
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 98)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you expect lower prices and any other extras the more you buy?
    SJG so women can have sex many many times a day compared to men? SJG why does she need to see you care about her? This seems troublesome. Bedding her regularly so she can see you care about her, seems troublesome and demanding. Both the bedding regularly and having to make extra effort to make it appear you care more than you do
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you expect lower prices and any other extras the more you buy?
    SJG in the US you likely cant blow a load inside a mistress vagina. Its too risky. Sex can drain the body and cause other issues. I like to keep it at maximum once every two weeks. That means I can only see the same girl once a month. If im doing every two weeks, ideally it would be a different girl. SJG how long would you keep a mistress? The problem with it is after weeks or months of fucking the same woman wouldn’t you get bored and want someone new? I get bored after a month then need a few months break at least. Witj the same girl. So maintaining a constant schedule would he extremely tough for me. I dont know if this is something unique to me as I also get bored quickly of the same burger, or same ice cream flavor etc...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you expect lower prices and any other extras the more you buy?
    Icee this is basic business. You buy more you get discounts. Its up to the stripper to do this or the club. If they aren’t willing to do it its their loss because i stop buying. I have the capacity to spend a few thousand a month if I wanted. So clubs and strippers can do it but they lose money. If 15 minutes is $200, 30 minutes should be $300, an hour should be $450, etc. SJG how are you blowing loads into a mistress? Woildnt this be major financial risk? SJG how is the mistress not a hooker and not a wife? You mean it’s basically because you’re offering some level of commitment to her? Like shes kind of like a hooker you’re committed to instead of a hooker you pay per each session? SJG once a month is fine? What is TLNing?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Idealize devalue discard
    Lets say a customer is butthurt about a dancer not offering extras. The logical conclusion is stop seeing the dancer or stop spending as much money. So why would other people get butthurt? They’re butthurt over someone else being butthurt? It can even be a trio, the customer is butthurt, then the dancer gets butthurt at losing money, then random internet people get butthurt about it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Idealize devalue discard
    Icee the same applies to dancers being butthurt when people don’t spend money or continue seeing them. That stuff goes both ways. But this isn’t really about that topic. This is about how people are labeling logical normal behavior as antisocial or narcissistic or improper. Customers dont have to keep seeing dancers. Dancers dont have to offer extras. Neither are wrong. If you eat at a restaurant a few times then start spending less or stop going entirely because you got bored of the food, or their quality decreased, or they didnt give you discounts for being a regular, etc, those are all valid reasons and you have the right to eat there less or stop eating there entirely. Its not “narcissistic” its normal
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Idealize devalue discard
    Ilba with regards to butthurt aspect I mean how some of these people are defining instances of butthurtness. Its fine to look for illegal entertainment anywhere. You can even get grumpy over it if you want. These dancers on reddit and stripperweb were getting butthurt themselves that a customer stopped seeing them. That is also entitlement. It’s true that paying for a lapdance doesn’t entitle you to more than a lapdance. Its also true that a customer seeing you once, twice, 4 times etc doesn’t entitle you to more. The customers who walk away or stop seeing a dancer are doing the correct thing in that case. If they want more, and one dancer doesn’t want to offer more, then they have the right to look elsewhere. They even have the right to talk trash or be grumpy or butthurt. Dancers and customers aren’t obligated to each other. Defining this as narcissistic, problematic or antisocial behavior is problematic and brainwashing. If you get bored of something, want more, no longer want it at all etc, you can leave. It applies to relationships, restaurants, friendships, jobs, and strippers and clients. If someone is fine with the exact same lapdance over and over again, they’re free to continue and it’s a win win. But who would keep going for a lapdance even if they’re not satisfied with it or want more or think its not a good value? It would be a psycho of some sort, or a mindless brainless drone slave. The latter person is unfortunately what most businesses and probably dancers want. Imagine a restaurant serving poor quality food but expecting people to mindlessly come in and continue buying the food at the same frequency, same spending amount etc. then saying its a narcissist engaging in idealize devalue discard anytime someone eats a few times then stops coming.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you expect lower prices and any other extras the more you buy?
    Idletraveler what do you mean? I dont mean it that way. More like a subscribe and save type thing. If youre a regular you should get perks like half off dances, as a thank you for the loyalty. Lets say you buy one dance a week for a month. The next month, you should be getting some discount. If you’re buying dances for several months, you should definitely get half off or something. Especially if there’s significant club fees involved. At a bare minimum the dancer should be able to give you dances without club fees involved. And yes there should be discounts involved even if you pay up front in one session. For example if a 15 minute dance is $200, they should make a 30 minute dance $300. A one hour dance should be $500. A two hour dance should be $750. Etc. SJG why bed her regularly what if you want to bed her once a month only? SJG what do you mean by not paying her but keeping her on mistress maintenance? What is TLNing? SJG why/how do women have a higher sexual capacity than men, doesnt this mean its much easier for women to cheat on their partners especially if they’re often interacting with other men at work, school etc?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    R/stripper name checking tusclers
    Good thread and post! Who else have they mentioned on that subreddit. Anything about me?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Sex 4 Rent
    Mate why are you so angry? Comon...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Idealize devalue discard
    Nicespice why is that? Who is beat100?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you expect lower prices and any other extras the more you buy?
