Do you guys really.............................

avatar for skibum609

.........................believe that paying strippers is superior to being married? I know a lot of you claim this, but are you being totally honest? Do you really believe there is no way to have a happy, fun, lifetime marriage? I accept that I am lucky and that when we vacation in Florida my wife will go with me to the Inner Room because when she gets a lap dance she wants everyone in the club to see, but do you understand that this hobby is better when it accompanies a great life and isn't a substitute for one? Caveat: As long as you're happy its cool by me and this is a serious question.


last comment

I prefer my marriage over strip clubs any day. The hard part is having an addiction to thin girls, and your wife isn't one of them. But overall I would trade my marriage for anything. I am a scum bag, but she is still my best friend and will always be. I do have enough a happy fun marriage, just addicted to spinners.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 yrs ago

I wouldn't trade my marriage and wife for anything.

avatar for shareher
6 yrs ago

Me too. Wouldn't give up my marriage and try and replace that whole solely with strippers. I got a 'slut' fetish that must be fed. Slutty women turn me on. My wife is a loyal good girl. I'm thinking bout having the talk. Hot wife! If I was brave enuff and she got on board, she could slut with other men.......and I'd be good!

avatar for sinclair
6 yrs ago

Marriage is great with the right person. Unfortunately, there are not enough women to go around that possess the traits to be a great wife/partner/friend. (Just look at the rampant feminism boiling over in American society and the example the media and mainstream culture give for women to treat men.) Therefore many men end up divorced/heartbroken/lonely and turn to paying strippers to fill a void in their lives.

avatar for gammanu95
6 yrs ago

As a married stripper addict, it's hard to describe. I like my wife well enough, she stays mostly fit and attractive; and she adores me. However, we have some very serious differences. She's a homebody, I like to go out. Yoga is exercise enough for her, I like to lift weights. She's afraid of mostly anything not domesticated, I play with snakes and alligators for fun.

Also, to me, strippers are a game to prove to myself that I still have game. I know it's a lie, since money is the main motivator for any relationship with a stripper. However, when the same amount of money is in play, women with spend more time a customer who she enjoys spending time with. If you stay fit, clean, and charismatic, then you will reap the rewards in a club. For me, clubs are like a barometer of how well I'm maintaining my fitness and charisma.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

Most of the guys I see claim this are on the other side of a very shitty marriage. From their perspective, I suspect that it feels true. Is it actually true? (shrug)

I know a few guys (and a couple of women) that I truly believe aren't built for marriage (or any long-term romantic relationship). So, while strippers may not be superior, they are more suitable.

avatar for Warrenboy75
6 yrs ago

Nope but the question is who, what ( as in what is their belief system) when ( as in if both people are ready) and how ( as in how is the marriage structured )

I have friends who have been married for 40 years---it works for them.

I also have friends who have been married ( and I kid you not) six times.

Marriage is a great institution it was once said but then who wants to be institutionalized?

avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

“believe that paying strippers is superior to being married?”

Good gods, no.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Totally different. I'm very happily married, but I also enjoy the attention I get at a SC. I'd call it a mid-life crisis, but I've been enjoying strip clubs since I was 21.

avatar for RandomMember
6 yrs ago

@GammaNut: " If you stay fit, clean, and charismatic..."

@GammaNu is such a lovable, charismatic, bigot. I bet he regales all the strippers with his theories about "porch monkeys" cheating society and his theories about LBGTs having a genetic defect. It was so nice here without you, @GammaNut. Maybe time for another hiatus?

I could be married to a supermodel and I would still be out cheating on my wife with girls decades younger. It's for the pure animal thrill and P4P has an entirely different purpose. Apples. Oranges.

avatar for Rb47
6 yrs ago

So you married guys aren't afraid of divorce? I hear men usually do very poorly in the aftermath of a divorce, at least when compared to women.

avatar for steeldog65
6 yrs ago

I would give anything to be able to be with my wife again and when I was with her I never went to a club. Clubs have become a way for me to be around women without having to deal with dating which I abhor. I don't want to deal with the dating scene, I hate every aspect of updating. Clubs are just easier and at 53 I don't wanna deal with the bullshit.

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

I'm envious of you guys that have a good open acomodacting (-10 for the spelling...) marriage. my ex would NEVER allow other girls and clubs.

avatar for Daddillac
6 yrs ago

I would prefer to be alone... I used to really enjoy the relationship of all women. Now I try to figure out the angle of every woman I meet (If I would consider dating them) I'm not going to analyze the cashier at the grocery store but you get my point. Because of that I just don't trust people, not just women, but I'm more vulnerable to women

avatar for Ermita_Nights
6 yrs ago

Two different things. It's like asking which is better, a home cooked meal or eating out. Relaxing in front of the TV or going to the movies. Spending holidays with family or going on vacation.

avatar for rickdugan
6 yrs ago

Th real questions is not really whether strippers are better than wives. It is whether being married is better than being single and being able to see strippers more often. I think the answer depends a lot on what kind of wife she is and where the guy is in his life emotionally..

