. The somewhat upscale club nearby would not let us enter bc our team attire lacked collars. And this was the biggest game for our team/city in 20+ years!
  • scatterbrain
    10 years ago
    I've been turned away three times...Once at Baby Dolls in Dallas and once at Industrial Strip in Hammond IN and once at Penthouse in Detroit. Allwere for pants without belt loops or zippers (ie my go to soft sweat pants). Unfortunately for them I had $1k burning a hole in my pocket each time. I just went to other clubs and made some other dancer's night. Their loss..
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    Never been turned away, but I have had to at times check clothing, such as a hoodie, or coat. BS I say, because the clubs can get alittle chilly.
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    What's the deal with collars? Maybe those clubs should sell clip on collars you can purchase for $5. Lots of clubs have club tshirts you can buy or they give away. None of them have collars. I wonder if I could get into the clubs with this shirt? It kinda has a collar. [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ Damn – what a coincidence – that is what I usually wear with my sweapants
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