
Comments by AtAboy (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I guess Pocahontas wants to be known as Robin Hood instead
    SJG, I agree I spoke harshly, this was because I had someone in mind as I spoke from my personal life that majored in a major so narrow that I for one didn’t know it existed and two they had to study abroad to complete it. It was a long the lines of Chinese theater and ancient culture? While we have since grown apart, I did know him from high school and he was from the other side of the tracks if you will and had money and time to waste in school. That’s fine, but that’s not an excuse for failing to plan ones career before choosing a major just because “it’s interesting” He chose this major because it was something he really enjoyed. Well that’s dandy but last I heard, at almost 40 years old this man is still living with his mom, and is not working, but now wants to write fiction books. And not using his narrow, expensive degree. He should not get s penny of that forgiven. The money paid for college should be an investment in ones future and these kids need to treat is as such. If they don't, fine. But I don’t believe we send a good message forgiving debt incurred with irresponsible decisions. Against just my opinion. I think being well rounded is extremely valuable. I am not trying to degrade ones degree choice and I apologize it came off that way. What I am saying is there does exist the job market. And as I’ve experienced the world this far, the purpose of college is to acquire an education to get a better job because either you want to earn more money or because you have a passion for something and that is what you want to do with your life. However, I enjoy artistic hobbies but did not major in them, because I understood that while it’s nice to like ones career, that it’s also nice to pay ones bills, and live comfortably. I imagine many many people in the work force would rather be doing something else, but stay at their current job because of the pay. My point is, when I spoke harshly, there was some personal annoyance there as I imagined my former friend getting his loans forgiven because he thought it would be fun to learn about stuff with next to zero job market. I think that’s sends the wrong message and is a slap in the face to those that chose their major wisely. We should reward for good planning among young people.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I guess Pocahontas wants to be known as Robin Hood instead
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I guess Pocahontas wants to be known as Robin Hood instead
    SJG, Thats fine. As long as they don’t expect someone else to foot the bill for it. Coming from a single parent alcoholic household on welfare BUT my parent remarried someone with an income to high for aid shortly before I went off to college, I was only able to go to school on loans. (No financial aid) I was kicked out due to being in the way (and an adult) and on my own. Rented a room in a shady neighborhood and for folks like me, college was a way out of poverty, not a time to piss away someone else’s money so I could study bullshit. It was about what had the best earning potential and job market because I had no safety net if I didn’t get a job that earned better. I worked full time as well. If kids want to go off to school and major in something so useless that there’s essentially no job market because they don’t have to worry because they can just move back in with mommy and daddy, that’s fine. I agree they should do that if it works for them. But they don’t get to walk away from debt from their poor choices, while those that made good choices don’t get as much relief. I have to respectively disagree that income expectation is exactly what college decisions are made on, and that the only purpose of college is obtaining a degree to earn money. Do children growing up in middle class homes think of college as something more besides that? I’m honestly asking, as this was not my experience.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I guess Pocahontas wants to be known as Robin Hood instead
    Spillthebeans, also a valid point.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I guess Pocahontas wants to be known as Robin Hood instead
    This may be an unpopular opinion but I think forgiveness should depend on the income bracket you came from initially and if your college degree was useful. I don’t feel a kid from a poor family that chose a degree based on its earning potential (because he understood the importance of a a lucrative career due to not having the luxury of family with money) who’s now earning $200,000 a year should get less forgiveness than the kid that came from a middle class home and majored in something absolutely useless (I chose not to pick a major so I didn’t offended anyone) and with no job market, and is now living at home, with parents that can afford to support them while they make $20,000 at Starbucks. There should be some merit to the student that had their shit together to have a career and we should not reward the kids that think college is a time to find themselves and learn about things they “like” that don’t get them jobs in the real world. And now are $50,000 in debt with a dumb ass degree with no job market.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    More clubs or less clubs in a geographical area ?
    Initial meeting phase* Auto correct combined with my laziness with proof reading is not going to be good for me here
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    More clubs or less clubs in a geographical area ?
