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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 33)

discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Funny cause I can tell you didn't read it. Cause I read it again after I posted it but you responded four minutes after it was posted. Quite frankly, that checklist only scratches the surface of all the advantages being female has in our society. Conservative gender roles gives women privileges. Traditional societies are a give and take world where women are afforded some privileges and men are afforded other privileges. The difference is that feminism wants all the privileges of traditional society, plus more privileges that they created for themselves, no privileges whatsoever for men, and then on top of that to hate men and treat them like dogshit and then have nobody call them out on their bigotry.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Well of course they won't be, that's why feminism is popular because feminism seeks to expand an already huge list of privileges while also giving them the excuse of being able to claim victimhood even though being female gives you a huge amount of privileges. https://mensresistance.wordpress.com/female-privilege-checklist/
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Because you didn't actually address anything. The lawsuits are not frivolous when there is major evidence supporting them to be true. There really is no excuse for a 450 point difference in SAT scores or a 150 point difference. That's a 3.5-7.2 point difference in ACT scores and I'm telling you, when you're taking the ACT every fucking point counts and Asians have 3-7 points against them for their race. You wanna talk about institutional discrimination, that's real institutional discrimination. But SJWs don't care about and even seem to support this discrimination. Why?
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Lol at @IceyLoco's new alias. Once again showing SJWs don't actually give a fuck about who's really being discriminated against, they care about getting those votes.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Women are not dealt a bad hand, middle class women honestly have more privilege than a man making $1,000,000 per year has.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
No I do think that poor people are dealt a bad hand. I think they're dealt a bad hand regardless of their race. Most black people are not living in poverty, might I add that its quite ignorant of you to assume they all live in poverty when its actually only 25%? And white people are 50% of the poor. The poor absolutely do work hard for little reward, so I'm not going to tell them to "grab their bootstraps" because they already are, they are some of the hardest workers I've met. But you are confusing class privilege with racial privilege.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
The left is also bigoted towards Asians because they're not going along with the left-wing narrative. The best way to counter left-wing claims of racism is to point out how ultra-liberal academia seems to be trying their darndest to prevent Asian people from getting in. Its not a small level of discrimination either, an Asian person literally needs 450 more points on a 1600 point SAT test to get into the same university as a black person, 300 more points than a Hispanic person, and 150 more points than a white person. http://asianamericanforeducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/sat_by_race.jpg I'd be fucking pissed. Apparently SJW protection clauses don't include Asian people though.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
The left is extremely bigoted towards white males, they come up every reason in the book to just say white males are evil for whatever they do, and they are having a harder and harder time hiding their bigotry. All this oppression bullshit is just them trying to convince women and minorities that they should also hate white males so that they will vote democrat under the idea that they will get rid of this "oppression."
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Power & Division Among Mongers
Traditional conservatism is not far right. Far right is nazis and KKK members.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
"You buy women and can enjoy paying for faux experiences where the woman lacks any agency or voice. You think you can buy women like sex dolls and dictate the experiences you have with them." Funny, if you reverse the genders, that's exactly how the relationships with your "bad bitches" work. Man lacks any agency or voice and get treated like a walking dildo. He has to constantly put on a tough guy act and keep side bitches or flirt with other girls or his main bitch will stop respecting and showing loyalty towards him. These relationships you have are about as toxic and dysfunctional as it gets. At least when I do it, I pay the girl pretty well and the "act" I want her to put on is to simply be kind and make me feel liked. I'm actually paying her to make sure the relationship doesn't become toxic. I don't mandate that she act like a thuggish pimp like your bitches do. "This is a very privileged position.How many men have the opportunity to buy GFEs coz they can't function well enough as men to be able to deal with real women?" I don't have that privilege because I'm white, I have it because my parents make a lot of money. Nobody is arguing over class privilege here. "As someone who feels so oppressed you should have a lot more solidarity and empathy. But your white privilege makes that unnecessary." I would have solidarity if I thought it existed. What I instead am seeing is a political party that wants more votes and is very successfully getting them by telling women and minorities that white men hate them and are oppressing them and need the Democrats laws to get them out of their oppression. The oppression story will never end, because it doesn't suit the democrats political motivations for creating it. But as the story becomes more and more absurd, their desire to squelch free speech intensifies. White men are actually legitimately hated by the left just for existing though. Conservatives don't hate women, they don't hate minorities, they hate what the left has done to so many women and minorities. Every time you get a woman or black person who speaks out against PC bullshit, conservatives celebrate that person and the left hates them. Look no further than Blaire White, a transgender woman who is loved by Conservatives for speaking out against and pointing out the hypocrisy of feminism. In the 1980s we thought we were past all this racial bullshit, but since then, relentless left-wing propaganda has made a lot of people hateful and bigoted towards white men. The left has brought back racial tensions by relentlessly squawking about it instead of just letting the idea of race die altogether which was about to happen. So yeah, white men are angry. They're angry because the left is determined to hate them no matter what they do. White men just want to stop feeling hated for their race and gender. Don't pretend bigotry doesn't exist on the left, there are literally articles on feminist blogs about apologizing for "your whiteness."
