How to spot a ROB part III: The reddit chronicles

Adventures of Assjobman
I guess make sure you're clearly hearing the price she's saying. Otherwise, you could be a dumb fuck and pay $900 AND she'll cut the song short.
I like how others immediately try to defend the behavior, saying "the strip club doesn't bring in honest, trustworthy guys. They'll try to scam you also". Tell me you're a shitty ROB without telling me you're a shitty ROB.
last commentGirls have to worry more about customers ripping them off than vice versa. This forum is proof of that. Threads on lowballing dancers. Rejecting ones who aren't hookers. Being cheap fucks not even buying drinks. The Muddy chronicles. ....
great post tfp. new guests/members should know some of the ungrateful, scheming thieves they're dealing with before paying them anything. those are the same two-faced r/cunts here trolling then bashing guests and tuscl.
that bullshit in the middle is great. 'on no, we're always honest and courteous with tuscl watching'. lmao.
This! This is why we can't have nice things in the club. :p
This guy should never get so drunk in a club that he can't function. He's a moron for not staying in control. This dancer trying to excuse her behavior as shrewd business practices, is the reason why there is so much vitriol about skanky dancers who prey on guys. She didn't TRY to rip him off, but she had no hesitation taking advantage of a drunk man.
If he was obviously drunk, why did she even give him a price? Is this the first (drunk or sober) PL who tried to whip it out? I doubt it.
she didn't make up the 'tried to whip it out' til later. added lies to justify theft.
"She didn't TRY to rip him off"
the bitch also intentionally left the vip early. bad enough rob in itself.
the same strippers celebrating the theft are trolling for simps here and wouldn't hesitate to pull that on any of us. don't fall for their fake 'participation' bs here anymore than their fake smiles at the clubs.
The only ROB part was cutting the dance short. He decide the dance was worth $900 to him (unless he was too drink to notice he hit a 9 instead of a 2). Are strippers responsible for being the caretakers of stupidly drunk customers? I mean, why do you think the drinks are free in casinos? They also want you drunk enough to bet $900 when you should only be betting $200.
these 'dealers' steal chips from players, leave before the hand is over, and the casino gets none of the overpayment. they would and should be fired. bad analogy.
Well first thing, that’s completely on that dude to be in control of is finances and to get clarity. He’s can’t be some spineless cash cow with no agency whatsoever. These people working in these strip clubs are not your fucking friends. And if he’s drunk again that’s on him too.
I will say this though, I wish more dancers saw the long game more when it comes to treating and doing right by people. It goes along way towards building trust and I think they would find they would a more loyal following, at least if that’s what they are going for. So my advice to all strippers is treat ‘em right
actually, why believe he was drunk. from the lies/narrative changes so far she probably drugged him, or swiped a sober guest's phone and sent the cash to herself. all just as plausable and sickening.
keep openly bragging about theft bitches.
"TikTok influencer is encouraging his followers to report strippers on the platform to the IRS"
Damn Daily Grind. I think I'm going to tattoo IRS on my cock and whip it out in the VIP and tell her, "You are going to take it in the ass one way or another babe it's your choice."
start gettin my 30% back as sc social security. i'll give em a real reason to hate men.
I don't do Venmo or similar cash apps. Is there any process to dispute a transaction after the fact? Or once you hit send, it's gone forever.
once you or the rob hit send, it's basically gone forever (unless the receiving party were to send it back).
i only bring cash itc. no credit cards, no phone.
for bragging rip-off bitch scenarios like this, make sure the irs hears about the theft 'income'.
(i wouldn't believe the 'drunk mistake' narrative from any of these robs.)
classic tuscl: worst stripper (rip-off bitch) experiences
rookie mistakes: never pay or tip a stripper in advance
another otc set-up and rob:
rob x 2:
more at r/Stripclub_FAQ:
Another whiny thread about naked young girls taking advantage of much older and more educated dudes. How original. I'll bet there's more estrogen in these TUSCL reddit complaint threads than in the reddit threads themselves.
I'll repeat what I said in another complaint thread: Does the rooster get himself worked up by all the hen clucking in the chicken coop, or does he do his thing while floating above the silliness?
