
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 81)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    White Lives Matter / Kanye West
    Icee youve gone on record and said a black murderer isn’t as bad as a white murderer and that line of logic is essentially what blm also states. Also being racist by merely speaking X lives matter is one thing, that is still legal and something people have the right to say and believe. BLM in only 7 years killed more people, stole more property and damaged more property than the KKK has in the last 100 years. But people like you will refuse to even condemn it or even admit that things like murder, theft, terrorism, are equally wrong no matter the race of the person doing it. Youve gone on record and said you would only donate to a homeless person if they were black, if they were white you wouldn’t. Both people are homeless but you believe one is more deserving of help because of their race, that is what racism means
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    White Lives Matter / Kanye West
    Icee I already said white lives matter is as racist as black lives matter its you who refuses to admit that all crimes and racism are equal
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    Icee you would literally rob someone for speeding or running a red light youre in no position to call anyone a “bitch nigga” and no, anybody doing any kind of “finessing” belongs in jail. And the best way to be seen as less of a man is to be so desperate and in love that you pay thousands to a girl for free, pay for her college and pay for her parents living expenses.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When you see them slowly go off the rails
    Goldmonger couldn’t they just return the dress to where they bought it from
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When you see them slowly go off the rails
    What is nigga ritch? “. Don't get me wrong, she's sexy as hell and I'd gladly give her an avenue to earn if that option opened up, but I already know that it won't. I already know from a couple of historical drunken deep dives with her that she's got heavy-weight personal baggage that makes it a hard non-starter for her. Indeed if she could get herself to do that she probably wouldn't be in this position in the first place as she wouldn't lack for potential partners.” What kind of baggage would make someone unable to do OTC? I thought it was the opposite, that girls with more baggage are doing the OTC and escorting?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    White Lives Matter / Kanye West
    Ilba, if you only protest for, donate to and petition for one racial group affected by cancer, death, police violence, disease, homelessness etc that is racism. All lives matter is a proper response, it’s basically telling the racist why are you being racist and only donating to homeless people of one specific race. All lives matter is the proper response to someone who claims one race matters more than other races which is racism
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Tipping after lapdances
    With a server, they get paid a small hourly fee, sometimes as low as $2 an hour. You pay for the food upfront, then tip the server depending on level of service. With a lapdance you’re directly paying for the service upfront. Same with a massage or haircut. I dont know if barbers are paid small wages and reliant on tips like servers are. Of course paying extra for extra services is a different scenario. I was actually able to get management to refund me with that first scenario. Dancer straight up spent 7 minutes arguing over why I don’t want to pay extra money, for a dance I already paid for. M Tipping is said to be optional even when dining out but IMO tipping for a dance is more optional than tipping a server. If you had to pay a server $1 or $2 per minute of time spent with you, you wouldn’t really need to tip. It would be more like a bonus than a tip.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    You can ask someone for sex acts anytime anywhere. Waiters, bottle girls, massage girls probably get asked often. Asking someone for drugs, paid sex, or anything else illegal doesn’t give them the right to rob you. This is the line of logic i have seen Icee and some ROBs use to justify scamming “he asked me to do something illegal so I can do something illegal and rob him”. The irony is a lot of these ROBs are themselves engaging in illegal activity whether stealing, drug usage, etc. imagine robbing anyone who comes up to you asking for drugs it’s a laughable way to think and behave. Some guy asks you for weed or an underage kid asks you to buy him alcohol and you’re like no but I’m gonna rob you now for asking for something illegal. Can you rob someones car too if you catch them illegally speeding?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    The 1-2k otc rates for otc mentioned earlier are ridiculous unless the stripper has hundreds of thousands of online fans and followers. The women who have millions of fans are successfully charging those rates. It would be uncommon for a regular girl or stripper to charge that unless she is extraordinarily special. If someone is quoting those numbers they may just be testing the waters. Or they really don’t want to do it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Because the best way to prove there's "no conspiracy" is to conspire
    Icee that logic is horrendous. You and maybe Kanye are trying to equate Hitler murdering 6 million Jews, and including things like abortion deaths and disease deaths for black people to claim more blacks died. Obviously with black people having a massively larger population size, there may be millions who have died from disease or abortion. Its not the same as being affected by a holocaust. And if you combine all the death statistics from human history, theres many races who have been enslaved and died from many different things. The US focuses more on black slavery because its part of American history. Some people like you twist things and then start saying no race was enslaved in human history besides one race. Also white lives matter can only be as racist and bad as black lives matter. Just like you can complain about a black person being killed by a cop or non black person, others can complain about a white person being killed by a cop or non white person
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OK I may become an SA convert
    What is STG? Also what rates were you paying this girl per night or per hour
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    White Lives Matter / Kanye West
    Icee BLM has nothing to do with disproportionality, if it was about disproportionality they would be protesting for both white and black victims of police violence. They only protest for one race and do the equivalent of only donating to one race of homeless people, cancer patients, etc. that is racist. Also people are incapable of understanding that just because you have a million black, white and asian people it doesnt mean each race will have the exact same numbers of murderers, thieves, basketball players, teachers, etc. you forget the fact that people can make choices. The police arent racist even if they’re patrolling poorer areas or ghetto areas more. Do you seriously think the police need to make up fake charges for things like theft, drug dealing, etc which millions of people engage in? Theres more crime in poorer areas than richer areas. There’s probably disproportionately more black people in poorer areas than white people. That doesn’t mean the police are treating people unfairly. You really think the police is supposed to spend 10 hours patrolling the ghetto then 10 hours sitting around in a millionaire neighborhood because of some odd idea of fairness and equality? I wonder if there’s lazy cops who don’t want to do their jobs who promote ideas like this. Patrolling a rich neighborhood all day would be one of the easiest jobs ever.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racist? Bull shit? Scary?