I love my wife dearly and would never leave her, but if she ever left me, I doubt that I would do this again. I am sniffing distance from 50, have been in serious relationships almost my entire adult life, am on my second marriage and have all the kids I want now. The luster of marriage for its own sake has been gone for me for a long time and the only reason I even did it the second time is that I met a wonderful woman and because I wanted children.

Lucky for me that I'm not a guy who is pre-disposed to feeling lonely or needy, which means that I'm unlikely to feel the urge to lean on strippers as some type of relationship substitute. If I am ever single again, I expect that i might expand my social circles a bit and do some more traveling - anything but try to use strippers for anything other than recreational fun.

avatar for pensionking
6 yrs ago

If you have a wife with which you are still sexually active in a mutually pleasing sense, marriage works.

On the other hand, when you haven't had sex once in 33 months and just once in over 50 months (but who is counting?), I'd say you cease to be husband and wife and are simply roommates. Maybe great roommates. I would argue that hitting SCs is more noble than being in a cheating, emotional relationship outside the marriage. Just filling a biological need . . .

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Marriage is a fatal illness. Anything is better than being married.

Strip clubs have their strengths and weaknesses. Over all I would say that their are better solutions possible, but we have to build them.


avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 yrs ago

WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

avatar for skibum609
6 yrs ago

A few random thoughts: Nothing on earth is better than being happily married; it is a myth that guys do poorly in divorces, but truth that they whine way more than women do (35+ years divorce lawyer); home cooked meal is better than eating out and my wife makes it that way.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

^^^^ And so is that why you take interest in strip clubs, thinking so little of your marriage?


avatar for shailynn
6 yrs ago

Chris Rock quote:

“You’re either single and lonely or married and miserable.”

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

^^^^^ I agree.

But those in my organization will neither be lonely or miserable.


avatar for lotsoffun201
6 yrs ago

I’m a self confessed slut addict. I love trashy, slutty nympho women. Sorry I admit to a slut fetish. My SO used to be that way and it was great till she decided to become a bible thumper so now I’m back at the strip clubs looking for sluts.

avatar for gawker
6 yrs ago

I've had a different experience. After a full hysterectomy at age 38 my wife experienced a loss of interest in sex as well as recurring physical problems with sex. I had an affair, she found out and we agreed that if I chose to have sex outside our marriage she wouldn't complain so long as I was discrete. Then she was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's . That's around the same time I started in with my ATF. As my wife slipped away my "relationship" with her was in some ways a substitute for my marriage. In the last 6 months my wife passed away and my ATF moved away. At age 72 I don't see myself getting married again and I don't think I'd want as close a relationship as I had with the ATF, so for me it's looking back on a 49 year marriage and sorting out the detritus of a nine year fling with a beautiful much younger dancer. Time to try some different clubs.

avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

I'll give an honest answer since I was in a relationship with three different girls from 13 to 29 then a bachelor from 30-37

The short answer is yes strippers are better than a marriage and I was married for 11 year's and have kept a very close friendship with my X since the divorce... honestly besides the living situation I still feel as if she is my wife of 18 year's.. I've known her since the third grade.

Now let me explain myself

I think a relationship in the first three years and maybe five... nothing tops it... it's to my much fun and filled with excitement and's the best

Then around five years it starts to fall apart and that's when argument starts and the lack of a good time and sex decline... this is when strip clubs become superior

Hence a marriage of ten plus and beyond is nothing more than a business contract with a solid friend if it last

So in pursuit of the best sex ever strip clubs are superior with exemption to the first three years of a brand new relationship

avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

Love that quote shakynne LMFAO

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

i agree juice. do you suppose i can find a twenty year old 9 or 10 beautiful girl to marry my broke ass?

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

(I should've included my age. 68.)

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Marriage is like Russian Roulette, but with about 3 bullets.

