avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
It won't be the price gouging or zoning laws. Vegas clubs are like drug dens now.

I'm seeing a combination of a lot less money and a lot more drugs.

Coke is worth more than cash with girls. Staff snd dancers are so broke they sell each other half bumps from what they buy.

Meth is now the drug of choice and is seen as a Coke alternative. A cheap one.

Blues are showing up in clubs. You see the foil in the parking lot and the way a lot of girls look. They're the choice of drug for a lot of hookers.

The boyfriend pimp is becoming the norm coz the girls would rather do drugs and just want someone to be accountable for them. Most aren't though.

It used to be young girls would hoe coz they wanted bags cars nice apartments. Now I'm seeing girls with no car living in weeklies hoeing just to afford their drug habits. Once jn a while you see a girl who is practically homeless with a Louie bag.

This is becoming the norm. There used to be a semblance of stripper allure but all that js gone. It's all survivor mode now.

You're getting strung out old strippers or young junkies. And most girls have pimps nowadays.

Yeah you get exceptions but some just hide it well for a while.


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avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
Have you gotten any strippers addicted to the onion rings you make at your real job at Burger King?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
iceydougee! waaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzup homie?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
iceydougee! waaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzup homie?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
iceydougee! waaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzup homie?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
iceydougee! waaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzup homie?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Say homie, you sound like you be mad cause you aint the one sellin them drugs in the clubs!
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Sumone got better qualiy?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Sumone undercuttin you on price?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
It's called capitalism, get with the program homie!
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Ur socialist BS aint guna work in vegas!
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Time to wake up and smell the coffee homie!
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
avatar for Estafador
2 years ago
and here I thought cali would replace vegas as city of sin. Vegas is FIGHTING HARD to keep that crown. Sounds wild AF.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
It's wild but not in a good way. It's dangerous. You see lots of setups now. Because a lot of the girls are so strung out they need more protection so there's more violence.

Goals have changed. Tricks will buy these girls designer shit. While they live in motels with their trigger happy boyfriend pimps. Most money goes towards drugs. They'll actually get evicted for not paying their weekly rent.

This kind of lifestyle is getting more and more common.

You get girls smoking blues. And thinking it's cute to call meth pokie and funny talking about everything they smoked it out of. Or thinking they're upscale for being coke fiends. Girls thinking they're trapping when they're just selling pussy.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 years ago
Shailynn lol
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
I thought that Vegas was recovering. This is a shame to hear.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
If Icee says its Tuesday ..... it's a lie.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Vegas is recovering in that tourist numbers are back up. But rents are unsustainable at this point. Rents have pretty much doubled while wages haven't.

Clubs are more expensive but the quality of the experience is down. It's rare to see a hit stripper I think.

But the drugs have never been this bad. In some dives people just come in to buy drugs and leave. And dancers slumped out on fentanyl is one of the most unattractive sights.

There were always drugs but nothing like this.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Among strippers having an apartment is a huge status symbol now. Times have changed
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
And these dumb hoes don't want to hustle finesse and elevate themselves. They just sell pussy so they can get high. That's not winning team material
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
iceydougee! waaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzup homie?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee why is an apartment a statis symbol I don’t understand. Isnt an apartment something everyone has, even fast food and minimum wage workers?

Icee hustling and finessing is dishonesty and scamming. Those so called “hoes who sell pussy” you speak so poorly of, are actually morally superior to the hustlers and finessers. An honest whore is superior to a thief or scammer anyday...

Icee that stuff you mention about girls being homeless with loui viotton bag is interesting. Do you think something similar is going on with the dancers with luxury european cars? Are the cars used or financed? Why are dancers so into this designer stuff to the point they’ll be homeless with a designer luxury bag?
How are some dancers affording fancy apartments with 2-3k rent, and also affording babysitters?

I have seen some dancers act odd, but thought it was just alcohol. How do you know if they’re doing something beyond alcohol or weed?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
You need lay stubs credit etc to get a place. Or enough money in your account. Most dancers can't do that now. So it's roommates a cosigner or motels and weeklies

Nothing admirable about a girl resorting to selling pussy for her next fix. That's completel desperation

Leasing a car isn't that expensive. But at least in Vegas the days of strippers living it up seem to be 3nding.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
2 to 3k isn't luxury anymore. I've seen 2 bedrooms around 3 to 5 k in Vegas. Its insane.

I have a 1 bedroom place there. It's nice but it's $1800 a month. 2 years ago 2 bedrooms there went for $900...
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Icee, that is a pretty bleak picture you are painting. But I believe you.

The law prohibits these drugs, but if violation is so widespread the law becomes impractical to enforce.

