OK I may become an SA convert
OK, I have to admit that my experiences with SA prior to tonight have been mediocre at best. But Holy Shit did I have a fun time tonight with a girl I met on there. I'm talking ultimate GFE with a 25 y.o. girl who was smoking hot.
Before I met up with her, I carefully scrutinized the local escort sites to be sure that she was not on them. She is not. I also ran a search on her phone and again nada.
So she shows up in a mini skirt with no panties ready to go, so one might think that she's a seasoned pro. But as soon as the kissing and other fun starts, it's obvious that she's not. She tried to play the part at first, but that quickly went away as the action continued. It was something to behold.
The only downside was that, when we were done, she felt the urge to chat for a while. Mind you that I already had a few cocktails in me and, once the deed is done, my default is to gtfo and go home. But sensing her need to chat, I forced myself to participate. I want this girl to come back, lol.
One interesting thing I picked up from our chat is that she has run into as much headcases and fucked up people on SA as I have. Can you imagine, for example, one guy telling her that he was not medically cleared for sex and could die, but would like to try? What the fuck are some people thinking? Anyway, beyond that, apparently she hasn't run into many guys who give off a good vibe and can keep it simple. It was pretty interesting to hear how SA was working out from a girl's perspective, but there it is.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share this fwiw. I guess I'm going to stay on SA for a bit longer and try to build a rotation on it, but this girl could be a weekly for some time to come.
last commentCost?
For someone who claims to have little time to dabble I’m extra curricular activities, you seem to devote yourself to another avenue of debauchery. Researching escort sites? That’s comittment.
dang man! need to keep her for a while!
You wrote and I quote:
“she shows up in a mini skirt with no panties ready to go”
Pics and Vids of the 25 y.o. girl who was smoking hot or it didn’t happen.
If like you said she is a keeper, why don’t you make her your Sugar Baby and setup an “Arrangement” to see her every week and start strengthening your sexual connection with the Sugar Baby…
Sa has been pretty solid for me since Covid. Working up a list of regular strippers and sb is the only way to go!
I’ve always said it depends where your at I think is how I would rate it. Depends of population. Some smaller markets you don’t got a whole helluva a lot to pick from and from what I hear on the other side there are hardly any SD’s to make it worth it for the SB’s to check their profile. Where I’m at in the Northeast between NYC, Boston, Philly down to DC if I’m willing to travel a bit there’s a lot of options, enough to make me keep re upping
At the end of the day it’s nice to set something up without having to hit a bunch of clubs to find something good. Do it from your phone. 21st century is a wonderful thing sometimes.
It is a little bit of work. But I have had all kinds of fun with SA. I do think it depends on what city you are in.
What kind of a phone check do you do ?
"One interesting thing I picked up from our chat is that she has run into as much headcases and fucked up people on SA as I have."
So, this was the first time for both of you? 😉😁
===> "For someone who claims to have little time to dabble I’m extra curricular activities, you seem to devote yourself to another avenue of debauchery. Researching escort sites? That’s comittment."
Mate, not as much commitment as you would think. Jacksonville's a small market, so it doesn't take too long to scan through the pics to find a match. I'm guessing that if I was in Phoenix it would be a much more onerous exercise.
I said I have retired from SA years ago… but maybe I should look into it more?
One thing I totally agree on is in smaller markets SA can really suck, but opportunities in larger markets can sometimes be endless.
Glad it worked out - interesting that the PLs on there are as nutty as some of the babies!
What is SA?
^ SA is Seeking.com or most commonly referred to as Seeking Arrangements. It's a sugar baby site.
===> "So, this was the first time for both of you? 😉😁"
LOL. Only my second meetup off SA, but I've had to sift through a lot of chaff to find the wheat, which is what has always been my problem with SA.
I'm also sure it wasn't her first time, but she was no hardened pro. There are many ways that one can tell that a girl who is cycling volume to make her living and this girl was not that. It was much more like one of my better OTC stripper adventures than those times when I stumbled across girls who were clearly doing this for a living. She has an ordinary day job and apparently does this to supplement.
After the fun was over, it seemed important to her that we sit down and get to know each other better. Having seen this enough times with some of my OTC stripper partners, I knew that what she really wanted was to share things about herself and to seek evidence that I viewed her as a complete human being rather than just a pump and go. Knowing that this was an important moment if I wished her to be eager for repeat engagements, I resisted the urge to bail out, as tired as I was, and instead engaged with her. The shit we do to have a little fun, lol.
