Dancer complaining about hyper-sensitive men

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer

I met a girl the other night in one of the local clubs who is just passing through. I enjoyed speaking with her as we seemed to sync up a lot philosophically. Tbh I don't remember a lot of what we discussed, but I can't forget her views on the state of affairs when it comes to men and masculinity.

To set the backdrop, she has danced for many years in a number of cities. She claims to be in her late 20s, but I'm guessing that she crossed the 30 line a couple of years back. She still looks great though in a MILFY hot way that I like a lot.

Anyway, her biggest complaint about younger club customers was how sensitive they are. Specifically, she said that they're too emotional. She also added that this problem has bled into her civilian dating life as well and that last thing she wants to deal with is another version of her.

Was she just savvy and saying things that she thought I'd like to hear? Possibly, but she seemed sincere and she wasn't wrong.


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avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

rick my brother, the big issue is that we ricks are just maxed out on our masculinity. Hell, my masculinity has its own gravitational field. Pulls the women in. I know you have the same issue my brother.

Only problem is that I’m so masculine is that my masculine side is in constant danger of collapsing into a frickin’ black hole of masculinity. An event horizon that does not allow any feminine tendencies to escape. Such is the burden of being rick! ROAR!!!

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Over the past forty years I have done about 3,000 - 4,000 divorces and seen another 20 - 30,000 in Court. There is one type of couple I have yet to see splitting up: The couple who are good friends as well as lovers.

It's almost like gender roles are being reversed. But young girls like that. They like the drama and power.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Rick this is a great thread. Typically the women I talk to are late 20s to 40. Most of the ones I talk to for any length of time or get to know outside the club like the idea of a strong man in a more traditional sense. A million reasons for this I could expound on from my experience. Weak or sensitive men they don't like as much. But once in a relationship they like a man who can be both strong and sensitive. For those of us who date civvies you know this is a fine line to walk.

Skibum says it best. The best relationships I've ever been in started out as friends and we became lovers. I could not agree more.

Obviously it could be SS. Or she

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

...or she senses you aren't weak and it's the way to play you. But I find a lot of these women want a strong traditional man BUT SETTLE for the guy who accepts their life and lifestyle and they are weak as hell

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Media has beat down masculinity and encouraged feminism/female empowerment. Much of female empowerment is good. Women don’t deserved to be harassed, they should have equal opportunity in the workforce. BUT… one side effect of all of this, sensitive weak men. Just look at Icee as an example.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

How do you define weak or sensitive men? I have seen people in modern times on forums etc, say you should tolerate all kinds of mistreatment from women or even other people, and that if you can’t tolerate it you’re “weak”. But the definition of weak literally is tolerating mistreatment and doing nothing about it. You can tolerate mistreatment on the football field. With interpersonal relationships I’m not so sure.

What was the traditional strong man like?

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

My grandfather who parachuted into Normandy and worked his ass off during the latter half of the depression as a teenager to feed the family when his father got sick, protected his family from all manner of threats, and refused to let my parents deliver the message that growing up poor as dirt was crushing us.

That's a strong man.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

And he didn't parachute into Normandy in a fucking video game

Dancers tell men what they want to hear. If you come off as being a square or in traditional roles in your civvie life that's what they'll say they like. If you're artsy they'll like that. Basically whatever you pretend to be they'll like.

If you want to know what a woman really likes in men just look at her relationships

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Damn Icee I guess I really should have become a drug dealer and a bad guitar player lol

avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

Wait…wait…did I read Jimmy Bigtits ape correctly? Did he say that he and Skifredo are friends and lovers?

Kind of weird given that Skifredo is a crab pretending to be a fourth-rate divorce attorney. But hey, if homo-crab-ape liaisons turn you on what can I say? Just keep that snit behind closed doors.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago


avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Mr. Lion, I have to agree with Jimmy. Your first post in this thread was pure gold - right on point and perfectly timed. But your second post was very forced and clunky. Sometimes you just have to know when to drop the mic and walk out on a high note. 😉

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

I guess for me it depends on what she meant by "too emotional". Simply being emotional is not, IMO, particularly bad. How one expresses emotion, and over what one becomes emotional, can be really bad.

avatar for MackTruck
2 yrs ago

Da hypersensitive man is complaining about da hypersensitive man in dis tred too

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

Sad to hear even guys who go to strip clubs have gotten soft and over sensitive. It could be SS - but I’m sure there’s truth in it.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Icee the expert lol. Fucking twat is the last person on earth to ever take advice from.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

FFS the best advice is ‘you do you.’ Be real or be fake. Do whatever works. If it’s not working change it up. One dancer talking to one customer in a place where people are expected to spew bullshit is not a reason to change your life. If strippers or anyone really, aren’t responding to you and you smell good, well you may want to change it up. Otherwise, do you if it works.

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