Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
It's gonna be that time of month.
Social security checks will hit and the social security ballers will be out.
They come in during dayshift
Don't buy a drink
Get 1 or 2 front room dances
Leave or fall asleep
Girls who serviced them get made fun of for the rest of their shift
last commentSome places they don't LDK, they get FS.
This was before COVID, but I got the impression that at this Skin Cabaret in Scottsdale AZ the standard thing was extensive FRMOS then FS-ITC. Lots of people posted about this. Now yes, this may have been all the doings of one blonde girl.
Some guys criticized her looks, but I think that is just because they are looking down on her because of the capacity she is serving in.
I see nothing wrong with what she was doing. She gives and makes people happy. She might not be INTP, but what she does is better than the ones who sell dances and give LDK's.
In the Netherlands they have brothels which have special equipment and cater to the disabled.
I got the impression that Skin Cabaret catered to the elderly, because of the UHM and FRMOS, and because they had busses to pick people up and take them home.
Action Uniform
Little video where she walks around and shows you her stuff front and rear, still pictures have good front and rear meat shots.
It might be your time of the month
SS checks are deposited 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Wednesday of each month depending upon your birthday so not till next week at the earliest but you might still need tampons for yourself
No need to be misogynistic. But glad you're aware of the ssi ballers...coz're....
Sjg. Have you seen it at a club recently?
What’s your issue with me putting some facts into your stupid post, what is misogynistic and just to be clear I haven’t applied to SS for my benefits and won’t until after I am 70.
Icee, our county's clubs are not like that. And San Francisco is run by DV, so it all upscale clip joints.
Where things are like that here is in AMPs.
The way we can make things good here is by setting up Private Party / Membership Club venues, using the model of legal compliance pioneered by Swinger's Club
Wicked Temptations
'I got the impression that at this Skin Cabaret in Scottsdale AZ the standard thing was extensive FRMOS then FS-ITC.'
Yeah creep, if you hit it at the right time you can catch dipshitscrub and he'll happily give you an extensive FRMOS then FS-ITC, no charge. Word is he never charges tuscl members. It's his side gig when he's not manning his I-10 gloryhole.
BTW,you really like that etsy site so i'm sure you've checked out the pet section looking for outfits for your goat.
that space explorer outfit should interest you too as you can buy it for dipshitscrub then explore the space in his reamed out anus. Think about it, you and your sewn up asshole and scrubbie's reamed out asshole is the match from hell, you two can be yin and yang and live happily ever after.
That looks like a very big cat, a cat you should not mess around with. But no TheeOSU, you and your sorts are not eligible for any intimacies with me.
Full Action Uniform, does not need to be taken off. Bondage style, but it probably is not strong enough for real bondage, well maybe.
Dyslexic simple minded dimwit, read my post, I said you and your goat and dipshitscrub.
Sjg private parties have been around for a long time.
I'm ranking about clubs here. Not foreign clubs or what if scenarios.
I think many here are the ssi baller types im describing. Cheap. Looking for bargain hookers. In and out. Come in early
That's about as stupid as usual, not like I expect any great insights from our most disliked cosplayer pimp, my language comprehension is just fine, your language on the other hand shows gross bigotry, ignorance, and pettiness just as we expect from the likes of you.
What a knucklehead.
29fag either you're too stupid to comprehend what you wrote or you're having a senior moment.
Go troll elsewhere. You don't need a 2 way block to stay off my threads
Icee, this entire society is sexually messed up. There are all different kinds of private parties.
One member of this site sometimes sets up civvie parties but the people cannot fuck. The rules are the same as any other place, no sex or lewd conduct. This neutralizes any benefit of setting up his events.
The private party model of interest is the model of legal compliance pioneered by Swingers Clubs. Their events are designed to promote groping and fucking. Any one can set up a party like this, but they just have to have their legal ducks in line so that LE can't make the claim that it is a retail business. Swinger's Clubs have worked through all the angles on this.
And this gets us around all the zoning laws which make it very hard to open more strip clubs.
I Can See For Miles
You keep talking about a theoretical loophole for prostitution.
I'm talking about cheap old guys in clubs
Whatever Icey, but prostitution goes on all the time everywhere. The laws which try to prohibit it just screw up the quality, but they don't eliminate it.
And as far as cheap old guys in strip clubs, SSI does not pay that much money.
The solution to sexual frustration is sexual freedom and quality, not laws to regulate it.