Sounds like you hit on a winner! Well done, and you definitely might want to become a repeat customer and make this a regular thing. My experience with SA (pre Covid) was that a good SA relationship will run its course in about 6 months. So enjoy this one while you can. I had 2 successful SA relationships, followed by another 2 years of psychos, scammers, head cases, and BS, that ultimately got me to leave the SA game. So enjoy what you’ve got now since you don’t know when another winner will come along. SA can be fun, but if can also be a lot of time and effort that leads to nothing but disappointment. And be careful about revealing too much personal info that could be leveraged against you.
===> "What kind of a phone check do you do ?"
Just a simple Google search. It's amazing how many of these chicks will go to great lengths to hide their posting on multiple sites using different names, different looking pics, etc., but then use the same phone number for everything. I've found more than a few SA girls also posting in places like STG just by Googling the numbers they gave me over SA messaging. I don't want high volume STG girls, which is why I go to the lengths that I do to screen them.
One was trying to be clever by posting as a J'ville resident on SA while posting two counties over on STG - at a fraction of her PPM asking price of course. 😉
For me, SA was a lengthy process of time spent filtering through a slurry at least a hundred, probably more, scammers, escorts (even some local streetwalkers), pic sellers, "platonic" seekers, flakes, and "whose pics are you using" fakes, to find that one golden nugget.
Now, I'm no catch by any means, and my pics on SA were real, and I was clear about my wife, and that I wasn't looking for a girl friend, just a good time, including intimacy, and like you, I'd done as much research as I could, searching username, pics, and phone number (at that time, Facebook was much more open to such searches) and didn't find anything except one old instagram account, which showed "normal" pics, i.e. not stripper, escort, etc. style ones.
So when the petite, slim, hot as fuck, then 23 year old redhead with perfect braless perky pierced C-cups showed up at the diner, I was like "Oh shit, what's the catch? What level of crazy nutjob am I about to experience?"
Turns out the catch was, like you say, she'd dealt with at least as much bullshit as I had in looking for someone. Scammers, "salt daddies", stalkers, etc., as well as people who didn't think SHE was real because of her pics. She later admitted that she'd agreed to show up mostly out of boredom, and that she hadn't really expected it to work out. We had a moderately long talk about about various things that had nothing to do with why we were there. She was the one who brought up "let's talk about why we're really here." She told me what clinched it for her was the fact that I didn't pressure her for an answer at that meeting. In fact, I flat out told her not to decide, but to go home and think about it, and let me know if and when she was ready. Within two or three days we were naked in a hotel room. It lasted about 6 months when she moved out of state, which move she'd been clear about up front; it was the main reason she was doing this in the first place.
We still keep in contact, and she still sends me the occasional pic and empty promise to visit when and if she comes back to town.
She probably spoiled me a fair bit, because while I went back after she was gone, the brand new stream of fakes, flakes, etc., the increasing prices, and the ridiculous reasons for banning have soured me on the whole thing in pretty short order, sending me back to the clubs.
Does she remind you of your daughters?
^ Nice GMD. I don't see myself completely abandoning the clubs completely as they are too good a source of alternative options for me and because I simply enjoy them, but I do see myself scaling back if I'm seeing an SA girl regularly.
I also agree with what you and others have said about shelf life. I've gotten into a few of these SD/SB situations over the years with OTC stripper friends and inevitably the train will pull into the station. Part of the problem is that, sooner or later, I start craving more variety. Now I'm guessing that this girl will be able to keep my interest far longer than most, but all good things and all that.
What's funny is that, when we were doing the normal text tapdance to set this up, this girl quoted me a number that was actually $50 lower than what I normally pay hot OTC dancer friends to hit the sheets with me. She is not a dancer and her day job is on the lower end of the pay scale, so I'm sure that what she quoted already seems like a lot of money to her. But in order to ensure that she was fully motivated, I actually responded that I don't pay in half hundreds, so let's bump it up to XXX. Man was that the right decision as she is worth every penny.
As I was typing this, she sent me a text letting me know that she enjoyed last night. Translation (of course): "Would you like to setup another meet?" So in between sharing my rambling thoughts on here, I've already setup a repeat engagement for this weekend. 👍
People think the worst type of cancer is pancreatic cancer, but the worst cancer of all is Icee.
What is STG? Also what rates were you paying this girl per night or per hour
Dang it. I told her not to tell anyone that I’m not medical cleared for sex and could die. Oh well, at least I didn’t die that time. Hope you enjoyed being next Rick! That makes us Eskimo brothers, right?
