
Have u given up on traditional dating?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013 3:28 PM
Being a strip club hobbyist have u given up on traditional dating? As for me I would rather fly jets (strippers) than some slow prop job (seamy so so gal off traditional dating site.)


  • jester214
    11 years ago
    No, not at all.
  • jayy4533
    11 years ago
    Same, not at all. Its just being out with strippers kinda skews your perspective when you date a "normal" girl.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    With the ease with which one can get pretty much what they want in a SC; I feel I get a lot more bang for my buck (literally and figuratively) via the SC route than trying the dating roulette.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    It seems a lot easier to deal with SS by moving on to the next dancer; than to deal with CS (Civi Shit).
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Nope, it's just that I love seeing strippers popping and twerking their booties. Over and over again....
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    yes. all the 'good' civies seem to be married up, and the ones that are left all seem to be bat shit crazy or have kids.
  • ime
    11 years ago
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Who wouldn't want the best of both worlds?
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    When you're 71, there are damn few females your own age to pick from. Therefore I don't even try.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    If it happens it happens
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    No matter what happens i will always and forever be a club hound
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Dating is for shit. People who want to hang should hang. People who want to fuck should fuck. It two people want to do a lot of both with each other, that's the starting point for a possible good marriage.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    Absolutely yes. Its all P4P no matter how you look at it.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I never say never but my luck with civilian women has not been good. So I would say I'm open to regular dating but strippers are easier to mess around with and don't take nearly as much of your time (unless you want them to). But it will take a special civilian girl to take me away from the free time and freedom I have right now.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I love traditional dating-When your family wants you to marry a girl you've never seen let alone met. Arranged marriage is the best.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    No, not at all. Too young for that.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    On the contrary, makes you appreciate women who aren't lying, theiving whores all that much more.
  • jayy4533
    11 years ago
    Lmao at your comment Dougster. I haven't given up on traditional dating but I find myself wishing the girl would act more like a stripper but I'm like "Oh that's not until date number 5....well see ya!!"
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I having given up on regular dating, but it's been a long time since I wanted a second date from someone. Strippers are just a lot more fun, even though most of them are just crazy.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    Dandy Dan every woman I've met is crazy. That includes my mom and sister and I love them dearly. And they both pretty much admit they are off their rockers too.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I've always viewed it as two completely different things. Strip clubs are for entertainment and maybe some casual fucking if you are in the right place. They are not a substitute for real relationships and guys who try to use them as such often get burned. I've had steady relationships for almost all of the years that I've been doing this regularly, including 2 marriages and a long-term live in GF. In my earlier years this is probably what kept me from going over the deep end with some of these girls. I'm not sure how I would have handled some of the stringalong games that dancers attempted on me when I was in my late 20s if I didn't have something at home keeping me grounded. Most older guys, like shadow, who now use strip clubs to source sex have already had their fill of the whole marriage/kids thing and have zero interest in being tied down again. That is something completely different from a young guy who thinks that strippers are a substitute for civvie women. After 25+ years of steady relationships, with kids, marriages, etc., if my wife and I ever divorced I don't think that I would be interested in another relationship anytime soon, if ever. Anyway, just my two cents.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I go out on dates with friends I know; I don't date strangers because I'm not looking for my next ex-wife. I have sex with strangers though.
  • GCMan
    11 years ago
    After 16 yrs of marriage then an expensive divorce. Much less expensive to date a different stripper every 6-12 months after the fun wears out or SS gets too annoying.
  • GCMan
    11 years ago
    You can always trade up if your stripper doesn't meet your satisfaction requirement. Trading up has its advantages.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    There's your problem, you think "traditional dating" involves the Internet.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    @rickdugan I hope to God your wife is fucking the pool boy to keep her from going over the deep end with you, you trash whale.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    I'm a hobo cause of Ricks first wife but now thanks to the system by rickyboy I know have a 6figure income and all Da'pussy I can eat
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Lol trash whale. That's funny. @rick so what your saying is that I should quit strip clubs?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Duo posted: "@rickdugan I hope to God your wife is fucking the pool boy to keep her from going over the deep end with you, you trash whale." Duo, why the outrage? You do realize that a solid % of your customers are married, no?
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    @Esta: That's entirely up to you obviously, but when I was your age I really didn't have much use for strip clubs. I was filling up my spare time fucking and sucking young civvie girls.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    @rickdugan - it's not outrage, it's genuine hope in the interest of fairness. My customers may be married, it's true, and I hope their wives are copping a feel too.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Dating is for finding someone to spend one's life with, so if I'm ever in need of that again, I'll give it a shot. Since I don't need that right now, I'll stick to clubbing. @duo: "trash whale". Awesomeness.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Sorry, but I don't buy it duo. "I hope to God..." and "you trash whale" just scream rage. Too bad princess. I'm married AND I play around on the side, as I'm sure do some of your married club customers. I have no excuses for it and I don't need any. You're on a customer site and there are many married men here too who do the same thing. If you can't handle it, then maybe you should take your little ass over to stripperweb and whine about it there. ;)
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    Yes for me traditional dating became obsolete a long time ago. With strippers and SD gals I have them contacting me all the time to meet up. Two of them are giving me all I can handle. One wants to do a fuck fest the week of her bd. First day pussy is 200 that session next six days 100 per session,. I don't think the civie gals have a clue of the competition they are facing In this town from strippers and providers.
