
Idealize devalue discard

Thursday, August 18, 2022 4:12 PM
This behavior is criticized in media, online and by psychologists yet it’s basically common sense behavior. Is this modern day manipulation and attempts to dumb people down or turn people into slaves? Idealize means you like someone treat them well. Devalue is you don’t like their behavior or appearance or whatever else so you start treating them badly. Discard is something a bit similar but its like you exit the relationship or friendship entirely because you have no use for it or dont want to make it work, dont want to put more effort in etc. Its all common sense logical behavior, that many people probably naturally engage in. In past times there were probably much more people doing this. In modern times they seem to want to suppress this behavior by applying labels to it. For a strip club example, you meet a stripper, yoi like her, yoi treat her well, buy dances or otc. If she doesnt act how you want or prefer then or you get bored then you can treat her badly (verbally not physically) or exit the connection/relationship entirely. There isn’t really anything wrong with doing something like this but for some reason some people will claim this is evil, narcissistic, problematic etc. I’m sure many people engage in this sort of behavior naturally, instinctively without giving a second thought. If you don’t engage in this, id imagine you’d need to be some sort of mindless drone or slave. I mean if you dont follow this logic, you would basically keep doing the same thing, keep treating someone well even if they aren’t giving you what you want in a relationship or connection. For instance, there was a post on stripperweb, actually numerous posts on stripperweb and the stripper subreddit complaining about how customers “got butthurt and stopped coming because I didn’t give them extras/sex”. That should’nt be something worth complaining over. It’s literally the proper behavior. I mean what are the other options in that case? They want a customer who forces them to have sex instead of not seeing them? That’s doubtful. They want a customer who’s a mindless slave just continuously paying them for dances no matter how poor quality the dance is, no matter the lack of extras etc? Exactly. People who don’t engage in this idealize devalue discard stuff are essentially mindless drones. I think that’s why this concept is being attacked so strongly nowadays, and labelled all sorts of things like psychopathic or narcissistic. By labeling it as “evil” or “mentally improper” or “antisocial”’ they want to discourage people from doing something that was probably a vital part of humanity’s existence. People are supposed to be free to leave relationships, friendships, connections etc all the time if they aren’t getting what they want out of it.


  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    Public Service Announcement (PSA) BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads. But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself. If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it. Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions. ~ [view link].Ishmael ~ April 29, 2022 “In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers." ~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    "If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it." Are you having fun? His post isn't nearly as inane as your comment. And yes, we understand that you actually read "Moby Dick", congratulations. Why not try another book, I suggest "War and Peace".
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    It would be amazing to banish BigThirdEye and beat100 off to the TestosteroneLifeboat forum where they can have their deep intellectual discussions away from us tusclers who are not as enlightened
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Nicespice why is that? Who is beat100?
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    I believe (and I'm right) that we are the product of evolution. I also believe our genes play a huge role in our behavior. Men rape because in our distant past men who raped passed their genes on to future generations, we are all descended from rapists. We avoid sex with our parents and siblings because the product of such activities are not viable offspring that pass their genes on. When we have a friend or aquaintance that doesn't benefit us our correct response is to discard them. Correct behavior is to do what benefits us, our children and our grandchildren. I've discarded my siblings because they do me no good and in fact they degrade my quality of life. Sometimes we have to "work it out", for example if you have a neighbor you don't like, it's still better to get along than fight. Reputations are important. If I'm in a strip club where I've never been before, and a dancer screws me out of $5, I let it slide, because she'll talk about me and I don't want to be known as a cheapskate. Once I'm known I won't put up with being cheated, because I don't want to be known as a chump. It's basic game theory. Expanding that, I do believe in the law of karma. What goes around comes around. It just seems to happen. If I'm traveling and I have a meal while I'm on the road I don't need to leave a tip, but I do anyway. I don't think god is watching, and I don't know how it benefits me, but my life is great so I'll keep doing it.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I think strippers have something of a legit beef, that TUSCL (the discussions at least) make it sound like typically strip clubs are or should be brothels on the down low. When anyone on here says that's not their experience, they're more or less called a cuck. The butthurt aspect is going to a place that offers legal adult entertainment, and getting grumpy when you don't get illegal entertainment. So, instead of getting partially satisfied, you go home totally frustrated. You become an incel, and run people over with a van. Not saying there's anything wrong with extras when it's a win-win, it's the feeling entitled to get them.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Being butthurt coz she won't fuck you for money js your problem not hers