Yeah it's a total pain in the ass, and sometimes I go weeks with every girl either ghosting halfway through the conversation, or she sends more pics and doesn't look so good, or shows up for initial meet and doesn't look so good, etc. But when you get a good one, oh momma! Worth the effort, as long as you don't get too frustrated when you go through those times when it's not working out
^ My take on SA it was good once upon a time, not so much any more.
It's way way worse than when I first joined some years back. But there's still some gems, they're just harder to find.
@Subraman: "It's way way worse than when I first joined some years back. But there's still some gems, they're just harder to find."
I think Louisville and the surrounding area is one of those "smaller" markets mentioned earlier. If I were in a larger area, it might be more worth it. I might give it another shot at some point, but they've made paying anonymously harder, and being banned easier, so for now, I'll stick with the clubs.
@rickdugan: " Part of the problem is that, sooner or later, I start craving more variety."
Understandable. I think it should probably come as no surprise to anyone that my tolerance for being in a rut is probably higher than some others. 🤣🤣 So I'm not in any hurry to wander just yet, and I'll stick with my current regular as long as she's willing to keep up the good work.
I'm blessed, or cursed, with not getting bored when I run into a good thing. Super hot chick, great sex, and wild & fun on dates? I'm good with that girl. 'course I do sometimes get the itch for some strange, in which case, a one-off OTC here and there is all that's needed. That makes it good for SA, it may take weeks to find a good SB but I'll stick with her for as long as possible once I find a great one
Welcome to the SA faithful club. Most of us find it MUCH more reliable than otc attempts.
Welcome to my world. Hope you enjoy it.
My current SB rotation includes:
26 year-old Latina studying to be a nurse
35 year-old former DVNH stripper who got her real estate license
20 year old Viet spinner in college to be a digital artist
25 year old A-list porn star who lives in FL and comes to LA for shoots and to see me
31 year old A-List porn star who lives outside of LA and also comes to LA for shoots and to see me
They are all no-drama, high-energy and great in bed.
I probably went through 70+ 1st meet & greets to get to these. And I'm always looking for backups and replacements since even the best arrangements eventually end.
Worth it? Hell yes!
3131, if you find SA more reliable than OTC attempts then you're doing it wrong. SA is full of countless fake accounts and flakes, making it a pain in the nuts to use as a primary source of fun. But the one benefit that SA has over stripper OTC is that you can sit at home and explore SA girls, whereas one must be in the clubs to source OTC girls. I can sit on SA on a Sunday afternoon while I have one dish in the oven and another simmering on the stove and casually sift through SA profiles.
Here's the problem with otc endeavors.... it's erratic. NEVER a sure thing.
SA on the other hand.... damn near always a sure thing.
I understand you guys don't want to put a little time in. It's NOT hard to filter out the sa scammers. In every city I visit there are sa girls ready to fuck non creepy old guys with money. Did 2 today. Have 2 scheduled tomorrow.
===> "Here's the problem with otc endeavors.... it's erratic. NEVER a sure thing. SA on the other hand.... damn near always a sure thing."
Dude, have you not read what others have said about SA on this very thread? Tbh my experiences are similar. Maybe SA was a great source of fun once upon a time, but at least here in this market it's a fucking pain in the ass. Maybe you happen to live in a market where the fishing is good, but that is far from universal.
The thing is, just based on the description, did 2 today doing 2 more tomorrow, 3131 might be going with the high volume escorts or the many girls who behave like them. There are a LOT of them on SA, and it's like shooting fish in a barrel. They lightly pretend to not be escorts, so if you want to fool yourself, you can. But if you want to land a genuine college girl or basically any civilian who would never be doing this if it weren't for Seeking, that generally takes some time, in my experience. Easier to score OTC than those types of girls (although whether the stripper shows up to the OTC is another question 🤣 )
^ do you meet your dates at the bath house or at the library? That would be cool, if she met you in the fiction section with a school girl outfit on.
I always know when no one shows up to your glory hole in the afternoons, you show up here all cranky
^ well beating on Icee has gotten too easy and I’m bored, maybe I just need a snack. Apple Juice and cookies at the library would hit the spot hopefully SJG hasn’t eaten them all yet.
You wrote, of your 5 current Sugar Babies, and I quote:
“They are all no-drama, high-energy and great in bed.”
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
You must be loaded to be able to afford them and be able to say: Worth it? Hell yes!
Good Times, Good Times.
You know what if you just wanted any girl off there I'm sure it's actually extremely easy. But I mean I only message only like 2 or 3 maybe out of a page of 100. Out of that back and forths, no fakes, coming together on the money side of it, I'm not meeting up to often but when you do find a good one your like ok this why it's worth it to at least see what's out there and take a few shots.