    I prefer more only because I don’t always enjoy the girls knowing me. Sometimes it’s nice to go in and meet a fresh group of ladies and have that initial meeting perks where you get to see what each girl is like. Guess I’ve always enjoyed the change of scenery and getting to know someone phase. The thrill of will she or won’t she.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Jersey
    A formula for converting civie women
    Second what RickDugan said regarding the obvious difference between strippers and women working vanilla jobs. OP, it’s sounds like you’re saying that every woman would let some strange dude fuck her if she were poor enough. I’m going to politely disagree. There are many women that simply would not do that no matter how poor they are. Hell, there are women that despite being desperately poor (and having the body for it) won’t even dance, let alone turn to prostitution. I’m not saying anything about their character, because I have no issue with the women that will do that. I’m just saying by your logic, there is an economic point by which people will commit sex acts they don’t want to do in exchange for money. Like how poor would you have to be to fuck a nasty lady or suck a gay guy off? Does everyone have a price? I know no matter how poor I’ve been, there’s things I won’t do. I imagine many women feel the same. My guess is if she hasn’t already signed up to strip or be an escort and is a civi-woman that you trying to get her to turn a trick for some cash isn’t going to end well.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Turns out this place has more to offer than I realized, had to review again after another visit
    Yeah I was uncomfortable asking directly when I first started clubbing. The more forward I get the more fun I have
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Ponder this fake strip club scenario
    It’s my fault for reading this, doubting my first impression that it was verbal diarrhea, and then deciding to read it again thinking it would make more sense on the second go around. Any of my time wasted on this thread is entirely my fault.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Another Disappeared Rant
    Ok thanks for the info founder. I was typing when you posted
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Another Disappeared Rant
    I noticed that as well. So does this mean his account is closed? As in he can no longer view posts in the VIP board? He was one perceived slight away from shooting up a SC. I’d like to think I have a healthy dose of paranoia and he struck me as someone that could hold on to a grudge, and stalk someone, piece together info, drive for 2 days straight wearing an adult diaper so as not to waste time stopping to piss, then randomly open fire in the SCs they frequent.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer rant
    Well I learned this weekend to be sure to check TUSCL every. Fucking. Day. And multiple times at that. Sorry I missed that dumpster fire of a post. I mean the energy she put into typing all that. Wow @shadowcat is that the thread being talked about or a different one?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    That's quite a workout
    Not sure how missed this Very nice 👍🏻👍🏻
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Question Founder, on the ignore feature, or anyone that knows
    Thanks. Good to know
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rate the ebony chocolate
    Yes please! And I know I’m usually focused on ass which I can’t see here, but her eyes (another feature I’m drawn to) are stunning
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Being white in a black club, and club recommendations for AC
    Their *space* occupied.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Being white in a black club, and club recommendations for AC
    Ok, I read through the replies quickly, so forgive me if I miss something. For those that replied honestly, thank you. I think the right wing thing was a joke? But fwiw, despite being the whitest MFer, I am not conservative or a trump supporter. At all. Don’t want that misconception being assumed. But I do like mayo. Secondly, as much as I’d love to believe everyone is happy go lucky, we are the world, kumba-fucking-ya, that not how the world works. I may not give a shit what color someone is, but I’ve personally been in areas of Baltimore and Philly in my young years, where I was told by friends that were and weren’t white, while you’re driving through this part and that part, (this is late at night) and the lights red, roll through, don’t stop. And that there are areas you don’t go if your white. Maybe things have changed in the last 20 years? And if anyone on here thinks there aren’t white people that wouldn’t start shit with a black dude just for being black in the wrong part of town, and vice versa, then that’s great for you. But I’ve seen different. Not everyone is happy to have their (white, black, straight, what have you) occupied by people that are different. That’s just how shit is. I’ll definitely start with reviews and go from there. I’ve really love to go to a club where more of the kind of women I like are dancing, where right now they are the minority where I go. Also what about some clubs recommendations for AC? Thanks!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Being white in a black club, and club recommendations for AC
    This * summer.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Best subway ride
    Yeah I assumed those a real dancers that maybe just got off work. I also found the people in the background that gave zero fucks, didn’t even look up amusing. But that’s NYC right there lol
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A great place to watch naked girls and relax
    Hmmm could this be on purpose to prevent “getting comfortable”?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    Best subway ride
    That ass on the girl with the long pink sleeves though..damn
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tattoos! WTF?!!
    ^ agree each tattoo should be individually judged, like by what it is, location and why the owner got it. But I just want to point out that one doesn’t chose the color of their skin, however one does choose to get tattoos.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tattoos! WTF?!!
    Shadowcat, I was still typing when you posted, yeah the piercings...I don’t like the taste of metal on my mouth
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Tattoos! WTF?!!
    First, agree that several tats on a very young stripper tells me she’s impulsive and may not be concerned with worrying about how today’s “fun” effects her tomorrow. This is good. I’m close to 40 so yeah I remember a time (in my teens) when tattoos on a women usually meant a lack of class. Myself and my other half do not have any. For a mate, I want someone that is more than someone who will do FS in a back room for a tip. Call me old fashion. We’ve been together almost 20 years and I strongly preferred no tattoos then. However tattoos are not what they were and I know plenty of professional people with class that have many tattoos. Things have changed, and I’ve strongly considering getting one myself some day. On a stripper, I’ve had CF everything from 1-2 tiny tats in discrete sexy places, and some CF that we’re pretty heavily tatted and young, meaning they were working toward covering 100% of their body surface I think. What they have matters. I’ve seen a few that have like a flaming skull with other grotesque images like on their chest or back, and that’s just too much for me. Like why? Are you sacrificing people on the side as a hobby? Are you in a gang? I stay away from girls with those types of tats, but anything else, or meant to be sexy, I’m fine with. If she’s got the assets I like, I’m fine with tats...now let’s start a thread on nipple piercings...visually appealing but the taste and feel in my mouth I don’t care for.