Usually substance abuse has been associated with street hookers. But I watch the videos from Figueroa Street, maybe those girls are cleaner than the Vegas Strippers.

Looks that way in Tijuana, SG cleaner than BG.

But I don't think Mexico even has much of the kinds of drugs you are talking about.

It seems like our whole society is getting saturated with drugs, and that is has been like this for a long time.

When you have people in that environment, and where what they are expected to do is not really impeded by drugs, I guess that is what happens. And then the girl's BFs aren't really expected to do much either.

Seems like it will be like that in LA, and probably everywhere.

All I can say is that in the Organization I am building, it will not be that way. There will not be tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, drugs, or psych meds. Really should not be caffeine either.

And we don't even talk with people who believe in Recovery, Struggling, Psychotherapy, Mental Health, or Born Again Christianity and Salvation.

No matter what people have for a history, we deal with them when they can convince us that they are completely done with all those things, and that they understand what we are about, and they want to live like we do. That is the point that formal instruction and preparation for initiation and the benefits of membership begins.

This is not a claim of moral superiority, or that this should ever be the rule for the whole society. It is just that we want to live like this and we believe that this is better for the group.

No one ever gets onto our premises until we have on computer file facsimile of government issued id showing that they are of legal age. This is not a moral issue either, it is a legal protection issue, and protection against being set up.

As for the moral and intellectual standards, for the women and the men this is handled a little bit differently. The men are held to very high moral and intellectual standards. They don't get anywhere near our women or our events until they can convince us that they live up to this.

With the women there is a little bit of leniency when they are still at the visitor level. Visitors still have to be invited and approved per visit. But if she is there and wants to do what the others are doing, okay. She won't be refused. They will likely need to see and experience all of this and see how our women live before they can really select that for themselves.

A commitment to life long learning and willingness to live in ways that are responsible and conducive to the harmonious functioning of the entire organization.

Those who thrive in the organization will enjoy a level of economic and social security which few people in the world can ever obtain.

No one becomes a member until approved by a committee of the senior men and a committee of the senior women.

At this juncture women will be prepared for their multi level initiations. And once a man is selected, the women will be tag teaming him until he is persuaded.


In My Dreams
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
There's no organization and it has nothing to do with meth and fentanyl affecting clubs this bad
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
The Organization is still in its infancy, just a handful of local people, no legal incorporation.

But necessary work is underway to make it much more.

And as far as drugs, it is an anti-drug, anti-psychotherapy, anti-mental health, anti-Born Again Christianity culture.


In My Dreams
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^ especially anti- mental health
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Organization, Easter Bunny, Santa, unicorns ..
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Counter cultural projects take work, but so many have been real.



In My Dreams
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
You want a sex cult. And have been talking about it for like 10 years. Always claiming it's coming along.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
It is. I have only talked about one facet of it. Other parts are more economic and they take time and hard work and there have to be results before people will get onboard, and before we can make commitments to real estate costs.


In My Dreams
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
It doesn't take over 10 years to start an org
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
It can easily take more than a lifetime.


In My Dreams
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
SJG organization:

Founded: 1998

Mascot: goat

Current members: 2

How many people got free sex within the organization: 0, because having sex with the mascot doesn’t count.

avatar for VanessaM
2 years ago
Having to get high to sell you pussy. It figures 🥴
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Bharlem it's a negative cycle. They sell pussy to get high. But have to get high to sell pussy.

And the drugs are worse. Meth and fentanyl are taking over.

That's a huge difference from some weed or a bump of coke
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Las Vegas is now a blue city so of course it's a violent shithole.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Vegas has an independent mayor who is very right wing. The city was at its worse crime wise jn the 1990s when nevada was a red state.

The current fentanyl epidemic is the strongest in Arizona a red state. And js spilling over state borders.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee how many apartments or places do you have? You said you have an $1800 a month place there, implying you have more places or houses?

What do you do for work?
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
iceydougee is a fentanyl dealer but we're still homiez Lulz
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
I have 3 places. LA Vegas and Albuquerque. I guess I do good deeds for a living. Help people. Lulz
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Icey it has always been like this with people needing mood alterants. It used to be mostly tobacco and alcohol.

But now marijuana has become tobacco 2.0. And then there is all this other stuff and there are also those drugs obtained from a guy in white coat telling you that they are good for you. And then Gavin Newsom is trying to pass a law to make these involuntary.

It will destroy strip clubs, but it is also destroying our entire society.

But Prohibition did not work, and a prohibition like approach has not ever worked very well.

I helped put a Pentecostal Daughter Molester into San Quentin. And I call him that because his entire church was standing with him and saying it was the daughters who were wrong. His heavy emotional investment in scapegoating his eldest daughter is what got me involved in the case.

