White Lives Matter / Kanye West
They never tell you what you need to know.
Kanye West starts off his new season fashion show wearing a "White Lives Matter" t-shirt.
Can't wait to hear the responses about this (both sides) from all the nuts here!
Can't wait to hear the responses about this (both sides) from all the nuts here!
wtf is wrong with all lives mattering?
Even bleeding heart Bernie doesn't GAF about dipshitscrub, just like the rest of the world.
But every player in the the WNBA can have “black lives matter” on their Jersey?
However, it is 100% true. There are no lies, no bullshit, no subversive communist agenda behind the phrase - only truth. Blue lives matter is true, although with some PR and and pro-LE politics behind it. The words "Black lives matter" are true, but the movement is a bullshit communist fringe manipulating mainstream publicity in a successful conspiracy to enrich the creators of the movement.
If anyone wants to take the moral high-ground and be completely free from error or aspersion, just say "All lives matter." Because they do. Unborn lives, supreme court justice lives, conservative lives, Ukrainian lives, etc. etc. Some lives matter so much that they must be terminated to end their toxic influence - Winnie the Xi, Vlad, Iranian ayatollahs and mullahs, AQ, and the rest of that ilk.
Go ahead, disagree with me. I can't wait to laugh at you.
Good representation for the cause
Is Kanye a white supremacist?
Yet now when someone says White Lives matter they are again called "racist". If you have to insert a "color" or "race" in front of lives matter.... YOU ARE THE RACIST.
What many will say is ... well Black Lives means "all lives". WHEN DOES THE WORD BLACK = ALL???? Some will say that the BLM Movement encompassed all races.... NO IT DIDNT... it is right in the title.. BLACK LIVES MATTER.... it doesn't say Asian, Mexican, Hispanic, Latin, White, etc. its says... BLACK. You are calling attention to one specific race/color.
But like others are stating... I believe it was a PR stunt and look at all the uproar social media is in because of it. YE did what he intended to do.
What is the point? Well, the point might be that BLM is both a TRUE statement and a BOGUS organization and "movement."
We'd be better to align with MLK's famous "Dream," that skin color would not matter.
Kanye is out for shock value and free pr for his fashion show. It's coz of his legal battle with adidas over the yeezy brand
And the ‘why is white lives matter racist’ analysis was done 5 years ago but has finally made its way to the board. You guys are offering arguments like they are hot takes when it’s very old road.
And having a mindset like this is exactly why this country will never make any progress towards eliminating racism. Until the leftist PROGs stop saying “BLM good but WLM bad” there will always be a divide.
All lives matter. And putting one above another drives racism. As skibum said earlier, the left are really more bigoted than the right
And the only people who use the wlm slogan seriously are white supremacists. Stop ignoring that fact.
Blm came about because of the polices disproportionste lack of concern for black lives.
Boeing, Caterpillar, Citadel hedge fund, and today Tyson Foods. McDonalds will probably leave before it’s over
Thefts are up 65%, motor-vehicle thefts up 40%, and burglaries up 31%. - all in response to the pro-criminal administration.
Thousands of jobs lost - it’s a net loss for the BLM movement
Also people are incapable of understanding that just because you have a million black, white and asian people it doesnt mean each race will have the exact same numbers of murderers, thieves, basketball players, teachers, etc. you forget the fact that people can make choices.
The police arent racist even if they’re patrolling poorer areas or ghetto areas more. Do you seriously think the police need to make up fake charges for things like theft, drug dealing, etc which millions of people engage in?
Theres more crime in poorer areas than richer areas. There’s probably disproportionately more black people in poorer areas than white people.
That doesn’t mean the police are treating people unfairly. You really think the police is supposed to spend 10 hours patrolling the ghetto then 10 hours sitting around in a millionaire neighborhood because of some odd idea of fairness and equality? I wonder if there’s lazy cops who don’t want to do their jobs who promote ideas like this. Patrolling a rich neighborhood all day would be one of the easiest jobs ever.
you ignorant pieces of shit should die off..before I’m corrected.
Anyone that doesn't think he's nuts, is certifiable.