===> "3131 might be going with the high volume escorts or the many girls who behave like them. There are a LOT of them on SA, and it's like shooting fish in a barrel."
Makes sense. As I mentioned above, there's no shortage of them here in J'ville as well. Thankfully the market is small enough that they can be easily weeded out. Around here if she is a pro escort, she's going to be on one or a combo of STG, Tryst.link and/or Eros. Thankfully the numbers are small enough in this small market city that it doesn't take too long to scan them for a match.
The funny thing is that when I do find a match, the girl in question is often offering up 15 minute quickie sessions for a fraction of her PPM price on SA. Talk about the worst of all worlds - imagine paying high end money to a girl who is doing "car dates" for $100 with the multitudes.
Now every so often I will come across a girl who I know dances in one of the local clubs. One might think that this would be a positive, but IME is has overwhelmingly been a negative. For starters, they are already accustomed to dancer money, which I think changes their expectations. Also some really seem to be using it more as an extension of their ITC hustle than as a true meetup avenue.
Anyway, there is it fwiw.
"Now every so often I will come across a girl who I know dances in one of the local clubs. One might think that this would be a positive, but IME is has overwhelmingly been a negative. For starters, they are already accustomed to dancer money, which I think changes their expectations. Also some really seem to be using it more as an extension of their ITC hustle than as a true meetup avenue."
Spot on. My experiences are similar, and if you look on sugar forums, SDs are super anti-stripper for SBs, for all these reasons. I've been saying for a while on the subs, if you meet a stripper like you're an SD (meet her on Seeking, exchange a few messsages then have a date, etc), you're pretty likely to have a terrible experience with a high pressure girl using this as her side hustle. I've even had a stripper admit to me ITC that she has an ad on SA, charges SDs $200 for the platonic M&G (I guess the stupid ones pay it), with no intention to ever have a second date or have sex with them.
If you approach it like a PL instead -- get her to your table, give her the heave ho if she's high hustle; get her to VIP, give her the heave ho if she's low-mileage; get her OTC, see how good things are. That's a LOT of vetting, if she makes it past all that and I still dig her, I can switch to a more SD/SB thing, and IME it can be amazing: super hot, sexually adventurous, impulsive stripper who knows how to deliver? Sign me up. Best way to have an arrangement with a stripper, is meet her ITC. I've had a number of just awesome arrangements with strippers. Meet her in the club, take her to some no obligation, transactional OTCs, go from there.
And if that’s doesn’t work out there’s always the glory hole as a back up plan Subi!!!!
^^Hey bro, as long as I know you're on the other side, that's always my 2am backup plan 👊
Now now boys, please don't turn this thread homo. 🙏
We started out talking about sex with a hot as fuck 25 y.o. woman. Who doesn't love the sound of that? 😃
But now we've got two middle aged guys planning a glory hole adventure. Ugghhh. 😣
These two things should just not exist in the same thread. 🚫⛔
Just a little glory hole fun between bros. Nothing gay about that. No homo.
Idk Sub. I'm not sure that anyone has clearly defined the exact point where saying "no homo" no longer works, but I have to think that pre-planned cock sucking with another dude in a men's shitter blows way past that blurry line, lol.
I've made some half-hearted attempts at SA and haven't had much luck. In the aftermath, I go back to strip clubs because that's easy and familiar for me.
I know the issue is likely me learning new tricks. I might take another stab at it, though, and be more persistent.
Ish, I found a bit of a learning curve. How to spot the scammers and escorts quickly. How to get an initial message that gets attention. Once you figure a few things out... well, it's still full of scammers and escorts, but at least you'll get real SBs messaging you back too. Do not mention $ or the term PPM in your messages.
See once again Rick is jealous he wasn’t invited to the glory hole.
Love SA, but I can't get on anymore, have been permanently banned it appears. I'm not giving my real name (obviously) nor a real credit card. Using one of those visa gift cards used to work great, but now hardly ever works for me. I also used a VPN for a while, and they scan for that, and banned me for it. Now every time I try to create a new account (and I try every 6 months or so) I stil end up getting banned (have tried a few times). I can get to the profile section, but never get past payment. Which is crazy ... I WANT to pay them!!! But they want me to verify my identity via passport which I'm not going to do.
Anyway, loved the site and used it a ton for 4-5 years and had some amazing experiences, and truth be told a few horrific ones. Mostly amazing though, fond memories that I often repeat in my mind.