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for carolynne
The bigger you are the better
That's how sex works if you have a high sex drive, the more you have it, the more you want it.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Power & Division Among Mongers
I don't agree with this SJW, everything is racist/sexist crap either. Some younger millennials are supporting traditional conservativism more as we see the insanity taking place on college campuses.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
I think some elements of the church have twisted religion to suit their own desires for power and money. But Jesus actually said in the Bible that love is more important than faith. Basically saying its more important to be loving than it is to believe in the religion which was super super progressive for the time he lived in. He opposed the harshness of old religious officials who tried to stone Mary Magdalene and thought anybody who wasn't Jewish was a heretic. A lot of people have tried to twist the Bible to suit their own purposes but Jesus himself is full of positive messages and lessons that people even today could learn.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Just don't do that stupid shit like telling a kid if he lies that he'll go to hell for eternity.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Religion isn't a poisonous institution. Religious extremism is a problem but religion encourages people to think about their community and the people around them instead of just constantly thinking about themselves. Ever since the West started becoming less religious, we've lost our community. Love, people, and human connections are considered to be the most important thing in Christianity. That's why religious countries like Italy still have a sense of community. The US is divided and split into so many different factions who are hating each other more and more by the year. I'm saying this as somebody who doesn't identify with any organized religion, we need more religion.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Nidan111
Somewhere in MO.
I fucking hate it when I am the most recent responder!
@Nidan Yeah fuck Facebook. The PC police will string you up and crucify you if you make honest statements there.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
@Nidan, @Icey and @RHB Everyone is dealt a certain hand of cards in life. I'm willing to bet that, even assuming you were born in the US, genetics and social factors will determine at least 75% of somebody's life outcome. You can win with a 2 and a 5 even if your opponent has a flush by bluffing your opponent and pretending you have better cards but it takes a lot of skill to win with those cards. Congratulations to those who do, but for a lot of other people, they just don't know what to do with the cards they were dealt with. If you are bad at lying, then that hand is completely worthless. If you're good at lying, you can pull it off. The real question here, is this, were black people dealt a bad hand in life by being born black? Everyone agrees being born into money makes your life easier, but does being born a certain race make it easier? By that you cannot compare a black person living in poverty to a middle class white person, you have to compare middle class black people (who do exist in large numbers, even though the PC crowd seems to think they all live in ghettos) to middle class white people. I would argue that if you're born a middle class black person, that institutionally, you were dealt a better hand than middle class white people because of the existence of affirmative action programs. Socially, however, there is reasonable debate to be had on that. IceyLoco acts as if males are so privileged and cites "you can buy women like chattel," he has complained before about how certain males expect to get laid without any effort. The funniest part of this all is that women are literally given men to them like chattel, without any effort, for free. Male privilege is such an absurd concept in Western countries its actually laughable. I don't have time to go into this. But the only thing the idea of "male privilege" proves is that human beings are incredibly susceptible to brainwashing. It shows that you can place a mountain in-front of somebody's eyes, but if you tell somebody over and over again from birth that the mountain does not exist, they will truly believe that mountain does not exist. You can tell it does though, because when you start walking towards the mountain to figure out for yourself if it does exist, everybody panics and scrambles and desperately tries to convince you not to approach the mountain.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Nidan111
Somewhere in MO.
I fucking hate it when I am the most recent responder!
Lol I kind of feel the same when I'm bored and got nothing to do. Get anxious waiting for responses.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
" attacking white privilege in institutions historically reserved for white men isn't racism." Excuses sound very similar to what the Jacobins in the French Revolution and Leninists said during the Russian Revolution but on a much smaller scale. We're not being tyrannical by slaughtering the people who used to have power even though they don't have any anymore. A new regime is in place but somehow they still have power. The reason people think unqualified black candidates get hired is because many companies hire unqualified black candidates in order to look PC. If people don't like that assumption then removing the affirmative action laws will make it obvious that all black workers are in-fact, highly qualified for the positions they are in. I mean, do people seriously think that ultra-liberal academia discriminates against black and Hispanic people? Its fucking ridiculous. The colleges and the media are the ones spreading the idea that discrimination is rampant in the first place. And why are Asians for some reason exempt from SJW oppression protection? There's a lot of controversy over colleges discriminating against Asian people.
