5 yrs ago •Rb47commented onThe Unexpected Ficha Bucket@cristobal Just curious, but how did you go about learning Spanish?
5 yrs ago •Rb47commented onExperiences with sundresses....Not enough women wear dresses these days. Usually they wear shorts or jeans or leggings. Definitely like girls in dresses out in public. However,…
5 yrs ago •Rb47commented onBoob Job Detective - Episode #2Hard to tell from the pictures probably natural or excellent surgeon. Video showing motion would help. Nudes would help. Hand inspection would be best. …
5 yrs ago •Rb47commented onBeer belly on a beautiful girl!I knew a guy with a thing for pregnant women. He dated girls with beer bellies. Those were probably easier to find then pregnant women.
5 yrs ago •Rb47commented onThe Unexpected Ficha Bucket@cristobal Seems like you’ve set yourself up quite nicely with multiple bar girls. Just curious, in what language do you guys primarily communicate? In English? Or Do…
5 yrs ago •Rb47commented onTijuana Becomes Paradise City for Guns N' Roses@cristobal Of course! That's a former Garden Grove coffee girl in your avatar by the way. She used to work at cafe lu and cafe 368. …
6 yrs ago •Rb47commented onThis is just too awful for wordsWikipedia tells me that there are about 100 cases per year reported in the United States: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granuloma_inguinale I think if this were easy to get there would be a lot…
6 yrs ago •Rb47commented onDo you guys really.............................So you married guys aren't afraid of divorce? I hear men usually do very poorly in the aftermath of a divorce, at least when compared to women.
6 yrs ago •Rb47commented onWhy do attractive young men visit strip clubs ?@dc I gotcha dc. I think all relationships, both so called free and p4p eventually run their course. The honeymoon period is said to be 6 months…