Unfortunately, there are no good online alternatives so when I'm back in the US, I'm back to clubbing and hoping to find a girl that will give some extra's preferably OTC, but even ITC.
^ Any thoughts on why you were banned?
I've read enough here and on another site that I don't get into any specific conversations on SA or even use terms like PPM. My goal is to move the conversation from SA Messenger to text ASAP. I also simply don't engage with the 100s of accounts from people supposedly in places all over the place that have favorited and messaged me, as much as I am sometimes tempted to respond with "WTF are you favoriting me when you are half a world away?" or something similar.
I've had a couple who have sent me blunt messages like "I accept $xxx for PPM." I guess the same rules don't apply to the girls that apply to us. When that happens I immediately stop engaging on SA, first because I suspect that they are higher volume providers and wish to check the escort sites before engaging further and, second, because I don't want to be in a PPM negotiation on SA.
Hopefully these approaches will be enough to keep me from getting banned. Time will tell I suppose.
@steve you're doing something wrong. I've created several accounts. I've had a couple prepaid cards declined, but just try a different one. Walgreens, cvs, Kroger , Walmart all work. Skip the target ones.
@rick, there's a setting in the site where you can ignore members from a specific distance away from you ( or the location you set) .
Yes, discussing ppm on the site COULD get you banned..... but only if a girl reports you. They don't otherwise monitor conversations. Many girls don't want to text early on in discussions. Some want it right away.
If a convo gets to the point of discussing allowance on the site I usually use a line something along the lines of how my previous long-term sb requested $X00 the first few times we met. Yes I vary X in my discretion of what I think this potential girl will go for. Plus I allow room for negotiation. Most girls will ask for 100 more than I suggest, no matter.
Some girls want to use whatsapp, kik, or snap.
Most of the girls under 21 want snap. It always shocks me when some of them leave their snap map location on. Side note: I've found girls that want to use snap even less reliable to actually meet than my text experience.
What's app and kik are 0% reliable IME
3131 said "They don't otherwise monitor conversations."
I'm not sure if that's true, and really neither are you. There have been accounts (perhaps on here) where guys stated that they were amicably discussing payment/PPM with a SB who wanted PPM and their account got pulled down even before dollar amounts came into the mix.
Also, I've read that SA has a zero tolerance for anything that vaguely implies straight-up prostitution because it wants to stay legally classified as a dating site.
Again, I have no idea, but there's enough information /stories out there to suggest that any chat regarding dollar amounts and PPM should take place far away from SA.
If you want to be safer.... sure move discussing off-site.
But a caveat is: if a girl want to report you SA allows you to upload any evidence you want. If you've ever reported someone.... they ask for screenshots of text or other communication as well. So even text isn't risk free for getting banned for discussion of ppm.
The bottom line is be respectful in your conversations with sa girls. If they are mad, they're likely to report you. If yiu get reported, i beleive SA errs on the side of disabling your account ateast temporarily until you can plead your innocence. AFAIK I've never been reported. Had a couple girls threaten to, but I typically just immediately hit block if there's a hint of getting reported. Once you've blocked them, they can't even access your account to report you.
I'll confirm everything 3131 is saying. To add on:
Hide your profile man. You can set it so only SBs who you've viewed, or who you've messaged first, can see you. It makes you invisible to all those scammers, the girls from Venezuela and the Philippines, the chubbies, etc. Best thing you can do for yourself.
The girls texting "lets' meet tonight $500 PPM" will eventually get banned, once they're reported. Consider not reporting them yourself -- SA sometimes takes a scorched earth policy, and many SDs who have reported people, have reported being banned themselves. Best policy is to keep your head down, block people as soon as they do something wrong, and if they give you any shit, resist the temptation to give them shit back, just block.
3131 is right that offsite evidence can be introduced, but this seems less common. I think the reason I'm still not banned, is because all my PPM discussion is on text, and by the time you get there, people don' bother reporting, in most cases
If someone is willing to work thru the chaff, there are some high quality smoking hot sugar babies out there. Problem is, it's 90% chaff.
But, holy shit, it's mind blowing to strike gold with a smoking hot college student finishing up her education degree. I'm like 'is this really happening?'
PPM is pay per meetup?
Also Rick and Subra how come you guys are trying to avoid the high volume escorts if you’re using protection anyway? The thing is these eros and tryst escorts tend to be the best looking and have more developed physiques than the dancers IME. I haven’t checked SA in 6 months or so. But I see crazy things each time I go on eros or tryst.
Isnt SA like $100 a month?
I have a hunch in the current economic market SA is probably better than it was a year ago