You repeat the same thing in every thread without even acknowledging what anyone said
Ssi pays them enough for a $10 couch dance and ldk during day shift. At some clubs you'll see a lot of them just coming in and out doing that. Some fall asleep in the club
Well at least before COVID they were getting allot better than that in Scottsdale AZ, and it sounded like it was all the doings of one Golden Hearted Girl.
In our local AMPs they get good, but the looks and dolling up standards are much lower in AMPs. And a lot of this is due to LE pressure.
In the Netherlands the disabled have special brothels they can go to and they can charge up to 2 visits per year a "Sex Therapy" on their national health plan.
If we all loosen up and let there be more venues were people can fuck, we will all be better off.
UHM at Skin Cabaret in Scottsdale? Tell me you haven't been to an AZ strip club without telling me you haven't been to an AZ strip club
Sjg post random shit about what you read instead of diacussing experiemces. You're doing the same thing as subraman.
Icee, you know nothing about me. And I always make it clear what is based on what I read, and Subraman is a highly valued contributor to this and i would trust any adivce from him.
Based on what is written about Skin Cabaret in Scottsdale it looks like it is not the same post COVID.
Skin (and Bones) have always been overpriced scams. Only a step up from Dream Palace.
Sjg I know enoughab9ut you. So start your own thread about what you've read about Arizona
^ dickhead, often you don't seem to know the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground. These were good pre-COVID reviews of Scottsdale Skin Cabaret.
It's not pre covid and it's not the thread to post about 3 year old Arizona reviews you read.
It was a place that old guys were getting a hell of lot more than LDKing. What was happening there was really good.
Getting your comeuppance from an autistic idiot, and you call me a troll what a knucklehead
^ and quite a knucklehead indeed.
^^ any links proving that Skin in Scottsdale was providing excellent FRMOS service and then pants cumming down in the backroom? No, because there are no such reports. It’s all in your head SJG, and yiu have a social tick that is unable to change your views once actual correct information causes you to face your delusions. Skin has come close to shutting down the past 5 years due to nobody wanting to waste their time and $$ for no action. That is what the actual reviews on tuscl state, and if you don’t believe the tuscl reviews, then why are you even here??
SJG, here is the link of all the reviews to Skin. Browse quickly through the headlines and the majority start with “sucks” and “don’t waste your time”. I’d ask you to read them for yourself to find anything remotely close to what you purported, but you don’t have VIP access if you don’t go to strip clubs and write reviews. Skin Scottsdale= Lame!
Skin dream palace and bones have the same owner and all have bad reputations.
There are no clubs providing frmos. I don't believe it was ever even common in the past.
And pre covid clubs weren't any kind of golden age. They were already in decline.
wait, why do the girls get made fun of. they did their job, they can just move on to the next john, or dip out early and come back in the evening.
Mate27, it as all pre-covid. And not everyone is going to like that, some will look down on the girl doing it. But it was still a consistent theme in some of the pre-covid reviews, FRMOS, then back room. Sounds like that was mostly what the girl did.
Seemed like it was the one girl per shift, as many of these extreme places are, same way with such places in Portland, during the day time.
And that it appealed to an older clientele was from the fact that they had busses to pick people up and take them home.
We need more sexuality and cultivated eroticism, not less.
Sjg you're hallucinating about frmos being common pre covid
Tiburon. Hookers are the bottom feeders of the stripper totem pole. Those who have aex with old guys or weirdos get made fun of for it by other girls. Coz the tricks are considered repulsive. Being a trick is a turnoff to them
It was pretty near standard in this Scottsdale Skin Cabaret, though it probably was all the doings of one blonde girl, and not everyone who walks in the door is going to be pleased with what they see.
In the whole US, we have more people now talking openly about FRMOS right on this board.
But we still need more sex venues, not less, and more cultivated eroticism, not less.
School of Rock AllStar Students perform "Scar Tissue" by Red Hot Chili Peppers in Austin
No it wasn't.
Written in posts about FRMOS. In reviews about Skin Cabaret Pre-COVID.
Sex for Disabled People | Taboo, brothel in The Netherlands
Lots of these vising nurses make home call regularly and they are also doing P4P sex.
Up to 12 times per year for the disabled by govn't grant, in Holland.
The elderly aren't disabled and no frmos isn't common and never was and were in the US. Now jeep repeating yourself
SJG, you’re either lazy or refuse to read reviews pre-covid saying Skin sucks, poor mileage, and generally a no go to place. Please point out one review from the link I provided that offers any hint at what you’ve purported. If you aren’t willing to provide proof then your dillusional and simply want to believe in your fantasy. Also, how many people do you have in that organization you’re building?
