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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 32)

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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
The Importance of Math When Searching for a New Main Bitch
Well people's preferences do change and vary, and socialization can also make a difference for sure. But on a biological basis, men tend to be more physically attracted to youthful looking girls.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Furthermore, I don't buy the excuse put forth by a lot of guys here that because they are older they can't do it anymore but because I'm young I should be able to. I guarantee you that George Clooney would have no problems. If anything, being young is a disadvantage, and being older is an advantage. Girls aren't attracted to youth the way guys are. Girls seem to be most attracted to men in the 25-39 age range. A lot of guys who are teenagers or in their early 20s are scrawny, have no confidence, and no money. I've seen a shit ton of guys online who said they were hopeless with girls in their teenage years and didn't become attractive to them until they were in their late 20s or 30s. Just face it, the most attractive men in your age range can probably easily do it, but like me, you're not in the most attractive category of men. So you can't. You also have to factor in the fact, which, if you guys saw me in real life you would instantly understand. I look extremely young for my age. Nobody if they saw me would guess that I'm 21, I look 16, I could probably pass for 14 or 15 if I tried. I was one time in the bathroom at a strip club and a guy asked me if I had gotten in with a fake ID. That's how young I look.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Yeah I agree with Icey, it seems like a lot of you guys are really jealous that I can afford it. Whenever the subject comes up almost everybody here says their first time in a strip club was when they were 18 or 19 which was the exact same age that I was. Nobody goes to strip clubs unless there's something about the normie/civie world that isn't appealing to them. Whether you simply enjoy the personalities of strippers more than civie girls, whether you can't relate to civie girls, or whether you have to directly pay for sex in order to have any. On some level, there's something almost all of you found unappealing about the civie world when you were young, but you probably just couldn't afford to SC.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
The Importance of Math When Searching for a New Main Bitch
For a relationship, I suppose that makes sense. But men will always biologically consider females in the 15-25 age range to be at peak levels of physical attractiveness regardless of what social norms say.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Ezk69
Is it more personal?
Yeah that is important. If a stripper DFKs other strippers or female customers but won't DFK me then I'm not going to choose her as a favorite. I will admit that I would get very jealous. I like seeing it in porn but in person it feels like yet another message that women are worthy of it but I as a male am not worthy and I go to strip clubs mainly to get away from that crap.
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6 years ago
avatar for Ezk69
Is it more personal?
Eva stfu
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Ezk69
Is it more personal?
I don't know about more personal per se, but there's something about it that feels a lot better to me than straight sex does.
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6 years ago
avatar for Nidan111
Somewhere in MO.
Does one get dizzy playing yoyo
Back when I was operating several prank accounts I would keep each account on different browsers. Or I might use my phone to post on one and a laptop for the other, or I'd just use normal google for one and google incognito for the other.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
I actually agree with Rick here. The breakdown of nuclear/traditional families in minority communities is their biggest problem. Most families in poverty are being raised by a single parent.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
"It has the effect of feeling like it can last for all eternity." That sounds wonderful.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
"Being slut shamed is one of the biggest fears of our girls in Project Impact." So basically, girls' biggest fear is that some people might give them a label that has been rendered pretty much powerless in 2019 and actually makes the accuser look worse than the victim. Men's biggest fear is that a girl, not being able to tolerate possibly having this mostly powerless label, will then lie to everybody and say that he raped her, which could then result in his entire life being ruined and him spending a decade or two in prison. But even if he was found innocent of the charges he will probably end up the next victim of the liberal media lynch mob as a "rapist who got away with it," no matter how strong the evidence is supporting that he is innocent, and he will be unable to ever get a job again because of this label following him. All because accusing him of raping her gets her out of being called a slut or a cheater. But despite the very real fact that accusations just like these are flying around everywhere and you've personally seen several people you know get falsely accused of some kind of sexual misconduct which they barely managed to escape from with their life and reputation, you're still supposed to act confident around girls and just kinda, trust them not to ruin your life despite knowing full well that they could destroy your life with one sentence. None of the times you get rejected are allowed to phase your confidence, none of the people around you who's self-esteem and trust in women have been destroyed by girls who falsely accused them is supposed to give you doubts about your own trust in girls. And if are not confident in how you pursue sex with them, you will be called a pussy pansy, a beta cuck, and a whiner. Instead you're expected to confidently walk around trying to fuck every girl regardless of rejection and pretending that nothing's wrong, that nothing is going on in the world, that your life cannot be destroyed because of what you're doing. In the meantime, nobody suggests that women should do anything to make guys feel more comfortable about sex. But nah, that's not the important issue, the important issue we really need to focus on is that some girls might be a little embarrassed cause somebody mildly insulted them with a label that honestly has no power beyond the high school years and doesn't even really have that much power in high school either. Instead of focusing on the fact that we're afraid of losing our lives if we pursue women, we're instead told to give even more attention to women's exaggerated problems. Now do you see why waifus are 100x better than drunk girls you don't know or trust?
