
Which one?

Still learning to proofread
I realize there are other body types, but of this before and after which one do you prefer?
Of course I’d rather have the second one. I realized she’s not dark like my usual preference but I don’t discriminate against any big booty. I like that she put on some weight and has some nice curves now.



  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I like all types, but I have a special like for girls with extra broad hips. These are too few.

  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    The one to the right in the red - I def much more like the hourglass figure and wide-hips - the one on the left (blue-top) is too straight in the mid-section and I don't like that look at all plus her legs don't have any shape/curves to them; just a straight slender thing of a leg
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I think somewhere in between might be best. I want a little bit of curve, but also like a tight tummy. So I'm going to say the one on the left plus about 5 lbs.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    Too much booty for me. I much prefer knowing where the hips are. A stripper who I’ve done about 400 OTC hotel visits with is now engaged and has sent me videos of her and her fiancé in the throes of passion. In one of them they’re rimming each other, licking each other’s assholes and then he fucks her ass. I told her I sure wouldn’t kiss her after seeing where her tongue has been.
    A couple of days later she said I was old fashioned and seemed to be happy with fucking and sucking, not realizing the pleasure from a big booty around my dick.
    I didn’t disagree. Visually, the heavier iteration of “Jen” just looks like a porker to me. I’ve been with some heavier women and find that in my limited experience they tire more easily, are far less able to assume different positions and aren’t able to spend enough time getting there.
    One time when I did enjoy anal sex, my partner was on her back and brought her legs up beside her head which lifted her ass, spread her cheeks, and opened her butt hole. She was almost gymnastic and I just don’t see a “plus-sized” partner being able to do this. Different strokes for different folks.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    A happy medium would be nice.

    With that said, she looks unhealthy on the left, and a little "big" on the right. I look at some of her other pics, though, and her body looks much better than the pic on the right gives her credit for.
  • Funkycold88
    5 years ago
    Between the two I would take the left, but she looks like she needs to put on a few pounds in that pic. Looked through her pictures and this is where I really like her at.

  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Definitely neither. Left is too thin and missing feminine curves; girls with hips that flat, often have flat asses, too. Boner killer. On the right, the first word that popped into my mind is gawker's term "porker". That's a hard no, even drunk, stoned, and having not had sex for a month.

    So, if I had a gun to my head and had to choose, easy choice for left. But wouldn't get dances from either in the club
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    Wouldn't turn either of them down for a dance but about halfway between would be perfect.

    I go for more of the coke bottle body instead of the fuller hourglass body.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    This is a better before/after.

  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Still an easy no on the right, but looks even worse on the left...
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago

    Marilyn Monroe is and forever will be the gold standard for woman’s beauty and sex appeal.

    Naked on red Velvet

  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    In between.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    Marilyn on a Potato sack dress:

  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in the middle is my ideal. I could probably work with either though.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    I'm surprised her boobs aren't bigger with all the weight she put on.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    Wallanon - I agree.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    The After version for me. Nina and Chunkycold versions. OP's version is on the thicker side - but I'll go with it too.
    Gawker makes a valid point about stamina. But I'm no marathoner either.
    Wall - boobs are perfect. (I'm an assman)
  • Hoober68
    5 years ago
    The one the right
  • Hoober68
    5 years ago
    Beautiful and curvy
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    Easily the one on the right
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    To be honest, wouldn’t be too eager to mount either one of them.

    But I’m a gentleman and, as such, I’ve been known to occasionally canoodle moderately unattractive women just to be polite.

    In the spirit of chivalry, I’d do them both as a courtesy.
  • rh48hr
    5 years ago
    Something in the middle would be best, but I would take the one on the right before the skinny one on the left. I think some of the poses do not flatter her body. But I prefer a girl to be fit with curves. That will get me every time.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Something in the middle would be nice lol. She does seem healthier with more weight though honestly- so if I had to pick one I'd pick her with a little more meat.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Ok upon looking at her photos i see she is one of those trying to get thick girls or whatever. That's cool, but not to my taste. Something that annoys me with a lot of these girls is how 100% flat their butt is in relation to their massive thighs. Like if you are gonna gain weight and work out your muscles to grow them might as well isolate the glutes more. Squats are more to give them ginormous thighs than anything else...