If a man is such a pathetic pussy or so utterly ignorant that he can't manage his interactions with a girl in her underwear than that's on him. Just last night I was pounding a hot stripper bent over a hotel bed while I smacked her ass (she likes it like that). Earlier in the week another stripper sucked my dick dry. A week before that I did some absurd things with yet another one in a travel hotel. Who knows what tonight holds, but I may be going beck to back this weekend with another girl who I believe has finally seen the light - in other words her bills are now starting to outpace her vanilla paycheck and the club is no longer covering the difference. I could go on.
I do this stuff because I want to and because I can. The clubs are my chicken coops. Be the rooster and don't get so worked up over every stupid hen cluck that comes out of these girls mouths, a lot of which doesn't really mean much when push comes to shove. Most of the girls I've fucked around with recently would no doubt gladly milk any suckers who came across their paths. It's not their job to protect the wallets of grown ass men.
If you want your strip club experiences to improve, worry less about meaningless hen clucking on stripper discussion boards and more about how you manage yourself when dealing with strippers. Once you get that right the rest will fix itself.
i appreciate all caveat emptor threads as equally important to the sc experience, vets paying it forward by turning as many male baby chicks into knowledgeable roosters that much faster and with less growing pains.
otc rob: more stripper shit
more flat-out stripper theft: pick-pockets
its like you watch a movie about a downfall of female strippers doing the exact same thing and don't learn anything from it. what happens when you don't know your history, your doomed to repeat it.
DG, the fact that you have to dig up threads that are 5 to 9 years old in order to support paranoid concerns about dealing with these girls should tell you something. These are not terribly common problems for most of us. IME these girls generally don't want drama any more than we do.
I should also add that the problems that the guy with the OTC ROB had were eminently avoidable if he used even a little common sense. Of course this is the same dipshit who was paying a girl to give him clothed lapdances in her bedroom, lol, so he wasn't especially bright to begin with.
@Dugan it seems you're making a lot of assumptions with your statement about 'girls taking advantage of much older and more educated dudes'. To be honest from the reddit threads I see about guys getting ripped off it seems the dudes are younger and the dancers are possibly more educated than they are. And besides, formal education doesn't equal street smarts. You're talking like people with higher education never get scammed.
Anyway, what's your problem? You yourself in the past have said there are strip club lessons to be learned, some more expensive than others. If a thread warning about known scams could possibly give an amateur club goer some forewarning then what's your issue with that?
it's second-nature for vets to see these as easily avoidable, and can simply hide the thread. i search for timeless good examples rather than just the most recent. similar robs happen every night in every club- only the names have changed. most baby-pls are too embarrassed or aren't brave enough to post about it. rip-off bitch awareness should be pinned to any pro-sc guest board.
===> "i search for timeless good examples rather than just the most recent. similar robs happen every night in every club- only the names have changed. most baby-pls are too embarrassed or aren't brave enough to post about it.'
No DG, they don't, or at least not as much as you seem to believe.
When I first came on here everyone was bragging how every dancer is a hooker and how they can have anyone. Now it's all about calling them robs and penny pinching lulz
@TFP: I assume the age and education differences because these are overwhelmingly the case, especially when posting about it on a board like this. I'll just add that if the money means as much to him as it does to her, then he should definitely not be in a strip club. It is how she makes her living, but it is merely entertainment for him.
As far as "my problem" it is with the ridiculous demonizing of young girls in their underwear just trying to make a living. 99% of the time the word ROB is thrown around in here, it isn't a true theft of lying situation, but rather simply a dude who is butt hurt because he didn't get what he wanted. Worse though, this never-ending complaining about a handful of girls spouting off on reddit thread smells a lot like angry and self-entitled venting from bitter incels. I guess I expect better from grown men who make enough to burn countless hours and dollars in strip clubs.
@Dugan you're acting like we're saying all the dancers do things like this. Of course they don't, if they were all ROBS none of us would go to clubs. But let's not act like they don't exist.