    Icee not everything a stripper says is a manipulative lie meant to get people to buy dances. It’s laughable to claim strippers are morally good then also say they should rob tricks and that every word that comes out of their mouth is meant to play tricks. Why would escort ads state no AA , sometimes no one under 40 or 30. You think they put that in the listing because it’ll help attract racist customers? Laughable.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Kanye really loves Kim
    If you’re paying the bills its an indirect form of p4p
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Kanye really loves Kim
    Giving gifts doesnt equate to selfless or loving. He probably thought giving her money would encourage loyalty but it didnt. You cant build an honest relationship on money. He was basically just a high class escort in his mind
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Icee theres numerous posts on stripperweb and r/stripper about this, old white men are seen as having wealth and as being less likely to haggle on prices itc or otc. Asians are seen as being more stingy. Other minorities are seen as being poor. Its all stereotypes but you doing the reverse stereotype is just as much a stereotype in itself. The stereotype can be untrue, may only be true in 50% of cases, it doesnt mean old white men are the least desirable demographic like you claim. You just have a personal problem with them which is based on stuff you read off BLMs website, they’re one of the biggest groups complaining about old white men. Some strippers say they dont even approach young guys or attractive guys. Some escort listings say they dont see guys under 30
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Icee youve been doing this for many years apparently. Going out of your way to viciously insult, attack or make fun of anyone who pays for sex. But it’s because you were one of the biggest tricks ever. The guys who do what you do, fall in love with a stripper and support her education and parents living, those are the guys who get made fun of by both clients and strippers themselves.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Icee only a very evil person with a low class upbringing would believe picking pockets is superior to geriatric dick. One is theft the other is an honest living. And the ones who are smarter, want more money and are more business minded are the ones who do the p4p. The ones struggling to make money are the ones who only do dances. Its much harder to make money off only dances
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rachel Dolezal Has An OnlyFans!!!!?????!!!!
    Shes not attractive Icee. And you paid thousands for someone who was banging clients for hundreds
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    LDKing: Tell her or Don’t say shit?
    How is that Icee? If she touches the liquid maybe youd have an argument... do you think its also sexual assault if someone cums their pants during a dentist appointment with a hot dentist? Or from looking at some chick on the street?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Somebody start a twitter boycott
    Extras clubs do not ruin things, this is a natural part of a free market society. Escorts, whores, strippers, massage therapists are all providing different services. Any girl anywhere in the world can offer sexual favors or other favors for money, it doesn’t mean it “ruins it for dancers” it just means the dancer wasnt willing to provide a service or expertise that the customer wanted. If a customer likes a dancer and is fine with just lapdances he will buy them. If he wants something else then he wont buy the dances. There’s no ruining for legit dancers, they’re free to continue to sell their services
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    "The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor.”
    Icee what do they steal from workers? Workers in the US work there willingly. Amazon actually pays more than most places. WHole foods which is owned by smazon, even more so. So who did jeff bezos steal from? Would you be willing to admit high level cartels and drug dealing gang members are thieves if they pay other people to sell their product? Where do you see rich people stealing money? There are many rich and poor people stealing. Probably a higher number of poorer people who do it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    Overly Possessive Strippers
    Icee it doesnt seem believable. You said you paid thousands for one dancer, supported her parents, etc went far beyond the typical trick. You were very possessive over her but she didn’t seem possessive over you.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    It was me. (An open letter to Founder)
    Icee you might be able to do something regarding threats. But as far as cyber harassment and all youre a big cyber harasser yourself. If you engage in any of the activities you talk about on here, you’re taking a big risk even going to the cops. Theres a reason drug dealers and hoes avoid the cops and avoid snitching even if someone robs them or talks trash or etc. Anybody can file a police report. The risk for you is if you’re starting IRL stuff with someone off tuscl, theyll know about all your illicit activities. Youve admitted to drug dealing, pimping and robbing. Youve stated you support people burning down businesses, homes of landlords, police stations, government buildings, restaurants etc. Also its laughably hypocritical to insult cops, call them racist pigs and white supremacists then run to them as soon as someone says stuff to you online. Clearly you don’t believe cops are racist white supremacists otherwise you wouldnt be dealing with them in response to something a white guy said online.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    What’s in a name?
    “Realistically. I think all a pl is entitled to is the time they pay for. It's companionship and with that she's not obligated to say the truth about anything. And pls lie just as much. It's a momentary fantasy. The club is an escape. The club is just as much an escape for a lot of dancers as it is for customers.” This is just not true at all, this is how a ROB dancer would think and behave but ultimately a lapdance is not companionship, you cant take money from people then sit and talk and say you only paid for companionship. An escort can do that but even with an escort it’s considered a scam ethically even if she’s legally in the clear. Escorting is a legal loophole where people are officially paying for the escorts time, so she’s not obligated to do anything specific in that time besides spend it with you. But strippers aren’t escorts. They can have rules in their lapdances, but the lapdance still has to be performed. They aren’t selling companionship. I dont give dancers my full name or real number, and I don’t expect them to give me their real information either. It’s the same with escorts. I don’t see why their real name would be needed for anything, unless someone wanted to try to stalk them or look up their social media. But lots of dancers also have instagrams which don’t have their real name and are public.