    There's a beautiful girl somewhere I worked with an all natural body that gained weight and lifts and shes got the most perfect round ass. I wont post her on here though. She is very lean all over too while being "thick" (and her narrow rib structure helps lol!) . But she is disciplined. Ie eats right while gaining weight and lifting hard.
  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Halfway between the two would be ideal.
  • captainfun
    5 years ago
    I wouldn’t get dances or be turned on by either version of this girl. And agree with some others, a big girl with no boobs is not hot.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    Here’s what she actually looks like.

  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    I agree with most of the responses. While she is more feminine on the right I am not attracted to thick girls like that. If she had big boobs to match she would look better but still not interested. I prefer athletic and don't mind a little extra weight but while she has a pretty face that girl is too big.
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    Blahblahblah23 - I disagree with her ass being "100% flat in relation to her thighs." Her ass is not flat at all. Yeah, her thighs are thick, but she's clearly a person who is just genetically bottom-heavy. Her boobs are on the smaller side (they're a fine size, just small compared to her lower body), and her waist is actually quite thin.


  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    AtABoy, if you have other examples of women who are equally unattractive in their before and after pics, and ask us to make a choice which almost all of us reply "neither", this is been an exciting exercise 🤣
  • londonguy
    5 years ago
    My choice is the one on the left. I'd rather have to thin than too thick.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    neither is attractive but the one on the right is better.
  • Huntsman
    5 years ago
    Neither. If I saw those two in the club, I’d hope the bar tender was hot.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    5 years ago
    One of the right without a doubt
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    In looking thru those pics I don't think those curves are natural and that her thighs, hips, and butt, are naturally that thick and curvy - in my professional PL-opinion she looks like she's had one of those fat-transfer procedures which seem very popular today
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    Right not even close
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    "in my professional PL-opinion she looks like she's had one of those fat-transfer procedures which seem very popular today"

    Where would she have transferred the fat from? She was never fat, she seems to have gradually gotten bigger. I don't see an area of her body where fat could be transferred from except the parts that are already big.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ she could've put on weight to have some extra-fat to use - plus IDK how much fat is required and how much fat one really has stored inside - many girls I see with fake-asses are not big at all and some are actually small but still have that fake-ass that lools like it's a fat-transfer
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    I’m surprised at home many people don’t think she looks hot in the left (heavier) pic.

    I don’t think she’s fat because what I look for is still having a slim waist / flat tummy and the weight in the face, arms, hands (yes hands). To me fat is when if you saw a girl from the chest up you know she’s fat, extra chins, flabby arms, sausage fingers. And if when they sit big floppy tummy hanging over.

    She has been able to grow here bum so big by heavy lifting to grow here butt. A girl that starts out that thin, if she gains through weight lifting and healthy eating is still going to look good (in my opinion) rather than a girl that just eats garbage and doesn’t work out. Thick girls with higher muscle mass still look tight.

    Different strokes for different folks, but small waist and big booty, how is that not hot??
    And I agree I typically like a bit bigger boobs but I wouldn’t turn a girl down over it unless she was absolutely flat.

  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    In the right (heavier) pic*
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Yes, the one on the right, red, the broad hips do it, like her face too.

  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I dont think she has had fat transfer?

    I think her ass looks round like from the waist down. But in relation to her huge thighs that thing is not round. Like her ass doesnt stick out far at all from her thighs imo. She probably does squats and little to nothing else. I just never liked asses that blend too much into the thighs.

    She isn't bad to look at just not my sort of ideal aesthetic for facial features or body.

    I mean if she is online to get views/internet fame and trying to make Instagram money good for her. I assume she is accomplishing what she wants.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    More towards the left than the right is my preference.
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