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Ilba with regards to butthurt aspect I mean how some of these people are defining instances of butthurtness. Its fine to look for illegal entertainment anywhere. You can even get grumpy over it if you want. These dancers on reddit and stripperweb were getting butthurt themselves that a customer stopped seeing them. That is also entitlement. It’s true that paying for a lapdance doesn’t entitle you to more than a lapdance. Its also true that a customer seeing you once, twice, 4 times etc doesn’t entitle you to more. The customers who walk away or stop seeing a dancer are doing the correct thing in that case. If they want more, and one dancer doesn’t want to offer more, then they have the right to look elsewhere. They even have the right to talk trash or be grumpy or butthurt. Dancers and customers aren’t obligated to each other. Defining this as narcissistic, problematic or antisocial behavior is problematic and brainwashing. If you get bored of something, want more, no longer want it at all etc, you can leave. It applies to relationships, restaurants, friendships, jobs, and strippers and clients. If someone is fine with the exact same lapdance over and over again, they’re free to continue and it’s a win win. But who would keep going for a lapdance even if they’re not satisfied with it or want more or think its not a good value? It would be a psycho of some sort, or a mindless brainless drone slave. The latter person is unfortunately what most businesses and probably dancers want. Imagine a restaurant serving poor quality food but expecting people to mindlessly come in and continue buying the food at the same frequency, same spending amount etc. then saying its a narcissist engaging in idealize devalue discard anytime someone eats a few times then stops coming.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee the same applies to dancers being butthurt when people don’t spend money or continue seeing them. That stuff goes both ways. But this isn’t really about that topic. This is about how people are labeling logical normal behavior as antisocial or narcissistic or improper. Customers dont have to keep seeing dancers. Dancers dont have to offer extras. Neither are wrong. If you eat at a restaurant a few times then start spending less or stop going entirely because you got bored of the food, or their quality decreased, or they didnt give you discounts for being a regular, etc, those are all valid reasons and you have the right to eat there less or stop eating there entirely. Its not “narcissistic” its normal
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Lets say a customer is butthurt about a dancer not offering extras. The logical conclusion is stop seeing the dancer or stop spending as much money. So why would other people get butthurt? They’re butthurt over someone else being butthurt? It can even be a trio, the customer is butthurt, then the dancer gets butthurt at losing money, then random internet people get butthurt about it.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    BTE, as I am sure you have already noticed, the guys on this forum worship at the feet of women, and they throw money at them. But there is still a lot of misogyny and guys still resent them and are jealous of how they are able to rake in money just because they are female. So your OP is very insightful. SJG
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    SJG what if you stop seeing a dancer because she didn’t answer your text? Or because she didnt show enough gratitude and appreciation for you telling her you’ll come see her on the weekend?
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Pussylicker im not sure about all of that. A 10% tip is fine but in many cases 20% is excessive for the amount of work done. If you have a $100 order and the server spent 5 minutes total time with you, that isn’t really worth $20. It’s worth $5 at most.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    BTE, if she doesn't seem to want to communicate with you, then you have no choice but to move on. SJG "Jane" by Jefferson Starship METAL COVER Feat. Type O Negative + Lucifer + The Hellacopters and More [view link]
  • Jimmybigtits
    2 years ago
    Isn't this just much simpler for Christmas sake? I want something and she wants something. If those wants don't align then we are both moving on to some other part of the marketplace. Take emotions out of it. It's a transaction, a business
  • Jimmybigtits
    2 years ago
    And if dancers get upset with that approach remind them that you learned it from them in their own place of employment. No hard feeling. I will buy the blue Audi instead. And so will she
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    :) :) :) SJG
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @Jimmy good advice for the PL who got butthurt.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    A chick I see OTC tells me about another PL she also sees OTC. She says he gives her a lot more money each time he sees her. She admits he's very sporadic, whereas I generally want to see her every week. But still, she has feelings of being cheated, because she can't get both his amount and my consistency in a single PL. Causing her to often be catty or worse with me. Which then leads to me breaking it off, but giving it another try when she seems perhaps ready to keep it fun for me. I don't get into resenting the other PL, but I do feel like she's probably shooting herself in the foot by not valuing me more as a $ source. I think it's somewhat the flip side for non-extras strippers. There are extras strippers in their club, perhaps drunks, perhaps less healthy. So then PLs feel cheated if the strippers in club they are most attracted to won't do extras. Maybe the non-extras dancers will resent the extras dancers, or maybe they'll just feel the PLs are shooting themselves in the foot.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Ilba its not about being cheated. Customers shouldn’t feel cheated or scammed just because a dancer doesn’t offer OTC, even jf they bought her dances. Just like buying a girl a gift or taking her on a fancy dinner doesn’t guarantee anything besides her companionship. It’s up to the dancer or woman and man to discuss the transaction and rules beforehand. Af the same time dancers shouldn’t feel butthurt if someone doesnt want to pay them because they don’t offer enough or because customes get bored and stop seeinf them. Customers aren’t entitled to sex, dancers aren’t entitled to money. Ilba is this an actual OTC girl? Youve mentioned doing OTC but just lapdances. Why do you want to stick to only lapdances for OTC?
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