"The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor.”

CJKent_bandThe truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Title says it all.
"The paradise of the rich is made out of the hell of the poor.”
~ Victor-Marie Hugo aka Victor Hugo
~ Born 26 February 1802 Besançon, Doubs, France
~ Died 22 May 1885 Paris, France
last comment#morebait
Though I think it's sweet that CJKent sets up these threads for Icee to be... well... Icee. Not that he needs the help.
Cim go troll elsewhere
And of course the rich only exist because of the poverty they create. Wealth comes from exploitation. Today's capitalism is the product of colonialism slavery genocide....
He, Victor Hugo, I snot rong.
Call.Me.Ishmael is not rong.
OP does this to get a rise out of people.
Only Icee takes him seriously.
Tetradon go back to saying how we're better off than medieval peasants.
Cjkunt is right when it comes to politics. Cim is a malicious troll
The rich are rich because of the poverty they create. Their wealth is stolen from workers.
^ I guess the only noble "business" profession is pimping, pandering, lying, manipulating, addicting girls to drugs, and stealing in your off hours.
Open up an economics textbook and educate yourself.
Educate yourself.
Tetradon said "I guess the only noble "business" profession is pimping, pandering, lying, manipulating, addicting girls to drugs, and stealing in your off hours."
Or... adopting that online persona on an anonymous titty bar website for the sole purpose of being disliked.
Cim. Go troll elsewhere. Yiu don't participate in any discussions. Just show up to troll
Icee what do they steal from workers?
Workers in the US work there willingly.
Amazon actually pays more than most places. WHole foods which is owned by smazon, even more so.
So who did jeff bezos steal from?
Would you be willing to admit high level cartels and drug dealing gang members are thieves if they pay other people to sell their product?
Where do you see rich people stealing money? There are many rich and poor people stealing. Probably a higher number of poorer people who do it.
@BTE, Icee is only marginally more serious than OP.
He just wants to start fights, but at least he does so in his own words.
Lay off CJKent... he is admitting that leftist forms of government live off the backs of the poor.
Hugo lived in a Monarchical quasi Theocracy (divine rights of kings) ie a far left from of government and his critique was of the power of the the government over the governed ion the period he lived.
The more control the government has the more left it is in traditional political ideology. far left -- monarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, fascist etc barely to the left of that is communism, socialism. oligarchy etc next moving right pure democracy center left is republic dead center would be constitutional republic Libritanism is center right far right anarchy.
on a XY graph label Y government and X individualism -- draw a line from top left to bottom right with constitutional republic as the center
Even a child from Sweden has been able to see the undeniable reality, you should be able to accept it too.
“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”
~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
~ Fritt Ord Award (2019)
~ Rachel Carson Prize (2019)
~ Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019)
~ Right Livelihood Award (2019)
~ International Children's Peace Prize (2019)
~ Time Person of the Year (2019)
~ Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)
I will play along and answer your questions
Q: what do they (rich people) steal from workers?
A: Slavery by any other name sis still slavery, wage labor is just another for of the feudal system of Lords and servants.
Just like debt slavery and debt servitude; wage labor is a system where an employer compels a worker to pay off a his insurmountable debts (rent, food, education, medical insurance, etc etc etc) with work.
Q: So who did jeff bezos steal from?
A: Like all “Great Monopolies” Amazon/Bezos steal and defraud everyone, and they make people believe it is all “good and legal”.
Amazon is the tech giant in the living room, stealing information, spying on people, to sell/steal from them; a situation that has been acceptable in the United States.
Q: Would you be willing to admit high level cartels and drug dealing gang members are thieves if they pay other people to sell their product? Yes the cartels are criminal organizations who openly operate.
Would you be able to admit that the white collar criminals inside the USA benefit from the cartel economy too?
Q: Where do you see rich people stealing money? There are many rich and poor people stealing. Probably a higher number of poorer people who do it.
A: Everyone can see the rich people stealing, getting preferential treatment by the system, using fraudulent business practices, paying low wages, charging more than fare for rent and services.
Whit collar crimes cause more damage to society overall economy than any other form or crime.
You are welcome.
An easy visualization for any of you who are still confused.
You are welcome.
CJ how did you quoting a anti leftist lead you to touting the presumably fetal alcohol syndrome puppet child?
On your q and a -- I do think you are right about Amazon and the differentiating treatment based on wealth. But then again that is a problem with leftist forms of controlling governments.