I have no doubt that Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg had his entire religious community standing with him when he fed his 13yo daughter into the mental health system.

My Pentecostal Molester had started off in life on alcohol and street drugs. But he listed to bad people, campus evangelicals and guys in white coats. So his addictions advanced from mere Street Drugs and Alcohol, to Born Again Christianity and Psychiatric Medication.

It seems to be the product of advanced industrial and information technology. We have at least a 50% labor surplus. And so long as people refuse to understand this, we will still have the family making scapegoats, and that usually ends up as Drugs, Alcohol, Born Again Christianity, and Psychiatric Medication.

Radical Social Democracy will change this. But so far, most people cannot hear this.

My Organization will fix this for our self select people, because these chemical mood alterants and ideologies like Born Again Christianity, Original Sin, The Work Ethic, and Mental Health will not exist.

And Icey, of these three places you have, LA, Vegas, Albuquerque, how many of them are paid for by girls seeing their sugar daddies?


In My Dreams
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
' I guess I do good deeds for a living. Help people. '

Translation: fentanyl dealer
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Sjg it's about real people snd their lives and the impact it's having on communities. Its not an abstract history lesson.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Yes, and we have been fighting drugs for a long long time. Yet it isn't working.

For my people, The Organization will provide the solution.

But that would never work for the entire society, or for anything like a nation state.

Most of the time the thinking which drives one to Drugs and Alcohol, is the same as the thinking which drives one to Born Again Christianity and to Psychiatric Medications.

It all comes down to fatalism. I was having a conversation with some police officers about this recently pertaining to a violent assault perpetrated by a girl with a history of such. Her life has always revolved around people on Drugs, Alcohol, Born Again Christianity, and Psychiatric Medications.

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
This too shall pass. Drug fads come and go. About 5 years ago H and O were the drugs of choice in J'ville clubs and it was horrible. We girls nodding off while sitting at the bar and more than a few ODs in the clubs. But eventually it washed itself through as these girls crashed and burned, never to be heard from again. Now the drug of choice is coke, which is much better from a functioning perspective. Next year it may be something else.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
I don't know what fentanyl, but the what it does to people sounds horrible:


Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine. Pharmaceutical fentanyl was developed for pain management treatment of cancer patients, applied in a patch on the skin. Because of its powerful opioid properties, Fentanyl is also diverted for abuse. Fentanyl is added to heroin to increase its potency, or be disguised as highly potent heroin. Many users believe that they are purchasing heroin and actually don’t know that they are purchasing fentanyl – which often results in overdose deaths. Clandestinely-produced fentanyl is primarily manufactured in Mexico.


In My Dreams

avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
^ Your asshole closure surgery was a complete success. Now all you can do is regurgitate shit.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Rick. Cocaine used to be the main club drug out here but priced itself out. Meth was presented as a cheaper alternative. And now fentanyl is taking over. You see dancers slumped in clubs. Foil all over parking lots. You see the blued up zombies all over now. Heroin never took off in clubs coz they tend to be strict about track marks. But it's popular with the girls working casinos.

You're right about drug trends coming and going. I've just never seen as quick and as negative impact on everything as fentanyl. It has to be what the crack epidemic was like in the 1980s.

Sjg. You claim to be in touch with what's happening with stripper hoes and American culture. But don't even know about fentNyl? The bay area has a huge problem.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Melendez (R- Lake Elsinor) Fentanyl Emergency Room Testing Bill Passes



Free - All Right Now
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Nevada is pretty backward though. Vegas has a harm reduction center though.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Harm reduction means that you are declining to enforce some laws some times, because there is a greater good.

Anyway, more emergency room to detect fentanyl.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Harm reduction means testing their drugs. Offering a safe place to use. Clean supplies. While offering the opportunity to get help if they choose to
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Well a plan like that for CA just got dropped. You mean safe injection clinics, and also the same drug supply chain. Not much of this in North America, except for Gabor Mate's clinic in Vancouver.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
There are plans like that in Cali cities already. But Cali isn't as bad as nevada yet. The real problem in Cali is meth and crack replacing coke as a patty drug coz of price. Meth is everywhere.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Well, safe injection clinics, and a safe drug supply chain are ideas that have been around. I would like to read more as I have mixed feelings about this.

Of course My Organization will never deal with anyone using such clinics, or who is struggling or who believes in Recovery either.




School of Rock
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Harm reduction is the most realistic approach.

Fentanyl pills are going for as little as 50 cents. The goal is tobget as many people addicted as possible. It's worse than the 80s crack epidemic.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Harm Reduction? Usually that means not enforcing the drug laws in some situations.

But if you take it far enough, it just means overt decriminalization. Do you think fentanyl should be decriminalized?




School of Rock
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