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Oh c'mon, even my mom is telling me to not hookup with slutty drunk girls because the danger of false accusations is too high. False sexual misconduct accusations are an epidemic right now. Its unfortunate that this has to coincide with an epidemic of sexual assault occurring at the same time. Both my mom and my dad agree on this and my mom even told me I should bug my room if I was going to do it so I could show the police. And its not because my parents don't want me to have sex. My mom is okay with me hiring hookers, somewhat okay with me smoking weed, and is completely okay with my daki pillow. It was hilarious, I showed her my pillow and we actually talked about what kind of soap and shampoo I should use to bathe her. My mom's attitude was "well if it helps, then that's all that matters." College gives kids too much freedom. They have so much freedom they end up creating their own societies essentially on campus with no checks and balances imposed by the outside world to regulate things even a little. Extreme behavior of every kind runs rampant and there's no way to escape this society if you don't like it. All college really is is trading your parents rules for your peers' rules so its really not giving you more freedom unless your parents were total assholes. High school allows you to kind of escape from both if you really want to. I feel more at ease and free around my parents then I do around my peers though. At least my parents' rules make sense, and have a logical reason for existing in order to keep me out of harm's way. As long as it isn't dangerous, I can do whatever I want at my parents' house. The social rules at my school are stupid, blatantly power based, literally designed to put you in danger, and toxic to forming human connections. Every year, and this one is no exception, I find that I'm much happier living with my parents than I am at college.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Yeah it was better when the way to do it didn't look a hair's inch away from sexual assault. It was also better when we didn't have false accusations flying left right and center. You can't program a set of rules into someone and then expect them to just change them, Once you've programmed somebody a certain way that's how they will understand how to act. You can't suddenly rewire the programming because they're in college. You can tweak it but you can't act like its possible to suddenly reprogram the entire system.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
A Solution to Racism
They're not trying to enforce bigotry, they want the whole discussion around race to end.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Not take away rights, take away power. Feminists are basically power addicts who desperately need rehab. Women had already won all their legal rights by the 1950s. The good thing about a society that is a little more rigid is that everybody knows what they're supposed to do and people can't just make up unwritten rules and expect everyone to follow them. Things are too confusing right now because literally everything is up in the air and there's no "norm" to use as a standard way to base your behavior around. Young people like to pretend we've thrown all the rules away but what we really did was create new ones that we just expect everyone to understand despite the fact that nobody fucking told me that that's what the rules are. What's even worse is that the rules change so frequently, I go from high school to college and people suddenly expect me to act differently despite the fact that the high school rules are already programmed into my brain. Especially when it comes to courting, its much better when the whole process is laid out in a straight line that is simple to follow and nobody is allowed to object to the way that you're courting a girl. Instead nothing we have right now is really acceptable because different people have different ideas of what is an acceptable way to court a girl. Confident girls think you should be extremely assertive and confident. Shy girls think you should take it slowly and gently. And then there's all the girls in-between with their own individual idea of how a guy should court them. Each one gets pissed off if a guy doesn't do things their way. What would be better is if we all agreed to have one single way to court a woman and anything that doesn't abide by that method is stigmatized. But at the same time, women are not allowed to object to men who try to court them using that method. They can stop the courting at any point in the process but they're not allowed to object to the courting method in of itself. The "courting" process right now encourages sexual assault and rape because girls keep enabling guys who are excessively forward about their intentions with them and then on top of that expect men to be forward with them. Well its no wonder this leads to a rampant problem with sexual assault. If feminists really wanted to stop sexual assault they would stop empowering hookup culture, which encourages it.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
A Solution to Racism
As for this, idk, I feel like it'd be a shame to see certain races and skin colors just disappear because we couldn't get along without doing something crazy like this. I'd rather the left just drop the subject. If they stopped trying to race-bait everyone then people's race would just be considered the same as a quirk.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