  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    @duomaxell “There's your problem, you think "traditional dating" involves the Internet.” Plus 1. @duomaxell “trash whale” Can someone please translate for an uneducated pikey? I get no results in a web search.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @rick I think Duo is assuming you are being dishonest with your wife. Can't say anything myself without being the pot that called the kettle black. But we all talk a lot of shit to each other here. It's not strange for a woman to be disgusted by unapologetic male cheating. I don't think she ever thought we were a bunch of Ned Flanders. The supposed illusions whose painful shattering should prompt her to flee this website where never there to begin with. Me personally, I'd like more dancers to come on here and give us their real opinions with both barrels, no matter how negative. You don't learn anything when people agree with you.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @"I don't think the civie gals have a clue of the competition they are facing In this town from strippers and providers." That assumes they *want* to compete for the guys who go for strippers and providers. An assumption that does not appear to be entirely supported by the facts in evidence.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ibb, how many married men who post on here, besides maybe dental dam man, are running home to tell their wives about what they do with strippers? How many of duo's customers are doing that? I suspect not many. I welcome dancer participation on this site. But when they are here they should realize that this is the locker room, not the sewing circle. Men discuss a whole wide range of things that dancers may find objectionable. If we wanted to hear girly squeals of outrage over something as basic as married men having sex with strippers, we could walk on over to SW and get our fill. She can either suck it up or take the heat for it.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I don't tell wife about my SC activities and would never consider otherwise. I gave up on traditional dating a long time ago. Reasons similar to shadow. Once u c young strippers for ITC or OTC sex you will not want women close to your age. At least that's how sc hobby has impacted me.
  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    “trash whale"? WTF does it mean? Anyone? cheers
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I think that Duo was implying that rick is the largest piece of trash. "trash whale" has not been defined in urbandictionary yet. Perhaps duo would like to submit it.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    "Dental dam man"? That's the best you can come up with? What's next? "Four eyes"? "Pencil dick"? :)
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    LOL gmd. I wasn't trying that hard, but using a dental dam isn't really the same thing, now is it? Heck, until you posted about it I had no idea that it even existed and I suspect the same holds true for others around here, which is exactly why you instantly come to mind when "dental dam man" is referenced. ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    No, it's not the same thing, but it's good enough. Just like a condom. Oddly enough, most of the girls I've used one with claim that it really doesn't make that much difference. Not sure I believe them all the time, but orgasms don't lie, so I guess it's not any worse than a condom is for us guys.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @rick I don't know why you don't believe Duo when she says she's not outraged. To me she just seems disgusted by some of our behavior and attitudes, just as we are often disgusted with common stripper behavior and attitudes. She's young and hopes for a better quality of relationship with an SO than either you or I have achieved. Understandable. It's a good thing for the human race that each new generation hopes it can do a little better than the previous ones. It seems like you feel that she's trying to shut you up, and I don't see that at all. The "trash whale" stuff is just her uber-hipster thing, doesn't mean she's foaming at the mouth over this.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    More often than not; men and women are going to have different views and motivations w.r.t. sex – we are just wired differently.