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6 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
This "it's only racism when it's institutional" works against your argument lol. There is institutional racism against white and Asian people in college and work force applications in that you need higher qualifications to get accepted than black people need.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
@pistola and @Icey its not about how loud they are, its that bitchy attitude. Its like they think they're just the shit yet its clear they operate on nothing but instincts. "like omg, needy guys should just fucking die." "You wanna fight? Oh let's make out." "Yea I like, cheated on every boyfriend I ever had. YOLO right!" "Girls want you to fucking like, punch em in the face, punch em in the vagina." Its so fucking trashy. I can't believe you don't see it. I see them walking around everywhere during the daytime hours and they pretty much still act like that, they still have that attitude. Its not alcohol. Furthermore, I've seen nice girls get drunk, they don't start acting that way just because they got drunk. Alcohol just releases what is already inside you that you're afraid to be truthful about its not like it actually changes you.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
"But I'm frustrated and tired of reading this thread, So I am not going to do it anymore." I'm not sure why you read it to begin with. "I look forward to the day when CC posts about how enjoyed his HS GFE. Though, I'm not holding my breath." Even I don't expect this to be possible until after graduation. The reason being that I have a $3,000 debt that I gotta pay off right now and after that I will need to build up the funds to finance this. I suspect a year from now though that I will still have a very youthful appearance. My appearance has barely changed at all since I was 17. "We should have a TUSCL pool going of which happens first: CC has his HS GFE Or SJG visits TJ" That would actually be really funny. "Nobody suggested that you swing from one extreme to the other, just that you toughen up a bit and force yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable until they get easier. And as far as those people who you respect, did it ever occur to you that some of them were patronizing you? If they truly believed that the world needs more people like you then why aren't they living the way you are? ;)" They are living this way, their outcomes were different but their actions support their words. A couple of those people were my parents, they support semi old fashioned ideas of chivalry and romance but mix it with modern parenting styles. One of them was a stripper who was a favorite of mine, I'm friends with her on Facebook, the guy she's married to looks like a pretty nice guy. Another one was a friend of mine. He can't really get girls either. "Beta Cuck you’ve been in college 3 years and haven’t learned shit! Get money, get girls drunk, find the one that will sleep with you, distract her from the she-herd, take home, cum on her face. It’s that simple." I have learned that money is important. As for the rest of that stuff, I'm aware that that lifestyle exists. I just don't want to be a part of it. I don't really like a lot of the personality traits and general behavior that go along with most of the girls engaged in that lifestyle. A lot of them act so fucking trashy that they're not attractive to me anymore even if their bodies are objectively attractive. I mean, this is actually how most of them act... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qZHw60dDqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKkmKq5PcAI Can you see why I'm not exactly eager to be all over that? Most of them act like they're on Jersey Shore or some shit. They don't all act like that, but the majority absolutely do. I like for a girl to be girly and sweet with a cute vibe that inspires me to feel protective towards her. I enjoy the personalities and behavior of strippers way more than the typical college aged party girls. There are trashy strippers sure but there's also lots of young cute strippers, motherly strippers, and classy stripper girls. If I'm going to have a casual sexual relationship with a girl, I want it to be with a stripper or perhaps a party girl who doesn't act like a typical one. A romantic relationship can be with any girl who's cute and sweet.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Paying a stripper for a teenage romance simulation?
RickDugan you are the last person on this site that I want to talk about autism with given the frequency with which you call someone "autistic" to insult them when you think they are weird or socially awkward, me actually happening to be one of those people who you've insulted in that manner. Sociopaths are literal experts at looking normal, having social skills, and blending in, they are sociopaths because they are freakishly good at lying to people and presenting a socially acceptable image of themselves. One of the most common traits of autism is that autistic people rarely lie and if they do lie are very bad at it. So don't give me that bullshit insinuating that if sociopaths can act normal I should be able to as well. I have tried to "act normal" before, it is emotionally exhausting, I can only do it for so long before it becomes really frustrating. And don't fucking come at my father, unlike you my father doesn't feel a constant need to prove his masculinity by acting like an overgrown version of an early 20s dudebro bragging about how many girls he fucks and insulting anything resembling feminine traits in other guys. Yeah he does go to the gym, and he watches and loves sports, but for him, providing my mom and his kids with the best life possible is his most important goal. As far as I'm concerned, all he's said about that is "well not everybody's meant to be a tough guy." The last thing my dad or my mom wants though is for me to turn into some fuckboy who goes around acting cocky and douchey towards girls, even if it would make me more successful. All of the people in my life who I've respected the most told me "don't ever change yourself for other people, don't ever become one of those guys who's cocky and arrogant around girls. There's way too many of them, the world needs people like you."
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
The Attraction of Men Who Treat Women Badly
Overall people need to stop rewarding bad behavior for temporary pleasure. Adults are just like children, if you reward bad behavior the bad behavior will continue. If you don't like bitchy women then stop rewarding bitchy women by giving them what they want. And if women don't like douchey men then stop rewarding douchey men by giving them what they want. If you want girls who act more nice then give nice girls everything they want, if you want nice guys then give nice guys everything they want. When they stop acting nice, take the things they like away from them.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
The Attraction of Men Who Treat Women Badly
You guys are hanging out with the wrong strippers. Most strippers really appreciate kindness, more so than other women do. I've noticed that whenever I give them an inch they give me a foot.