These people you call "SSI Ballers" are not that young and able. But you seem surprised. I am telling you that in the Netherlands there are specialty brothels and government money for up to 12 times a year.
I have never said FRMOS is common in the US, but there are some places it is real, and people on this board who talk about it. The reason it is not more common is that most guys don't even understand the idea.
But Countryman took what he learned in Tijuana and brought it back to his hometown, instead of buying dances:
Icee you are intoxicated again, and again being an idiot.
I have to admit that I was chuckling when I started reading this. If he had stopped after the first couple of lines it would have been good stuff, or maybe been a little more clever with how he portrayed these guys.
The ending was the real letdown though. The only girls who make fun of others who are making money, even if just single dances, are the stupid ones.
^ Rick Dugan has got it right!
Rickdugan. Not true. Girls who don't have to hoe or have a choice of tricks always make fun of those desperate enough. Girls like the ones you coerce get made fun of
@2Icee I'm no old dude nor am I a stripper, but they all dancing for old farts anyway. And I bet half of them that long term (usually with instas) be doing some strange things behind doors. that's petty for them to do that.
And more power to 'em that are doing that. More sex, more sexy dressing!
I'll bet more fun is made by the girls of cosplay pimps than hos
Jes calling it like it really is
Tiburon. There's a hierarchy to strip clubs. Hoes fucking old men aren't at the top. Old white men are the least desirable. The point of the hustle is to do the least possible for the most money. Even picking pockets is viewed better than geriatric dick
^ Even so those geriatric dicks are fucking your crack whore girlfriend for a fraction of what you spent.
jelly roller
Gaca married a crackhead
I've never been with one
Go troll elsewhere
LULZ what a pissy little cunt you are, your own words just blowing back on you Iceefag
If you need a reference point just reread your own posts
@Icee, now you're talking stupid by changing the circumstances from front room dances to sexual services.
Staying on point, this shows just how little you really understand. Maybe Day Job and Tourist dancers have the luxury of laughing about who other girls sell dances to, but those who rely up it for a living do not. When you walk in each night with no guaranteed income and bills to pay, one off front room dances for the SSI crowd is still money in hand.
^ Amen Rick Dugan, someone who has been there with the dancers, ITC and OTC.
Icee only a very evil person with a low class upbringing would believe picking pockets is superior to geriatric dick. One is theft the other is an honest living.
And the ones who are smarter, want more money and are more business minded are the ones who do the p4p. The ones struggling to make money are the ones who only do dances. Its much harder to make money off only dances
Icee youve been doing this for many years apparently. Going out of your way to viciously insult, attack or make fun of anyone who pays for sex. But it’s because you were one of the biggest tricks ever. The guys who do what you do, fall in love with a stripper and support her education and parents living, those are the guys who get made fun of by both clients and strippers themselves.
BTE +10
Stairway to Heaven
There are certainly strippers who look down on or make fun of the other girls who can't get the high spending customers. No one stays young forever, though. Eventually these same girls get older, and their looks decline. I've known strippers in the strip clubs who ignored the low spenders when they were young and in high demand and then six or seven years later most of customers, including these same low spenders, ignore them after their looks decline. Then the younger prettier girls are laughing at them. I usually have sympathy for someone getting made fun of but not if they have a past history of making fun of others themselves.
Bte fuck off cacaplop. Go invent lies about someone else.
Docsavage. That's not what goes on. They get laughed at for having to put out for undesirable tricks.
Servicing genuine needs is completely honorable, just like it is to work at the disability brothels in The Netherlands.
And BTE is not any kind of a troll, he sincerely believes everything he says and he adds a lot to the board.
We're not talking about disability brothels in the Netherlands
Bte is a troll and he mocks and trolls you. Just like subraman whom you also think supports you
And if anyone knows trolls it would be iceydougee who has trolled tuscl for way over 10 years lulz
But we still homiez lulz2
I depend on my SSI income because my ex-wife takes almost all of my pension in a court ordered spousal support.
It's crazy that a pension is considered joint marital property. And most pensions don't kay out distribution rules for divorce so they go by death benefits. It's bad regardless
2icee. I think all the strippers have to eventually put out for undesirable tricks if they stay in the profession too long and have gotten old and undesirable themselves. That's one reason so many are gone by the age of thirty. They dread being the old over the hill stripper at the club who has to be friendly to the least desirable customers to make money. I think what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't make fun of people at the bottom when you are at the top because no one stays at the top forever. So many young strippers seem to be unaware that their beauty is transitory and fleeting and will soon be gone. It's only when you get old that you realize how temporary everything is. We all turn into ugly old people. With age comes wisdom, though, so being old is not all bad.
