
Boob Job Detective - Episode #2

avatar for PaulDrake
Off again on again PL

So let's try this again... Did she have a boob job:


Pics span a 5 year period and are mixed up (not in chronological order)...



last comment
avatar for northwest101215
5 yrs ago

Boob job or butt job? For boobs, hard to tell as the push up tops could be making a difference. But I'd lean to no.

avatar for flagooner
5 yrs ago

I don't think so.

avatar for Warrior15
5 yrs ago

Quite possibly. But not obvious either way. She has some nice cleavage, but is has some rump to her. Only way to know for sure is by hand inspection. I volunteer to do the inspecting.

If you are demanding a vote now, I'm gonna say yes.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Yes she ruined a perfectly good pair ! Damnit!

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

I know I’m correct because my personal concoction of vodka-infused wine never fails me!!

avatar for Liwet
5 yrs ago

I don't think so, at least not big enough to affect her silhouette. Usually implants will put more size on the upper portion of the breast which isn't going on with the girl in the pics. She might just have big boobs.

avatar for TxVegas
5 yrs ago

I would guess no, but could be wrong.

avatar for rogertex
5 yrs ago


... and nice butt

avatar for rh48hr
5 yrs ago

Without seeing them free of the bra, I can't make a definitive call.

avatar for Corvus
5 yrs ago


avatar for ATACdawg
5 yrs ago

No, based on three of the pictures that show some very natural profiles.


avatar for PaulDrake
5 yrs ago

Good guesses guys!

So for this episode I actually have a definitive answer. The girl in the pics posted a vlog where she addresses the plastic surgery rumours. So let's let the thread go until this evening and then I'll post up the answer.

avatar for Longball300
5 yrs ago

They look natural to me; any variation could be due to birth control, weight gain, time of the month, the camera angle, clothing, the wind, my level of intoxication...............

avatar for Longball300
5 yrs ago

after all, we all know beauty is in the hand of the beerholder.

avatar for Muddy
5 yrs ago

No. But if they were must’ve did a great job.

avatar for Jascoi
5 yrs ago

i hope they are natural. if not... darn nice job.

avatar for Rb47
5 yrs ago

Hard to tell from the pictures probably natural or excellent surgeon. Video showing motion would help. Nudes would help. Hand inspection would be best. I've felt so many hard boobs that I find myself disliking even the possibility of fake boobs.

avatar for Dolfan
5 yrs ago

Looks like just natural fluctuation in body weight, maybe menstrual cycles. I'd have to guess real. If not, I don't see why she'd have messed with them. Unless of course those bras were doing a lot of work holding them up.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

Its impossible forme to say for sure without seeing their unclothed hang and contour, but I'm leaning towards naturals.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

I'm gonna say yes. It's a better boob job than most. I say yes because of the way they look in the lemon bikini top. It looks as if there's an unnatural mass pushing out the exposed upper part and the contour is not quite natural looking. The red bikini pic looks natural, though. But to me, when they are real, then none of the pictures would have any indication of them being fake. Since I found one that looks like they could be fake, I say yes and bravo to her having a good surgeon.

If I'm wrong then she's in that 0.1% bracket of women that have perfectly natural big breasts. An almost unicorn stripper.

avatar for PaulDrake
5 yrs ago

Ok and the answer is.... YES she has a boob job!

Here is her instagram pics before October 2018 were natural and the newest pics are with the fake tits:

And a video of her talking about it:

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 yrs ago

When it comes to boob job capers call me Surelock Domes.

IMHO she looked like she once had perfectly perky all natural B cups.

avatar for JamesSD
5 yrs ago

Fakes but very good fakes. That said, she didn't need a boob job

avatar for MackTruck
5 yrs ago

I detect boobs

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Her nipples pre far were fantastic!

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