    Docsavage, Thats hilarious! Mate, what do you mean!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "My mother is such a bitch"
    Those guys have to be lucky. Imagine having a girl bring you home 80k a year for doing nothing and you get a free apartment and all kinds of things totally for free.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    "My mother is such a bitch"
    Some of these guys getting money from their stripper girls are actual criminals. So in that case a stripper giving them money wouldn’t just be dumb but also committing major sin. It’s a major moral problem and even if they get away with it, eventually God would punish it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers with criminal records
    Rick for clarification i didnt mean just concerns over a dancer personally robbing you, but in my case I wouldn’t want to get dances with someone who is robbing other people even if i have assurance shes not robbing me. And even if I suspect she wants to rob me or would rob me if she had the chance, it’s a bad feeling
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers with criminal records
    Well thats good to know brother, I’m happy to be unblocked. We’ve got much to discuss! Hopefully you’ll review all the threads ive made that you missed before. I was hoping to get your thoughts on some of those topics!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Do you expect lower prices and any other extras the more you buy?
    Do you expect more or different things each dance? In my case there doesn’t need to be anything more but there needs to be something different each dance otherwise it gets boring. If it’s the same dance, same location, same motions it gets extremely boring.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers with criminal records
    Rick do you see my comment here? I thought you had me blocked.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    How to spot a ROB part III: The reddit chronicles
    TFP, do you stick to escorts only now? Rick thinks its being sensitive but on tje contrary i think its having morals. I dont want to get a dance with or even have sex with someone who wants to rob me any chance they can get or who thinks about robbing me. I’d want someone more trustworthy. How often are strippers ROBs? A ROB is not someone who refuses to offer sex or high mileage dances. A ROB is specifically a scammer... someone who claims you’ll get xyz in a dance but then doesn’t deliver once the dance starts. A lot of strippers might score extremely highly on narcissism, psychopathy or sociopathy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Sex 4 Rent
    Icee what about if you own a 2 bedroom condo and let someone actually live with you in exchange for sex? Would that be doable?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Geography of Breast/Butt implants
    Icee why get so mad over this? Its not that serious of a topic. I do like both the breast and butt implants as long as they aren’t totally out of proportion.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Icee how many apartments or places do you have? You said you have an $1800 a month place there, implying you have more places or houses? What do you do for work?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Icee why is an apartment a statis symbol I don’t understand. Isnt an apartment something everyone has, even fast food and minimum wage workers? Icee hustling and finessing is dishonesty and scamming. Those so called “hoes who sell pussy” you speak so poorly of, are actually morally superior to the hustlers and finessers. An honest whore is superior to a thief or scammer anyday... Icee that stuff you mention about girls being homeless with loui viotton bag is interesting. Do you think something similar is going on with the dancers with luxury european cars? Are the cars used or financed? Why are dancers so into this designer stuff to the point they’ll be homeless with a designer luxury bag? How are some dancers affording fancy apartments with 2-3k rent, and also affording babysitters? I have seen some dancers act odd, but thought it was just alcohol. How do you know if they’re doing something beyond alcohol or weed?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Dancer complaining about hyper-sensitive men
    How do you define weak or sensitive men? I have seen people in modern times on forums etc, say you should tolerate all kinds of mistreatment from women or even other people, and that if you can’t tolerate it you’re “weak”. But the definition of weak literally is tolerating mistreatment and doing nothing about it. You can tolerate mistreatment on the football field. With interpersonal relationships I’m not so sure. What was the traditional strong man like?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can bouncers attack people for verbally insulting a dancer?
    Boomer coild they actually get away with it even in a club with cameras and if yoi called the cops right after? Im sure bouncers could lie and try saying you hit them first or other nonsense but I would hope a cop wouldn’t automatically believe a bouncers words. Boomer, the dancer started stuff with me first, then I insulted, then she threatened. I most likely won’t see her at the club anytime soon since she’s not there everyday. But there is a chance eventually I would see her there. I have no idea if shes going to follow through with her plan then.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Personality disorders, Cluster B prevalence
    Tallman some of the forms of manipulation can be tough to detect. You might not realize you were manipulated until after you’ve paid for a dance or well after. An example of this is, a dancer tells you that you can touch her pussy in the dance. Or she tells you, you can play with her nipples in the dance. You get a dance, and she only lets you touch pussy for a few seconds. Lets you touch nipples for only half the dance. If you aren’t specific down to the letter, you can basically get scammed by a dancer like this. And the thing is, why would you want to be specific down to the letter? It would be weird, IMO, to specifically ask how long of a time period you can touch something for in a dance. If it’s a 30 minute dance the assumption is the rules remain the same throughout that dance. This isn’t the case with every dancer.