Never ending complaining? You're acting like there's an SJG number of ROB threads clogging up the top 20 threads on the board. You know damn well some topics come up and over time they're repeated, it is what it is.
i see these threads as an invaluable resource to expose new guests/members to some of the ungrateful, scheming thieves they're actually dealing with before paying them anything itc. the more that are aware of the bullshit behind the smile the better. i respect your sc opinions rick, but we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
^Thats true, TFP. There’s a clear difference between Daily_Gripe and SJG. When San_Jose_Guy advertises at tuscl to go peek at his Testosterone Lifeboat forum, you can read about his diary entries about front room make out sessions, physics textbooks, calculators, theories on good childhood development, universal basic income, 1970s music etc Whereas when Daily_Grind, in contrast, advertises at tuscl to go peek at his Reddit forum, you can read his diary entries about how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, how dancers are ROBs, and how dancers are ROBs.
Fair enough, Nicespice. DG is the one keeping this thread on the front page with all the posts. But at least it's still contained in one thread.
Rick's complaining seemed directed at me as the thread creator so I felt the need to respond.
^Haha, now it’s just a competition to see if one of the threads against ROBs can surpass the number of comments as the ….shudder thread about neurodivergent club patrons.
Haha there's no fucking way. SJG has that "most posts" record to protect. I suspect we'll see your neurodivergent thread on the front page for the rest of SJG's life.
and some stretchmarked sagging stalkers use tuscl to advertise man-hating anti-tuscl subs. fuck-off reddit troll.
Holy shit! I just went back and looked at that neurodivergent thread. It takes like a full minute for the shit to even load. I love the comment about having SJG and Icee blocked. I imagine it'd be like, where'd all the comments go?
Well I’m sure eventually, I can go in there and declare “this thread is closed”, and then it will magically be closed.
Just get that other guy to do it, Mark. The Thread Closer.
off-topic trolls bumping rob threads is always appreciated. carry on.
@TFP: This is your second installment in 3 weeks and your third in the last 3 months. It's getting repetitive even by TUSCL standards. And after each one, quite predictably, away we go with the "r/cunts" and "she probably drugged him" and "rip off thief" and "shitty ROB" and blah, blah, blah.
The problem is that too many of the guys around here struggle with the difference between a girl who leads them on, without getting specific, and one who actually robs them. The former is not uncommon, but the latter is much more so IME. Yet a thread like this is an instant pass for a grown ass man to whine like a bitch about the mean ol' 22 year old girl in her underwear. 😉
There are other ways to tackle these topics. Just sayin.
Lol @Rick did you really go through my history to try to find all the threads I started about this? I went back and saw one other besides this from a month ago. Which other one are you talking about? And from 3 months ago, you're grasping to try to make a point there.
Anyhow, if the thread is an instant pass then fucking pass the shit then. Don't stop to whine like a bitch yourself, fucking scroll on by.
regardless of the insults i plan on keeping 1 rob/theft thread bumped as a caveat emptor service to help new sc guests/members save money and frustration. it's up to the reader to whine like a bitch about that, or just hide the discussion.
time to monger. love this thread. lulz.
===> "Anyhow, if the thread is an instant pass then fucking pass the shit then. Don't stop to whine like a bitch yourself, fucking scroll on by."
You don't get to whine like a little sissy about naked young girls in their underwear being mean to you and then accuse others of whining when they point it out, lmao. 😂
Man up dude and stop fixating on the hen clucking.
The % of strippers who are ROBs is up for debate. It could be 5% to 70%. We dont have enough data on it. But we know the cluster B, psychopath sociopathic traits are over represented in some career paths, like sex workers, strippers, escorts. And with these sorts of cluster B traits, most people with these traits dont have morals, or only have quasi morals and follow the law but don’t otherwise have issue stealing or scamming if it’s legal. Its only a very rare cluster B person who has a strong sense of morals for narcissistic reasons.
Selling a lapdance, or being an escort, provides the perfect legal option for scamming. You can essentially tell somebody you’ll suck them off if they buy a lapdance, then do nothing. And they can’t do anything about it. The club, nor the cops won’t do anything. It’s kind of the same with escorts, but I think escorts are more likely to follow through than a stripper. This effectively makes escorts morally superior to strippers, which means they’re overall superior to them as well. There are also civvie girls, and probably guys too, who are leading people on to get money and dates etc from them.
I think these threads are useful, I haven’t had a chance to read through the other two yet.