A Solution to Racism
"Japan's also going to have to rely on immigrants soon enough because their citizens prefer waifu over humans." I'm surprised more Americans aren't going for waifus, waifus are amazing. I've met a couple girls from Japan and a girl from China and they were all adorable.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
@Estafador Yes my grandfather was racist. My grandfather was born in 1930 which is why I said the last people who could've possibly been blamed were my grandparents. Although my grandfather was a poor farmer who grew up on a dirt floor in 1930s depression era so I doubt we have any ties to slave owning plantations. My uncles were born in the mid-50s and my dad was born in the mid-60s so he was a baby when the Jim Crow laws ended. I will admit that one of my uncles is horribly racist but he's a complete fuck up in many areas of life.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
@JamesSD They feel guilty just like many white Americans do. But at this point its time for us all to move on from the past. WW2 was a long time ago, slavery was a longer time ago. There's really no need for Germany to continue paying reparations. There's no reason for Germany today to continue paying the consequences for what a completely different regime did nearly a century ago. TwentyFive is right that many white people helped end slavery and end the Jim Crow laws.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
I'm not saying we should bring back every element of 1950s society, but just because they had some bad parts (like racism) doesn't mean they did everything wrong and there is nothing that we can learn from them. That doesn't mean there aren't parts of it, that would be nice if they existed today. The 1950s had the lowest rate of violent crime in our entire history. They had much lower rates of mental health problems, there was no movement or faction advocating misogynistic attitudes or misandrist attitudes. Men overwhelmingly loved and adored women and women felt the same about men. Women were happier in the 1950s than they are today, in-fact, women's happiness has been declining ever since the 1970s. Studies show over and over again that women are happier in traditional societies. If you look at this chart, you'll see that the gender gap between happiness of males vs females is the worst in ultra-feminist Iceland, while the "happiness gap" is completely equal in more conservative Tunisia, Japan, and China. https://ifstudies.org/blog/why-are-girls-in-many-egalitarian-countries-less-happy-than-boys Why? Because having a lot of power in society doesn't make you happier. Power is the world's most dangerous drug, it consumes you from the inside and blackens every part of your soul, taking down your happiness and your morality as it demands more and more and you become more and more paranoid of losing it. Power destroys your ability to connect with people on a deep emotional level, and someone who is too addicted to power eventually becomes incapable of loving anybody. People just become tools to them. Power is destructive, and it corrupts you, you should never, ever, ever give any human too much power. People have proven time and time again throughout history that the majority of people cannot handle it. Many women in progressive societies are obsessed with power and feminism is feeding that addiction like a gas pump. This is why BDSM has become so popular with women now is because feminism has taught them to care about nothing else besides power. It has also taught them that there is nothing wrong with enjoying power and that they in-fact, should seek more of it. Traditional societies strip women of a lot of their power, but they are ultimately happier and better off for it. For men, they are given just a tiny bit more, but are expected to be responsible with it and not abuse it, thus the code of chivalry that demands a man never hit a woman and to treat her with kindness. A man who does hit a woman will be rightfully stigmatized as someone who abused his power over someone else. Ultimately, power can be checked if we make sure to enforce consequences on those who abuse it. The problem with countries like Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and Afghanistan is that they give too much power to men, and they abuse it over there without any consequences. But the problem with countries like the US, the UK, Iceland, and Sweden, is that we've given too much power to women, and they are abusing it without any consequences. Traditional societies, however, are true egalitarianism, because neither men nor women have much power over the other. The imbalance of power is tiny, and whenever one side tries to abuse it, the world comes in and stops it. It would be easy for families to live on one income if feminism had not pushed women to swarm into the workforce. Nowadays, corporations expect two earners per household and give salaries and wages accordingly. If men were the primary breadwinners in most households, then corporations would have to pay men enough that they could sustain a family on one income. What a lot of people don't seem to understand is that the 1950s did not have any laws prohibiting women from working. There were no laws making a woman having a career illegal, everything was completely voluntary. People were not unreasonable, they wouldn't fuck you over if the husband died, they did it that way because they thought it was the best way to build a family and the evidence points to