As for wages being a form of slavery, you must forget or not believe in the concept of individual free will and believe that workers are subjugated by the will of government to keep the cogs of the machine running and the small powerful members of the elite government are benefiting off the backs of the poor. I'm sorry you feel yourself a subject of the government structure verses as intended by the Constitution as an equal partner. Limited government with in the confines of the founding fathers would do much to solve some of the problems you mention but are you willing to shoulder the responsibilities of equal governance or complain when the ideology you espouse which give control over your free will and well being to the state at the cost of keeping the few in money and power?
White collar crime does equal damage to society as street crime... You need to better define the cost of the damage done.
I am sure you are aware that the so-called founding fathers were British paranoid hypocrites and ungrateful malcontents men that shifted authority and lawmaking, from the king to private potentates and their own elected/selected “accountable” democratic officials (puppets)
Feudalism was a social system that classified people based on their birth, wealth, and ancestry...
The feudal system is live and well in England with the King and Queen.
In America today, this type of social class system still exists, as a Corporate Feudal system with a Corporate elite, Bankers, Politicians, Celebrities, etc.
We still have the nobility, who are now the CEOs of corporations who lobby “our” politicians to work for them, not the people.
The peasants work under the rule of the King and lords/Corporations and they get paid a small amount in return.
The peasants in England never owned their own property. Just like peasants in America who have to take a mortgage to have a place to live or have to rent from a LANDLORD.
In Capitalist America the majority of people belong to the lowest caste, laborers bound under the feudal/capitalist system to work on his lord's/patron’s estate/industry...
Only they are made to believe that they can one day become the billionaires a one in a billion chance if they play by the rules.
Behind every fortune there is a crime, the numbers don’t lie, things don’t add up, if they were to play by the rules.
That believe, the American Dream (a fairy tale about Cinderellas) is what allows this system to continue.
CJ -- assuming everything you said is correct, the byproduct of your rant is still founded in centralized power structures.. IE far left ideologies.
Try and spin it any way you want but the fundamental truth is the problems you site are mainly caused by the belief system you adhere to without refection or self awareness.
What I fear the most forming or taking a stronger hold on the country's future is the rise of a permanent Oligarchy. Censorship and loss of enumerated rights to the "privileges" granted to former citizens by the form of government / quasi government you hold dear.
I am sure you are aware that the American so called “Two Party System” is really two sides of the same coin.
Both political parties serve the interests of the rich and powerful; corporate robber barons and politicians, who have become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices.
In America White Progressives and White Conservatives Are Shaped By Whiteness
Whiteness is central to both white conservatives and white progressives’ political identity, especially as white Americans must navigate a social and political world in which whiteness is often and explicitly tied to racial injustice — an uncomfortable association for both white conservatives and white liberals.
White Americans are both; the perpetrators of racial inequality and the beneficiaries of white privilege.
White identity center more on the privilege and inequality that whiteness can engender.
It is undeniable that your concern is that your white identity may be threatened and socially devalued by a new system with justice for all and real equality.
Yes, this is true. It used to be about production scarcity. But by the time of Victor Hugo we were already moving into surpluses. So it was about how was dealt in versus who was locked out of the economy.
Get ahead and self improvement ideologies are simply ways of hiding the lie.
"visual inspiration for Hugo’s character of Gavroche in Les Misérables, this boy wildly wields two pistols."
^ Too Big
The visual inspiration for Hugo’s character of Gavroche in Les Misérables, this boy wildly wields two pistols.
It used to be that rich v poor meant who has access to scarce industrial produce. But by the time of Victor Hugo it changed to mean who is dealt in versus who is dealt out of our economy.
The get ahead ideologies, staring in the 1800 with Horatio Alger, and then really taking off in the 1920's, are just ways to hide the truth.
^ Too Big
The visual inspiration for Hugo’s character of Gavroche in Les Misérables, this boy wildly wields two pistols.
It used to be that rich v poor meant who has access to scarce industrial produce. But by the time of Victor Hugo it changed to mean who is dealt in versus who is dealt out of our economy.
The get ahead ideologies, staring in the 1800 with Horatio Alger, and then really taking off in the 1920's, are just ways to hide the truth.
You're ruining the threads with all the huge images...
Set up specifically to deal with the types of poverty created by Capitalism, and this has only continued as we have moved into the industrial and information age.
San Jose Guy is the most annoying person on the internet. Banned from most message boards in the Galaxy.
Shailynn go engage in your necrophilic shit with juices deadbeat dad corpse