LMAO @Rick I didn't write the post you dumb fuck. Follow along now. It was a post from a dancer on Reddit that I reposted here. About doing a private room with some guy who misheard the amount he was supposed to pay. So he paid $900 in advance, she took the money and then cut the dance short. Listen real closely: THAT DID NOT HAPPEN TO ME! It apparently happened to some poor dumb fuck in some random city and the dancer bragged about the shit on Reddit.
Thanks to this site and my experience in clubs I don't have to whine about girls in their underwear being mean to me. But that's through experience. This poor guy on the other hand, got ripped the fuck off probably through inexperience. I thought it was interesting and posted the shit here. If you didn't think it was interesting, or if you're tired of hearing ROB stories then once again, SCROLL THE FUCK BY!
bte, here's some quicklinks:
rick has some of the best itc/otc rob info here. hook a brutha up with your 'best ofs' and save me the searches.
(all the thread validity/off-topic/roosters and underwear shit will be edited-out for the pro-guest reddit version anyway.)
@TFP: I know you weren't the "victim" in her story, but you might as well have been. Don't pretend that you were doing anything other than whining about evil girls in their underwear when you kicked it off with "shitty ROB." 😉
Hey look, the world needs weak men too I suppose. Someone has to be on the other end of the line when I call tech support to reset my password. But even still there's weak and then there's "I'm mad at naked girls who don't treat me like the special flower that I am" pathetic.
By all means start threads that caution guys on how to control themselves in clubs. And hey - those reddit threads aren't horrible case studies. But let's not get emotional over young girls in their underwear who, 99 times out of 100, we have significant life and income advantages over. Some of you boys really must have had shitty male role models growing up. Be the rooster.
"Yeah.....hear comes the way he's gonna die."
roosters don't have penises. explains alot of his recent simping/whiteknighting though. lulz.
^ Good point DG. Maybe I'll use a bull/cows analogy next time. "Be the bull" has a nice ring to it. 😉
Most if the whining about so-called robs on here really js just dumbasses bitching about how they're butt hurt a girl didn't fuck them coz they spent a little money on her.
speaking of dumb cows, look at all the free tuscl/rip-off bitch publicity. thanks cunts. bwahaha 😈
It's settled, fire every bitch on The View, put TFP, nicespice and PSD on there.
Front Room Feel Up And Make Out Session, then and only then you invite her to the back room. And pick the one you want to be walking up in the mornings with.
In My Dreams
Ya' know what? I feel terrible about picking on some of our whinier TUSCL brothers. We ride together, we die together. Bros before hos. Am I right or am I right?! So in the spirit of TUSCL solidarity, I'm going to share my own ROB story, fresh from an encounter I had just last night.
To set the table, the club was dead. I mean dead with a capital D. So being the giving sort that I am, I graciously offered one of my favorites an opportunity to earn some much needed cash elsewhere. Realizing that her night was not likely to improve much if she stayed, she agreed and off we went to a local hotel.
Early in our tryst things were going great, but then she suddenly changed the terms on me. What did this evil girl in her underwear want with her bait and switch? She wanted to get hers too! Not only did she expect her full payment, but now she wanted to nut too. The audacity!
Technically she wasn't really an evil girl in her underwear because her panties were on the floor and...well, I'm not going to get graphic. You get the idea. I complied by making sure that she got hers before I got mine, but I felt so used and so dirty. This evil girl really upsold me. I'm still reliving the event, er, I mean stewing over it.
What a fucking ROB. 😉
^Karma's a real bitch ain't she >
^ Sheesh, right 25? She not only wanted to get paid, but she put me to work! 😜
Damn Rick it sucks to be you lol
^ What can I say Jimmy? I'm a giver. It's a tremendous burden to be sure, but a cross I'll dutifully bear with the utmost humility and self-sacrifice if even one of our TUSCL brethren finds any meaning whatsoever in even a single RickDugan post. 🙏✞
Well Rick, although this is not universally accepted here, I'm a big believer that OT is best when you find the right one who enjoys sex and wants to get off. I'm no Mr. GQ so to keep them giving their best I find they've got to cum too.
So I'm a fan lol
bring these selfish bitches to the brink then leave. (the blue-lip rob).
FRMOS and the girl isn't going to rip you off, she'll be wanting to go home with you.
