What Does the Strip Club Offer You That The OTC World Doesn’t?

avatar for Dlee954
I go to strip clubs to see sexy, young and mature, hood chicks. I have been far removed from them for so long that I don’t know how and where to come across them on the street. I’m not talking locale but seeing them in everyday life. I can come across so-called cultured women anytime I choose but as Kanye West said “I be addicted to them hood rats” and that’s why I primarily go to hood clubs. A lot of these women can be had if you catch them before they start stripping or somewhere else and not know they strip until they disclose it.

Before anyone mentions it, I don’t care to go to hood clubs, parties or hangouts.

I’m sure everyone has a particular reason. Some may not even given it a thought.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
Lol. Sex, period or with specific types of girls?
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
I may not understand the question. You're asking what ITC offers that OTC (in both cases, with strippers) doesn't?
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
ITC with a stripper can be more social (i.e., you can do it with your buddies), with not much planning needed, and the ability to call an audible to switch girls, activities, etc

OTC gets you quality time with one stripper (if she manages to show up), much more time and sex for the $$$ than ITC, more planning required but sex in complete privacy

Is this a trick question?
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
Let me clarify. Not OTC with strippers. I mean life completely absent of strippers. Does the strip club compensate for something you don’t get in the outside world.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Ah. I wouldn't use the term OTC to mean real life. We all use it almost exclusively to mean "Outside The Club WITH Strippers"

Up until a few years ago, I'd have said the main thing ITC or OTC gets me, that I don't get in real life, is sex with an 8+ 20-25 year old woman. But, I've since been getting that same thing through SA, and in fact, as the SC quality in my area has gone down over the past few years, I've been doing even more of that through SA and relatively less with strippers.

What ITC still gets me is a unique social situation that I can enjoy with my buddies. We go to the club together, party there together, etc. And despite my activities on SA, I still enjoy strippers so much that sometimes I connect with the right stripper and go OTC with her.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
NSA fun without any repercussions or entanglement
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
===> "NSA fun without any repercussions or entanglement"

This. Plus the convenience of having this fun whenever I choose to without having to schedule or pre-plan.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
See, while I definitely enjoy the NSA no-entanglement fun with CFs and random strippers, I also like the light-strings-attached and light-entanglement with my ATFs.

Totally understand why some (most) guys on tuscl prefer the former and avoid the latter. But my experiences on SA have shown that what I have with ATFs is pretty much indistinguishable from an arrangement, and I do enjoy the sex more with a woman I know better, I enjoy when they lean on me for advice, etc. Not a right or wrong thing, just different ways to have fun.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ I have arrangements too, but that’s my choice but the best part for me is it’s available when I decide I want it, and even if I hadn’t made a plan to meet a specific girl, chances are better than 95% that there’ll be some gal there that matches my desires when the urge strikes.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Anonymous fun. I don’t go to strip Clubs with friends. My friends do not know I go to strip clubs. Only I know I go to strip clubs. I like talking to, interacting with, feeling up, and having sex with beautiful women that I never have to deal with again after I walk out that door.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
JITP (Just In Time Pussy)

By age 30 I knew I didn't wanna get married - not against marriage and I think it's a good-thing, it just not something I desired/wanted personally.

By age 40 (currently 49) I decided not to be in relationships/GFs anymore, felt a bit like being married and by 40 I was feeling the cons of relationships were outweighing the pros for me personally.

I like women A LOT (and in the plural sense) - especially like getting immediate physical gratification - the SCs provide immediate access to women w/o having to be in a relationship - I'm not that great at picking up chicks so if I had to rely on that to get the physical pleasure I seek/need, I'd be more frustrated than not - also liking variety A LOT it's not worth the effort to me to work and win a civvie over when I often wanna move on to something new if I get what I want.

I don't SC for emotional reasons (lonely, wanting a GF, etc) l; for me it's about the physical -so for me SCs fit me like a ring on a finger (immediate access to women I find-desirable/rurn-me-on, and no expectations/demands from her except a monetary donation)
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
I second Nidan...anonymity 100%
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
Papi, I dig you way of looking at life.

Your reasoning is more aligned with mine.

As I get older (31), I’m seeing the con of relationships and marriage plus I love variety.

I tried swinging with my ex and she wasn’t as down for it as I needed for her to be to truly enjoy myself. I love women in the real world but it’s too conditional for what I really want and SCs provide that instantly.
avatar for lotsoffun201
6 years ago
I suppose at least with me being around dancers for over 25 years, plus the swinging world, I’m ruined for civvie women. I’m attracted to “trashy” women and can’t ever see myself in the near future with a dowdy vanilla girl. In fact I was having this very same conversation with a dancer last week.

My “kryptonite” is a MILF dancer who wants an occasional OTC arrangement so that when we go out, her skirts are way too short, her heels at least 6” high and her boobs get in the room at least 2 seconds before she does.

In the club, I just enjoy a nearly naked woman draped around me for an hour or so, and then at least for me, it’s back to reality.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You can get hood girls at any club, not just "hood" ones...

For me, it just started with girls I grew up with becoming strippers, going to see them at work for support, then dating strippers... I really just treat them like regular clubs, with better vibes and better eye candy.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I wacthed the US Open, but I play golf. I like to go out for dinner, but my wife is a spectacular cook. I enjoy sex with my wife but strip clubs .........
avatar for Dlee954
6 years ago
IceyLoco i don’t do clubs like that if at all. Just went to see em and be done with them.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
Strip clubs provide me a good collection of eye candy and when in the mood (most of the time) something extra.

SCs offers me a good alternative to the drama/heartache of a GF, fiance, or wife.
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
Papi's reasoning definitely resonates with me.
avatar for FishHawk
6 years ago
As my wife and I got older sex became a less common then non-existent thing. For a while we each had our own health issues, Now that we seem to be healthy enough again my wife has made it clear that she is no longer interested. So I go to SC’s to have young sexy women pretend that I am sexy and handsome enough to have sex with. I know they are pretending but as long as they do a good job it makes me feel sexy and young again.
avatar for bullzeye
6 years ago
Second what lotsoffun said. Definitely
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
It's an "easy" button that allows me to have sexy fun times with hot young women.

Well... easy but expensive.
avatar for AtAboy
6 years ago
I like looking at and touching hot naked women. Turns out when I go to a bar, I’m reminded that I am not in fact a solid 10, and already I can’t hope to talk to the hotness level of women I like.

Secondly, should I consume enough beer to no longer be bothered by the 4s and 5s (and occasionally the 3s) that will entertain my company, they require an exorbitant amount of time and energy to engage. Assuming things escalate there’s the question of where to go. And seems they don’t want to just dance and strip for me while I touch and have fun. Also can I remind you that even drunk I’m still conscience enough to know they aren’t as hot as the SC girls I now know are only a 10 minute drive from the bar I frequent. If I had the youth and looks to bag a 10 at a bar, maybe I’d not be so enthralled with SCs.

I have plenty a life and friends and activities that I partake in that don’t involve SC. But SC seem to be the only place I am easily able enjoy hot women that are otherwise out of my league.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
at my age of 69 strip clubs are a easy access to the women I like.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
What man doesn’t like hot, young women?
I’m late thirties and would feel like a creep hitting on civilian twenty somethings.

avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
When I talk to a dancer, I don't come to realize later that they managed to get the answer to every single one of these questions:

What is your profession?
Where do you work?
Do you own or rent?
Do you have a roommate?
What kind of car do you drive?

avatar for IRman
6 years ago
I believe ITC has much less risk of being a victim of local LE sting operations as far as the male clients go. The dancers on the other hand still face some degree of risk of being arrested.
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