Ask Shadowcat. I'm not one to rebroadcast someone's personal affairs. It will be up to him if he wants to talk. His marriage should have been one that worked perfectly, or as good as any can. But it did not.


avatar for TrollWarnBot
6 yrs ago

WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

avatar for Countryman5434
6 yrs ago


avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 yrs ago

you can't love these hoes, for if you do next thing you know she'll be pregnant with another man's baby, divorce your ass but say its yours anyway and take your money through child support payments

seen far too many good men fall victim

always tread carefully, enjoy the hoes, get some good head but don't let em rob you

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

"enjoy the hoes, get some good head but don't let em rob you"

Absolutely! And please do consider my open application for membership in your organization.


avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago

You can't love these hoes but I do anyways LMFAO

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

^^^^^^ ditto!


avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 yrs ago

pussy is both a man's greatest strength and his greatest weakness. pussy can lead you astray, it can put your assin danger and cause you to make foolish decisions, but a man also can't live without it. for lack of pussy is more dangerous than anything and no man's head is clear when he is without pussy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

^^^^ A genius!!!


avatar for Htxx
6 yrs ago

ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!!!!!! I have never in my life been happier since my divorce 12 years ago. I am a little bit out of control on stripper, as evidenced by the discussion I'm about to post but I'd never go back to being married. My relationship with my children has never been better and while I pay for it I fuck hot strippers when ever I want, I do what ever I want when ever I want, travel and make really good money, i'll be semi retired by age 54 and am planning on ramping up mu pussy free for all in Southern Florida at that time. I'm happy for those that are happily married, it just wasn't for me. The fucking drudgery of coming home to a lazy evil bitch every night that didn't do shit around the house except shop is not something that i'll ever miss or repeat.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Amen brother!!


avatar for JuiceBox69
6 yrs ago


Hell even when a man is getting pussy bus head isn't clear LMFAO

avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 yrs ago


bitches always looking to get somethin for nothing. my hoes are free to shop for their extensions and jewelry and make up and fake nails or whatever they choose but they best be giving me head at the end of the day or I cut they asses off and no more money from my wallet. hoes only get cash too, don't ever let em get ahold of your credit card. they gotta earn your money not abuse it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago


I love it!


avatar for whodey
6 yrs ago

Superior to being married? That depends on the marriage, but it usually is cheaper.

There is nothing superior to marrying the right person. Conversely, there are many things that are superior to marrying the wrong person.

If you are lucky enough to marry the right person strip clubs can be a great source of entertainment/stress relief as long as both partners are open and honest about it. If you aren't open and honest about it or go against your partner's wishes it can ruin the best thing in your life.

If you are like most people and you married someone who is a good person and a good friend but not necessarily your soul mate a strip club can be an added source of entertainment/stress relief to spice up a boring period in the relationship.

If your in an unhappy marriage with the wrong person it can be the relief valve you need to keep yourself happy.

avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
6 yrs ago

Deep down inside I know I’ll never be satisfied, because I want it all. I want the comfort of commitment and the excitement of freedom.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

Let's just say that necessity is the mother of invention

avatar for rh48hr
6 yrs ago

If you can find the right woman, a relationship would be better. Even without a significant other, I get bored with SC's. With that being said, I have no desire to be married ever again. I'm open to considering a relationship, but I won't live with anyone else other than my kids from here on out.

Much of this is on me, I admit. I have been terrible at picking women. Mental issues, baby daddy issues, drama, I'm always fighting an uphill battle. Well I'm not going to do it anymore. I'm quite happy living by myself with my kids. I can do what I want, when I want. I don't have to check with anyone to see if its ok If I can do something.

More power to you if you have a happy marriage, I don't put down those who are married. My parents were married for 45 years until my dad died. But you can't convince me my life would be better if I was married.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

@Rb47, No, not afraid of divorce. Mrs. 77 knows that I club and doesn't have a problem with it so long as it stays between us and I use appropriate discretion. I'm happily married to someone I can describe as my soul mate. I generally agree with skibum on this one and a lot of what he posts on relationships and marriage and divorce, except swinging isn't for us. I also tend to get her a small surprise gift either before or after I go to the club, to make it fair. It's like $20 and shows I'm being unselfish about the whole thing.

@skibum609 It never occurred to me not even once to use dancers or strip clubs for anything other than brief adult entertainment for a couple hours. I do enjoy it a lot, enough even to join a SC forum to discuss the topic, but it's a back seat to everything else in my life, including my wife. If anything I wish I could indulge more often, but even then, it would be in relative moderation and with balance.

I've offered to take her, and she was happy what I was willing to do that, but changed her mind after getting ready before we were out the front dorr. Not sure if she changed her mind, or if it was just a test to see if I was hiding something from her at my local club. She hasn't been interested in it since and she rarely reads tuscl anymore with me.

@rickdugan: @shailynn: In fact, she's sort of swung the other way thinking everyone on Tuscl is lying acting like they're sleeping with strippers when they're not / or she's saying that's not possible. She also says she doesn't want to know the details of my trips anymore or to at least white lie about the specifics. In the last year, I've been seeing what @rickdugan and what @shailynn have been saying about lying to spouses/GFs, telling white lies, sparing her the pain, having cover stories, etc ... and seeing that based on what I see from her and other women, they almost prefer it that way. At least a little bit. So I'm going more along with that and perhaps adopting some of it, and dropping the whole brutal honesty thing. So thanks, guys! Serious statement.

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