The level of uninformed disinformation in this thread is staggering.
^^ almost to the degree of disinflation hitting our markets these days. Inflation peaked 3 months ago, and anyone I know who has SSI uses it only to pay for entertainment. They’ve got other sources of income besides SSI and can afford to blow it on Icee’s cracked out stripper hoe junkie.
Stupid Icee has never heard of a QDRO or domestic relation order. What a stupid fucking comment he made about pensions. Such a stupid pimp wannabe thinking he knows something, yet another example of how little credibility he has about life in general. And he thinks he can give out stripper hoe advice? Maybe junkie drugged out stripper hoe advice…
You're a total fucking retard Icee. All property accrued during a marriage is subject to division with an ante-nuptial agreement. An example: you get married, toa woman, who after asking 12,000 other men has given up hope and said yes. You get hit by a car. It is an accident (yeah, right) and you expect a huge personal injury settlement. She gets half. You also owned a house. Worth 100 dollars, but during the marriage it increases in value to $300. You owe her $100.00, which she gets from the sale because no one was willing to trust you to pay back the money, despite its' insignificant amount. Military pensions are also marital property. Seriously, why the fuck would anyone listen to something unemployed Icee has to say?
Pensions are joint property .... but keep up the trolling.
Docsavage. A good hoe has an exit strategy before it ever gets to that. But these girls live in the moment. Very few think about the future or getting old. The strip club mentality is like junior high. Not even high school. But the girls who do cheap and undesirable tricks hurt everyone's earnings by lowering the bar. But underneath the fantasy it's an ugly world.
@2icee for all this talk of old white men being the desired client of the strip club and how much better spenders they are than anybody else, the logic you told me sure is backwards af.
@BigThirdEye theres nothing honest in prostitution either bud. It's still illegal even if it isn't theft. It just isn't a big a rip off to the reciever of the pleasure. Honest living would be following the law technically.
@skibum you make marriage sound so scary
Tiburon. The only time I've ever heard about old white men being the most desirable customers is the old white men on here who claim it.
Icee is so stupid stating that because pensions are joint property that they can’t be split which is exactly what he quoted above. Jascoi have you his pension benefits due to a court order settled by a divorce decree which states how assets are to be split, so if it was all moves to his ex spouse it’s because that’s what they’d settled on in the divorce decree and they could have negotiated a 50/50 split.
But yiu keep trolling with your so called “expertise advice” Icee who dates cracked out stripper junkie hoes. Lmfao!
I started this post for our local cosplay pimp, explaining why his reasoning was flawed and he expanded his dopey statements each post he makes.
a bit of advice when your deep in the hole, and way over your head, smart folks would stop digging
Icee theres numerous posts on stripperweb and r/stripper about this, old white men are seen as having wealth and as being less likely to haggle on prices itc or otc. Asians are seen as being more stingy. Other minorities are seen as being poor. Its all stereotypes but you doing the reverse stereotype is just as much a stereotype in itself. The stereotype can be untrue, may only be true in 50% of cases, it doesnt mean old white men are the least desirable demographic like you claim. You just have a personal problem with them which is based on stuff you read off BLMs website, they’re one of the biggest groups complaining about old white men.
Some strippers say they dont even approach young guys or attractive guys. Some escort listings say they dont see guys under 30
I said pensions are joint marital property hence why they can be split in divorces. Which is true. Go troll elsewhere.
Anyways. Keep pretending cheap old white men like you are desirable
^^ what is considered old to you, anyone older than you are because I sure as hell ain’t middle aged yet? More credibility lost, if yiu had any to begin with. Do you do anything useful in your life other than pimp and deal drugs? SMH what a troll Icee is. Your statements make no consistent thought. Either pensions are parsed or not, but yiu began with the loss of benefits due to joint property rights, but in totality only? That’s ducking dumb and it is what yiu stated. Get some comprehension skills drug dealing wannabe pimp Icee, troll.
Icey when I first joined TUSCL I did not know that so much of the country had surpassed San Francisco in strip clubs, or that San Francisco had lost so much ground because of the DV take over and their clip joint model.
Also, I had already figured out that DFKing was the key to strip clubs and AMPs, and for Tijuana it sounded standard and there were videos of it.
There were much respected TUSCL members who gave open ended endorsements and expected it of girls before taking them to VIP, but there were others who could not accept it.
So I went to stripper web and spent some time using Google Advanced Search, for anything to do with kissing. And it is there, all over. They are livid about it. They see it at stage side, front room, and they can see it going on in the booths and back rooms. So what does this mean? Well the ones who are livid are not the ones doing it. But there is in some places a lot of it or they would not be so livid.