In My Dreams
sounds like something straight out of the Hustler's movie. Didn't they all lose their money and go to prison?
none and done: last night's rob attempt
last week random received her training on how to approach me for dances this time. 15 minute pregame went great. frmos lite actually, slow and seductive in a blacklit dark corner. she escorts me and my railroad spike into a full contact dance booth. but, just before the 1st song starts, says she needs another 10 per song for 'touch' dances (!). there's so many things wrong with this curve ball that i passed on addressing any of them. without missing a beat (and still a heat seeking missile), i told random 'nevermind', walked back out to the main floor, asked the first 8+ i saw (it was bipolar actually. we made up recently) to pinch-hit, and the festivities resumed.
random's rejection was purely on principle as i was planning on tipping at least that much more per song anyway. the take away from this is to channel your inner tuscl, and have a rob/attempted rob back-up scenario already in place to complete the evening's mission undeterred.
TFP, do you stick to escorts only now? Rick thinks its being sensitive but on tje contrary i think its having morals. I dont want to get a dance with or even have sex with someone who wants to rob me any chance they can get or who thinks about robbing me. I’d want someone more trustworthy.
How often are strippers ROBs? A ROB is not someone who refuses to offer sex or high mileage dances. A ROB is specifically a scammer... someone who claims you’ll get xyz in a dance but then doesn’t deliver once the dance starts.
A lot of strippers might score extremely highly on narcissism, psychopathy or sociopathy.
Select the one you want and approach and demonstrate generosity and charm. Get her into a Front Room Make Out Session. Only after that has progressed, you invite her to the back room.
She isn't going to rip you off, she'll be trying to go home with your.
In My Dreams
classic tuscl: screwing with a rob
the flapperjack-titties-stage-tip rob
this one i can't elaborate on cuz i'm not sure how popular it is and don't want it catching on. but if i notice another stripbot try it i'll report back. so let's move on to
none and done: deja vu
same shit, different club. 15-20 minutes of front room foreplay, then the bitch tries to start counting mid-song in the lda. she refused to wait for the next song. so again, i left, and again the $200 went to another 'come see me zaddy' dancer at another nearby club. these attempted last minute robs are getting me alot of free floor mileage, but losing the dumb bots alot of money.
classic tuscl: u vs rob. who has the edge?
DG/PT: You really need something else in your life besides these sites. Seriously dude.
@dickless rooster: back at you bro. but i'll still split the gas if u ever want a wingman on your cross-country sc exploits.
i'm chomping at the bit to latch onto bte's current rob thread. but i'll wait til the next off-topic troll here. lulz.
@DG/PT: You hate women too much to be a good wingman for me. Another dude is usually a drag on my game under the best of circumstances, but you'd be downright toxic.
dr/rd: hate women? where'd u get that? lol. i've adored beautiful seductive paid-to-obey sl/sw women since i was old enough to sneak underage into clubs. but nobody likes them all, and i have no use for mouthy/thieving/trolling cunts. i'm actually their best friends itc. the psycho_trick persona is hidden right below the surface. i woulda made a great stripper. plus, i'd know enough not to make myself, the club where i worked, and the industry look bad by being an ungrateful, disrespectful skank online.
anyway, the group can thank the rooster for the new psycho presence at bte's thread. anymore troll posts and i might keep both rob threads bumped. otherwise this will be my last post on this thread.
attempting to finish on-topic, no rob attempts to report itc tonight dammit. and i was just starting to get used to the free floor mileage, too.
@DG/PT: Your bitterness and resentment are evident in every angry comment you make, including the one directed at "mouthy/trolling cunts." You're fixating on the very rare and worst of them and even expanding the categories as you go all so that you have a fig leaf excuse to vent your frustrations. Sure we all dislike true thieves and others who play games, but your issues clearly run much deeper.
I just reread this thread after reading Ricks last comment. I don't think I've ever felt sick anger as many of you guys do toward women. And I've been fucked over by dancers many times (all my fault for not spotting it and growing pains in the hobby). But I don't get the hatred and def feels like some strip club money needs to be spend on a therapist
more stripper rip-off hustles and warnings for stripclub guests at
[off-topic trolling/thread bumps always appreciated]
Never gotten a girl into a preliminary makeout session and not had her crazy for my cock. ROB's do not exist in such situations.