them being right. What's truly sheltered and naive is not acknowledging how much certain things have completely gone to shit since then. The natural harmony that should exist between the sexes has been destroyed, and its because feminism has gotten so many women addicted to and drunk on power and they are knowingly abusing their power over men while simultaneously claiming victimhood. This isn't about careers, this is about everything else in the feminist movement. It is becoming more and more obvious to everyone that feminism is producing a seething hatred of men among many women and men are responding back with hatred of their own. If we don't stop this tide soon our civilization may become permanently lost. And that's why you couldn't be more wrong to say I'm going into Elliot territory. My goal isn't anything remotely resembling his. My goal is to bring balance back to the world before something terrible happens. And I'm sorry to say but the only way to bring balance back to the world is to take away a lot of women and feminism's power because they've gone off and gotten blackout drunk on it and are destroying themselves and everything around them with it. Women may not want to hear it but the only thing that will prevent a disaster is if they willingly give up their power. Men did it. Nobody acknowledges this, but black people and women didn't really "win" the power they have. White men voluntarily gave it to them. We used to have it, we decided to give it up because we thought that too many white men were abusing it. Well right now, men have no real power left, women control it all, but you're abusing it. The legal system may not give any consequences to this, and the social world may not either, but there are consequences nonetheless. The consequences of women abusing their power over and over again is that men will stop loving them. I can already see it happening. Incels, MGTOW, the Red Pill, its all growing and its all a part of a trend where men are learning to stop loving women. Is that really what women want? Most men naturally have a deep level of love and affection for women, and that love is being lost. That's not a small thing, it doesn't come easily. Most men fight desperately to keep that love inside them. Women are terrified by what these movements actually represent yet they are doing nothing to prove to men that they aren't truly how these movements view them. They just stubbornly choose to attack those movements and call them misogynists but are doing nothing to actually prove them wrong. The burden is not on men anymore, its up to women. Women need to prove that the theories these movements have about them are wrong and empty accusations of misogyny are not going to work. They need to take real action, and show that there are real women out there who don't hate men and are ready to become great mothers. In order to do that they need to stop dating thugs or men who act like thugs, and they need to stop putting serious relationships and marriage on hold until they're too old to have kids anymore.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Rookert
Mileage Variations and Would You?
For whatever reason, she doesn't like him. He should cut ties with her and move on to somebody who will give him satisfying mileage for the amount of money he's spending.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Traditional society was equality. Both men and women are secretly more happy in traditional societies and their love is deeper than it is in progressive societies. Having different roles doesn't mean inferior roles. In a traditional society, women are responsible for being the mother of a man's children and nurturing them from birth to adulthood. Its an honor and a privilege to have this opportunity. Any woman who is very nurturing and loves being a mother would consider it a privilege. Working is not fun, men do it because they want their wife and child to be happy so they take on the burden of having a full time job and making the money so that they can come home to a happy wife who appreciates what he does for her. Women in traditional societies have a deeper love for their husbands than women in progressive societies do because traditional societies teach women that motherhood is an honor and a privilege and that men are actually making a sacrifice so that they can be happy. Progressive societies teach women to hate everything about men, to only care about themselves, to feel superior to men, and to use men as tools for whatever goals they have.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Nobody is denying that a lot of awful shit happened in the past. The reason white people today are angry is because so many people continue to hate us for things that we didn't do. I never owned any slaves, nobody in my family ever owned slaves. My dad, and I did not live during the Jim Crow era. The last people who could've possibly been blamed for any of the racism of the past are my grandparents and both of them are dead now. But the left wants to act like things haven't even changed and refuses to allow society to move on from what happened. We don't still blame Germany and heap hatred on them for what happened during WW2 because the world and Germany is completely different now so why can't we do the same for American white people?
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
The left is Christophobic for sure. They hate everything about Christianity and want to portray it as the reason why America isn't a leftist utopia.