It's a tactic well used by the left in attacking conservatives, and used by
@IceyHomo in his racism charges.
A white man is racist if he buys services from a black sex worker because he is exploiting her for racial reasons.
A white man is racist if he buys services from a white sex worker because he has an aversion to non-whites.
Oh, and only whites can be racist.
Fucking joke is what it is.
last commenthttp://asianamericanforeducati…
I'd be fucking pissed. Apparently SJW protection clauses don't include Asian people though.
But I'm glad you ignore hundreds of years of slavery and racial inequality against groups you obviously have a personal agenda with, and love and care about the plight of Asian Americans so much.
I hope you become an activist against AMPs and Asian human trafficking! They need your help more than Asians involved in frivolous lawsuits against universities.
1- I am not a racist. I don't have any problem with the concept of the NAACP. I was just making a wise crack about how white's are all racists and no one else is. It was a bad joke. I am sorry you were offended.
2- You didn't make any points with your statements though. I am FOR gentrification. It's called redevelopment of bad neighborhoods. And is Islamaphobia a real word ? I get what you mean. The typical Muslim does get a bad rap because of all of the Radicals. But rather than hate us for distrusting Muslims, maybe Muslims need to turn their attention to eradication of the Radicals.
Just so you know who you're actually arguing with.
Anywhere there are Titties.
58 Minutes Ago
I have always wondered why the NAACP is not considered to be racist. They are an organization whose sole purpose is the advancement of a particular race. Am I missing something ?
The above are your sentiments.
Islamophobia is a real term. Cases such as in NZ, where a white radical shot up a mosque, is an example of Islamophobia. So is Stroman murdering Muslims at a Pakistani grocery store in 2001 in revenge for 9/11. The beating of Zohreh Assemi because she was Muslim... they broke her hands with hammers, cut her face up and told her to get out of town. Sunando Sen was pushed in front of a moving train for being Muslim...The bomb threats against Mosques. Those are all real events. So yeah Islamophobia is unfortunately a real word with very severe consequences behind it.
Once again showing SJWs don't actually give a fuck about who's really being discriminated against, they care about getting those votes.
Probably not, for the same reason there is no such thing as racism committed by non-whites.
Because to be phobic means to be scared of something that you're not usually scared of, like the great outdoors. But to be phobic about honor killings, about throwing acid in girls' faces, or marrying them off when they are eight-years-old. (HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, May 9, 2014)
I think you are allowed to behead white Christians and not be classified as any kind of -phobe.
It's actually subtly defended by the far left.
Please let the victims of Islamophobia know their suffering isn't real.…
Also, once upon a time you could legally own black people. Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, etc. This isn't stuff from 500 years ago. There are people alive today whose grandparents were slaves.
So systemic racism does exist. And smart liberals care a lot more about that than what race of hooker gets your dick hard. But that's why some black person hating whitey matters less than when white people are racist.
I do think the discussion of racism often ignores class. I would rather be born to a black lawyer than a white coal miner in 2019. I'm a big fan of equality of access, not outcome, which makes me a somewhat moderate liberal.
By all means call out racism against white people as you see it. I've read some articles in the black blogosphere that made me cringe, although some of them likely were meant for humor. It's ok to take offense. I care way more about how police make traffic stops than racist jokes, although it is all part of the same system.
And also...…
Pretty well stated, my friend! My bottom line is this. Everyone gets a bundle of respect from me. From there, they can either hang on to it or toss it away bit by bit!
@JamesSD America even gave Jews money for stupid reason. Japanese Americans got reperations immediately at the end of WW2. Yet, all that guilt and no reparations for the the black folk. Hell red lining still is strong. Kind of makes you wonder why people are still talking about America and its large hate.
But at least Americas paying off its trillion dollar debt off right?
OG Account*
Duck you autocorrect
The big problem with the racists on this forum is they'll go out of their way to try to defend and legitimate racism....while applauding the barrage of racist posts on here. If these people weren't racist in the first place, they wouldn't behave that way.
They feel guilty just like many white Americans do. But at this point its time for us all to move on from the past. WW2 was a long time ago, slavery was a longer time ago. There's really no need for Germany to continue paying reparations. There's no reason for Germany today to continue paying the consequences for what a completely different regime did nearly a century ago.
TwentyFive is right that many white people helped end slavery and end the Jim Crow laws.
Yes my grandfather was racist. My grandfather was born in 1930 which is why I said the last people who could've possibly been blamed were my grandparents. Although my grandfather was a poor farmer who grew up on a dirt floor in 1930s depression era so I doubt we have any ties to slave owning plantations. My uncles were born in the mid-50s and my dad was born in the mid-60s so he was a baby when the Jim Crow laws ended. I will admit that one of my uncles is horribly racist but he's a complete fuck up in many areas of life.
I like SJG’s recruiting tactics. I’m sure his organization is still at 1, 0 on days he spends posting on here.