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    "Whale" is often used to refer to a big spender. We all should know what "Trash" refers to. I would guess everyone but Dougster can figure it out now.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Personally, I'd say that they're plumbed differently.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    @ilbbaicnl, do we really need to debate the terms "outraged" vs. "disgusted?" It's splitting hairs - either is a strong emotion and it led her to giving a tuscl member crap over having sex with strippers. How ridiculous. If you are right, then she can take her "disgust" to the same place that I suggested she take her "outrage." And if you feel the need to suck up to, or serve as apologists for, dancers who lack coping skills, then you too might find SW to be a more satisfying place. You'll find plenty of opportunities to suck up there and there are dancers aplenty who will pat you on your head for your efforts. ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Funny. Didn't look like outrage to me, either. L
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I don’t think she was outraged either; just flabbergasted :)
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @rick I'm banned from stripperweb (and not into playing the multiple email address game). You are suggesting to Duo that her comments are not appropriate here and implying that you are speaking for customers in general. I'm one customer that you are not accurately speaking for. Also, I don't know on what basis you feel this web site "belongs" to just customers. I think custies, dancers, and SC employees all have an interest in finding and comparing clubs. Since Duo has indicated she is not celibate, it's clear that she does endorse people having sex with strippers. My understanding of her point of view (very common to many dancers) is that a club or bar that claims to provide stage/table/lap dancing as the (only) forms of adult entertain should not also provide the services of a brothel. In this particular thread, she reacted to your mentioning having sex with strippers while married, not just simply having sex with strippers.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Outrage and disgust are two seperate terms.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @Slick I think the distinction is important here as rage or outrage implies driven to the point of irrationality, disgust does not.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    @ilbbaicnl: Got it, so since you're banned from SW you need to get all of your dancer suck up posts on here, your last refuge. Ok then... This is getting circular now ilbbaicnl. I am absolutely telling her that that this is not the best place for those comments. On here there are plenty of guys who fuck strippers for money, a subset of which are married. We talk about these things here openly. If stuff as basic as that makes her start a sentence with "I hope to God..." and end it with "you trash whale", then at the very least she had better expect some heat for it, which she got. And obviously I don't speak for every customer, but I feel fairly confident in saying that a most of the guys around here who post about having sex for $$$ with strippers would prefer not to listen to girly squeals about it. Get it now or do I need to space the words out more? ;) I'm not really sure what your skin in the game is in this dancer defense mode, but it is misdirected on this topic. I don't go over to SW and give dancers shit for doing what they do with their customers and it is not unreasonable to expect a dancer who posts here to show the same courtesy.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I disagree with those who think either TUSCL or SW should be an echo chamber for their own opinions. Be careful with matches around your army of straw men Rick.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Rick- to be fair you're the only one that gave her some "heat".
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Ranukam, I don't mind being the standard bearer on this one. ;)
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    ^ To add to that ranukam, you and I joined this site around the same time and it was far different even four years ago than it is today. Back then a lot of good shit was discussed by multiple members and a dancer who behaved that badly would have taken a lot of grief by those members for that type of behavior (and a few did). With the retarded nonsense this board has been experiencing over the last couple of years, we are left largely with trolls, a handful of younger posters who are still getting their feet wet and a few diehard dayshift club hounds who abstain from alcohol and one who even wears a tongue condom. If I have to be the standard bearer until this site returns to some semblance of balance and normalcy, then so be it.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    "Tongue condom" That's only because my tongue is the only place a condom will actually fit...I just wish it didn't have to be the extra long ones; they're hard to find.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "If I have to be the standard bearer until this site returns to some semblance of balance and normalcy, then so be it." Hate to say it, but I think this is the new normal. How many times can the same topics be recycled again? I think the saturation point has been reached and it's why the board has moved on to a new direction. The search for extras used to be what discussions were about. Different strategies for different guys: White Knights. Whales. Pick Up Artists. Bad Boys. Fun was to be had debating the pros and cons of each. Now, one can walk into a club and get what they want. The only question is how low will she go. I don't necessarily like the new board either. But I don't want the same old same old either.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Testify mo'head...testify! 'Tis a new equilibrium dawning. The evolution of something new. But is it for good or ill?
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    What's w.r.t.?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    With Regards To-I just figured that one out yesterday. I need to really learn Internet Speak. "The search for extras used to be what discussions were about. Different strategies for different guys: White Knights. Whales. Pick Up Artists. Bad Boys. Fun was to be had debating the pros and cons of each. Now, one can walk into a club and get what they want. The only question is how low will she go. " @Moto-Quality Conversation.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    better troll disguises would be a good topic. anyone so transparent that they opt for Clark Kent glasses should either get a better disguise or get a new gig.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Motor, there is no doubt that some of the same topics regurgitate from time to time, but I don't see anything wrong with that. What I miss the most, though, are some of the trip reports and other stories that used to get posted here. These guys are all still going to strip clubs and seeing and doing things, but they no longer want to post anything that might become troll fodder. Do you know that the best club/dancer stories I read, including some provided by people who also post here, are actually on SW? How does that happen? Up is down and down is up when hounds would rather post their best material on SW rather than sharing it with a board supposedly filled with other hounds.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Rick-I've only read SW when one of y'all post a link. There just isn't enough time to keep up with multiple sites, daily living, and sleep. Do you think it would be in my favor to give SW a 10-20 minute window, if I can make one?
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Rick you are obviously entitled to your opinion of what the ideal content of the discussion area should be. But I see zero grounds for your assertion that you are "standard bearer" of "balance and normalcy". More like the standard bearer of pomposity. Over many years, no stripper has ever offered to anything with my wang, except strippers who I did not find very attractive, or who had unrealistic expectations of me moneywise. If stripper/wang interaction is all you want to talk about on this board, clearly you should put me on your ignore list. Your ignore list is really the simple and obvious solution to your actual problems here. Because saving the whole site from posts you personally consider inappropriate is not your legitimate concern.
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