Some talk about wearing flavored lipstick to kiss guys with and how they like the effect they can have on a guy that way. I long ago had a civvie really curl my toes that way on a car keys and wallet date.
And then on stripper web they also talk about escorting, and they all accept that kissing is a standard part of that.
So it is divisive and there are two groups, and some are doing a great deal of DFKing. These are the only ones you should interact with.
What is the point of it if it just had to be taken off of her? Here, full breasts bared three inputs action uniform, and the yoke collar thing makes it real interesting. The chains draw your visual attention, and it is okay if they get slobbered on.
Don't Take Me Alive -- School of Rock
This thread is hilarious. There are now 78 Comments from a very large number of Posters. Icey is in an argument with everyone else that is posting in it. Iceman, can you get along with anyone ? Hell, you are even arguing with SJG and it sounds like he is getting the better of you. LULZ !
Warrior. If you read the comments. I'm not arguing. I'm being attacked by the geriatric trick clique. Some of whom are agreeing with me about pensions while attacking me. Now go fuck off. I guess this is the only site you don't get kicked off of. Go ask rickdugan if you can fuck his underage daughters
Sjg you read about it on anonymous forums but never saw it
Icee, you talk out your rectum. I've talked at length about my DFKing experience in local clubs, and with the Beloved Latina Escorts.
SJG is obsessed with male rectums.
You're on the wrong sort of message board.
No, there are just some people here who seem unable to make it to the toilet.
So what if you paid hookers for a gfe in the 1990s. Frmos aren't normal in clubs.
Frmos is happening many places according to stripper web, but the ones talking about are mostly not the ones doing it, they are the ones who are angry about it.
On this board an increasing number of people are talking about it.
I mean really, if you like the girl, just butter her up and kiss her. No big deal.
Name one local club you've seen it at lately
Icee, get this straight, nobody agrees with you about
Pensions and you are the one who brought the topic into discussion. Now you apparently show your ignorance amongst the topic and claim there’s an argument over it, when in fact it’s just your histrionics overplaying a drama scene when in fact it’s just your high school immaturity shining through with lack of experience. Lesson is, shut up when the adults are speaking, boi!
Jascoi mentioned how his ex w8fe gets most of his pension. I replied to him. Go tell him he's wrong too.
Now fuck off ignorant troll
Any post by Icee brings out his haterz and this thread devolved quickly. I can’t see a lot of the posts thanks to the ignore. Anyway, if anyone else had posted this it would’ve been better received. The image of guys using their walker to get to the mailbox and waiting for the mailman to bring their check and immediately handing it to some 20 year old grinding on their lap is pretty hilarious.
TIBURON - Marriage isn't scary at all. What is really scary is that when people are dating, all they do is go out of their way to make the other person happy. They get married; stop; things fall apart; and they wonder why. If people put the same effort into marriage that they did working whining (Icee) then they would be successful. Wife and I went hiking in the White Mountains over the weekend with foliage all ablaze: just as much fun as in any other great day over the past 33 years.
Jimmy some of it is hilarious. I've seen guys fall asleep with strippers grinding on them. Once a really old guy took like half a day shift for him to ldk. Or guys falling asleep on couches.
On the downside. A man had a heart attack in the bathroom after some vip dances. Once a girl broke someone's wheelchair.
The cheapness I've seen is pathetic though. Like Once this guy bought a lot of $10 couch dances from a pregnant girl. She was all sweaty and tired and he didn't buy her a drink. I got her a water and an orange juice and had a girl go give it to her. And the guy drank her drinks.
'Once a really old guy took like half a day shift for him to ldk.'
sounds like you didn't put enough effort in your dance homie, trying to empty that old guy's wallet?
ICEE my F2F life is protected behind a fire wall. And I defend this firewall. If it were not for that defended firewall, I'd be having to shotgun multiple trolls per hour. That is a lot of blood and muck to be walking through.
Icee, there is a lot of sexual frustration in the land. Most all of these guys have lived life without anything like My Organization protecting them. And many have been exposed to marriage, which often becomes a neurotic death trap.
It is because of this level of sexual frustration, not because of stupidity, that guys pay these women a lot of money:
Sex workers talk about their most expensive service: companionship.
Hof's Bunny Ranch
Inside Nevada’s Moonlite Bunny Ranch
Room Tour at the Bunny Ranch With Alice Little
What these girls do could have been done by the Wives, GF's, and SO's, but since they did not, I have no sympathy for them.